________________________ society NEWS The Bulletin of the ENFIELD ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY ________________________ December 2001 No 163 CONTENTS FORTHCOMING EVENTS EAS MEETINGS 14 December 2001: Poland: 1000 Years of ivilisation 1" Jan$ary 2002: PP%16 & ommercial 'rchaeolo)y, +as it Worked- 1. /ebr$ary 2002: rimea: 0eltin) Pot of Peo1le OTHER SOCIETIES SOCIETY MATTERS MEETING REPORTS York 0inster: En)land2s 3ar)est Stained %lass 0$se$m 4ensal %reen emetery THE OUTPUT FROM THE WHITEWEBBS PUMPIMG STATION AND THE SECTION OF THE NEW RIVER LOOP IN THE GROUNDS OF MYDDELTON HOUSE ENFIELD PASTFINDERS: NEWS FROM THE FIELDWORK GROUP OBITUARY: PETER REYNOLDS INNOVA PARK, RAMMEY MARSH SMALL FINDS Society Ne5s is 1$blished 6$arterly in 0arch* #$ne* Se1tember and December 7(e Editor is Jon 7anner* 24 Padsto5 8oad* Enfeld* 0iddlese: EN2 ";<* tel: 020 "36= "000 >day)@ 020 "3.0 04A3 >(ome?@ email: BmtCb(11DcoD$4 2 develo1ers and t(e a$t(orities 5ill be e:1lored FORTHCOMING to attem1t to determine 5(et(er commercial archaeolo)y (as 5orkedD /inally, t(e matter of EVENTS local versus commercial archaeolo)y 5ill be e:amined N do 5e need chan)e- Jon 'anner()obin *ensem 0eetin)s of t(e Enfeld 'rc(aeolo)ical Society are (eld at #$bilee +all* 2 Parsona)e 3ane* Friday 1+ F!$ruary %&&% Enfeld >near (ase Side? at "D001mD 7ea and Crimea: +elting Pot of People coEee are served and t(e sales and information Ian Jones table is o1en from =D301mD Fisitors, for 5(om a c(ar)e of G1D00 5ill be made* are very 5elcomeD 7(ere is far more to t(e rimean 1enins$lar on t(e nort( side of t(e ;lack Sea t(an B$st bein) Friday 1 D!"!#$!r %&&1 t(e site of one of o$r less 5ellNcond$cted 5ars Poland: 1000 Years of Civilisation and t(is lect$re 5ill s(o5 t(e diversity of Ste1(en %ilb$rt cult$res t(at (ave fo$rished in t(e area since t(e frst millenni$m ; D /rom aro$nd t(e middle 7(e frst recorded Polis( r$ler of t(e area of t(at millenni$m m$c( of t(e area 5as aro$nd %niezno and PoHnan 5as converted to occ$1ied by a Scyt(ian nomad kin)domD In t(e (ristianity in A66 and bot( cities still (ave t(eir early frst millenni$m ; %reeks 5ere also medieval cat(edrals. In 103" t(e ca1ital 5as visitin) t(e area to trade and fsh and t(is led in mo!ed to 4ra,o!* 5(ic( (as many 1reser!ed t$rn to settlements incl$din) 4erc( 5it( its medieval and 8enaissance b$ildin)s. ;y 160A incredible tombs 5(ich 5ere fo$rishin) from t(e Warsa5 (ad become t(e ca1ital and many fne 6t( cent$ry ; on5ards. 7(ey event$ally came c($rches and 1alaces 5ere b$ilt >and later to)et(er in a $nited ;osp(oran kin)dom* 5(ich reb$ilt follo5in) t(eir destr$ction in t(e Second later 1assed $nder t(e control of t(e 'natolian World War?D kin)dom of Pont$s. In t$rn t(e area 1assed Jt(er exam1les of Poland2s cult$ral $nder t(e control of 8ome and later formed 1art (erita)e to be sho5n 5ill incl$de t(e medieval of t(e ;yzantine Em1ire some of 5(ose more to5n (alls at Wrocla5 and 7or$n* t(e 7e$tonic im1ressive remains survive at (ersonesus. 