DAM REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (DRIP) II (Funded by World Bank) JAWAI DAM ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL DUE DILIGENCEREPORT March 2020 Office of Additional Chief Engineer Water Resources Department Government of Rajasthan Water Resources Zone, Jodhpur-342304 E-mail: [email protected] CONTENTS Page No. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1 1.2 SUB-PROJECT DESCRIPTION – JAWAI DAM 2 1.3 IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENT AND SCHEDULE 7 1.4 PURPOSE OF ESDD 7 1.5 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY OF ESDD 8 CHAPTER 2: INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK AND CAPACITY ASSESSMENT OF IA 2.1 POLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK 9 2.2 DESCRIPTION OF INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK 9 CHAPTER 3: ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL CONDITIONS 3.1 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 11 3.2 PROTECTED AREA 12 3.3 SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 13 3.4 CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT 13 CHAPTER 4: ACTIVITY WISE ENVIRONMENT & SOCIAL SCREENING, RISK AND IMPACTS IDENTIFICATION 4.1 SUB-PROJECT SCREENING 14 4.2 STAKEHOLDERS CONSULTATION 17 4.3 DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARY OF RISKS AND IMPACTS FROM ACTIVITIESBASED ON SCREENING 18 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 CONCLUSIONS 20 5.1.1 Risk Classification 20 5.1.2 National Legislation and WB ESS Applicability Screening 20 5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS 21 5.2.1 Mitigation and Management of Risks and Impacts 21 5.2.2 Institutional Management, Monitoring and Reporting 22 List of Tables Table 4.1: Summary of Identified Risks/Impacts in Form SF3 16 Table 5.1: WB ESF Standards applicable to the sub-project 20 Table 5.2: List of Mitigation Plans with responsibility and timelines 21 List of Figures Figure 1.1: Selected Photographs of Improvement/Intervention area 5 Figure 1.2: Project Area showing major intervention location 6 Figure 3.1: Land Use and Land Cover Map of 5 Km radius around Dam site 11 Figure 3.2: Map showing distances of Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary from JawaiDam 12 List of Annexures Annexure I: Form SF1 24 Annexure II: Form SF2 26 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AIBP : Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Program AIDS : Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome BOQ : Bill of Quantities CA : Conservation Area CAT : Catchment Area Treatment CCA : Culturable Command Area CC : Cement Concrete CPMU : Central Project Management Unit CWC : Central Water Commission DD : Due Diligence DI : Within Dam Area DE : Beyond Dam Area DSRP : Dam Safety Review Panel DRIP : Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project EAP : Emergency Action Plan EMC : Engineering and Management Consultant ESCP : Environmental and Social Commitment Plan ESDD : Environmental and Social Due Diligence ESMP : Environment and Social Management Plan ESMF : Environment and Social Management Framework ESF : Environmental and Social Framework ESIA : Environmental and Social Impact Assessment EMP : Environmental Management Plan E&S : Environment & Social Risk Management ESS : Environmental and Social Standard GBV : Gender Based Violence GCA : Gross Command Area GIS : Geographic Information System GRM : Grievance Redressal Mechanism HIV : Human Immunodeficiency Virus IA : Implementing Agency IGND : Indira Gandhi Nahar Division JICA : Japan International Cooperation Agency LMP : Labour Management Procedure LMC : Labour Management Committe MCM : Million Cubic Meters MDDL : Minimum Draw Down Level MJSA : MukhyamantriJalSwavlambanAbhiyan MWL : Maximum Water Level NH : National Highway OHS : Occupational Health & Safety PDO : Project development objective PA : Protected Area PE : Physical Environment PMC : Project Management Consultancy PMKSY : PradhanMantriKrishiSinchayeeYojana PPE : Personal Protective Equipment PST : Project Screening Template RMC : Right Main Canal RET : Rare, Endangered & Threatened SEP : Simplified Employee Pension SEA : Strategic Environmental Assessment SIA : Social Impact Assessment SC : Scheduled Castes SH : State Highway SCADA : Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SEAH : Sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment SH : State Highway SPMU : State Project Management Unit ST : Scheduled Tribes TOC : Terms of Conditions WQ : Water Quality WB : World Bank WRD : Water Resources Department Chapter INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW The proposed Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP-II) would complement the suite of ongoing and pipeline operations supporting India’s dam safety program. The project would continue to finance structural improvements but would break with the prevailing build-neglect-rebuild approach by giving greater emphasis to establishing sustainable mechanisms for financing regular O&M and dam rehabilitation, enhancing