Rev. Mus. Argentino Cienc. Nat., n.s. 16(2): 185-200, 2014 ISSN 1514-5158 (impresa) ISSN 1853-0400 (en línea) Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) preserved at the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires: Catalog of the types and checklist of Argentinean species Joanna RODRÍGUEZ-RAMÍREZ División Entomología, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, Av. Ángel Gallardo 470, C1405DJR, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, [email protected] Resumen: Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) conservados en el Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires: Catálogo de los tipos y lista de las especies argentinas. Se presenta un catálogo de los ejemplares tipo existentes en el Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” y una lista de las especies de Sphingidae de la Argentina preservadas en el museo. Diez especies nominales, nueve de la Argentina y una de Perú, están representadas por 13 ejemplares tipo. La lista de especies se basa en el examen de 1724 ejemplares. Se aportan numerosos nuevos registros para la mayoría de las especies, expandiendo la distribución de 25 especies a nuevas provincias. Palabras clave: Especímenes tipo, nuevos registros, Argentina, Perú, Sphingidae. Abstract: A catalog of all type specimens preserved in the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia,” and a checklist of species of Argentinean Sphingidae kept in the museum, are presented. Ten nominal species, nine from Argentina and one from Perú, are represented by 13 type specimens. The checklist is based on the examination of 1724 specimens. Numerous new records for most species are offered, with expansion of the distribution of 25 species to new provinces. Key words: Type specimens, new records, Argentina, Perú, Sphingidae. _____________ INTRODUCTION most night-blooming flowers (Haber & Frankie, 1989). Collections of insects are essential as they provide In Argentina, the first study of Sphingidae information on the entomological fauna inhabiting a was published in the “Description Physique de given region. Also, collections are the repository of la Republique Argentine”, volumes I and II, and types, which are widely used as they are the neces- Atlas, by Burmeister (1878, 1879), who men- sary reference specimens for species identifica- tioned a total of 30 species. Subsequent works tion decisions. The collection of the Entomological include those by Köhler (1924), Schreiter (1926) Division at the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales and Orfila (1933). Later publications of Schreiber “Bernardino Rivadavia” (MACN), in Buenos Aires, (1978), Valverde (1999), Pastrana (2004), is the oldest and one of the largest in Argentina, cov- Moré et al. (2005), Nuñez-Bustos (2008, 2009), ering a wealth of specimens perfectly preserved. Mattoni and Penco (2012) and Nuñez-Bustos & Lepidoptera being one of the best represented Rodríguez-Ramírez (2014) provide more records, orders in number of specimens in colections, are even though information about species distribu- well studied, in particular the family Sphingidae. tion in many regions of Argentina is still limited Worldwide, about 200 genera and around 1350 (Beccacece et al., 2011). species of hawkmoths (Kitching & Cadiou, 2000) This contribution presents the results of are known, out of which 30 genera with 122 spe- the sorting, classifying and cataloging of the cies are present in Argentina (Kitching & Cadiou, Sphingidae of the MACN collection. The databas- 2000; Núñez Bustos, com pers.). Sphingidae are ing of all the information contained in specimen la- among the main pollinators of the tropical com- bels, provided new data that expand the distribution of munities, because they are the sole pollinators of many hawkmoths, specifically from Argentina. 186 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n. s. 16(2), 2014 MATERIALS AND METHODS mens were spread in separate donations or material brought in by several collectors. This contribution The revision and sorting of the collection of is the result of the reorganization and cataloging the Sphingidae was done between October 2012 and collection. March 2014. The collection was reorganized, put- The numerous new records of Sphingidae in the ting together the species from several collections, MACN collection can be summarized indicating those which had been kept separately. The type speci- provinces to which the distribution is expanded. New mens and all specimens belonging to Argentina province records are as follows: were entered in the MACN database, registering all the data on the labels. For the sorting and Buenos Aires: Pachylia syces (Hübner). classification of the specimens Moré et al. (2005) Catamarca: Erinnyis oenotrus (Cramer). and Oehlke (2014) were followed. Several