Campus SADD chapter plans to educate students Driving Drunk, is a national since last Halloween." Buffa began thinking about organiz- college students by not mixing By tracy Peel organization which educates said. News Editor ing a local chapter last spring drinking and driving. 3) To people in order to prevent Two of his friends, Luke ai'ter returning to school. reduce the number of alcohol- A meeting to organize a Beckly and Tony Evans, were drunk driving accidents. The local chapter will model related deaths, injuries and SADD chapter at the Universi- Organizer John Buffa sees a killed last year when a drunk its goals after the national arrests. 4) Encourage respon- ty of Idaho will be held Wed- definite need for a SADD chap- driver in a pickup truck col- SADD guidelines. They are: sible use of alcoholic bever- nesday, Nov. 2 in the Ee-da-ho ter on campus. "Five Idaho lided with them head-on. Buf- 1)To eliminate drunken driv- ages by students of legal age Room at the SUB. students have died as a result fa and Jim Dunnigan were also ing and save lives. 2) To prom- See SADD page 2 SADD, or Students Against of alcohol related accidents in the car, but survived. They ote responsible behavior by l, l988 Tuesday, November Associated Students University of Idaho Vol. 9l, No. 20 Marriott promises to consider student input com- Beth Pettibon food they are served. The By pany's "Wellness Program" Staff Writer provides literature regarding Seven Marriott Corp. sales the nutritional content of all executives were on the Univer- the food they serve. In addi- sity of Idaho campus Monday tion, the representatives said to give presentations and allow all the recipes have been discussion at a series of meet- approved by the American ings explaining the food con- Heart Association. tract proposed by the corporation. Proposed features Marriott officials would offer in the resi- The day-long series ofmeet- dent dining hall include: two ings explained their business breakfast meats daily, an philosophy, employee training increase in breakfast entrees and benefit packages, market- (such as crepes), omelette bar, ing strategies and plans to wafIIe bar, and for lunch an improve what is presently expansion in the salad bar available for the university. (boasting 20 to 30 toppings), a self-service spice rack and representatives -have '- The condiment bar, bagel bar.. three weeks surveying spent microwaves in the dining area, area to find out the Moscow and sack.lunches for students what like to eat. Mar- people unable to eat during desig- said are very inter- riott they nated hours. ested in feedback from stu- dents and proposed a student "We can offer a program committee which will have that is equal to or far superior direct input into menu selec- to the current program," said tions at Wallace. Sue Tracy, regional director of "We are a contractor and human resources. Tracy pointed the fringe bene- therefore if you don't like us, upon can oi's," fits available to food service you get rid Seaton said'she said. employees and often refers students to the corpo- "The key is we will listen to rate offices for further career what the customers want," advancements. said Jim Seaton, a regional "We want as many students Marriott. vice president for to work as is physically possi- "Change is the biggest thing ble," Tracy said. "We rely quite we see on a campus. It's also about 50 percent, on that we build a bond heavily, important students. I often recruit stu- trust with our employees." and dent managers to be a mana- Marriott, a multi-billion ger within the company, dollar corporation which because these students know employs over 200,000 people what's going on." nationwide, beat out six other Other features proposed companies for the bid. The include focus groups to stay in contract will affect the Wallace touch with campus needs, Complex cafeteria, the Stu- student food committees, dent Union Building, the dorm meetings to give sugges- Satellite SUB, the Kibbie tions and critiques, surveys, a Dome concessions, and Targ- menu "hotline" where stu- hee and Steel halls. dents can dial-in for the day' menu, a comment table avail- Residence hall students can able during meals, and anticipate no further "munch money." "Munch increases in the spring semes- money" can be used in place of ter if Marriott is awarded the a meal and is valid at any ofthe contract, and the company will university's food service adhere to university regula- locations. tions. The company would continue to buy from local President Gibb and other UI suppliers in addition to bring- executives are expected to ing in fresh food weekly, reach a decision on whether or instead of large purchases not Marriott will take over the quarterly or by the semester. program by the middle of Marriott stressed the November. If they are Hall' increase in the demand that accepted, the company will be Chainsaw fanatic Shawn McFarland yreyares to massacre Bill VanDyck at Targee students have made in know- in full operation by January 1, annual haunted house Saturday night. Johann ing the nutritional value of the 1989. ARGONAUT/Aiicia 2 l; i~.