Geological Survey Canada

Geological Survey Canada

GEOLOGICAL PAPER 72-1 Part B SURVEY OF CANADA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY. MINES AND RESOURCES REPORT OF ACTIVITIES, Part B: November 1971 to March 1972 I I f Pri~e- $.2_00 Technical editing and compilation R. G. Blackadar Layout Leona R. Mahoney GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA .• CANADA PAPER 72-1 I Part B D REPORT OF ACTIVITIES, Part B: November 1971 to March 1972 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINES AND RESOURCES ©Crown Copyrights reserved Availabl e by mail from Information Canada, Ottawa from the Geological Survey of Canada 601 Booth St., Ottawa and Informati on Canada bookshops in HALIFAX - 1735 Barrington Street MONTREAL - 1182 St. Catherine Street West OTTAWA - 171 Slater Stre et TORONTO - 221 Yonge Street WINNIPEG - 393 Portage Avenue VANCOUVER - 657 Granville Street or through your bookseller Price: $2. 00 Catalogue No. M44 - 7 2-1 B Price s ubject to change without notice Information Canada Ottawa 1972 - i i i - C ONTENTS Page INTRODU C T ION A NA L Y TICA L CHEMISTRY l. S ydne y Abbey, N aomi J . L ee a nd J . L . Bouv ie r : Use o f an " a l o1nic a b s o rpt i on spe c t r opho t o m e t e r " in a n a lysis of r o c ks and m in e r a l s 2 2. J . G . S e n Gu pta: T h e d e t e r m i nation of g o l d , p latinum g r ou p and some c ommon m e t a ls i n n a t i v e s ilve r by atomic a bs o rption spe c tros copy . 2 3 . J . G . S e n Gupta : A t o m i c abs o rption spe c tros copic m e t h ods . • . 3 COA L R E S E ARCH 4 . A . R . C ame r on ; P e t r o g raph y o f Koote nay c oal s in th e uppe r E lk Rive r and Crowsne s t a r e a s , Brit i s h C o lumbia and A lbe r ta ..... .. .. .. .. .. ..................... .. ... 5 5 . A . R. Came ron: C ompo siti on of cok in g coa l s in t e rms o f p a r t i c l e type s . 6 6 . P . A . Ha c qu e bard a nd J . R . Donaldson: Rank stu die s of c oal s in th e R o cky M ou nta ins and inne r Foo th i lls be l t , C a nada . 9 7. E . M e r ia u x : L e s tons t e ins d e l a ve ine d e carbon n ° 10 (Balm e r) a Sparwood Rid ge cl ans l e bas sin de F e r nie (Colu m b i e Britannique )... .. ....... .. ...... .... .. .. ....... .. .... 1 1 8 . A . R. Swee t: Pal y n o l ogi c study o f c oals and ass oc iate d e last ics of th e K oot e nay F o rmatio n , C r o w sne st are a . 2 3 CORDILLER AN GEOLOGY 9 . D on a ld Carlis l e : Late Paleozoi c to m i d - Triass ic S e d im e ntary - volcanic s e q u e n ce on n o rthe aste rn V ancou ve r I s la nd.... .. ..... 24 GEOCH E M ISTRY 10. R . J . A llan and R. T . C r ook: L a k e s e dime nts fr om p e rma frost r e g ions ......... .... ... .. .. ..... .. .. .. ... .........• • 31 1 1. I. R . Jona s son: Pote n t ia l o f c omb ine d GC - MS as a s e nsitive t o o l in e x ploration g e och e mistry . • . 3 7 CONTENTS (cont'd) Page GEOPHYSICS 12. A. B eck e r and A .K. Sinha: A irborn e r e sistiv ity electro- magnetic syste m . 41 ,]3. M. E . Bower: Developme nt o f an automated omega navigation syste m for offshore airborne geophysical surve ys. ... ... .......... .. .................. .......... 4 3 14. J.A. Hunte r: A mode l study of r e flected s e ismic waves from th e b o ttom o f t h e p e rmafrost l aye r 44 l 5. T. J . Katsube and L . S. Colle tt: E l ectrical rock prope rties. 4 7 16 . P .H. McGrath and P. J. Hood: A n a utomati c multi-mode l magne tic inte rpre tation m e thod usin g the Powe ll algorithm .. .. .. 48 MINERALOGY 17. J. Rimsaite : Mica g r oup mine rals and r e late d silicate s in Canadian mine ral d e p os its. .... .. .... .......... ........ ..... 5 1 M INERAL DEPOSITS 18. R . V . Kirkham: Proposed classifi cation o f copper d e pos its... .. 58 19. R. V . Kirkham: P o rphyry d e pos its.. ............ ... .......... 62 20. R. I. Thorpe and R . V . K irkham: L ead isotope data for gal e nas fr om de posits in the Bulkle y Valle y r egion, British Columbia.. .. 65 21. R. I. Thorpe : Interpre tation o f l ead isotope data for bas e m e tal and gold d e posits , Slave Province, Northwe st Te rritor ie s 72 PRECAMBRIAN GEOLOGY 22. J.M. Moore and E . Froe s e : Geol ogi c al s etting of the Snow Lake a r e a 78 STRAT IG RAPHY 23. H. R. Belyea: Note on lowe r E lk Point, north flank o f Tathlina Uplift . 82 24. Grant D. Mossop: Baumann Fiord Formation evaporite s of central E lle sme r e Island, A r c tic Canada . 86 25. D. K . N orris: Struc tural and strati g raphic studie s in th e T ectonic Complex o f n o rthe rn Yukon T e rritory, north of Porcupine Rive r.. ... 91 CONTENTS (cont'd) Page TERRAIN SCIENCES 26. D.R. G r a nt: Surficial geol ogy r econnaissance Island of Newfoundland . 100 27. D.R. G rant : Postglac ia l eme r gen ce of northe rn Newfoundland ..... .............. ... .......... 1.00 28. D. A . H o d gson and R. J. F ulton: A shell sample fr om th e m outh of M i c hae l River, Labrador . 102 29. M. K u c : The r e sponse of tundra p l ants to anthropogenic h abitats in th e hi gh A r cti c . 105 30. P . J. Kurfurst: T e rrain s e nsitivity evaluation and mapping , Macken z ie Valle y Transportation Corrido r . 113 31. S . Lichti-Fede r ovich: Polle n strati g r aphy o f a s e diment co r e fr orn A l ;:: 2n S i ding Lak e , A lberta . 113 32. G . V. Minning: Drilling in surficial d e posits n e ar F o rt Simpson, Northwe st T e rritor i es J 1 5 33. R. J. Mott and A. Ma cS. Stalker: Palynology of t h e " Kansan" ca rbonaceous clay unit near M e dicine H at, Albe rta 117 34. V. N. Rampton: Surf ic ia l d epos its; A laska Hi ghway, W hite h o rs e to A l o.ska - Yukon Boundary . 119 35. R . G . Skinne r: Overburde n drilling and s ampling and geol ogi c al data compilat i on; T immins-Val d ' Or a r ea, Ontario-Que b ec..... 122 GENERAL J 36. D. K . Norris: A m eth od for th e determinat ion o f geographic posit ion ..... 124 ADDENDUM 37. E. H . W . Hornbrook: W inte r works lake b ottom sedime n t sampling program for t h e Timmins-Val d'Or r egion ..... ..... 126 REPORT OF ACTIV ITIES , N OVEMBER 1971 TO MARCH l 972 IN TRODUCTION T h e thirty - s even report s that make up this publication prese nt the r esults of some of the s tudies c arried ou t by offi cers o f the Geologic al Survey of Cana da between Novembe r 1 97 1 a nd Mar c h 1 972. The illustrations u s e d are r eproduc ed w ithout c h a n ge fr om material submitte d by the a utho rs. Manu­ s c r ipts we r e a ce e p ted for inclusion in this r e p ort until May l 5 , 1 972. T h e Report o f A c tiv itie s (Parts A and B) ; the r e ports on i sotopi c a nd r a di o c a rbon dating ; the annua l index of publications, and the volume of abstr a c ts of papers publis h e d by the Survey p e rsonne l in non-Survey publica­ tion s provide a n a nnua l a cc ounting of most of the publ i she d s c i e ntifi c output of the Bran ch. Reque sts for a nnounc e m e nt c ards, geol ogi cal rep orts, maps or in formation o n spec ific areas o r t o pics s h ould b e addre sse d to: G eol ogical Survey of Canada, D e partme nt o f Ene r gy, Min es a nd R e sources, 6 01 B ooth Street, Ottawa K l A OE8 , Canada.

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