VOLUME 34 April 30, 2001, Is David Copperfield the Devil? Your source for campus news and infonnation Find out what Nolan has to say about it in this week's edi­ ISSUE 1021 tion of The Nerd Table . Discover more of Nolan's zany out­ look on life by reading previous Nerd Table cartoons on the The Current Online. .... See page 11 T HECURRENTONLINE.COM UNI VERSITV OF MISSOURI - ST. LOUIS NSIDE No surprises inSGA e ection BY STEVE VALKO those voting, Proposition A said it Campus was located at the entrance to "People were put off by the lack of ..... .................. • Voters reelect staff writer would "reestablish The Cove over in the bridge of the Student Center. Polls candidates," said Schoenberger. the Millennium Student Center under were open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and "[UMSL] needs to get more 'Three candidates running unop­ the new name 'The Pilot House,' [and] 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Tuesday and involved in the [recruiting] process," SGA President posed for 2001-2002 Student give it a sports bar theme." Proposition Wednesday, to accommodate students. said Jennifer Amold, a senior majOllng Govemment Association president, B said it would ''keep the library hours Some students Tuesday seemed in accounting. Ryan Connor, pass vice president, and comptroller were extended to parallel the hours at the surprised an election was going on, Curt Coonrod, president of the elected to office last week. MSC. By doing tins it would give stu­ said Fr. Bill Kempf of the Newman Staff Association, supervised the elec­ both propositions SGA President Ryan Connor was dents more access to the library." Center, who manned the polls that day. tion. He said couldn't pinpoint the rea­ reelected, Joe Flees was elected vice TIle propositions are reconunenda­ On Wednesday, the turnout was son why so few candidates registered. president and Bnan King was elected tions to the University and will not pretty good, but not everyone was Coonrod said he didn't know of any­ on ballot comptroller. officially become implemented, said happy, said poll worker Amy one who tried to run a write-in cam- Two propositions on the ballot Shaun O'Hara, SGA parliamentarian. Schoenberger, a health educator in ~ Tony Rosas is . ............... :;..:.-:-'"' ....................................... UMSL's cooking were also approved by a majority of The polling place for North University Health Services. see ELECTION, page 10 and auto expert If you've had a car problem on campus, or if you've gotten Wartzok confirms something to eat at The Nosh, then you probably know him. He's Tony Rosas. Besides serving the buffalo wings and cheeses­ he's leaving UMSL ticks in Food Services, Rosas moonlights for UM-St. Louis Emergency Services and acts as you have heard, that I will be taking a a one-man cheerleader for • Dean of graduate new position elsewhere, is correct," the UMSL's athletic teams. e-mail states. school will join Wartzok says that he will begin ... See page 3 working at Florida rntemational Florida International University as "the vice provost for Academic Affairs, dean of the Graduate School, and professor ofbiol­ University in July ogy" beginning July 1. The move wa, triggered mainly by BRIEFS BY RHASHAD PITTMAN tlrree factors, he said during an inter­ stajf writer view with The CUlTent last Friday: FlU's research classification, their Cubicles available It's been a little over a decade since Marine Biology program, and a need Doug Wamok took over as dean of the for bod) universities to have "fresh for organizations Graduate School and Research blood." Administration department. Under his With an enrollment surpassing reign, Ul'v1SL has took some major 32,CXXJ, flU has more research and BY TIM THOMPSON Ml.rtsumi Igarashil tbe CUm!1Ii steps to expand the number of graduate graduate progranls than UMSL, ,···· .. ·.. ·.. .. .. '.. " ~aJf;; ;rii~ r programs offered, but it" till time for Wartzok- saTcI:"W1iiCh in tum gives the Kareema Shaheed, president of the Ahmadi Muslim Association, Is served some food by Chris Wartzok to mo e on, he ays. university a "doctoral research exten­ Tayjor of the Associated Black Collegians and Sheri Notaro from the Office of M ulticultural The Millennium Student Wartzok made the rumor of his res­ sive" classification and puts them in Relations at Multicultural Awareness Day last Friday. The event is a celebration of the arts, featur­ Center offers student organi­ ignation official through an e-mail sent the same category as the University of ing ethnic dance, music, art, and cuisine. zations separate cubicles, out to campus fa ulty dated Apri l 23. equipped with computers "The rumor I know a number of see WARTZOK, page 10 that have full internet access, as well as word-pro­ cessing capabilities through CELEBRATING DIVE RSITY Microsoft Office. This program is brand new. Never before have student Reports about budget Multicultural organizations