YMCA WORLD SERVICE THE WESTFIELD LEADER MONTH THE LEADING AKD MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER »N UNION COUNTY ENTY-THIRD YEAR—No at Wrs.tiu.lii. X. J. Published WESTFIELD. NEW J HUSKY, TIIUHSDAY. MAY It!, 1!)63 Every Thursday 32Pagei—10C<mU Note With the coining of pleasant Loading Zone Question spring wenther HUTC unnuatty nUo ionics a warning from town 'officials to dog on HITS that (heir pets tire not (« be permitted to Stirs Council Flurry run u! large in limn. Officials In stressing !h»t ru- nlncs he kept leashed refer to '()vor-|iolM*iii{j[* Claim See. 6-5 of the Town Code which At Broad-Klin Ar< a Humor Denied sets forth the prohibitive metis* Spai'ks ])is|mlc Mrs. John i:. MiAollfle Jr. lu- ures a.nd provides penalties far dny tHMird a denlnl of u news for those owners who full to com* A brief flurry over police enforce- story published 1'li.ewliere lust ply. ment of a loading zone was the lone week (hut the Wilson Srliou' l'ur- discordant note in an otherwise rou- t'lit-Trurhcr Association might tine Town Council session Tuesday consider withdraw Ing ii*uin the night. county, slate and m>'.cmul orgun- Blue Devil Hichard Tov.nley, manager of the ly.utluns, l'lay Fair on Klin St., asked coun- Mrs. nicAullffe. president of cil why the loading zone on Kim St., the H'ilson l'TA, ...llil "The Wll- starting nl the corner of Hruad was MMI School I'TA Is cxiiressinK u Nine Gains being, in his words, "ovor-piiliced" firm ami continued Interest In CAROLYN F. WYATT BARBARA CHURCH to the detriment of traffic movement the stale ami national I'TA. Our met pedestrian safety. Ktnnii la ht'lutt reufflruu'il lie- UCC Final Mr. Townley cited several in- cnuse of a recent rumor In an- stances when he fell that the police Ry TOM LOKB other newspaper stathi^ other- , Trinity Girls Get officer on duty lit the intersection wise," Westfiokl advanced lo Iho finals had left his post to keep all passen- of the Union County Conference ger vehicles out of the loading zone nasehall Tournament by defeating nnd expressed the opinion Hint such Roman's Club Grants Hillside 5-2 Tuesday. The Illue severe surveillance was not being YMCA to Mark Devils will play the winner of thocarried out on a townwide basis. Carolyn Frances Wyatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Wyatt of Jefferson-Springfield contest which Councilman A. Turney Savage im- Sedgewick Ave., is the winner of the $800 four-year teaching scholar- was held yesterday for the cham- World Service mediately took isr.ue with Mr. Town- p award offered annually by the Woman's Club of Woslfield to a high pionship. icolsenior who intends to enter the tenchinc profession. This'scholarship ley and demanded that 1)0 cite .spe- $200 a year for four years. An applicant must be accepted by an Insti- With Marty Howarlh holding Hill- cific areas where the police were Month Here side in check, Westfield got off to ion of college level, must show — derelict in their enforcement duties. LOOKING OVEIt TUB SCHEDULE for the Annual enrper day tor students In Iho Blulneu EdscallOQ De- an early lead. With two down in tho r dence of financial need, and must M . Townley attempted to con- Four Wwk Period portment of WcsUlcId Senior High School arc, left to right, Everett E. Thomas, executive vice preildeot second Kick I'iscopo reached sec- e maintained a satisfactory v'.ice Councilman Savage that he of Westfield Area Chamber of Commerce; Mrs, Barbara Echtcrtnann, business education department of Capt. Gilbert Dies ond base on an error. Hit-hard Rar- mid not charged enforcement failure To Start May 21; lolastic record while in school. nelt's single moved him to third c'ld Wi'Htflrld Senior High School; Miss Janice Ostrowiky, prciildont, Future Ilunlnoss I/euder* of America Volyn plans to enter Baldwin- elsewhere but simply wanted to Fund lMru Set a passed halt allowed the first run CTuti; nnd VVIIIInm 1. Shepherd, president Westfield Ac*a Chnmber of Commerce. Twenty-eight atudenU will .ilace College next fall. In high In Plane Crash know why the Kim St. '/.one appear- to score. ed lo have been singled out for spe- The Wodfiold YMCA will observe pnrllcipiilc In the iiroKmin this year hy spcndliift today with n local business organization In Westfield. IOOI, she has been .