4 ;.■ ■ '■ ■■ 1 .: ■■ .., jF-'f'i ■<*■'"iA'' *‘i’.•4''*s*' ^ w . j ;■' ■ y•if''--', . ... 1 fSUBSDAY, ODCKNn^Mtl m . ' . / iOattr^t^r lEnmi^ l|«raUi : #. ' A*; Local Brlttoh W c veteimna will i t ttaet at the Hotmos Funeral Rome Four to Seek Engaged Chief '.a s taught at.7 o'clock to pay reepecta No Herald to the late Robert H. McKinney. CUy 0 / A aon w u bom to Mr. «n9il Mrs. Zone Qianges m F . -M- Voxton of 40 Oliver L t and Mrs. tlobert A. Jones will Tomorrow Motorists on leave by plane tomorrow night T ater, at the Hart- VOL. I ^ m . NO. 7f AfiMrOalip (HI n ^ l 4 ) M 9I3 . on Dec.. SO. Mr. from Bradley Field, for Fort Ben- The Manchester Evening Public HoiuHng Sched> Night Radar Ev«ry Saturday N ight .MANCRSIffER. CONN.. WEDN^DAV* I (SIXTEEN PAGES) Saston litumeO fdr the event lilng, Ga., where Lt. Jones to an frona Umea^ne AFB. Maine, instructor in the Weapons Dept Hendd will not publish to­ uled for Jutuary 11 where he to aasigned as a field They have/ been spending the holi­ morrow, New Year'i Day. Chief of Police Herman O. At 7:45 P.M. representative for Pratt A WHlt- days visiting their parents.'.Mrs. The Herald wishes its In Municipal Building Bchendel < warning local lesldants Brid||ing a Cap, ArmySItiUR W f Alrem ft MUton Townaend,'’ 85 Henry St.', Indochina and Mr. and Mrs. G; W. Jondl, 354 readers a happy and pros­ Four applications are on the who may gc partying tonight to ORANGE HALL Summit St • perous 1954. drive slov/ly if for no other reason The Friendship Circle of the agenda for the next public hearing MANCHESTER. CONN. of the Zoning Board at Appeals.Tlia than that a radar patrol will be Salvation Army has elated of­ Washington I/3L. No. 117, and War Piich ficers for the year 1054 as follows: session, open to the public, will be operating. Mrs. Jean doush, president, sue Royal Black Preceptory, No. 18, Ha said the mkchlne haa fieen ue requested to meet tonight at Births at ths Hartford Hospital held Mondsy evening, Jan. 11, In odt all week and haa caused eight eeedtaif Mrs. James V. Munsle; 7 o'clock at the Holmea Funeral MrsTMl:[Iriam Ferrto, secretary; on Dec. 28 included a aon to Mr. the Municipal Building haaiing tickets and 65 warnings to be Mrs. Ethel. Carlson, treasurer; Home, 400 Main St., to pay final and Mrs. Clifford Prince, 88 Elisa­ room. Issued to niotortoU so far. Yes­ reapecta to Robert H. McKinney beth Dr., and a daughter to Mr, terday klone thbte 'wer4 icrwkm- Mrs. Bertha Hall, chaimfanImii of the who died yesterday and waa a McClure Realty and the provram committee; Mrs. Ullian and Mrs. Charles E. Utting, 88 W. Texas Co. have made a joint ap­ inga. TOWN t COUNTRY W epEirS OUTLET Hanoi, Indochind, 'Dec. 80 SCeCann, chairman of the flower member of both lodgee. Center St. plication seeking permission to Chief Scbendel said the machine 4/ Ut)—The last French fortress committee, Mrs. Myrtle McComb, erect a S-bay service station on has been used successfully after in northweit Indochina fait American Legion Auxiliary Glenn H. Stimson, chief engineer men Lose Lives chaplain. A brief business meet- members are reminded that the the southeast comer of Strant and dark, with one of the arrests this Is Moving To the increased pitch of battle Inc and social with exchance of and sales manager of the Gage Main Sta, in Busineaa Zone III. A week having been made Tuesday first meeting of the year J8o4. will division of the Greenfield Tap A today as rebel VIetminh units gifts at the home of Mrs. Mtmale be held Monday at 8 p. m. in the state hearing accompanies the ap­ night. I tightened pressure on Dien on. Russell St., followed a din­ American ^ L<^oa. Hall, also that Die Oorp., Greenfield, Mass., will plication. McClure, who has the ^ e chief hopes to cut down 41 PURNELL r^OE^-MANGHESTER it ner a t Miller’s restaurant. they bring in their coupons. speak Monday On taps and tapping Hudson dealership on the opposite speed, to prevent a repetition of Bien Phu. French sources Chimps Attea^ Seience M ^ing to the Hartford Chapter of the comer, now usee the OKs for a last weekend wlien there were 11 « > A C | t OSF'm AIN tT„ m THI speculated that U is the major Magsaysay Fires Start; American Society of Tool Engl- c used car lot. Liglita and aignt for accidents. One of the accidents Forbes Warren la general chair­ neera. The group will hold a din­ objective in the current Com­ man of the committee in charge of the station, will slso be asked. resulted in the death of a pedes­ N i ART OP DO¥^OW II munist winter campaign, per: the Cyp Club dance in Woodruff ner at 6:30 p. m. at the City Club Shell Oil Co. wknta