CITY OF PORT ORFORD REGULAR SESSION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL IN GABLE CHAMBERS THURSDAY, MAY 16,2019 AT 3:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions to the Agenda 3. Presentations to Council! Citizens 4. Consent Calendar a. March 21, 2019 Workshop, April 18, 2019 Workshop, April 18, 2019 Council Meeting b. Parks appointment - Bryan Thompson PUBLIC HEARING: Regarding Comp Plan Tsunami Policies, Tsunami Hazard Overlay Zone, and Overlay Zone Map 5. Citizens' Concerns (Sign Up Only for Old & New Business Items on the Agenda) 6. Departmental Reports Liaison Reports • Public Works .PORT • Administration • Main St./TI... ,T • Police Department .Fire Board • Finance • Parks • Planning Department • Watershed/Health • Mayor's Report • Emergency Management 7. Old Business a. Ordinance 2019-02 Zoning Amendment-Tsunami Hazard Overlay Zone h. Ordinance 2019-03 Comp Plan Amendment-Tsunami Overlay Zone c. Ordinance 2019-04 Tsunami Overlay Zone Map d. Resolution 2019-12 Tourism Advertising Agency e. Ordinance 2019-05 Tourism Advertising Agency 8. New Business a. Workshop Discussion direction to staff h. Outsourcing Recording and Creating of Council Minutes c. Engineers Task Orders to move f01ward d. 9. Continuing Action Items a. Water h. Sewer c. Advertising d. Vac. Rentals e. Brd of Appeals f. Web Site g. Planning Procedures h. ADU's i. Council Rules 10. Considerations a. Citizen h. Staff c. Councilor d. Mayor 11. Future Meetings a. Thursday, June 20, 2019, Regular Council Meeting 3:30 p.m. at City Hall 12. Adjourn CITY OF PORT ORFORD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES IN THE GABLE CHAMBERS THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 2019 Mayor and Council Present City Staff Present .lim AI/born, PhollC Tmie Richards Ciry Admil1/Recorder X Tim POJ!,lJIiZd, Mayor X DCIIJe Johnson Finance Director X Travis IVilliams X Carolyll LaRoche X James Gal'l"CItt X Pat Cox, Presidellt X ljm Campbell X Media Present: None Others Present: 0 1. Call to Order Mayor Tim Pogwizd called to order this Workshop Session of the Common Council of the City of Port Orford in the Police Conference Room on Tuesday, March 21, 2019 at 3:15 p.m. Reason: to discuss the Right-of-Way request at 404 Jackson St. to create parking on the West side of the property for the restored home/vacation rental. Discussion: The Mayor began the discussion with an explanation of his on-site visit of the property and he is veq concerned. The City Administrator discussed this request with two local experts who advised the city should require engineering because it is much more than what it looks like. The Mayor reminded the council that the other side of the bluff just recently slide off on to the beach. The concern is that this is constantly moving ground and if this request is approved and something was to happen and someone is hurt, it could put the city in a bad place. No Councilor felt comfortable doing that. Adjourn There being no further business Mayor Pogwizd adjourned the meeting at 3:28 p.m. Attest: Mayor Tim Pogwizd City Recorder, Terrie Richards CITY OF PORT OFORD WORKSHOP of the COMMON COUNCIL GABLE CHAMBERS, CITY HALL THURSDAY, APRIL 18,2019,2:00 P.M. Media Present: None 1 Mayor and Council Present City Staff Present Tim Pogwizd, Mayor X Terrie Richards City Administrator X Pat Cox, President X Dave Johnson Finance X • Carolyn LaRoche Absent Travis Williams X Jim Campbell X I-"-- James Garratt X i Vacant i Others Present: Teresa Kolibaba 1. Call to Order Mayor Tim Pogwizd called to order this Workshop of the Common Council of the City of Port Orford in the Gable Chambers on Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. Discussion The Mayor began the meeting by explaining the results of a previous meeting he had with the Finance Director and the City Administrator regarding the importance of the contact time project and the PLC project. He believes these projects can be done in-house. The Mayor then handed the meeting over to the Finance Director to explain what they found. Finance Director David Johnson explained that they roughly estimated it was going to be a three hundred fifty thousand dollar project. In order to come up with that the water enterprise does not have the money. There is one hundred forty thousand in the water capital reserve and we can transfer one hundred fifty thousand from the general fund. The water SDC's can only be used to increase the capacity, this project does not increase the capacity those funds are not applicable. Councilor Williams asked where the city was at with the PLC since council voted to have that done. The CA explained what the engineers understood. For the PLC and Contact Time the engineers are putting together a task order and waiting