Modern Blasphemy: Earth is Not a Globe BY: MAYESVARA DASA Mar 04, 2016 — IRELAND (SUN) — Part One. The following is a response to an article by Rajasekhara dasa Brahmacari entitled "Flat Earth Theory - Completely Flattened", posted on Sampradaya Sun February 25 2016. It is also a response to an article by Krishna dasa entitled "Bhu-mandala". MAYA There are many objections to the Flat Earth theory raised by Rajasekhara Prabhu in his article, so I will have to split this response into different parts. The following paper or Part One will give so- me context to this discussion, and explain what the Srimad Bhagavatam actually describes to be the shape, situation and location of Earth to the rest of the Vedic Universe. Without being clear on the Srimad Bhagavatam's description of Earth we will have no basis to evaluate and judge information about the Earth coming from non-Vedic sources. In later parts we can discuss anomalies in the globe conception, arguments for a flat Earth, and of course, Srila Prabhupada's quotations on the subject. Rajasekhara dasa: "It is surprising that someone who claims to understand Vedic science would support their theory with wholly unscientific evidence. Obviously Mayesvara has no genuine scientific un- derstanding judging by the evidence he is presenting in support of his 'Flat Earth' speculation. In fact he appears to be an intellectual midget posing as some kind of spiritual colossus with his concocted version of Shrimad Bhagavatam 'As It Is'. This is simply a deceitful trick to in- fluence innocent minds that his version of the Bhagavatam is somehow bona-fide and on the same level as Shrila Prabhupada's Bhagavad-gita As Is Is." The difficulty for anyone hearing this concept of a flat Earth for the first time is that a whole set of conditioned responses are immediately set into motion. Next to the cross, the globe is perhaps the most iconic image in the modern world. To question the authenticity of the globe is the mo- dern blasphemy. Rajasekhara Prabhu, you believe in the globe, but have you personally went out into outer space to see what it really looks like? I don't think so! So let's just stop for a moment and consider our smallness and lack of personal experience. Rajasekhara Prabhu you have not personally seen the globe with your own eyes. Isn't that interesting. Now you may think that you have seen the globe, but really, all that you've ever seen is an image of the globe that has been presented to you by government agencies such as NASA, the education system, and various me- dia channels (we'll come to the other world space agencies presently). So, here you are, unques- tioningly believing the education and the images that you have been presented all your life about the nature and shape of the Earth, and along comes Mayesvara dasa to inform you that the who- le thing is fake and that you've been lied to. So what does the false ego say? The false ego says: who is the upstart guy Mayesvara that thinks he knows something more than me and the rest of the world to question the very shape and nature of the planet we live on. Obviously he must be 'a midget trying to be a colossus' because how otherwise could Rajashekhara das brahmacari be subject to such a colossal deception as to think the world is round when it is actually flat. But remember you have never personally seen the world from outer space with your own eyes; so for the moment, a least exercise just a little humility that maybe you don't know as much as you think you do. And please exhibit just a little curiosity in regards to what I'm trying to com- municate because the nature of the Lord's illusory energy is vast, and you cannot say that you've seen the end of it: na vai maharaja bhagavato maya-guna-vibhuteh kastham "The great Rsi Sukadeva Gosvami said: My dear King, there is no limit to the expansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead's material energy." (SB 5.16.4) Just possibly, the globe Earth concept is part of the Lord's maya that he now wishes to remove with the construction of the Mayapur Vedic planetarium which will reveal the true form of Bhara- ta-varsha as it rests on the great horizontal plane of Bhu-mandala. Why the true form of Bhara- ta-varsha has been hidden will take some time explain, so I ask the reader to bear with me. Rajasekhara Prabhu, when I presented you with just one of the many videos analyzing just a few of the many examples in which NASA had faked the pictures of the Earth, you immediately lap- sed into Stockholm Syndrome, defending your mental captors whilst stigmatizing a good Chris- tian person (Rob Skiba) as demoniac simply because he wants to remove the delusion from the eyes of the world by exposing the massive deception that NASA has perpetrated against you and your 7.4 billion brethren: Rajasekhara dasa: "Rather than quote from demons and what he sees on You-Tube, Mayesvara should concent- rate on bona-fide shastric souces of information" In the same breath Rajasekhara Prabhu appeals to the same demoniac non-shastric, non-bonafi- de sources to support his globe: "However, I say forget NASA, what about the Indian Space Mission (ISRO) & their photo- graphs of the Earth. What about the Chinese & Japanese Space Missions, what to speak of the Russians, who were the first to put a man in Earth's orbit. You can only 'orbit' an 'orb', not a flat plain. The Russians say the Earth is a round globe. All these countries, India, Japan, China, and Russia, have sent probes to the moon. No one has reported a 'Flat Earth'. On the contrary, they have all agreed that the Earth is a round globe...What about all the countries that have also launched satellites into Earth's 'orbit' including; Britain, Germany, France, Bra- zil and even North Korea, to name just some. ...They are in fact unanimous that the Earth is a round globe." So you trust the world's governments that are collectively responsible for 42 million abortions a years, and the slaughter of approximately 50 billion animals. The largest industries in the world are connected to war, intoxication, and illicit sex, all aspects of Kali-yuga government Do you not believe Srila Prabhupada when he says that world is presently run by asuras, and that truth is not found in them na satyam tesu vidyate (Bg 16.7). THE APPEARANCE OF THE HOLY NAME For what reason do you think the incarnation of the Holy Name has appeared in the world? Srila Prabhupada explained on numerous occasions that the external reasons for the Lord's present appearance in the world are the same as those that precipitated His appearance 5,000 years ago. The following verse and purport are an example of many such statements: "When the world is overburdened by unnecessary military arrangements and when various demoniac kings are the executive heads of state, this burden causes the appearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. (SB 10.1.17) Purport As the Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (4.7): yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam srjamy aham "Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that time I appear Myself." When the residents of this earth become atheistic and godless, they descend to the status of animals like dogs and hogs, and thus their only business is to bark among themselves. This is dharmasya glani, de- viation from the goal of life. Human life is meant for attaining the highest perfection of Krish- na consciousness, but when people are godless and the presidents or kings are unnecessarily puffed up with military power, their business is to fight and increase the military strength of their different states. Nowadays, therefore, it appears that every state is busy manufacturing atomic weapons to prepare for a third world war...rogues and thieves in the guise of pro- tectors arrange for a voting system, and in the name of democracy they come to power by hook or crook and exploit the citizens. Even long, long ago, asuras, per- sons devoid of God consciousness, became the heads of state, and now this is hap- pening again. The various states of the world are preoccupied with arranging for military strength. Sometimes they spend sixty-five percent of the government's revenue for this pur- pose. But why should people's hard-earned money be spent in this way? Because of the present world situation, Krishna has descended in the form of the Krishna cons- ciousness movement. This is quite natural, for without the Krishna consciousness move- ment the world cannot be peaceful and happy." (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.1.17 and Purport) Srila Prabhupada explains here that just as the asuras had gained control over the Earth 5,000 years ago, so now 'this is happening again.' Of course, Krishna has ultimate control over all as- pects of material existence, but since he allows the living entities to exercise free will, the asuras naturally become stronger at certain points thereby creating massive disturbances in the world. Such is the present condition of the world. When irreligion or 'Satanic influence' becomes promi- nent, at that point Krishna appears to re-establish dharma.
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