to replace ■oMiSi P, Naylor trian, and there were' several hit- Takes Oatl Hall, tonight from 8:30 to 13:30, of Hartford and a technical meet­ Its present sign at Center and Marla J. THvigao and-run cases. Bridgway MllU WUI Bemala e* MMdle Tarapika haps in preparation for an­ 11 Thrown to which all Manchester young ing beginning at 8:16 p. m. in Adams S t, Business Zone H, lo­ The radat ne^ has been set up other push into the already- people are Invited. Mr. and Mrs. Hartford Gas Co. auditorium. cated closer to the street line than Mr. and Mrs. James Trlvigno, this week on Center and E. Center invaded kingdom of Laos. Hooks Johnson will be chaperones. regulatkms allow. fl8 Cambridge St., announce the Btreeta and Hartford Road. Tha Rad-led tnvadara who knifad As Leader Into River Ann Simpson is In charge of re­ Jesse Keeney will ask permis­ engagement of their daughter, .acroM Mutham Laoa to Thakbak freshments and Peggy* Woltersdorf Manchester Driver sion to convert a single family ‘on tha Thailand border laat weak Manila, Dec. 30 </F)—Peppy and Barbara Field, deOoratlons. dwelling into a two-family dwel­ Marie J. Trivlgno, to Robert B. had made no apparent new mova In Wllmingtoii, Del., Dee. 80 Tlcketa may be obtained a t . the ling-at 158'Keeney St. Munson, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Ben­ four dayi. But at DIan Blan ^ u , Ramon Magsaysay, a 46- (4V~Two tankers crashed in door. In Hartford Crash Brown-Beaupre, Inc., will ask jamin Munson, 288 Porter St. HOME OP QUALITY 800 airline mllaa to tha northwest, year-old blacksmith’s son, the fog-bound Delaware River for an increase in the number of MIsa Triyigno wee graduated o r c h a r d troopi of tha Viatminh "Iron Divi- pledged an / ’honest, efficient early today, kilUng at leoat Alphonae LaChance, 62, of 290 used- cars it may display at 358 E. from Manchester High School, DAVEY valon' dmw within four mUaa of and constructive government” five crewmen. The tankers, Bldwell St., waa arrested in Hart­ Center S t Class of 1951, and Connecticut In­ OPTICAL COMPANY .^a fortramad plain brtotling with stitute of Hairdressing in Hart­ today b^ore a > cheering Atlantic Dealer and Atlantic ford yesterday on a charge of . 24 Hour Service Plegse Notice French~ .................................... Union troopa and■ Atmarl- l EXPERT WATCH operating a -motor vehicle under ford, Class of 1952. She to asso­ .761 Mala S t, Manchester t-: un-aupplied arms throng of .100,000 that saw Engineer collided os they thb influence of liquor as the Ksult ciated with her father at. the Patrola Claah Twice him sworn in as the third sought safe anchorage in the REPAIRIN8 EMER6ENCY of .aN^wo-car accident in that city. Driver Unhurt James' Beauty Salon. D«a to tke |iiiei««slBg amoaat of work and detaB whick gsoa K French Army apokasman aald An experlwentnl ecieoars-type bridge VYhleh to enrrted nod President of this 7-year-old fog-shrouded river ortting off Hartford police said the accident Mr. Munson graduated from wttk our expaadkig fruit growing business It has hecoaee necea strong French Union patrola clash­ launched by • turret-lam huMi, 1 ^ unfaMs daring AmMuetratien at OIL lURNER Manchester High School, Class of sary for us to have a full time manager at eur etora on Ofhland ed twice With Viatminh troop* Renublic. fires on both veoaels. Diob RgfMsHffd occurred at the intersection of Fart Batrior, Va. Bridgei. made ei alawliiiim, to derignad to earry "Fog this young and rigorous The fire apparently eauaod UtUe SERVICE Commerce and Grove Streets. 111 Auto Upset 1959. He attended the University Street. northwait and. Bouthwaat of Dian of Connecticut and Crystal Re­ Blan Phu. TheYa waa a strong in­ leads up to SO tons. OpoiMad hydranttenny,' the hridga fold* buck nation at ours, nothing ig really damage and both tha Atiaatlc IUk PERM-O-SEAL CRYSTALS Ralph Stanissi, 30, of 100 Glen­ Begtaulag Jan. 1. 1954, Douglaa A. King, a loag time resident over tha tank for psrtagr. It waa, dm-elapad by Anmjr Enyiaean .-it impossible," the staunch former fining Co. tankers awaited fiavor- dale AvSm the driver of the other search Laboratories, Hartford, and dication the Viatminh might be A convertible beaded aoiith on is now serving in the U. S. Navy HALE'S of Manchester, and welt expertenced In refeaUing frvU aad vega- trying to mova atriking forcoa into their Fart Bolvair rMaarall -labamtoriae. 8.,'Army n o te Via Defense- Secretary declared in bis abla tides to prooaad under their Oaaranteed Workmaaship CALL car, required emergency trekt- S.
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