4ni)(t2s castle at 0albor,* t(e +anseatic 1ort of 7(e rimean ste11es 1assed $nder t(e %dansk, t(e 1lanned 8enaissance to5n of control of t(e 4(aHar nomads as 1art of t(eir Kamosc, !ernac$lar 5ooden b$ildin)s in o1en em1ire from t(e .t( cent$ry 'DD S$bse6$ently air m$se$ms, boo, ill$strations, 1aintin)s, fol, t(ey con!erted to #$daism and t(o$)( most art and traditional cost$mes. e!ent$ally mi)rated to t(e 5est a tiny minority of Stephen Gilburt rimean #e5s still live t(ere today. D$rin) t(e 12t( cent$ry t(e coastal to5ns 1assed $nder t(e Friday 1' (a)*ary %&& control of %enoa and 5ere fortifed as can be PPG16 – Commercial Archaeolog ! "as it seen at S$da, and aEaD 7(e 13t( cent$ry sa5 #orked% t(e arrival of t(e 0on)ols and t(e later 8obin Densem > om1ass 'rchaeolo)y) establishment of t(e rimean 4(anate in t(e 1.t( cent$ry after t(e decline of t(e %olden 7(e speaker 5ill o$tline t(e de!elo1ment of +ordeD 7(o$)( once able to attack 0osco5 t(e arc(aeolo)y in En)land and early models for its 4(anate event$ally fell to t(e 8$ssians in 1="3D 1ractice and t(e )ro5t( of 1rofessionalism <nder 8$ssian r$le Sevata1ol became a t(ro$)( t(e 1A=02s and "02s. 7(e crisis in Yor, maBor na!al base 5(ile m$c( of t(e coast 5as and t(e cases of t(e +$))in +ill ;at(s and t(e co!ered 5it( summer 1alaces of t(e nobility 8ose 7(eatre led to t(e draftin) of PP%16 incl$din) t(e Forontzo! 'l1$ka Palace and t(e )$idelines in 1A"A and its subse6$ent iss$e in 3ivadia Palace* t(e fa!o$rite residence of 1AA0: 5(at does it say and (o5 far (as it been Nicholas IID ' visit to t(e sites of t(e battles and im1lemented- 0r Densem 5ill ask, LW(at is ot(er actions of t(e rimean War* 1".3 & .6* commercial archaeolo)y- W(o does 5(at and sho$ld (el1 to ma,e it clear (o5 diPcult t(e task 5(y- W(at are t(e eEects of commercial 5as t(at t(e 'llies faced after t(ey missed t(eir arc(aeolo)y, 5(o are t(e $sers, t(e clients and initial chance to end it 6$ickly. Instead 8$ssian 5(at are t(e 1rod$cts?M W(at is meant by st$bbornness and bravery co$1led 5it( 'llied Lsuccessf$l archaeolo)y” and 5(et(er incom1etence at t(e to1 forced t(e armies to arc(aeolo)y sho$ld be local 5ill be discussed* suEer t(ro$)( t5o terrible 5inters. and t(e varyin) vie5s of 1ractitioners, 4 ,an Jones . MEETINGS OF OTHER SOCIETIES HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION , EDMONTON HUNDRED NORTH LONDON BRANCH HISTORICAL SOCIETY =D4. for "D00 1DmD in #$bilee +all* Parsona)e 'll meetin)s are (eld on 7$esdays at "D00 1DmD 3ane* Enfeld $nless ot(er5ise statedD Fisitors in #$bilee +all* Parsona)e 3ane* EnfeldD G1D00 T*!-day &' (a)*ary %&&% W!d)!-day 1/ D!"!#$!r %&&1 -ritain and Appeasement in the 1./00s Seasonal E!enin) Dr David Ste!enson >3SE? W!d)!