Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Annual Report 2020 Page i Statement of compliance For year ended 30 June 2020 Hon. Alannah MacTiernan MLC Minister for Regional Development; Agriculture and Food and Hon. Peter Tinley AM MLA Minister for Fisheries In accordance with section 63 of the Financial Management Act 2006, I hereby submit for your information and presentation to Parliament, the annual report of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development for the reporting period ended 30 June 2020. The annual report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Management Act 2006 and also fulfils reporting obligations under the Fish Resources Management Act 1994 and Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945. Mr David (Ralph) Addis Director General Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Annual Report 2020 Page ii Contact Postal: Locked Bag 4, Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983 Permission to reuse the logo must be obtained from the Street address: 3 Baron-Hay Court, South Perth WA 6151 Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. Internet: dpird.wa.gov.au Important disclaimer Email: [email protected] Telephone: +61 1300 374 731 The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and the State of ISSN 2209-3427 (Print) Western Australia accept no liability whatsoever by reason of ISSN 2209-3435 (Online) negligence or otherwise arising from the use or release of this Creative Commons Licence information or any part of it. The DPIRD annual report is licensed under a Creative Compliments/complaints Commons Attribution 3.0 Australian Licence. We would like to receive any feedback you have on this You are free to reuse the work under that licence on the report. condition that you attribute the State of Western Australia Compliments or complaints can be provided by completing the (Department of Primary Industries and Regional feedback form on our website or by emailing us at Development) as an author; indicate if changes were made; [email protected]. and otherwise comply with these licence conditions. Copies of this document are available in alternative License URL: formats upon request. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au/legalcode If you have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact Attribution: © Copyright State of Western Australia us through the National Relay Service: (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development) 2020 TTY or computer with modem users, phone 133 677 Notice identifying other material and/or rights in this Speak and listen users, phone 1300 555 727 publication: SMS relay, phone 0423 677 767 The Creative Commons licence does not apply to the If you require the assistance of an interpreter, please contact Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development us through Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National logo or the State Coat of Arms. on 131 450. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Annual Report 2020 Page iii Guide to this report This report presents the statutory compliance, performance In this report, we refer to the Department of Primary Industries and operational reporting for the financial year ending 30 June and Regional Development as ‘the department’ or ‘DPIRD’. 2020. It consists of four principal sections and appendices: A list of acronyms used is provided on the following page. Overview — provides a snapshot of the year in review and outlines who we are and what we do, the industries and communities we support, and how we go about our business. Agency performance — outlines what we have achieved along with details of how we performed against targets for the year. Significant issues — describes current and emerging issues and trends impacting on our operations. Disclosures and legal compliance — details our financial situation and performance against our key performance indicators (KPIs) along with reports on staffing, governance and legal and policy issues. Appendices — incorporates Statement by the Commissioner of Soil and Land Conservation; breeding stock status, catch and effort ranges for Western Australia’s (WA) major commercial and recreational fisheries; and State register of authorisations, exemptions and aquaculture leases. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Annual Report 2020 Page iv Acronyms ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics JTSI Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and API Application Program Interface Innovation (Western Australia) CI Confidence Interval KPI key performance indicator COVID-19 Coronavirus disease 2019 LCD Land Conservation District CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research LCDC Land Conservation District Committee Organisation MODIS Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer DAIP Disability Access and Inclusion Plan NA not applicable DAFWA Department of Agriculture and Food, Western NOID Notice of Intention to Drain or Pump Australia (former department) NRM natural resource management DAWE Department of Agriculture, Water and the OBM Outcome Based Management framework Environment (Commonwealth) OSH occupational safety and health DBCA Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and R&D research and development Attractions (Western Australia) RDC Regional Development Commission DPC Department of the Premier and Cabinet (Western RfR Royalties for Regions Australia) RSPCA WA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to DPIRD Department of Primary Industries and Regional Animals Western Australia Development (Western Australia) SEMC State Emergency Management Committee DPLH Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage SLC Act Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945 (Western Australia) SLCC Soil and Land Conservation Council DWER Department of Water and Environmental TAC Total Allowable Catch Regulation TDGDLF Temperate Demersal Gillnet Demersal Longline FTE full-time equivalent (staff hours) Fishery FRMA Fish Resources Management Act 1994 UWA The University of Western Australia GRDC Grains Research and Development Corporation WA Western Australia GRP Gross regional product WAFIC WA Fishing Industry Council GVAP Gross value of agricultural production WARMS Western Australian Rangeland Monitoring System ICT information and communications technology IFS Industry funding scheme WCDSF West Coast Demersal Scalefish Fishery Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Annual Report 2020 Page v Contents Statement of compliance ..................................................... ii Disclosures and legal compliance ....................................... 48 Contact ............................................................................... iii Independent auditor’s report ............................................. 49 Guide to this report ............................................................. iv Financial statements ......................................................... 54 Acronyms ............................................................................ v Additional key performance indicator information ........... 173 Contents ............................................................................. vi Other financial disclosures ............................................. 202 Overview ................................................................................ 1 Governance disclosures ................................................. 204 Executive summary ............................................................ 2 Ministerial directives ....................................................... 204 Operational structure .......................................................... 5 Other legal requirements ................................................ 205 Administered legislation .................................................... 12 Government policy requirements .................................... 210 Performance management framework .............................. 13 Appendices ........................................................................ 218 Shared responsibilities with other agencies ...................... 16 Appendix 1: Statement from the Commissioner of Soil and Agency performance ............................................................ 21 Land Conservation ......................................................... 219 Report on operations ........................................................ 22 Appendix 2: Breeding stock status, catch and effort ranges for Western Australia’s major commercial and recreational Financial targets and results ............................................. 35 fisheries .......................................................................... 233 Key performance indicator targets and results ................. 38 Appendix 3: State register of authorisations, exemptions Significant issues impacting the agency .............................. 43 and aquaculture leases .................................................. 251 Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Annual Report 2020 Page vi Overview Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Annual Report 2020 Page 1 Executive summary Year at a glance • Extended comprehensive support • Worked with industry and • Led the WA component of a to primary industries and regional government to develop a four-year research project to develop a communities to aid recovery from Primary Industries Plan to tropical rock oyster the COVID-19 pandemic set priorities for growth and industry
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