University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 8-3-1964 Kabul Times (August 3, 1964, vol. 3, no. 129) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (August 3, 1964, vol. 3, no. 129)" (1964). Kabul Times. 697. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -- -.-.'= ...~- , ­ ....- " ' . ~'''' - :'" . , . -. '."- " - -~ .. .. , . " . ., .' -- , ? ..... ­ : .' - ."- "_a. ~ . - . , , '. , ' " , : " . - . -.. - KABUL TIME8 . AUGUST 2, 1964 'I'HE WEA1JIER -. '- - -.., Y~'6' '1e1q~ .,­ J, Max.,. :il-~ojJ'; Mfn.Iin~ +13°t. - .. '.'- .::;.... ..: , ',,' Kabill.·Thn~ is avallallk-:- at:' . -U"'L'-"~'-; -~ . RanO'er's Sllccess, ,Hailea Sun 'setS':'toClaY::'8i S,51:-lJ.m.· , . : - - , , Khybe-r, Restaurant; SpInz.u' .: -_'!:h ,.' . .-, . PARK CINEMA~ .". I At 5-30, -a and lO·p,m. Amencan Sun rlses tomorrow at 5,8 a.m. ' . Hotel; . Kabul Hotel;. Shllr-e-' " '. B~ I. ll'omorrow's Outlook: Clear - ", - 'Na,w nearPark.Cmema; IUbul' , ..Johnson .As Victory For fimr THE LAST SUNSET starr­ . -..- -",.- Int~mational' -Fereeast by Air Authority . -, . AiJ'Port.·· . ..:,.... - . mg.' Rock H,udSon, Kirk DOltglas ~ - ...... ...: "' . - . and Drothy MalGne. '~KABUL. J,':'~ 12~-1:HJ:.-:S~fI.)-::--- 'M'-::~ ~ Internafional :"Cooperalion', VOL. ill, NO. 129. 'MONDAY,. AUGUST' 1-96-"'4:':",,-fAsAD. .- _.:.' -, -, - PRICE :-'. ...:', <. ; KABUL CINEMA: -~~.......:.. --~ ' ' . , . ' . I W ..\SHL~GTON. August,2, (Reuter).- At 5 and 7·30 p.m. IndIan film; RE..;mE~T JdhllSon Saturda:\" _hailed America's succes~f~ GAHRANA. U.S~A. I p}·ifl:ce'.Re,(;ei12es-.~ulga#an 'jlJP's. ,Edtf~~tio~-~ite~~,ors'·,·· < -• ' • ;r.oon photograp!IY mission' as 3 ",'ie1ory for peacef~l, CIVI- BEHZAD CINEM;\,: .. .. Foreign Policy Seeks URR At 5 and 7~30 p.m. Engltsh film: lian international co-operation." " .' 1 BOND STREET; >~ ~e~r-· ~.cti~it~es· ;_e~kJng to sdienll~ts who ~arly 'ncxt year.. , :.! " . ,.",<-< ;: .••• , " Of. ZAINEB CINEMA: .' Worldwide Victory For Peace " .. ::.11 eeted the Ranger,7 moon shot SCientlsb<gulck Ilr~ ~~udY ~~ iJ~Olrrrbt ,~han ~ndlc~ted tl~: At 5 and 7., p.m. Indian fi!m; ", 11:,11 back' more the pictures. • t II !' Fr~edom, '"~,;,,,' c< Ed:Ulcatio~'Jnstitute'. ,-. '" • I' . 1 t' , 'r alouds-dusty ry,' hl.e a I MR. SAl\'W'AT. I ' And Says Rusk " '-' ., II!(, ,)lelUI es m thQ pane s ~L'a U, . - uld l -'aAe t11C Presiden'!· thanked the moon s so-called seahs wlo d '$ NEW YORK, August, 3, (AP).- KABlJL: Aug. :3.-'I1l~, ~~'tlii.i-d .-- . L .." ' . bi ea lOT t e an- Dr. Verwoerd .Two. "."'11' natJC>ns wjllcn participated be a sUlta e ar . ECRETARY of State Dean Rnsk said Sunday night that - , .part of the annual 'semiIiar' .of, __ '" .,n lobe Gnlted t Sla,e~. rn its. mg.,uf men . 'b " on' for .S U.S. foreign policy seeks "a worldwide victory ~or peace p(o.,,:in,ciaI di,ectors' of"edu~ation , _. ~ > j ..ll1at was one J.g. leas Advi'ces To Britain '. .', ,K, pr"l,' amme~ 1 ' Earthbound and freedom" without a great war or "military orgy" in win- .. began_ ~este~day: it is '-eJq>et>ted' .:- ~ ! H; \\: a~ ~h";\\-:J -some of the moon !