Bill No. 53 of 1"2 lHE ANDHRA PRADESH AND MADRAS (ALTERATION OF BOUDARIES) BILL, 1959 (As INTRODUCED IN LOK SABHA ON 12TH AUGUST, 1959) CORRIGENDA. , to A.HDHRA PRADESH AHD MADRAS (ALTERATION OF BOU UD.A.nI E S) BI LL , 1.9 a3 . , (M,: intppduced in Lok S g.bhg) 1. P ,:1{; e 11, line 1,- ui't~ "oflt.lnsert "the" 2. Page 6, line 8,- for "referenc" ~ "l'eference" 3. Paee 6, line 9,-···· ...: .. - ill "Chinglepet" ~ "Chingleput" 4. Puse 15,- in the Llc.r~in'"'.l headin~·to cl<luse 44,- After "officers".iD~ "in" 5. PUBS 23, line 28,- 1JtI"N urav ;mareddikh!J1ldriga." ~ "Nuro.yana.reddikhandriga" 6. Pnge 34, line 15,- for "ChinnulJo. pet" ~ "Chinnar.1upet" 7. Pose 37,- j1fte.: line 31, insert Q.oovc colw::..::;.2, - "Census Code No." 8. P~e 38,- before line 1, insert ~bO'".o COlUilll 2, - "Cansu s Code No." 9. Pa.ee 39, line 14,- (i) .ill "firks" ~ "firkns"; and (ii) 1.Q.r "Pouneri" ~ "Ponneri" 10. P ae e 40, 1 in e :33 , - J.:w: 'IV gerakllverirnjpuurun" ~ "V eer::lknv eriraj upural1" 11. Pue e 42, line 1,- 1.gt "uuginst" ~ "aeuinst" P.T.O THE MrDHRA PRADESH AND MADRAS (ALTERATION OF BOUNDARIES) BILL, 1959 ARRANGEMENT OF CLAUSES PART I CLAUSES 1. Short title and commencement. 2. Definitions. PART II TRANSFER OF TERRITORIES 3. Transfer of territories. 4. Changes of territorial divisions in Andhra Pradesh. 5. Changes of territorial divisions in Madras. 6. Amendment of the First Schedule to the Constitution. 7. Saving powers of State Governments. PART III REPRESENTATION IN THE LEGISLATURIIS The Council of States 8. Amendment of Fourth Schedule to the Constitution. 9. Bye-election to fill the additional seat. 6.49lB) LSI u.. TIM Houu of People CLAUSES 10. Amendment of First Schedule to the Delimitation Order. 11. Provision as to sitting members. ThA! Legislative Assemblies 12. Strength of Legislative Assemblies. 13. Amendment of Second Schedule to Delimitation Order. 14. Amendment of Delimitation Commission's Final Order No. 19. 15. Provisions as to certain sitting members. The Legislative Council8 16. Extent of Council Constituencies. 17. Sitting members. PART IV HIGH COURTS 18. Extension of jurisdiction of, and transfer of proceedings to, Andhra Pradesh High Court. 19. Extension of jurisdiction of, and transfer of proceedings to, Madras High Court. 20. Right to appear or act in any proceedings transferred under section 18 or section 19. 21. Interpretation. PART V AUTHORISATION OF EXPENDITURE 22. Appropriation of moneys for expenditure in transferred territories under existing appropriation Acts. 23. Reports relating to the accounts of Andhra Pradesh and Madras. 24. Distribution of reve,nues. PART VI ApPORTIOliM~wr PF -toiSBT:S AND LIABILITIES 25. Land and goods. 26. Arrears of taxes iii CLAu .. 27. Right to recover loans and. advances. 28. Refund of taxes collected in excess. 29. Deposits. 30. Provident Funds. 31. Pensions. 32. Contracts. 33. Liability in respect of actionable wrong. 34. Liability as guarantor of co-operative societies. 35. Items in suspense. 36. Power of Central Government to order allocation or adjust- ment in certain cases. 37. Certain expenditure to be charged on the' Consolidated Fund. PART VII ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS 38, Provision as to certain financial Corporations. 39. Amendment of Act 6 of 1942. 40. Provision as to State Electricity Boards and apportionment of their assets and liabilities. 41. Special provisions with regard to Araniar Project. 42. Temporary provisions as to the continuance of certain exist- ing road transport permits. 43· Provisions relating to services. 44. Provisions as to the continuance of officers in the same posts. PART VIII LEGAL AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 45. Territorial extent of laws. 46. Power to adapt laws. 47. Power to construe laws. 48. Power to name authorities, etc., for exercising statutory func- tions. <i9. Legal proceedings. iv , , CLAUSES 50. Transfer of pending proceedings. 51. Right of pleaders to practise in certain courts. 52· Effect of provisions inconsistent with other laws. 53. Power to remove difficulties. 54. Power to make rules. SCHEDULES THE FIRST SCHEDULZ THE SECOND SCHEDULE THE THIRD SCHEDULE THE FOURTH SCHEDULE THE FIFTH SCHEDULB THE SIXm ScHBDULZ Bill No. 53 of 1959 THE ANDHRA PRADESH AND MADRAS (AL TERATION OF BOUNDARIES) BILL, 1959 (As INTRODUCED IN LOK SABHA) BILL to provide for the alteration of boundaries of the States of An.dhr. Pradesh and Madras and for matters connected therewith. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Tenth Year of the Republic aI. India as follows:- PART I PRELIMINAlty S 1. (1) This Act may be called the Andhra Pradesh and Madra Short title (Alteration of Boundaries) Act, 1959. :~!lC:eC:::;t. