. Volume 14, Number 6 Northern Kentucky University Tuesday, September 24, 1986 p School closing policy at NKU questioned 'If we have a chance to have echool, 4 by Kim CoUey then we should have it.' he said. 'And at The Northerner 5:30, that gives them enough time to Despite a few dissenting opinions make the decision and let everyone from studente, Univeraity Vice Presi­ know.' dent Gene Scholes believes 6 a.m. to be Nick Gresale, however, disagrees. tho beat time for echool closing an· 'It's totally ridiculous to not let uo 5 nouncementa. know until then,' he said. 'Especially for 'Our policy io to wait when we don't the dorm students who could've gone know.' he said, 'and in tho caoo of the home.' water crisis, we didn't know.' Jennifer Quast, who didn't know wt Tueeday and Wednoeday, NKU echool was canceled until she got hero cancelled classes for the first time since Tuoedoy, fools tho oame. 'Why wait eo last February and before then, NKU had long Ito toll us).' she asked. 'They knew not cancelled classes since 1978. we couldn't have echool.' DPS, who monitored the situation Scholes said the touchiest decision around the clock, was told there was a had to be made the last day of the crisis, chance water pressure would come back when they had to decide whether or not during the night, Scholes soid, so he to cancel the evening classes. believes the decision to wait was 'We didn't know whether the water justified. see Water, related stories, Scott Fold, a student, said he thinks page 3 the policy is a wise one. Salary gap closing Stove Hinton photo Water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drin.k: NKU etudent. around campua 80 percent as much as men. made last were euprieed to 11111 eigDB warning of uunpotable", or uncl.rlnkable, water at by Linda No•bitt year. drinldag fountalne around campue. For nlated etoriee, 11ee pl.ge 3. 'The Northerner The report soid Gov. Collins directed the state agencies on add goals and The Kentucky Post reported Tues­ timetables to their affirmative action Leakage blamed on concrete day that, although the salary disparity plan8, enabling agency leaders to is closing, average 1984 earnings for achieve more gains for females in state by Dave M.. dell face between Steely Library and Lan· men in state government jobs were government. There was also a recom· The Norther-ow drum Hall. Schuh ooid the water causes $4,101 higher than for women. mendation that agencies hire more electrical hazards in the shOp. The For the first time .in tin years, the women into higher paying jobs to reduce When NKU was built, it was con· university has decided to waterprOOf figures indicate the cap is narrowing the salary disparity. structed of concrete mainly because con­ and lay down gravel and curbs to atop slightly Sex segregated job classes are still creto was cheap, ooid Mary Paula Schuh, the oeepage. Schuh· ooid NKU is cur· According to a Kentucky Commis­ maintained in 16 state agencies, the campus planning director. But now the rently taking bids from companioo to do sion on Human Rights report, women's report said. In 46 agencies the salary university may be paying for being cost the job. salaries increased 2.4 percent in relation concious seventeen years ago. Wkage has occurred in tho concreto betw('ren men and women narrowed, but 1 to men's salaries, with women earning in 65 agencies the disparity grew. A number of leaks have sprung otairwallo in the residence halls. Schuh around campus and maintenance must said it was a bad idea to use concrete for be done continuously on buildings to the stoirs. Nunn Drive may be closed keep them from leaking, Schuh said. "It was not a good masonry job and by Dave Mendell complished in haif the time if Nunn "In 1970, they did not want to hodge they did a bad job of laying block and 'IbeNort._,._ Drive is closed. podge the university like Wright Stoto, mortar," Schuh said. "It's gonna mess things up either UK or some of the other eampusea," The loot leakage problem that cam· pus planning is aware of is a lining of Nunn Drive may be closed to all traf· way," Schuh said. "But looo if it's Schuh said. water surrounding the underground fie in the near future in order for the new closed.'' Schuh said the reason concrete was The road construction project to be finished Schuh soid lntorstoto Aophait, the used was because it was ineipensive and foundation of Landrum Hall. water puohao up on tho floor and the dry walla oooner, soid Mary Paula Schuh, campus contractor, and the ototo Highway it waa indicitive of the mood if the early planning