Mon 1 Norah Parsons Day Centre Christmas Fair 2pm Martley Parish Council Meeting 8pm Memorial Hall Fri 5 Martley & District Horticultural Society Annual Volume 13 No. 7 December 2003 Dinner 7pm Martley Memorial Village Hall Editor: Michelle Higgins (01886 888344) Editorial Team: Martley: Alan Boon (01886 Sat 6 African Drumming with Ayo 888527, Nellie Bradley (01886 888339), Kate Scott 10-4pm and evening King (01886 888439), Beth Williams (01886 concert 7.30pm Little Witley 888273) Wichenford: Janet Andrews (01886 Village Hall 888303), Sheila Richards (01886 888378) Advertising: Jim Sandison (01886 888393) Wed 10 Martley WI: Christmas Distribution: Martley George & June Meeting—open to all. 7.30pm Lawrence (01886 821064) Wichenford Bill & Martley Memorial Hall Jo Root (01886 888585) Contact The Villager: leave articles at Thu 11 Wichenford Wine Club Martley Post Office or 1 Oxford View Christmas Celebration 8pm Wichenford or email the Editor at Wichenford Memorial Hall [email protected] Opinions expressed by contributors are not Fri 12 Christmas (Partner) Whist necessarily those of The Villager. The Villager Drive with Christmas Fare prizes cannot be held responsible for any goods or 8pm Wichenford Memorial Hall services advertised in the magazine Sun 14 Teme Valley Farmers Market Diary for local produce 11am The Talbot, Knightwick Regular events: Teme Valley Shufflers Line Dancing Fri 19 School end of term Weds 7pm Martley Memorial Hall. Sat 20 “Music of the Night” Christmas Enquiries: Jeff and Thelma 01886 821772 Celebration 7.30pm Martley Citizens Advice Bureau Teme Valley Memorial Village Hall Telephone Service Mon & Tue 10am—3pm Thu 10am— 7.30pm 01584 810860 Wed 24 Christmas Eve Great Witley &Knightwick Surgeries Weds 10am -4pm - by appointment. Tel. 01584 Thu 25 Christmas Day 810860 Wed 31 New Year’s Eve Short mat Bowling Tuesdays 2.30pm Martley Memorial Hall Wichenford Local Heritage Group Evening Classes—Wednesdays 7.30-9.30pm For Church services, please see Church page Articles to go in The Villager must be with the Editor by the 1st of the previous month The Villager * December 2003 7 Parish Matters Martley Parish Council B4204 Worcester Road suggested footpath from Taylor’s yard and An ordinary meeting of the Martley beyond Barbers; the clerk has written Parish Council was held on Monday 6 to MHDC who confirm that the October 2003 at the Memorial Hall, records do not show any footpath. Mr. D. Cropp, Chairman District Councillor’s Report Sergeant Kent outlined the Mrs. B. Williams drew attention to a responsibilities of his team of six meeting about G.M. crops at Malvern officers at Tenbury Police Station. Theatre. Elgar Housing will give P.C. Hood is the Beat Manager at opportunities to first time buyers such Tenbury and covers some 200 square that the buyers obtain a 75% mortgage miles. Officers reiterated the numbers and Elgar fund the remaining 25% to to call, these are: 999 for all serious be paid back when the property is emergencies, 08457 444888 extn. sold; leaflets will be available later. 4544 for all other calls. Parish Footpath Officer’s Report Mr. Cropp enquired about using, and The Chairman discussed the path that funding for, proactive electronic runs near to what was Laughern information dissemination. Sergeant House. It does not appear on the Kent confirmed that Tenbury has definitive map, but has been in use for Special Constables and that a some time. There is a need to establish campaign to recruit in Martley might custom and practice. Clarification is be funded by West Mercia needed. Constabulary. An item in The Villager Planning could test the possible response. It was requested that The Clerk speak Matters Arising to the enforcement officer ref. Allotments: An item in The Villager is Highnoon Hillside a collapsing scheduled and it is hoped that a extension. Treetops Bungalow landowner will be persuaded to sell Hillside: Application for a certificate some land for this purpose. of lawfulness for continued use of site Emergency Meeting Procedure: Will without complying with condition 2 of be carried forward to the next meeting. 2143/81 (agricultural occupancy Rubble on Hillside lay-by: Letter from condition). Hillcrest 1 Collins Green- MHDC they will sweep and check for conservatory. Millennium Green potholes. Kingwood Lane: Letter from Notice Board—returned application. MHDC they will inspect and rectify Decisions by MHDC. Applications any dangerous defects. F.P. 88 Clerk granted: Gurnox Cottage Berrow has written to WCC 11 Sept. Green (Riding Manege)—Granted requesting a reply. No reply received. with conditions Clerk to follow up again. 