-.da v Ncivc-.mac I I cia Argonaut d Engineering receives 5.5 rniiiion gift ::I The compLIter program iJeII Ieu Paced res ~Lh By Dan Meldazis vali aiiovv users to design posiuon on the Ul facul- STaff ll'JTITcr elecfrfcai circuits and to ty. Sho~ac's salary is paid The College of Engi- simulate the operauon of bv Hev'lett-Pa~d. the same circuits. neering at the University This Nine computer termi- ~.ail of Idaho has received a save time Iri circuit nal in the Johnson Elec- gift from the Hewlett- design by determining trlml Engineering Labor- ho;; wiU Packard Corp. a circuit operate atory v1II have access to The college received a vvTrhoui actuaiiy haf,1ng the computer program package of computer soft- LG bLIlid iL including student work- "Now v;are for the designing of we have a set of rooms and the NASA electticai circuits. The tools that are really engineering laboratory. software has a price tag Industry standard and of Hewlett-Packard has use of $564,000 and will high quality. allowing recently signed an agree- to do more research and benefit both researchers ment to a UI projects," said John buy and students at the more designed computer chip. college. Shovic. who holds the I g I Ii r.0~ii ) ! ' IIKI <f1 o ! IDlrlHi <r ohio j *"'"" 0 rz The College ofEngineering awarded Tom Garrison, a senior mechanical engineering major, with a Hewlett-Packard calculator for the design of a poster. The poster was col- designed to persuade high school students to enter the lege's bridge building contest during the Centennial Celeb- ration next spring. Photo courtesy of Geoffrey Breed SADD from page 1 home rather than drive home who choose to drink. 5) To drunk. "We'e drink- demonstrate that the majority not against of college students are respon- ing," said Jason Albrecht, sible adults with a genuine another one of the organizers. "We concern for alleviating DUIs. just want to promote alcohol." He hopes to plan campus awareness of activities such as an aware- They plan to increase awareness by publishing a ness week, and to work with a De1ta Gammas Friday morning with this mess their pledge class local bars on the designated SADD newsletter. They hope is whet the got of the vic- them before leaving for their pledge sneajE. One Deka Gamma said. "Weal pimp driver program which will pro- plaque in memory left j08st tims of drunk driving will them over good before they retTSrn." vide free non-alcoholic drinks ARGONAUI'/Jason Munroe to a person who agrees to make students think before soaHY'Surprise," remain sober to drive their they drink. friends home. He also wants to "I'd like to encourage people distribute a college version of EVERY QUITTER IS A %INNER. to get involved,"said Albrecht. the 'contract for life.'n agree- BulTa said, "It's going to be a The Great American Smokeout. Nov. 17. CANCER ment between friends that one good program." will call the other for a ride 4 4 00 ~ C)M v. ~ ', ~, ~ ~ I ~ ~ SEAT SHORTAGE IORLHIII0VI I BOOK HO% FOR THE HOLIDAYS BLACK LABEL SKIN OW OOOOOTAIP SONY SALINE LONDON fram 260 429 SEER WALKMAN SCENTS PARIS from 320 640 SONTION COPENHAGEN from 380 670 STOCKHO VIII from 395 770 Twelve pack, twelve ounce Stereo cassette player Skin Scents solid scent Sauech and Lomb Sensitive SYDNEY from 405 745 cans. Carling Slack Label WMA10 features metal tape alikes. Perfect for women on Eyes saline solution for soft AUCKLAND from 380 725 shut.off and the go. No epllllng, breaking lenses. Twelve ounce bottle. COSTA RICA from 175 350 Canadian style beer. playback, auto RIO DE JANEIRO from 440 860 headphones. REQ. 3SAI7. or leaking. REQ. 5.00. REQ. 2.39. TOKYO from 405 585 MADRID fram 305 521 HONOLULU from 165 310 LIMIT SAVE SAVE SAVE AMSTERDAM from 370 495 * 6Qc FUGHTS AVAILABLE FROM 4 ALL MAJOR L.S.CmES ~ CALL FOR FREE INFORMATION BOOKLET ~ ADVICE FROM THE EXPERTS DRUG FAIR 1-800-777-0$ 12 DRUG FAIR IN CAUFORNIA CALL Open 9 to 9 Mondays 421 North Main 1-2$3-824-1574 thru Saturdays, Moscow, Idaho f204 MEUIOSE AVE 10 to 8 Sundays. LOS ANGELES PRICES g000 TIIRU 114I48 CA 00040 g Argonaut Tuesday. November 1, IS News Briefs e The Campus Democrats will meet at 8 p.m.
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