-day %0 (a)*ary %&&% 'he #alker 7amil of Arnos Grove T*!-day 1% F!$ruary %&&% 8$b$ %alili +edieval 'o1n 2ife 3,llustrated4 Dr Jennifer Ward >%oldsmit(s olle)e? T.*rsday %1 F!$ruary %&&% Jrdnance 8oad 0et(odist ($rch +all T*!-day 1% Marc. %&&% 2D00 for 2D30 1DmD 'he Portraits of 5lizabeth , 3,llustrated4 5nfield #ash and 5nfield 2ock Dr S$san Doran >St 0ary’s olle)e* David Pam 75icken(am? En6$iries to t(e 3ocal +istory Section* 7o5n /or f$rt(er details, contact 8obin ;lades, 020 +all* %reen 3anes, Palmers %reen 3ondon N13 "36" .32" 7el: 020 "3=A 2=24 SOCIETY MATTERS HELP WITH ADMIN NEEDED If anyone is able and 5illin) to (el1 5it( t(e r$nnin) of t(e Society in any 5ay* 1lease SUBSCRIPTIONS contact t(e (airman Dennis +ill* tele1(one 020 "440 1.A3D M!#$!rs ar! r!mi)d!d 1.a1 -*$-"ri21i3)- 4a55 d*! 43r r!)!6a5 3) &1 (a)*ary %&&%D FIELDWORK AND EXCAVATION Please send t(e 8ene5al /orm >enclosed 5it( t(is edition of Society Ne5s)* to)et(er 5it( t(e 7(e /ield5or, and 8esearch %ro$1* ,no5n as a11ro1riate sum* to t(e Secretary, #on 7anner* t(e LEnfeld Pastfnders” (as been established 24 Padsto5 8oad* Enfeld* 0iddlese: EN2 ";<D and (as $ndertaken a small excavation in ;$s( 'lternatively yo$ may 1refer to t(r$st t(e +ill Park t(at feat$red in t(e local 1ress recently. remittance into my ea)erly o$tstretc(ed (and at ' very informal Ind$ction E!enin) for ne5 a 3ect$re 0eetin)D Ins1ection of t(e enclosed Pastfnders members, and anyone interested in Pro)ramme ard for 2002 5ill s(o5 t(at once fndin) o$t more abo$t t(e )ro$1* (as been a)ain a 5ide and varied ran)e of excellent arran)ed for "D00 1DmD on 13 December at s1ea,ers (as been arran)ed* re1resentin) Salisb$ry +o$se* ;$ry Street West* EdmontonD remarkable !al$e for yo$r subs & 5e even t(ro5 Pottery and ot(er artefacts recovered from t(e in tea or coEee >not literally, of co$rseQ? 3ei)(ton 8oad and ot(er exca!ations 5ill be on display, 5it( an o11ort$nity to (andle some of S$bscri1tion rates for 2002 are as follo5s: t(e materialD 7(ere 5ill be >very) short talks on excavation and t(e 1lans for f$t$re activities of Jrdinary 0embers: G.D00 t(e )ro$1* and a chance to meet eac( ot(er #oint 0embershi1s: G=D00 o!er a )lass of 5ine and a mince 1ieD #$nior 0embers: G2D.0 'nyone interested in fndin) o$t more abo$t t(e )ro$1 or attendin) t(e evenin) s(o$ld N!6 #!#$!r- 5(o Boined t(e Society after 30 tele1(one or 5rite to 0ike De5brey on 020 Se1tember 2001 can rela: & t(eir subscri1tions "364 2244 or t(e Secretary Jon 7anner >details are valid $ntil 31 December 2002 on co!er?D 6 MEETING REPORTS 5indo5s in 133"D Ni)el2s slides sho5ed (o5 York Minster: England’s Largest Stained Glass Museum Friday %1 S!21!#$!r %&&1: Ni)el S5ift bea$tif$lly dra5n 5ere t(e faces and dra1ery of Yor, 0inster is b$ilt on t(e site of a 8oman t(e a1ostles.

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