Mathematics Calendar Please submit conference information for the Mathematics Calendar through the Mathematics Calendar submission form at http:// www.ams.org/cgi-bin/mathcal-submit.pl. The most comprehensive and up-to-date Mathematics Calendar information is available on the AMS website at http://www.ams.org/mathcal/. June 2014 Information: http://www.tesol.org/attend-and-learn/ online-courses-seminars/esl-for-the-secondary- 1–7 Modern Time-Frequency Analysis, Strobl, Austria. (Apr. 2013, mathematics-teacher. p. 429) * 2–30 Algorithmic Randomness, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 2–5 WSCG 2014 - 22nd International Conference on Computer National University of Singapore, Singapore. Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2014, Primavera Description: Activities 1. Informal Collaboration: June 2–8, 2014. 2. Hotel and Congress Centrum, Plzen (close to Prague), Czech Repub- Ninth International Conference on Computability, Complexity and lic. (Jan. 2014, p. 90) Randomness (CCR 2014): June 9–13, 2014. The conference series 2–6 AIM Workshop: Descriptive inner model theory, American “Computability, Complexity and Randomness” is centered on devel- Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, California. (Mar. 2014, p. 312) opments in Algorithmic Randomness, and the conference CCR 2014 2–6 Computational Nonlinear Algebra, Institute for Computational will be part of the IMS programme. The CCR has previously been held and Experimental Research in Mathematics, (ICERM), Brown Univer- in Cordoba 2004, in Buenos Aires 2007, in Nanjing 2008, in Luminy sity, Providence, Rhode Island. (Nov. 2013, p. 1398) 2009, in Notre Dame 2010, in Cape Town 2011, in Cambridge 2012, and in Moscow 2013; it will be held in Heidelberg 2015. 3. Informal 2–6 Conference on Ulam’s type stability, Rytro, Poland. (Jan. 2014, Collaboration: June 10–30, 2014. p. 91) Information: http://www2.ims.nus.edu.sg/ 2–6 Discrete Groups and Geometric Structures, with Applications Programs/014algo/index.php. V, KU Leuven, Arenberg Castle, Heverlee (nearby Leuven), Belgium. * 3–5 Three days on analysis & PDEs, Instituto de Ciencias Matemáti- (Dec. 2013, p. 1495) cas C/Nicolás Cabrera, 13-15 28049 Madrid, Spain. 2–6 Hamiltonian Systems and Celestial Mechanics (HAMSYS Description: The meeting “Three days on analysis and PDEs” aims 2014), Centre de Recerca Matematica, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain. to bring together some of the experts working in the areas of har- (Jan. 2014, p. 91) monic analysis (HA), partial differential equations (PDEs), and inverse 2–21 Joint ICTP - TWAS School on Coherent State Transforms, problems (IPs). HA and PDEs have been closely interconnected for Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, Applications, The Abdus decades and their connection has stimulated interesting progress Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, in both areas. Recently, IPs has taken some fundamental ideas from Italy. (Mar. 2014, p. 312) HA and PDEs to answer mathematical problems with promising ap- plications. The purposes of this meeting are to reinforce the existing * 2–29 ESL for the Secondary Mathematics Teacher, Online course. links between these areas and open new lines of research. Description: Need help teaching math to English learners (ELs)? Information: http://www.icmat.es/congresos/2014/ Join TESOL for this popular online course and learn about core ESL principles and practices, the role of language and culture in learning tdapde/. math, and how to plan and implement instruction and assessment * 3–6 Fluid dynamics and electromagnetism: Theory and numeri- practices for ELs. Registration closes 28 May and space is limited. cal approximation. On the occasion of Professor Paolo Secchi This section contains announcements of meetings and conferences in the mathematical sciences should be sent to the Editor of the Notices in of interest to some segment of the mathematical public, including ad care of the American Mathematical Society in Providence or electronically hoc, local, or regional meetings, and meetings and symposia devoted to [email protected] or [email protected]. to specialized topics, as well as announcements of regularly scheduled In order to allow participants to arrange their travel plans, organizers of meetings of national or international mathematical organizations. A meetings are urged to submit information for these listings early enough complete list of meetings of the Society can be found on the last page to allow them to appear in more than one issue of the Notices prior to of each issue. the meeting in question. To achieve this, listings should be received in An announcement will be published in the Notices if it contains a call Providence eight months prior to the scheduled date of the meeting. for papers and specifies the place, date, subject (when applicable), and The complete listing of the Mathematics Calendar will be published the speakers; a second announcement will be published only if there are only in the September issue of the Notices. The March, June/July, and changes or necessary additional information. Once an announcement December issues will include, along with new announcements, references has appeared, the event will be briefly noted in every third issue until to any previously announced meetings and conferences occurring it has been held and a reference will be given in parentheses to the month, year, and page of the issue in which the complete information within the twelve-month period following the month of those issues. appeared. Asterisks (*) mark those announcements containing new or New information about meetings and conferences that will occur later revised information. than the twelve-month period will be announced once in full and will In general, announcements of meetings and conferences carry only not be repeated until the date of the conference or meeting falls within the date, title of meeting, place of meeting, names of speakers (or the twelve-month period. sometimes a general statement on the program), deadlines for abstracts The Mathematics Calendar, as well as Meetings and Conferences of or contributed papers, and source of further information. If there is any the AMS, is now available electronically through the AMS website on application deadline with respect to participation in the meeting, this the World Wide Web. To access the AMS website, use the URL: http:// fact should be noted. All communications on meetings and conferences www.ams.org/. JUNE/JULY 2014 NOTICES OF THE AMS 651 Mathematics Calendar and Professor Alberto Valli 60th birthday, Bellavista Relax Hotel, 9–13 AIM Workshop: The Cauchy-Riemann equations in several Levico Terme, Trento, Italy. variables, American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, California. Description: The Conference aims at bringing together leading sci- (Sept. 2013, p. 1110) entists in the fields of Fluid Dynamics and Electromagnetism and 9–13 Categorification and Geometric Representation Theory, Cen- to present high level contributions on recent developments in the tre de recherches mathématiques, Université de Montréal, Pavillon theory and numerical analysis of partial differential equations re- André-Aisenstadt, Montréal (Québec), Canada. (Dec. 2013, p. 1495) lated to these fields. It will be an occasion for celebrating Professor 9–13 String Math 2014, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Paolo Secchi and Professor Alberto Valli 60th birthdays. Canada. (Sept. 2013, p. 1110) Scientific Committee: Professor Hugo Beirao da Veiga, (Pisa); Pro- fessor Diego Córdoba, (Madrid); Professor Alfio Quarteroni, (Milano, 9–13 Tenth edition of the Advanced Course in Operator Theory and Complex Analysis, Sevilla, Spain. (Sept. 2013, p. 1110) Lausanne); Professor Raul Serapioni, (Trento). Organizing Committee: Ana Alonso Rodriguez (Trento); Luigi 9–14 Representations, Dynamics, Combinatorics: In the Limit and Carlo Berselli (Pisa); Alessandro Morando (Brescia); Paola Trebes- Beyond. A conference in honor of Anatoly Vershik’s 80th birth- chi (Brescia). day, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. (Jan. 2014, p. 91) Information: http://events.unitn.it/en/fde2014. 9–15 School on Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applica- 3–6 Moduli - Operads - Dynamics II, Tallinn University of Technol- tions 10, Trest, Czech Republic. (Feb. 2014, p. 212) ogy, Tallinn, Estonia. (Oct. 2013, p. 1203) 9–July 4 Interactions between Dynamics of Group Actions and Number Theory, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 4–5 3rd International Conference on Human Computing, Educa- Cambridge, United Kingdom. (Sept. 2013, p. 1110) tion and Information Management System (ICHCEIMS 2014), The Grace Hotel, Sydney, Australia. (Apr. 2014, p. 429) * 10–13 Nonlinear partial differential equations and stochastic methods, Jyväskylä, Finland (Apr. 2014, p. 430) 4–14 School in Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal and African Institute for Math- 10–13 Geometry of Banach Spaces - A conference in honor of ematical Sciences, Mbour, Senegal. (Mar. 2014, p. 312) Stanimir Troyanski, Albacete, Spain. (Nov. 2013, p. 1398) 5–6 3rd International Conference on Computer Science, Informa- 11–13 Karatekin Mathematics Days 2014, Karatekin University, Çankiri, Turkey. (May 2014, p. 553) tion System and Communication Technology, The Grace Hotel, Sydney, Australia. (Apr. 2014, p. 429) 11–15 5th Cornell Conference on Analysis, Probability, and Math- ematical Physics on Fractals, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 5–7 (UPDATE) Number Theory at Illinois: A Conference in Honor (May 2014,
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