{&ngel ~ mlSsl~n. 10 Icle~Gope \~'euld ~?w BALFOUR,.. Transvaal: .Aug.· 2. ­ ning it. , !!~ay~;ntl.~u,e r~ th~' .. fl~~f~.~ thn:~~. ~ I .. ure \' D, 'Wilham H. not .. c se ", .:>.. -. • 1 d h '. i'he ·moon s- surface. (Reuter).-Dr. Hendrik Ver:w?Crd, .. sesslon~ ,... ,. -nt'ln "I' r\ev. -... orn 01,.: ..0.1::J 0 It< d fiat Aides declined to label RUSk's .. At yesteraay s Mr, Toor- _'. .. \.. .~'-~ . o. - ... .,. sho\ye a South African Prime Mlmster. '. '~ t.l ! e~:ar 01' tlie Jet PW"UlSiOO. "'os, p.ctures shou~d r-emarks a reply to criticism by . Yalay .Eteqladi. Chief of th.l! Instl- .. p" ~h~~a' and Dr lllere \\ lih craters <>.1 .v.arymg sald here last night Britain Republican PreSidential Nominee! I tute.:o.f. Eduation' irlformed .the . ~._d~ralor~ lD ~ ..... ~at..i.~. •. '. ~ stop allowing non-whites b~ the~r 'Mrs. Oswald Not , -'-,~,," ".". "1'1' i\~,,~tant Acimmls- ,IZ·6.· '-, 'h t Ba-rry G<>ldwater or to the Repub- - pa~ll"lP!1.llts about the: .work ~of n, ..._. -'-"~ • - - , I ~ d me 'J 10~ 1. " te ·t.,a so ithousands Into its midst: 1f .It hcan Party's call for a "victory the Institute;. Ee'sard .that .the . ,'j:lll' snace s;cenee Lht: 'pI OIOS mUlca. hen wanted to' remain proud ,of Its ough~ for freedom'''foreign policy. But J~s!itut§ has' Deen: -.f~ctioning· .! 1C o·,,:c.:! "":: iter! LPG)' :' Stem. w hav: been made :::'the KABUL August, i.--on the occasion'of the 37th nationhood. .. .' ~ Sure To W'r,"te , e d,'~' c', on '.':.r::.d;l iollo ·:.:c thc big <::nunks 01 rock lai1ded . bl ' the speech dealt with subjects , WI th the-' he.-ip of" .Afghan· aIld ' , , -~ , Dr Verwoerd. who was address-: . ~nf1.•",'IG r Yle~ ..' t '. ~.J·"'ty surfaee' POSSI y anniversary of .the founding of People's Liberation - ex~rts. ( " iJ-C tIe S s utnlr,. nloons , .: mg' a polttical meeting in this raised by critics. 'j.foreii{Tl since III year-s. ..' :--.' , ,- .. --. C ' '. ;- I f- ,,,,.,. of giant-' . meteontes , ''\nn~' of China, Colonel Pan Kan military attache of .1:- ;lld ,'A~ rc')' an'c! by o. ,lITlISm ',.agm~".s " bl eT I ' .' . :Du.tiiig,· thi,s' time, ' he' ,stated. '" .. ':'c;;lie~ tbel~ wn town, 50 miles southeast of Johan­ i': "e\,dl . thIS counlry I V;'n Cll carved 9 gg the Embassy of the People's Republic of China gave nesburg. said Britain had appeal­ Informally, the Secr.etary of To Mrs Ke d .efforts. have be.en. made to im.l?I:Ove .' " ~ States, sPeech-prepared for an "nne Y eduatlor: lit cen~al and provincial .: o r(' ,-rrr>i. ~c,"'a. '.1.0 .nan1 .... ll:-'-- j'e"d~ a b"'\• craters fartherthaway..h mailer a' rece'ption at the. Chinese_ Embassy last eyening. , governm~t ed in public to the of AmerIcan Field Service anniver- _schools. -tr.ain te-acbers of~ normar- ~ ~ ;-~~;< ~ ,Tn~ fac~ . a~ ! ~te~s they The function attended by General Khan Moh- s~alled fri~nd­ -':1:\ . : _.., ,',. was the republic, as a sary dinner-was portrayed as a NEW YORK A f ." ' '.' .; " it "- - " I schools and m-service -teachers' :'. ,", ':,:e P.e-.ce I a...