ALIIF'ORMIIIA IECHI California I nsf/fufe of Techno/Dgy Volume LlV Pasadena, California, Thursday, January 22, 1953 No. 13 Next AUFS representative Schedule for rest of terml s to speak on Brazil problems A b·l- I d r:o:~:;:r h~u:e~ri::~U~~~::::e~~~~~I:; ~:n~~:;~ ssem les a rea y set Next Monday, January 26, the. iVickmants movies/ Caltech orchestra second of four representatives IS" " Tech Instituters of the American Universities I Clentlsts find and ASCIT nominations are included Field Staff will arrive at Cal- to be reorganized tech, Lawrence W. Witt, an protel"n The first assembly lineup of this term will be on January 22, economist and authority on ag- cables The Caltech Instituters is now with Leon Vickman showing the results of some of his experi­ riculture, is to report on his being revived and is soliciting mentation with motion photography techniques. As this will take Rope of protein molecules is up only a part of the hour, the program will also contain music recent study tour of Brazil dur­ the picture of a body proteins new members according to Jack ing a week-long stay here. Walker, Instituters chairman. put on by Dick Jaffe. This should be worth seeing and hearing, in llmscles, hairs, and fingernails so give it a try. Nolte concludes visit offered by Calteeh scientists Li­ The Instituters is Caltech's sec­ ond service club, the other be­ On January 29 the Caltech Symphony Orchestra is slated RiGhard H. Nolte, expert on nus Pauling, chairman of the --------------. The following Thursday, Feb­ Moslem life who was the first Division of Chemistry and Chem­ ing the Beavers. The Instituters take care of athletic parties and ruary 19, will feature the PCC AUFS representative to visit ical Engineering, and Robert B. Highlighters, a top-notch variety Corey, professor of chemistry. perform odd jobs for the ASCIT. offers Caltech this year, concluded his YMCA show. The show contains the report Wednesday. After visit­ They found in 1951 after 15 Any students who are inter­ ested in joining should see their girl who did the cowboy singing ing the other US colleges par­ years of work on the problem film classics and yodeling at the Pajamarino ticipating in AUFS, he will re­ that the individual molecules in house chairman, who are: Rick­ etts, Jerry Crocker; Blacker, Jim Rally. As anyone who was there turn to his home in Beirut, Leb­ muscle, hair, fingernail and As a I' e sui t of the small Crosby; Fleming, Jim Collins; can tell you, don't miss this! anon. many other proteins consist of amount of publicity on t his Dabney, Jerry Freeman; Throop, And the rest of the show will be a series of atoms of carbon, hy­ term',s Film Classics Series, all Classes to hear Mr. 'Vitt Gary Boyd. equally as good. drogen, nitrogen, oxygen and of the memberships were not While he is here, Mr. Witt Then on February 26 the Cal­ sometimes other elements which BecalJ.se Bob Salkeld, elected sold. For this reason, the Cal­ will address several history, eco­ tech Glee Club will put on its are coiled into spirals or helixes. Instituter chairman for the year tech YMCA and Film Art So­ nomics and ROTC classes. He world premiere perfonnance. Now they have found t hat 1952 to 1953, left Caltech to at­ ciety are selling memberships will be a guest for lunch with This is going to be another show seven of these coiled molecules tend Yale, the Instituters was for the four remaining film clas­ the Geology Club and with the which we feel will be well worth can be twisted into a cable and not organized during the first sics at $2.00 a membership ($1.67 "Y" Graduate-Faculty luncheon term. attending. group. Next Thursday, January they believe that these cables plus $.33 tax). By doing so, the are present in hair and some March 5 will see the Ben Yost 29, he will speak to the Caltech Y will be able to break even, other proteins. Each cable con­ permitting an even better pro­ Royal Guards, a first quality faculty on "The U.S. and Bra­ group of five male singers. zil." He will also visit Blacker, sists of a central molecule, coiled gram next term. into a spiral, and six 0 the I' Tech awarded Dabney and Fleming Houses for Memberships in Y office dinner and discussion. molecules, also coiled into spi­ Many grad students and fac­ rals, which are themselves coiled Mr. Witt is currently on leave cancer funds ulty members have not had a Psychologist gives around the central molecule to chance to buy memberships. of absence as Professor of Agri­ form the seven-strand cables. A $10,000 grant for cancer re- cultural Rconomics at Michigan Membership cards