director. Department have been talking and are seventies. riee and crack causing problems such as · blackOOards falling, Schuh said. When the project started, it was trying to reach an agreement on the clos­ "They wanted to make Northern a Schuh said there io oome dioputo oVer planned that Nunn Drive would stoy ing. progressive institution and modeled it how the water got there. Some fool thoro open and flagmen would be used. But Schuh soid tho only obotocle left is after a midovU city," she said. according to Schuh, tho work can be ac· for tho city of Highland Heights and Schuh also oaid if another building is an underground opring. But the TANK to agree it can be closed. She was built today it would probably not be engineer brought In to oolve the problem said she wasn't sure if buses could make made of concrete because of the ongoing fools that the water on campuo droino Inside the tum at Johns Hill road and that may maintenance cost. down around Landrum, Schuh said. The be the only reaoon TANK would not For instance, Landrum Hall will need engineer has installed nine devices call· agree. caulking in the next couple years and od piezometer• that allow him to Features ............ page 6 several problema have arieen and must moaoure the Amount of water. The be dealt with this year, Schuh said. meuurementa will take place over a see Nunn, page 7 Water Ia leaking into the print shOp, year and will determine whether hlo ports ................page 11 which Ia located under the concreto our· thoo<y lo cornet, Schuh said . .. 0047.tif 2 The Northerner Sept. 24, 1985 Public Safety director voids wife's ticket by Steve Oldlng began when Mrs. Connor had a job inter· fine. But why should I treat my wife dif· present themselves when the Applied Science and Technical Center is con· The Northenw view at. St.eely Ubrary and drove to cam· ferently than any other person?" Connor pus with her husband'e car. Connor said said. strutted, he said. The ASTC buildlng John Connor, head the Department abe parked in lot J in a "visitor's only" Connor also commented on the cur· would talr.e several hundred parking of Public S.fety at NKU, said he dld parking spot not knowing that under rent parking ait.uation at Northern. spots with it, accordlng to Connor. Thus, new •ccomodations will have to be void 1 parking citation given to his wife new campus regulations a car must have Despite falling student enrollment, last week, but called the action "routine a temporary tag even if it has a Universi­ parking lots are as crowded aa ever, he found. and fair." ty sticker to legally parlr. there. A DPS said. He attributes this to oe·,eral lac· The voiding of a parking ticket is not officer ticketed the car and Connor void· tors, including special events the univer· VOnnor &aid he sees changes coming an unusual occurrence, according to ed it the next day. aity boats and common class scheduling. but ie not certain whether new parking Conner, who will often reverse citations Connor said this waa not a case of "There are times during the week lots will be constructed. that, in his opinion, were mistakes or turning the other way or taking care of when every spot on campus is taken," ''Such decisions are out of my hands, rnisu.nderatandings. the family. Connor said. but I hope for everyone's sake that we The situation rnncerning his wife "Maybe I should have iuot paid the Furthermore, future problems could get new lots," he said. ''Way Down East'' to tour with Smithsonian by Robin Hughes Hollywood incl~de one of Vivien Leigh's The NorLhemer gowns from "Gone with the Wind", pro­ duction sketches from "The Birds" and Something is missing from NKU's " King Kong", and Ray Bolger's campus. Or at least it will be soon when ''scarecrow" costume from " The Wizard "Way Down East", the sculpture by of Oz." Red Grooms located next to the Fine Models of the mother ship ·from Arts Building, goes on a nation·wide "Close Encounters of the Third tour with the Smithsonian Institute. Kind"and the mannequin that supplied Michael Webb, the " Hollywood: Linda Blair's spinning head in "The Ex­ Legend and Reality" exhibit curator, corciot" will also be dloplayed. learned about "Way Down East" "Way Down East" was chosen as through a gallery in New York. He con· the signiture piece of the exhibit for ito tacted Howard Storm, the NKU faculty colorful portrayal of actress Lillian Gish member who attained the grants for the being directed by one of the most commission of the piece, about the famous directors of silent films, D.
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