
/ f ■ i ‘ill ^IWDAti AMllL'ir.lMr Citim teg H gratt Avsrate Duly CirmlatloB ' ^ Far «ha McUh of Blanb, M4I , pre--------- bers todajr-^MqussUflff .elopers- ISev^, iSf. —. —•— —^ The Wsather the nerih of the ‘Dintpike he-/ tor, wno is being furnished for tfoB and tbsir eiecUon to / parti­ a personal noU In vdtldi he asked cause the other lota on the eoul New First Aid Church Drive the full eooperatlen at every nssm- FoMcanI s( D. 8 . Woathor Baiueu • '• V the week course by the local cipate in the two hdiu: ooutsm utTow n Extend Mains side are now all In hae-as n< Red Croea Committee. each consecutive week." bsr of ths tonriili In .aaakliig this homes. Red Cross officials indicated T h e Junior Chamber’s First Aid drive as' sa^ aa posrihls on the Member of the A bA* Cooler today and toai|ht; freak The plant <St the aircraft oom> Starts Sunday lam number .eC Canvsessrs who To Hilliard’s Glass Formed that tha course-win cqyer a gen­ Oommlttes is. headed by Thomas Bniuaa af Ctrcaiatlaas' \ winda.4aday. Vnlter. tem wly o« pany Ih HilliardvUle wUI bo opera­ eral knowledga of - first-aid, the J. Charm. aa most pe<91e tbass days sra Is in tn la la t « t th » fly* '’-b ted by electric power. Electricians technique being, mdst parUcularly workiag six or seven days a week Mtmehe$ter’^ A City o f VUtage Charm ■ V - are now nmrklng in the mill In­ South MetliQdhit to and tryiaa to oonattvs on tirea Ix^ si ' Kessler FMd in Junlof Chiimber Com- applicable to , potential bombing aad.gasribtt. Persons unable for ^ e r 2,500 Feet of Six stalling new wires and motors, for poaslbUitiea in the present emer­ VOL.LEInNO.170 which sin electric permit for $36,- pletefl s PlaiM for ItH Canvass . Members in say n t t a a j^ he id- borne at the AdvertMag m . ragd IS) MANCHESTER,\pNN.. SATURDAY,, APRH. 18.1942 , . > Inch Pipe Necessary to 000, the largest ever Issued in gency. - timo tbM are ealled upon, or to ( FOURTEEN PAGES); PRICE THREE! ^ B I t^ dilsrly meet- Manchester, has been granted to Latest Eiiil^avor. First Ctess, April $1 - Recreation Funds Campaign. attend the moming, aorvtoe are is i- ^ ke Sons o« I««CtO|i set <lwn Supply Water. the company. .'According to plan, the class will requested to lebve a note fbr the "W canvaasers tmUeattag when they ■ sveninfl hsu !>#•» Presidsnt Edward O’Brian of the bold its weekly sessions for two Center Items Ths Financial Drive of South rot one wseki soodtiBng^ Assured a sufficient Wster sup­ hours every Tuesdsy evening, be- Methodist church fo r 1S4S-4S wUl aiay be found .. Two A ^ ^chers Miss .AP Correspondent % ■y. Manchester JUhlor Chamber- of gidning April 21, and thereafter Britain ISiistains or B d w ^ Bodgers^^. ply to take care 'of the needs of Didn’t .Take Oyer Today , begin , with the service of worriiip The reports ot>ths oSavaas will •s ' '* commerce minounced eobspletlon for ten consecutive weeks. Upon be given at the Chinph Supper, tman sre sskedlo report further extension of their wster 6-B—Junior boys’ game room on Sunday, morning. The Finance •anese eeenln* st the legion holne mains, the Manchester Water of plans by his organisatidb for satisfactory completion of 20 in­ next Friday evening. Father’s Business structional hours of study, -am ex­ open, E. S. and W. S. Committee, Everett T. McKinnsF, Vwhen s W« class of candidates Company has acted favorably on ths formation of an instructional chairman has met several times li^erin he taken In. ■. the request of United Aircraft to amination will be-Zgiven and Red 6- 7—Small gym open for hand­ Longest Daylight class, in first aid techniqiM, under Croaa certificates will then be ball,.E. S. and diacusaed the plsns for the ektend Ita mains into HilUardvUle Matthew Moriarty of the firm of Bvery-Meinber-Canvasa which will V. ALICE OOPRAM sprite.,. to provide water for the plant that -the auspices' of the Manchester aiTarded to those qualifying. 7- 8— BmaU gym open for boating, y s ’ ^ . SlBfl David Lodn> !• 0. 