< member of the period from Mny 21-June IH, as Howarth, WHO won his fourth cial attention. library council for three years World Service month, according '.o At AF Base game without a defeat, walked and i an officer for two years. She is A motion l>y Councilman Samuel an announcement today hy 11. KMcr- went to second on Dwight Davies Kinney Jr. that the matter be re- Maintenance Plan o a member of the Future Teach- Capt. Jules Albert Gilbert, 30, an son Thomas, V president. Uurini! of America Club, Mask and sacrifice in the third. Charlie Wid- ferred to the police committee for Student Career Day Air Force Pilot whose permanent is four week period, Mr. Thomas nier singled Howarlh home and he investigation almost gut lust in the me. and the Spanish Club. She has said, the local Y will conduct its home address was listed as 722 Hy-scored when Charlie Mason wus flurry of words between Savage and Revision Weighed •n prominent in vocal music ac- annual appeal to mcmlicr.s and slip Ave, WPS killed Monday when safe on an error. Townley. but finally was seconded ties and presented a solo in the friend:; fur |'ifu in support of the his delta-winged K-102 crashed dur- and passed bringing an end to tin; In Spotlight Here ing music festival. She belongs lo ing a tnke-off at Kichards-Gcbaucr In the fourth I'iscopo led ofl with V's work in li:i countries outside of For Play Areas a single lo center. Harriett reached dispute. leaders club, and has partici- AV base in Kansas City, Mo. continental boundaries of the United TwentyeiRht students in the Busi- ed in the Saturday Science Pro- safely on an error ami both runners Although the mutter was referred Slates and Canada. Military tunti'ai services for Capt. lt<Ti'<>iitioii Hoard ness 1'MucatlDn Department of West- m. In the summer she has assist- moved up a base on Hilly Myer's to the police commiHce, Counciliiiiin Gilbert will be held Saturday after- Allied I!. Welly Is chairman of field UiKh School tiro having the op« in the liethel Baptist Church va- sacrifice. Ilowat'lh aided his own William Conner, chairman, said that Muy S»'i'k Worker Veterans Renew noon al .') o'clock in Gray's Funeral the local World Service Committee, portunlly today to observe first-hand ion Bible School. cause with a run scoring bunt sin- the committee would give serious To IViul Fields Homo. Interment will be in Fair- consideration to revising the ordi- which has cstaldished the details of how business operates In tho West- iorh;ira Church, daughter of Mr. gle and Davies brought the final Flag Program field urea. Kach student la spending view Cemetery. nance since it is the consensus that Ihe projected campaign: The earn- Claiming that the plan lu have n run across vith a sacrifice hunt. the day with a locul concern to gain I Mrs. Burton A. Church of 304 A color Kuard and firing squad private shoppers should be given n iaimi will be opened officially al the town parks deparlmcnt cmpluyuc Hillside didn't ..threaten until the Mure thnn 150 flails will decorate some Insight into tho world of busi- Euclid Ave., has been awarded a from McGuire Air Force Base will short time to pick up and return directors meeting, Tuesday evening. refurbish municipal recreation fiuldn sixth v'.rcn Boh Korlcsky reached Broad St. nnd South and Central ness nml mannijcmcnt. dent grant of $100 by the Wom- participate in the services and a packages. Mr. Welly noted Hint World Service fullBwhiK Incli'iiumt wcnlhcr is not s Club. Barbara will be a fresh- secoMi on an error. Singles hy Bill funds twin supply critically iitudi'.l Avi'8. Sntui'duy In cuinmomorution squadron of pianos from tho'linse Arter the meeling, Pollen Chief working out (is hopud, the Ileerca- Tliu nnnunl event Is sponsored by n at the University of Delaware ScJiiitsky, Dennis Scully, and Sandy leadership in key areas of the weld. of Armed Forces Day. will "fly-over" during the ceremon- James F. Moran said every loading lion Commission Monday nljllit ex- the liitih school's Business Education rtfnll. Her extracurricular aetivi- (Continued on page 2) The newest country lo join the World The flaws will be placed by iVnrtln ies. zone is being handled tiie same. pressed Interests in having il.s <iwu Department and tho Westfield Cham- 5 at Wcstficld High School include Service family is Colinnlii'., where Wallherj; S'ost :t, American I.CKIOII, Visiting hours tomorrow will he Couneilineii indicated that it was maintenance limn to take cure of its ber of Commerce. The fir.st hiind ex. presidency of the Future Teach-' construction work with nuwth stall- nnd Cliirk-Hy.slip l'ost (H5, Veterans from 7 to 10 p.m. at Gray's. j the intention that noncommercial ve- baseball fields. of Korean Wars. petienco Is of practical benefit to tho ol America Club, program cluiir- Convention Plans ed last sear. Captain Gilbert was stationed at hicles use the Mine:;, although Hie (iordou lloolh.
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