for cost estimates. They were asked to submit two options for council to consider. The PER is for future funding, not needed for the Contact Time and the PLC since the city is funding them. At the last workshop with the engineers, the council received a list of the priorities the council could choose from the list or add to the list. The Council chose to add to the list at a second workshop. Further discussion of what the engineers said at the last workshop and what the council understood. The Mayor reiterated the importance of the two projects and they need to accomplish this. He said they could use the money as a match and go for a bigger project but the council would have to make that call. Council Workshop Minutes April 18, 2019 Page 1 of 1 The council understands the importance of the two projects and wants to move forward but still have unanswered questions. They would specifically like to know the feasibility of building the baffling outside the tank. Discussion on what that would look like The council is still up in the air on baffling the tank or going with a larger tank. The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 3:10 P.M. Tim Pogwizd, Mayor A'ITEST: Terrie Richards, City Recorder Council Workshop Minutes April IS, 2019 Page 2 of 1 CITY OF PORTORFORD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES IN THE GABLE CHAMBERS THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2019 I Mayor and Council Present City Staff Present Vacant Terrie Rkhards City AdminI Rel'01t!er X ]in! Campbell Excllsed Shala McKen;;je K1Idla,: City Atto!71f!J' X Carolyn LaRoche EXiltJed DalJid JoIJllJ"ol1 Finance Diredor X I . Pat Cox, Presidetlt X Hank Hobart Police Chiif X i I I i James Garratt X I Tim PogJlJiZd, Mqyor X I i Tram lVilliams i X i Media Present: Port Oxford News Brice Wagner Others Present: 22 1. Call to Order Mayor Pogwizd called to order this Regular Meeting of the Common Council of the City of Port Orford in the Gable Chambers on Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 3:30 p.m. He then asked those present to rise and join him in the pledge of allegiance. The Mayor asked everyone to silence his or her phone. 2. Additions to the Agenda - None The Mayor then asked fot a moment of silence recognizing Past Mayor and Councilor Jim Auborn. He stated that we lost a great man a couple of weeks ago. The Mayor wotked with Mr. Auborn for twelve yeats and appreciated his insight and that he did a lot for Port Orford. Celebration of Life is May 19, 2019 at 3:30 at the Zion Luthetan Church. 3. Special Presentation to Citizens/Council- None 4. Consent Calendar Minutes of Match 21, 2019 Budget Committee Appointments - Carren Copeland & John Leuthe Councilot Williams moved to apptove the Consent Calendar as ptesented with Councilor Cox as second. Motion carried 6 - 0 Councilor Cox Aye Councilor LaRoche Councilor Williams Aye Councilor Councilo1' Garratt Aye Councilor Campbell ___ 5. Citizens' Concerns - None 6. Departmental Reports *Public Wotks - Council questions answered earlier in the workshop. Mr. Eckhoff invited all the council to stop by the plant so they could have a better understanding of the opetations. *Police Department Article in Santa Rosa Ca. praising the Chief fot a job well done on a stolen carl dog from that area. *Planning Depattment - Councilor Cox asked what the conditions were on a proposed subdivision. Legal Counsel Shala Kudlac said she could not remember them and suggested reading the staff report. City Planner Crystal Shoji explained some of the general conditions. * PORT - they are going after bigger funding, they have a contractor starting demolition on the old cannery, and they lowered the lift fees across the board. Breakwater repair this summer, going out for funding for a new crane, *Main St. Councilor Williams reading from notes given to him. Coming up: Open Heart Dinner, painting murals on trash receptacles, signs, whale mural, and refreshing planters. *Main St Upcoming meeting on April 25, 2019 at the OSU Field Station. Steven Dahl and Karen Auborn will attend a Main Street meeting in Seatde. Other exciting things happening. *Fire Board - gearing up on contract and they are in need of volunteers. New water tender coming. Repairs to the Fire Hall starting next month. *Watershed/Health Councilor LaRoche reported they are working on a grant for gorse removal; they need someone to go in yearly to help with removaL 3:47 PUBLIC HEARING: Regarding Comp Plan Tsunami Policies, Tsunami Hazard Overlay Zone, and Overlay Zone Map. Staff Report: City Planner Crystal Shoji explained she would not go through the whole staff report. The page numbers in the report do not match the ordinance, which is not a big deal.
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