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Govern- ment may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,- DefinitiDD" 10 (a) "appointed day" means the date appointed under sub- section (2) of section 1 for the coming into force of this Act; (b) "assembly constituency", "council constituency" and "parliamentary constituency" have the same meanings as in the ef I9S0. Representation of the People Act, 1950; IS (c) "law" includes any enactment, ordinance, regulation, order, bye-law, rule, scheme, notification or other instrument .,/ having the force of law in the whole or in any part of Andhra Pradesh or Madras; ! (d) "notified order" meal'll! an order published in the Omeil! Gazette; (e) "sitting member", in relation to either House of Parlia- ment or of the Legislature of a State, means a person who, im- mediately before the appointed day, is a member of that House; 5 (f> "transferred territories" means- (i) in relation to the State of Andhra Pradesh, the territories specified in the Second Schedule and transferred from that State to Madras, and (ii) in relation to the State of Madras, the territories 10 specified in the Fin;t Schedule and transferred from thlt State to Andhra Pradesh; (g) "treasury" includes a sub-treasury; (h) any reference to a district, taluk, firka, village or other territorial division of a State shall be construed as a I, reference to the area comprised within that territorial division on the 1st day of July, 1957. PART II TRANSFER OF TERRITORIES T'raDlfer of 3. As from the appointed day, there shall be added- I crritories. (a) to the State of Andhra Pradesh, the territories specified in the First Schedule which shall thereupon cease to form part of the State of Madras; and (b) to the State of Madras, the territories specified in the Second Schedule which shall thereupon cease to form part of 2, the State of Andhra Pradesh. Changes of 4. (1) The territories specified in Part I of the First Sehedule territorial shall be included in, and form part of, Chittoor district; and the saId divisions in Andhra territories, together with the territories comprised in the villages of Pradesh. Pattur taluk specffted in the Third Schedu1e and the territorles3o which immediately before the appointed day were comprised. In Kanakammachatram and Tiruttani ftrkas of Tiruttani taluk but are not transfert~ by virtue of section 3 to the State of Madras, shan form a taluk to be known as Sathya~du taluk in Chlttoor distrlct. (2) The territories which immediately before the appointed day 3S were' cOn\pr1~ in PallipMtu and Erumbi ftrkas of Tiruttanl taluk but ate not trAnsferred by virtue of section 3 to the State of MackM shall be included in, and form part of, PuttUl' ta1M. (:I) The territorIes which immediately before the appointed day were comprised in Melpadi firka of Chittoor taluk but are not trans- ferred by virtue of section 3 to the State of Madras shall be includ- ed in, and form part of, Chittoor firka of Chittoor taluk. S (4) The .territories specified in Part II of the First Schedule shall oe included in, and form part of, Kuppam West firka of Palma- ner taluk in Chittoor district. 5. (1) The territories which immediately before the ~ppointed Cha,nae.• of day were comprised in Sathyavedu firka of Ponneri taluk and Uttuk- %~i~:~:l 10 kottai firka of Tiruvallur taluk but are not transferred by virtue of in Madras. section 3 to the State of Andhra: Pradesh shall be included in, and form part of, Gummidipundi firka of Ponneri taluk. (2) The territories specified in Parts I and II of the Second ~ule shall be included in and form a separate taluk to be known IS as Tiruttani taluk of Chingleput district; and in that taluk, the territories specified in Part II of that Schedule shall form a <;eparate firka to be know!'! as Kanakammachatram firka. (3) The territories specified in Parts III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII of the Second Schedule shall respectively be included in, and form 20 part of,- (a) Mappedu firka of Tiruvallur taluk of Chingleput dis- trict, (b) Parangi firka of Arkonam taluk of North Arcot district, (c) Arkonam firka of Arkonam taluk of North Arcot dis- trict, (d) Ranipet firka of Walajapet taluk of North Arcot dis- trict, (e) Gudiyattam East firka of Gudiyattam taluk of North Arcat district, and (f) Vaniyambadi firka of Tiruppattur taluk of Notth Areot district. G. As from the appointed day, in the First Schedule to the Consti- Amendment tution under the heading "I. THE STATES",- of the First , Schedule to (a) for the entry against "1. Andhra Pradesh", the following the. Consti- 35 shall be substituted, namely:- tutlon. "The territories specified in sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Andhra State Act, 1953, sub-section (1) of section 3 of the States Reorganisation Act, 1956, and the First Sche- dule to the Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) Act, 1959, but excluding the territories speci- 040 fied in the Second Schedule to the last mentioned Act,"; and (h) in the entry against "7.
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