are available sex lectures This coiling closely resembles, search at Caltech has been made at the Y Office, Dabney Base­ State University. He is editor of At last, the promised sex lec­ that of a rope, in which the in-! b! the Damon Runyon Memo­ ment. Make checks payable to the Journal of Farm Economics. tures sponsored by the "Y" will dividual strands are coiled in· nal Fund. Caltech YMCA. Besides his recent study tour of be given. Next Tuesday at 7:30 one direction, and then the Part of the grant, presented The four films are all excel­ Bra;;il, he spent two years in in 201 Bridge, the eminent psy­ . (Continued on Page 5) to Dr. George W. Beadle, and lent. The fourth is the only si­ Rra;;il and Colombia after \Vorl:] ~----------~--------- representing a renewal of a chologist, E. P. Mindlin-chief lent and is one of the best that \Var II as a representative of grant made last year, will be of the Veteran's Administration was produced. the Department of Agriculture receiv~:es used fOi' studies of growth-reg­ l\lcntal Hygiene Clinic in Los and director of an agricultural Tech ulating mechanisms and part for N ext Monday's program Angeles, will deliver the first of resources mission. He a I s a studies of some naturally oc­ The Monday, January 26, pro­ what promises Lo be a most in­ studied in Brazil from 1941 to Dupont grant curring cancer - producing sub­ gram is the film The Lower teresting and informative series 19±3 as a representative of the stances. Depths. Thi'S is a French film of lectures. produced in 1937 with English Institute of Current World Af­ Caltech and Pomona College, Bread mold growths The talk next Tuesday is en­ fairs. titles. The film is directed by at Claremont, are among 32 in­ The studies of growth-regula­ titled "The Facts of Life" and Highly educated stitutions in the country which tion will be conducted on the Jean Renoir fro m a play by Maxim Gorky, with Jean Gabin will concern itself with the struc­ Mr. Witt is a native of Wis­ will receive new fellowships or bread mold Heurospora by Dr. and Louise Jouvet. "The Lower ture and function of sexual or­ consin, and received a degree grants next year as the result Sterling Emerson, professor of Depths" is the story of a group gans, the biological reasons for in economics from the Univer­ of a survey by the Du Pont genetics. These were undertak­ of social outcasts, set in nine­ sexual urges, and many more sity of Wisconsin. He rereived Company. en, Dr. Beadle said, because teenth century Moscow but told sorted topics. Dr. Mindlin will his master's and doctor's degrees In one plan under this pro­ changes from nonnal to tumor­ with universal appeal. Renoir also discuss probably one of the in agricultural economics from gram, the chemistry department ous growth appear to result translates Gorky',s purely at­ most confusing aspects of the Iowa State College. of Pomona College was award­ from alterations of body proc­ mospheric play into a compel­ present generation, namely, why Following Mr. Nolte and Mr. ed $2,500 for the 1953-1954 aca­ esses which regulate growth. does society as a whole have a demic year, and in the other The funds allocated to the Divi­ ling film, distinguished by its Witt will be two more AUFS poetic quality. In addition there reaction against the word sex. representatives. On February 9, plan, the company has awarded sion of Biology will also help (Continued on Page 5) (Continued on Page 4) Mr. Richard D. Robinson, who a postgraduate fellowship to the (C()lltinued on Page 5) has been studying in Turkey, Caltech chemistry department will arrive to make. his report. to improve the teaching of chem­ Beginners to learn Mr. A. Doak Barnett, an au­ istry to undergraduates by keep­ thority on China, will visit here ing an experienced postgraduate Richard Nolte describes fencing technique from February 20 to 27. in that work within the depart­ ment. The Caltech Fencing Club had Teaching Fellowship Middle Eastern culture its first meeting at 7:30, Janu­ It offers $2,400 for an unmar­ ary 14, in the recreation room oramo Club ried fellow and $3,000 for one While Richard H. Nolte of the in lower Fleming. Committees who is married, provides $500 American Universities Fie I d were appointed to take care of The Caltech Drama Club to the Institute for support of Staff was here last week, the equipment and to investigate the will meet to discuss the title, his work, and pays tuition and California Tech was a b I e to problem of finding an instruc­ casting and organization of fees.
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