8 The Villager * December 2003 Finance to be discussed There were eight cheques totalling The next meeting is on Monday 3 £1398.24 for agreement and signature: November 2003. Correspondence Tom Pearsall Correspondence included the Parish Clerk 01886 888256 following: Crown Inn—licensing. WCALC “The Council as a Team”. Genetic Modification Public Meeting Basil Haines Memorial 8 Oct. Community Pride evening 20. Oct County Hall Quality Councils Fund Conf. 30. Oct Wolverhampton. Bank The fund was launched by an item in of Ireland- identification of The Villager of November 2002 and signatories. Parish Link Malcolm over the twelve months following, Rogers for Mr. Smith Ankers some interesting comments and Hipplecote. Clerks gathering. Pro- suggestions for the design of the forma for Website details of proposed sundial have been left with Councillors. Malvern Hills Citizens us in St Peter’s Church. These are to Advice Bureau AGM WCALC AGM be analysed and, early in 2004, the 25. Oct County Hall. WCC FP 26 PCC intend to apply for the necessary Confirmation Order. Lengthman’s faculty. The fund has reached almost mileage. £800. It might be possible to have the Councillors Reports and Future sundial made locally at far less cost Agenda Items than the original estimate. The main Mr. Nott requested a follow-up on the considerations are a high standard of sweeping of the recently surfaced materials and work, along with lanes. Mr. Stammers and Mr. accurate measurements. Coombey-Jones requested the Clerk to write to the Wichenford Clerk ref overhanging branches Ockeridge Dogs, Dogs, Dogs Lane. Mr. Coombey-Jones requested the Lengthman to inspect the dip in A reader replies Prickley Green Lane regarding I suggest that the Council does as subsidence. others—provide special bins [for the Mr. Taylor asked if the ownership of disposal of dog mess] and for their the plantation next to and to the rear of frequent emptying and proper disposal the weighbridge could be established of contents. Without them, imposition so that it could be tided up. Mr. Cropp of a fine could be successfully said that something would be put in resisted. The Villager soon ref. dog fouling. CV Wells The Lengthman’s mileage allowance December 2003 * The Villager 9 OOUTUT AND ABOUT IN MARTLEY Visit our website—www.martley.org.uk Village of the Year until 9 December, but of course any Martley won Worcestershire Village success will very much be icing-on-the of the Year for 2003-2004 and since cake - it's just a privilege to be able to then we have gone on to be judged for celebrate Martley. Long may it the Regional Finals, where we were continue! against winning villages from Dave Cropp Hereford, Gloucester, Avonside, Parish Council Chair Somerset, Devon and Cornwall. A tall order! Parish Link We had to make a two hour presentation on the life and As of the end of November there is community in Martley. The morning now a Thursday evening parish link started with BBC Hereford and service to and from Worcester, with Worcester broadcasting live from the the same timetable as Wednesday centre of the village, before the four Friday and Saturday. There will also judges, and a representative from be a Christmas Evening run, and also a Calor, arrived. But everyone did us New Year's Eve run. proud - including Jane at Martley Please use the service - remember " Primary, Rev. David plus Colin, Jim, use it or lose it" - we have had fewer Tina and Gordon bellringing at passengers recently, and we want to St.Peter's, Richard in the Millennium continue the parish link into a new Meadow, Tom hedging near the contract next year. Village Hall, Helen at Central Store, and Mary at The Post Office, and Jack and Nellie at home. Many thanks to all of you for such an enthusiastic Martley WI response and support for the qualities that make our Martley such a success. The judges seemed very impressed to Wednesday 10 December have a "natural" presentation with real Come and join us for a little pre- people; often they get sit-down hall Christmas jollification. Everyone presentations. The Calor rep said that welcome, you don’t have to be female one in the Isle of Wight lasted one- or be attached or connected to a and-three quarter hours non stop. member. We can promise warm We will not know the final outcome 10 The Villager * December 2003 punch, some seasonal nibbles and assisted by his wife. His subject was guess what? Stupendous the growing of Bonsai. “How to get entertainment. Not the Calendar Girls, started and what you can achieve.” A not even the Colander Girls, much subject that turned out to be rather more fun than that. Business meeting larger than envisaged by many people. starts at 7.30pm, fun starts at 8pm. Bonsai are looked at as being very The committee for 2004 is up and miniature trees grown in containers as running and the programme is signed shown on various trade stands at and sealed. Please join us. Why not shows. However with various ways of make it one of your New Year bark carving of larger trees there are a resolutions to join us each month? tremendous number of species that can Sadly, however, if you do decide to be trained into Bonasi.
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