0. F.. Morlarty Rrothers, local service follow throughout the day. Charles (Haowa As Qama AMes) is to be opened there. With the station operators today denied a Red CrossL ^ . d’Dr|en stated that tiere is ev­ E. 8. Banks a member of the committee BPnUTVAL MEDIUM Hostile Planes Raid vrlU hold the Initiatory Degree leasing of the former Hilliard mill report made yesterday to the ef­ The first class, as announced ery pcMBi^bllity of assembling a 7-8—Women’s plunge period, ia ths general chairman of the Ssvsatb DaagMsr af a aovonth San 'tills evening at the Odd Fellows for two years onC of the troubles mixed grdup next Tuesday eve­ Offensive *iC6 day ' IhBDle on East Center street The fect that the Shell Station at the this itaoming, will form as a atu- E. S. Budget Day drive and will 'pro- Bor* With a VsB. ... was securing sufficient water to dent group of about 20 membera ning—since the course has been ■eht the budget at the morning ■eadlBgs DiUly, hittadbig a a n ^ # . aMeers are requested to be ready provide not only for use in manu­ comer of McKee and West Center 7-10-^Bowlihg alleys open, E. 8. t - streets, operated by their father in the Manchester Trade School made available-, to wives and girl service of worship. A. L. -Mac- t A. M. to* P.M. OfByAppalnf- to open the business meettng at facturing but water for domestic friends of the Junior Chamber's ttflO sharp in order that the de- Patrick Moriarty, would hence auditorium next Tucaday evening, Clean, lay-leader, is chairman of maat. la the Bssvios ed the Peo­ London Assesses Re­ purposes. This wss arranged be April 21, at 7:15 p.m. Tbe Junior membership roster> -Tomorrow canvaaaera. ple for M-Teats. ^gfoe teasB mayr take ovir, as soon fore the lease was signed on forth be operated by "Moriarty Allied Ratio Brothers. Chamber’s course will be. under Attendance quentioh ires win be 7-8—Men’s plunge period, *E. 8. In a final mailing to all South 1 « Cbaicb Stfost. Hartford. Conn. sults of Bold Raids afl possible. March 1. the superriMon of William - Sach- sent to all Junior Cha it mem­ 7-10—Bowling alleys open, E. 8. Church parlshianers, the paator. Pboae SAW7 A lioag Extension The eider Moriarty la at pres­ Into Germany and ent a patient at Manchester Me­ One to Six Itoi. ' Daura Lee* and Mrs. Mary NOW the water company has Tokyo, Yokohama, Na­ men at work extending the mains morial hospital and during his ab- Conquered Territory Rangoon Piers Wolfe are In charge of the fo^ aeilce a son,. James, who. has been Japs Urged sals which the -Woman's Society Starting at the Woodland park Within Past 24 Hdurs; goya, Kobe Attacked . section it was necessary to lay the in the employ of Moriarty Broth­ On Losses ■'Of Christian Service will hold to- ers, is operating the father’s sta­ 'jlmiTOW morning from P:SO on at new pipe. It will mean 2,500 feet D i^ l Works Target. Under i^ttack K eep Calm As Air Raid Alarms , of six-inch pipe. .The trench has tion for him. J^'sstore.^ been opened from the Woodland The sUUon is stlU w ^ e d by JVew Features For The Spring Wardrobe BreU Gives Report on Run Through Three o f Park tract to. the Intersection of Patrick Moriarty snd alKIta af­ London, April 18.— (/P)h- O f Bombers Four Main Islands; The Senior Epworth LefCUf ^ Hilliard and Woodland street, and fairs wUl be directed by him either The R.A.F., striving to ham­ Northern Australia After Raids potsonnlly or through some person the South Methodist church at iU the pipe laid. The way the work U mer Adolf Hitler’s new Eu­ • - ' 0 Tokyo Observers Re­ of his own choice. The fact re­ Theater; Less LikelU Sunday evening will be going along at present it seems rope out of shape, sustained idron of American -gddxeased by Dr. F. K. Prlddy on that the malna will reach the mill mains that Moriarty. Brothers Of Both The Miss AndJThe Mrs. hood of Invasion Now. People Told to Keep port Planes Bear U. Sb hla obasrvatloos as a physician at before the end o f this month. have no connection whatever with its longest daylight offensive iCs Hit H arbor In- the OooBectlcut State Prison. Nel- Honaee Coaaected Enter the father’s statVon, either ex­ i today with fresh waves of ComposureySo Ameri- Air Force Insignia. aoB Richmond wiU he in charge of Under the charter of the water pressed or implied. In the event An Advanced Allied Bate In ms Heavily i^ the father retires permanently fighter planes whfle London cans and British WiU flavotions. company. It can provide water for assessed results o f bold Australia, April 17—(Delayed)— Bulletin! all of the section of the town to from the business at some future Raid iW ^ ay Night. Not Clap and Lpugh. the north of Middle turnpike. Now date nothing la known now as to steir Special smashes into Germany and (P)—Allied airmen have been Washington, April 18,— I issHt T. Staub/of .the that the mains have been extended what disposition be win make of conquered territory within tha shooting down ^ 'JaJ>anese planes — Chairmen of the Hooaa ■ anned forces now at the li^ into HilUardvlUe it is Ukely that the business.
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