The Parish of St. Edmund, King and Martyr (Waterloo, Ontario) The Anglican atholic hurch of anada (A member of the "orldwide Traditional Anglican Communion) #PDATE November 7, 2005 - St. Willibrord December Schedule December 4 Sunday The Second Sunday in Advent December 8 Thursday The Conception of the "#essed Virgin Mary December '' Sunday The Third Sunday in Advent December 18 Sunday The Fourth Sunday in Advent December 21 Wednesday St. Thomas the Apost#e December 24 Saturday Christmas Eve December 25 Sunday Christmas Day December 26 &onday St. Stephen the Martyr December 27 Tuesday St. John the Evange#ist December 28 Wednesday The Ho#y Innocents Service Times and Location 0'1 Al# Services are held in the Chapel at Luther Village on the Park - '56 Father David Bauer Drive in )aterloo. (2) On Sundays, Matins is sung at %&'&& a.m. 0The Litany on the first Sunday of the month), and the Holy Eucharist is celebrated (sun%1 at %&'*& a.m. 051 7n 9eekdays - Major Holy Days - the Holy Eucharist is usually celebrated at ,'&& p.m., %&'&& a.m. on Saturday. Notes and Comments Born in Northumbria, England, circa 658, Wil#ibrord studied at Ripon monastery under St. Wilfrid and spent twelve years '1 Another reminder to mark your studyin% in /reland at the abbey of calendars / November 2&* Inasmuch as <athmelsi%i under Saints Egbert and Christ the King !alls on St. Edmund's Day, Wigbert. After receivin% ordination and our Title Feast Mass wi## be celebrated on extensive trainin% in the field of missions, &onday, November 2%* We 9il#, however, he set out about 690 9ith a dozen have our St. Edmund's Day #unch 0on the companions for Frisia (an historic region of Parish1 on the Sunday - November 20! The The Netherlands and ?ermany frontin% on Rural Dean 9il# celebrate Mass on the the North Sea and includin% the Frisian Sunday. Islands.1 In 693, he went to Rome to seek papal approval for his labors. 3ope Sergius 2) Dr. Budziszews4i adroitly examines the (rei%ned 687-7011 gave his ful# approbation cultura# slide of the mid-90s - The and, durin% his second Roman visit, was Revenge of Conscience - the third of six consecrated archbisho of the Frisians in parts - this page. 696, with his see in Utrecht. In his 9ork, Wil#ibrord also received much support and 51 (or Robert's Ramblings - Matobo I - encouragement from the Frankish leader, the first of two parts - see page 4* Pepin of Herista# (reigned 687-7141* Wil#ibrord founded the monastery of 4) In The Lord's Prayer - Little words: " In Echternach, Luxembourg, to serve as a Earth " or " On Earth " " - by Fr* Lee center of missionary endeavors, and Whitney - see page 5. extended the efforts of missionaries into Denmark. He faced chronic dangers !rom 5) The importance of music in the Liturgy - outraged pagans, includin% one who nearly Music in Worship - see page 7. murdered him after he tore down a pagan ido#* In 714, Duke Radbod reclaimed the ,1 This month 9e start inc#udin% some extensive territories acquired by Pepin, and commentaries !rom a boo4#et entitled The Wil#ibrord watched al# of the progress he Ceremonial of High Mass* This boo4#et is had made be virtual#y undone. After available !rom The Convent Society. The <adbod's death, Willibrord started over boo4#et comments on every part of The with much enthusiasm, receivin% Mass from The 3reparation to The Last invaluable assistance !rom St. Boniface. ?ospe#* "It is a %ood point to remember Wil#ibrord died on retreat at Echternach on that al# ceremonial of the Western Church November 7* For his efforts, he is called is based on the .igh Mass, the normative the Apost#e of the Frisians. celebration* Indeed, in the Eastern Church there is no such thin% as Low Mass." - see From ""w.catholic.org page 8 - The Ceremonial of %igh Mass 7) An informa# report - & Visit to Holy The Revenge of Conscience – III Trinity and St. Jude - see page 10. Offhand it seems as thou%h believin% in a law we "can't not kno9@ wou#d make it St) #illibrord harder, not easier, to ex #ain why thin%s are so quic4#y %ettin% worse. /! the moral 2 la9 really is carved on the heart, 9ou#dn't it baby then it ou%ht to be banned to be hard to ignore? On the other hand, if it everyoneG why allo9 it? But if it doesn’t ki## is merely penci#ed in as the mere moral a baby it is hard to see why we shou#d be realists say - 9el#; uneasy about it at all; 9hy restrict itD We restrict 9hat 9e allo9 because 9e kno9 it "ut this is merely picture thin4in% again. is wron% but don’t want to %ive it u G 9e Carvin% and penci#in% are but metaphors, feed our hearts scraps in hopes of hushin% and more than metaphors