at UMSL had Awareness Day the opportunity to acquire featured lots of separate space with comput­ ethnic dances dominate meeting er access. Located in MSC like this 375, the Student Flamenco dance Organization Room, these performed by a arni.md UMSL's role in "workforce cubicles are available to stu­ member of the • Assen1bly hears devc]opment." Touhi!! gave the. dent organizations that pass St. Louis Assembly members the same the application process. Chancellor's new PowerPoint presentation she is using to Denise Kiehl, administra­ Flamenco Society. The "ell the idea to area business leaders. tive secretary for Student event also fea­ 'workforce' strategy III the presentation, Touhill talked Activities, described this tured Native about the importance of maintaing a process. American solid. well-educated workforce in order "A memo was sent to all BY ,JOSH RENAUD to create growth in the St. Louis econ­ recognized student organiza­ dancers from the American senior editor omy. She then explained how, of the tion presidents along with Indian Center major universities in St. Louis, UMSL the application," Kiehl said. and Polynesian Discussion of UMSL's share of the is best able to meet employers' labor "The application consists of dancers from UM System budget domin; ted the needs. as the largest producer of col­ five questions that the orga­ Aloha University A sembly meeling lillit lege-educated workers in the region. nizations must answer in Entertainment. Tuesday. Touhill described the University'S detail. " Assembly Chair Lawrence Barton quality progr;ml$ in the fields of busi­ Since there are only 19 detailed his most recent ef'folts on the ness and information technology, cubicles, not every organiza­ issue and Chancellor Blanche Touh.ill heal tl1 and biotechnology, and educa­ tion that applies is guaran­ gave a fomlal presentation on her new tion. She finished the presentation by teed a spot. Some are turned strategy to get more funding for discussing UMSLs financial situation down. According to Kiehl, UMSL. and calling on business leaders to help one of the main reasons an Touhill's new approach to securing organization wouldn't receive more funds for the campus centers set· ASSEMBLY, page 8 a cubicle would be that they .. presently have access to office space somewhere else on campus. In addition, via­ bility and visibility of the Panel discusses crime drop, organization is also taken into consideration. This latest program was new policing strategies initiated as a result of the acquisition of Student Organization space after the BY D A N GALLI past decade. He claimed the recent opening of the Millennium special/o Tbe Current drop was "dramatic and unprecedent­ Student Center in November ed," 2000. The recent decline.s in violent crime "St. Loui s held the distinction of in St. Louis and new idea., about polic­ Murderto",'U USA in 1958. It had the ing the streets and prosecuting crimi­ highest per capita mmder rate of cities nal s were the main themes discu:<sed at with l oo,ooo+ people:' Decker said. a recent forum entitled. "Is St. Louis "Since than it has held that distinction Safer?" in mote years than it hasn't." NDEX. The event was held on April 23 in In 1994 the homicide rate in St. the Student Government Chambers in Louis peaked at 2o() murders. It has Bulletin Board 2 the Millennium Student Center. It feil­ fal len slliuply ever since and was down tured Jennifer Joyce, cU'cult attorney to III in 2000. 111at is a drdIllatic drop Feature.~ .............., . .......... .................3. for SI. Louis City; Sgt. RObert of around 60 percent. 9pi':li.()rl~. ........ .....-..... 4 Heimberger, special pro.ie c t ~ director 'iolent crime, or crimes against person and/or property, peaked in the .~.P.().~.~......... " ........"........... .... 5 for the St. Louis l'vletropolitan Puiice Department; ,md Scott Decker, profes­ mid '90s at arowld 65,000 total cases. Arts ~ .. ~':l~~r:tairlf!1.e.f1t.... ............ ~. sor of criminology at Uj\1SL. In 2000 it was down to 50,000 cases. ....Classifieds........................... ....................................11 Decker spoke about the recent drop The Nerd Table 11 Mutsumi IgarashU TI>t! L/llTi'n! in violent crinle in St. LDuis over the see C P.!ME, page 9 <1tre. Current April 30, 2001 PaoQ e 2 '71te Current Put it on the soard: 11 studerlt organizati011S and ,de.d free oj charge to a . d' 5 Josh Renaud' Editor·ill-Chief Anne Porter • Managing Edilm' 1be Current Events Bulletlnd'r/Boa . ~::: ~;~!;; submwons to TJ~ cstudunell! :~ 'rg.en;!~~: !:rls : . d tments a dWISI . ' 's Given to en Inshirah • Busil1ess Manager Bulletin Board Uniuemty epa1 bl' lion Space consideranan 1 I:," eeks prior to tbe feent. AI • Bawazeer p1Tl el/eJY 7bursday beJore PU w: CC: ""'~t all suiJmiss'io71S be posted at least tw~.[!o(' 63J?1 orJax 516-6811 Judi Unville • Faculty Adl'lser --' 'frved bastS.
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