iden- Chaco: Agrius cingulata (Fabricius), Manduca tifications were confirmed by Ezequiel Nuñez- sexta paphus (Cramer), Erinnyis crameri Bustos. (Schaus), Erinnyis domingonis (Butler), The type specimens are alphabetically ordered, Erinnyis ello (Linnaeus) and Xylophanes ter- indicating the original genus of the binomen between sa (Linnaeus). brackets. The citation of the species is followed, be- Córdoba: Eumorpha fasciatus (Sulzer). tween quotation marks, by the original statement Corrientes: Agrius cingulata Fabricius. of the author indicating locality, number of speci- Entre Ríos: Erinnyis ello (Linnaeus) and mens, and other information considered useful. Eumorpha vitis (Linnaeus). The specimens actually housed in the Museum Formosa: Agrius cingulata Fabricius and are then mentioned, copying and describing their Erinnyis alope (Drury). labels. Each label is copied between quotation Jujuy: Neogene reevei (Druce), Eumorpha labruscae marks, and lines on the labels are separated by (Linnaeus) and Hyles lineata (Fabricius). a bar ( / ); characteristics of the label are men- La Pampa: Neogene reevei (Druce). tioned between brackets. MACN-En numbers La Rioja: Manduca armatipes (Rothschild & Jordan). correspond to the entries in the database. Notes Mendoza: Manduca jordani (Giacomelli), Neogene ree- are provided, mentioned the present classifica- vei (Druce) and Hyles annei (Guérin-Meneville). tion of each species. Each type specimen is illustrated Misiones: Lintneira justiciae (Walker), Manduca con- in figure 1. Size measurements are also shown. tracta (Butler), Neogene reevei (Druce), Erinnyis In the checklist the material examined is domingonis (Bluter) and Madoryx oiclus (Cramer). ordered by provinces and their departments. Neuquén: Manduca sexta paphus (Cramer) and Erinnyis Species distributions are listed according to the ello (Linnaeus). literature and the studied material. Provinces Río Negro: Manduca sexta paphus (Cramer). cited in italics are new records for the species. Salta: Euryglottis guttiventris (Rothschild & Jordan) Notes follow when appropriate. and Eumorpha fasciatus (Sulzer). San Juan: Erinnyis ello (Linnaeus) and Hyles euphorbi- RESULTS arum (Guérin-Méneville & Percheron). San Luis: Neogene reevei (Druce), Erinnyis oenotrus The Sphingidae deposited in the MACN col- (Cramer) and Hyles lineata Fabricius. lection are represented by 27 genera and 79 Santa Fe: Eumorpha fasciatus (Sulzer) and Eumorpha species, classified into three sub-families. The labruscae (Linnaeus). number of genera and species per sub-family is Santiago del Estero: Neogene reevei (Druce). as follows: Smerinthinae, 3 genera and 4 spe- Tucumán: Adhemarius daphne (Boisduval), Orecta cies, Sphinginae, 7 genera and 25 species and lycidas eos (Burmeister) and Manduca lefe- Macroglossinae, 17 genera and 50 species. burii (Guérin-Méneville). The specimens in the collection are well pre- served, including those dating from the nine- Catalog of the types teenth century. The oldest specimens are dated between 1880 and 1898, but most of the mate- baruta [Sphinx] Berg, 1883: 151-152. “Patria: rial is dated between 1901 and 1980, with recent Buenos Aires. De esta especie ha recogido el Sr. collections in 1993-1998 and 2014. The amount Günther un ejemplar en los talleres del Ferro- of Argentine material of Sphingidae in the mu- carril del Oeste, que conserva en su colección.” seum is 1,724 specimens. The Museum has lacked 1♂ holotype, “Typus” [printed with red script]; Lepidoptera specialists since the 1940’s. The speci- “Buen. Air. / col. Günther” [printed with red Rodríguez-Ramírez: Catalog of types and checklist of Sphingidae 187 script]; “Neogene / reevei Druce / det. L. Valverde rated into the museum. Presently Orecta lycidas 1986” [manuscript]; “MACN-En 11692” [printed eos (Burmeister, 1878). label]. Fig. 1a. Note: Presently Neogene reevei (Druce, 1882). hippothoon [Dilophonota] Burmeister, 1878: 333-334, Atlas pl. X, fig. 5. “L`espèce se trouve bergi [Protoparce] Rothschild & Jordan, 1903: aux environs de Buénos-Ayres; nous l’ayons édu- 67, 94, 826. “Hab. Tucumán, Argentina. We quée plusieurs fois de la chenille.” name the species in memory of the late Professor 1 ex. syntype, “Buen. Ayres” [printed label in Carlos Berg. In the Tring Museum 4♂, 1♀ from green paper]; “Col. / Antigua” [printed label]; Tucumán; and 2♂ from Argentina.” “COTYPUS” [printed label in red cardboard]; 1♂ syntype, “♂ Protoparce bergi / Roth. Jord. “MACN-En 12280” [printed label]. Fig. 1e. / ..a..(illegible) Prestom (? unreadable) / Giac. Note: Only one specimen was found, no deter- / Tipo / Tucumán” [manuscript]; “MACN-En mination label. Presently Erinnyis oenotrus 11285” [printed label]. Fig. 1b. (Cramer, 1780). Note: Presently Manduca bergi (Rothschild & Jordan, 1903). Given that
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