State capabilities to manage these critical assets through institutional strengthening, and introducing risk-informed dam safety management. The project development objective (PDO) is to increase the safety of selected dams and to strengthen institutional capacity for dam safety in participating States. Project Components include: Component 1: Rehabilitation of Dams and Appurtenant Structures: This component supports improving the safety of dams through structural and non-structural interventions. Structural measures could include measures for seepage reduction (e.g., grouting, geomembranes), hydrological and structural safety measures (e.g., additional spillways, fuse plugs), enhancing the reliability of operational facilities (e.g., gates), rehabilitating foundation deficiencies, strengthening dam concrete/embankment structures, and improving basic dam facilities (e.g., access roads). Non-structural measures could include standardized dam safety instrumentation, monitoring, assessment and reporting protocols for dam health; flood forecasting and early warning systems; integrated reservoir operations including streamflow forecasting for climate resilient dam management; preparation and implementation of EAPs; preparation and implementation of sediment management plans; and revised operational rule curves to account for climate change. Component 2: Dam Safety Institutional Strengthening: This component supports further strengthening of dam safety management in the country through institutional modernization. A major focus of activities under this component will be increasing the oversight of dam safety by developing dam safety guidelines and by strengthening the capacity of various dam safety actors to carry out the regulatory functions defined in the proposed Dam Safety Bill, which has been passed by the LokSabha. Component 3: Incidental Revenue Generation for sustainable operation and maintenance of dams: This component supports identifying long-term funding needs for dam safety based on asset management and risk assessment financing for dam safety. This component would focus on: (i) improving the efficiency of public financing; (ii) generating alternative revenue streams Alternative revenue streams that could be developed include tourism and water recreational activities, fisheries, and other innovative schemes such as floating solar panels; and (iii) establishing financing arrangements for dam safety (e.g., dedicated budget lines). 1 Component 4: Project Management : This component will ensure effective implementation of project activities and monitoring and evaluating project implementation progress, outputs and outcomes. The component will support: (i) establishment of the Central Project Management Unit (CPMU), which will oversee and coordinate activities of the implementing agencies of the project, supported by a Engineering and Management Consultant (EMC), which is currently being procured; (ii) establishment and operations of State level Project Management Units (SPMUs) within State implementing agencies, which can hire experts in various fields as and when needed on a contractual basis; (iii) setting up of a monitoring and evaluation system; and (iv) establishment of a Quality Assurance and Quality Control system. This component will also finance consultancies, as well as related material, office equipment and incremental operating costs. The project will provide investment and technical support for the establishment of a Management Information System and Information and Communication Technology systems. 1.2 SUB-PROJECT DESCRIPTION – JAWAI DAM The construction of Jawai Dam Project across Jawai river, a tributary of Luniriver was completed in the year 1957. The dam is located near village Eranpura, Tehsil Sumerpur in Pali district of Rajasthan to provide the Irrigation cum drinking water facilities. The dam supplies drinking water to the tune of 54.89 MCM to 15.18 lakh population besides irrigation supplies to 46271 ha Gross Command Area (38671 ha CCA). One main canal with 21 distributaries and minors supply water to whole command area.Nearest Highway to Project is Jaipur Ahmedabad National Highway. The Project site is 13 km from Sumerpur town and 90 km from Pali city. Salient features of the project area as reported below: Project Jawai Dam Project River Jawai river, a tributary of Luni river Lat/Long 250 06' 40''/ 730 09' 40'' GCA 46271 ha CCA 38671 ha Annual water supply 54.89 MCM Catchment Area 787.36 sq km Main Dam Type Composite Dam Length 3956.10 m (1517.8 m masonry & 2438.3 m embankment) Top elevation 316.07 m Height of dam above lowest river 37.41 m bed level Lowest river bed level 278.66 m Spillway Type Ogee spillway Length 227.38 m Location of spillway Central spillway Crest level 308.45 m Number of bays 13 Discharge capacity at MWL 4247.45 cumec Size of spillway gate 15.23 m wide and 4.95 m high Reservoir Maximum water level 313.40 m Full Reservoir Level 313.40 m MDDL 294.74 m Live storage 193.48 MCM 2 Gross storage 207.48 MCM Reservoir spread
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