are necessary to them, as cooks quiet their kitchen uppies. sho9 9hy the suppression of conscience is more vio#ent and ex #osive than its mere As to the second example, sexual 9eakenin% wou#d be. (irst #et us consider romiscuity has exactly the same bad a few facts that ou%ht to arouse our consequences among adults as it has suspicion - facts about the precise kind of among teenagers. "ut if it is Hust an moral confusion 9e suffer, or say 9e suffer. innocent pleasure, then why not talk it upD Swin%in% is no #on%er a noveltyG the sexual Consider this tissue of contradictionsE revo#ution is no9 gray 9ith age. /! shame &ost 9ho cal# abortion wron% call it ki##in%* persists, the only possib#e ex #anation is &ost 9ho cal# it kil#in% say it kil#s a baby. that guilt persists as we##* &ost who cal# it kil#in% a baby decline to The third example speaks for itsel!* Delury prohibit it alto%ether. Most 9ho decline to calls the very strength of his feelin%s a prohibit it think it shou#d be restricted. roof that they did not express "moral" &ore and more peo #e !avor restrictions. guilt, merely the "dissonance@ resultin% Yet greater and greater numbers of peop#e !rom violation of an instinctua# block have had or have been invo#ved in inherited from our rimate ancestors. We abortions* might paraphrase his theory, "the stronger the %ui#t, the less it matters." Or this one: &ost adults are 9orried about teenage sex* Yet rather than te##in% kids to Clearly, whatever our roblem may be, it wait unti# marriage, most te## kids to wait isn't that conscience is 9eak. We may be unti# they are "older," as we are. &ost say confused, but 9e aren’t confused that way. that premarita# sex between consentin% It isn’t that 9e don't kno9 the truth, but adults is a norma# expression of natura# that we tel# ourse#ves somethin% different. desires. Yet hardly any are comfortable te##in% anyone, especia##y their own By J. Budzisze"ski, Associate Professor of children, ho9 many peo #e they have slept Government and Phi#oso hy at the 9ith themselves. University of Texas - this article appeared in the JuneJ-uly 1998 issue of First Things Or this one: Accessories to suicide often - the third of six parts write about the act; they produce page after page to show 9hy it is right. Yet a large part of 9hat they write about is %ui#t* ,rom here and there Author ?eorge +* De#ury, jailed for oisonin% and suffocatin% his wife, says in '1 The power to command frequently his written account of the affair that his causes !ailure to thin4* Barbara Tuchman %ui#t feelings were so stron% they were "almost physica#*@ 2) October 23 - for this day the Ordo states: @St. James, Bishop of Jerusalem, As to the first example, if abortion kills a 3 Martyr6 with St. Jude; and St. Simeon, Bisho- of Jerusalem@ - when and where ,1 When somethin% is advertised as :new did this 'feast' originate, 9ho are these and improved', 9hich is itD /! it's new, saints, and perhaps 9hy they are then there has never been anythin% before celebrated together? it. /! it's an improvement, then there must have been somethin% before it - it can't be The Bisho$ (when he has time from his ne9; episco$al responsibilities/ will be providing the answers as he 0know[s] 7) Don't judge men's 9ealth or %od#iness by their Sunday appearance. the genesis of the commemoration)0 Ed* Benjamin Franklin 51 (or your information - UPDATE is 8) 'Arguments', 'lo%ic', and 'consistency' are mailed, month#y, to addresses in Canada, on#y mean and unfair traps some The Anited States, En%#and, Ireland, conservatives use to torment liberals. Japan, Australia, Torres Strait, and South Africa. Copies of The Messenger, The 61 The riddles of ?od are more satisfyin% Diocesan Circular, The Traditional Anglican than the so#utions of men. G.K. and The Annunciator are sent to many of these addresses alon% 9ith APDATE. Chesterton 10) Why didn't Noah swat those two 4) Ron Ferris, the An%#ican Church of mosquitoesD Canada Bishop of Al%oma, estimated the average Sunday attendance of the ACC, ''1 Some E national#y, as less than 150,000, or 83 collective nouns persons per parish. an earful of iPod users an overcharge of #umbers 5) DepressingE The Liberals are the near- a pride of expectant !athers perpetual#y rulin% Canadian centrist party a clique of photo%raphers that #on% ago %ot the state out of the a lot of used car salesmen nation's bedrooms: approvin% divorce, a stupor of television viewers open access to abortion and this summer same-sex marriages - all of which are anathema to the Catho#ic hierarchy.
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