~jCo II tn,,:' :~" ,cnunkss~~l\l;ed ill e 1 dust ammad, the Minister af National Defence, some.other ly gesture. ,to lessen the: sentences, . -"'~atl'on deleg~iion, re~,' pro~;-;~g 'y'n"~'g_ re of existing' U.s. ug 3, (Reuiel ).- . The parliamentary of Bu garia was __ t and also to he.lp ~_ '. ~s:<:. " ~h1(' to !let ...e~ em '" .ade Indicated that unar 1 t d ca'bl'net memobers, hl'gh ranking cl'viI and mili'tary olli- passed at the Rivonia trial. , <l.lUUll Mrs. Manna Oswald. Soviet born ' .' ,. Prine Ah d' Shah-- Uu.>Ul .: '. -- -'. ,.ch some -have specu,a e policy to assure forei~ers of its Widow of alleged presidential assa- f ceived by :His ,Royal' Highiiess Co', rna . men ·in receiving higher trainllrg, , ..•' ":1 <!,' .Clem \'.1I1 I,.. ~e At this trial Nelson Marrdela and ns PflSsl c . h< 1000 'feet , cials and some members 'of diplomatic corps in steadfastness whatever they may ssm Lee Harvey Oswald. W'jS oUu- ' President' of the. Afghan Red Crescent SocietY'yester: ' abroad . , . "i .', -Cj(:n~-:";~ rt:p:1t>d ;hat,. It· m,ght pe as roue . ~s . ' fo~ or!' L"''''...ul. seven otbers were convicted of ~_r-,,< bear during the 1964 presidential te-d Saturday as saYIng she could day. Pict,n-re shows l'iin~e' Ahmad ~~ -~J.1 th«: head, He added that ihe' insfitute. ·bas.:- , ,"",' 101'! the ma:n:en- oecP-ls probably ,on y a t. n4U sabotage and plotting violent re­ t . '," .~' . • I' . o~ep,. , Picture' shows General Khan Mohammad greeted campaign. not brmg herself to ma11 two let, I of Bulgarian'delegatioJi Mr. Georgtev (centre) and Mr. also Succeeded in e.stabllShiitIl ac::' r c; 1- ,,!:J' t," \\ e;,- ''S'' > ,':h I , volution and were sentenced to I. ,'''', . ,-" " ,R'angeb -3 and.9 WIll have;, e by coloneL Pan Kan. • night'}h~ BUlg~ I hfe impri,sonment. ' . ters she wrote to the wldO\\' of Lazare Tochkov.· Last AniD -- rc,;lerated courses. of teacher-tram-: 'c~L '(1; , ).," i' ,~,: """e. <Tools a5 Ranger-/.-taKlIIg ~~_'-'--'-:':'--'.,...,..._~~-'-"""";_ I Without referring to Republican the late Presid€nt Kennedy doi gave a diiiner in·honout: of t~ .d~legatI~n l!t '~bUlassa m~ Et ' 1ii' ., - .,; th ....... .' .' .. Dr Verwoerd said that seemJ .Pt~ldent e.~<l:.. !"xpr~sseu'n ·h '.~ \,'," ·;":.~~J':':~a~.~~ ~'" ~:~'~e,\ ~~:r:;~~~ i I Bntalll was such a great friend allegations, Rusk· said: ''No one Hotel the"function: was Jlttended bJ. .:of ',: " (hatd" : e i!()P1' ""())~ Cninese General, Soviet Marshal r- ., jl- ... a:1d s:C'co. d 1. H1e final: mtr:qte=> _) L, ot l . I of South Africa .he also wanted to b has to convince us the' contest The 23-year-old mother of t'vQ Natio;UI Assetilbly,Dr. Moha.mmad Zahir"~meccabinet" :, vle\~s' ~~~~~: t:, D~~~c:o~e.:~. ". " . <~"~..e··"l'ODn'i~'h;l1:: ""'Dr'lnact Thell.targctareas,ha\e,ncl~1 I" u. do his duty' as a friend of Brttam ;r~~hJ{:~n~~iyd an~:clViI'olli«:ial~; ;~Id ~ext bc,-.t)...~ckcteDh' "cI~~h~ G" d J.\~ecen t between freedom and communist 20udldon't"anbCthevtoe mlnisters.and high,ranking military ,.
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