The]ournal of the Association of Adventist Forums The Environment, Stupid , GOD AND THE COMPELLING '' CASE FOR NATURE RESURRECTION OF THE WORLD LETTERS FROM AFRICA WHAT ARE ADVENTISTS DOING? THE CURIOUS IMAGINATION APOCALYPTIC ANTI-IMPERIALISTS ACROBATIC ADVENTISTS January 1993 Volume 22, Number 5 Spectrum Editorial Board Consulting Editors I Beverly Beem Karen Bottomley Edna Maye Loveless Editor English History English I . Roy Branson Walla Walla College Canadian Union College La Sierra University Bonnie L Casey Edward Lugenbeal RoyBenlon if;:._, Anthropology Matbematical Sciences Writer/Editor i~\ Washington, D.C. Atlantic Union College Senior Editor Columbia Union College ~tl Donald R. McAdams TomDybdahl Roy Branson Raymond Cottrell President Etbics,l(ennedy Institute 1beology :1 Lorna Linda, California McAdanls, Faillace, aud Assoc. Georget<iwn University ! Clark Davis Mirgar~t McFarland Assistant Editor JOY ano Coleman c .... Asst Aftorney General Freelance Writer History University of Soutbem California Annapolis, Maryland Chip Cassano Berrien :>Jttings, Michigan Lawrence Geraty Ronald Numbers Molleurus Couperus History of Medicine ! Pbysician President Atlantic Union College University of Wisconsin News Editor · Angwin, California Fritz Guy Benjamin Reaves Gary Chartier Gene Daffern President Pbysician President Oakwood College Frederick, Maryland La Sierra University Karl Hall Gerhard Svrcek.Seiler I Book Review Editor Bonnie Dwyer History of Science Psychiatrist Journalism Beverly Beem Harvard University Vienna, Austria ·:! Folsom, California F. Harder Helen Ward Thompson TomDybdahl E. J, Educational Administration Editorial Assistant Editor Educational Adminislration Allentown, Permsylvania College Place, Washington College Place, Washington Sharise Esh LouisVenden Gary Land David Larson Director, Ethics Center Religion I History Pacific Union College Andrews University Lorna Linda University Production Noi-inan Young Rennie Schocpnin New Testament Chip Cassano History ·Avondale College ·! La Siena UniverSity ' Char"les Scriven President Columbia Union College Association of Adventist Forums I Officers Directors Regional Repres'entatives Piesident Of Campus Relations Atlantic Lake Les Pitton Kendra Haloviak Garf Gilbert Marie Robinson Vice President Religion Instructor Vice-chancellor Shady Grove Adventist Hospital Columbia Union College Harvard Medical School University of Illinois Vice Presi<knt Of International Relations Canadian (East) Northern Pacific. Jerry Gladson Walter Douglas Todd Coupland John Teske Dean, Psychological Studies Institute Church History Investment Analyst Insurance . Atlanta, Georgia Andrews University Toronto, Canada Yakim3, Washington Executive Secretary Of Marketing Canadian (West) Soutbem Mary Halovlak Patricia Salcedo Bruce Buttler Robert Hale Adminislrative Secretary Marketing Dean, Sdence Division Certified Public Accountant Silver Spring, Maryland Lorna Linda University Canadian Union College Atlanta, Georgia · Treasurer Of Promotion Central Soutbem Pacific Jay M. DuNesme Richord B. Lewis, Jr. Kay Clayton Jim Kaatz Investment Banker Adverlisi~g Cleburne, Texas Education Lake Arrowhead, California Boston, Massachusetts Lakeside, California Central Pacific Editor Of Special Projects Michael Saucedo Roy Branson Glenn E. Coe Legal Analyst Staff Ethics, Kennedy Institute Attorney Sacramento, California Legal Consultant Georgetown University Hartford, Connecticut Columbia Bradley Litchfield Susan Sickler Attorney Washington, D.C. Kettering, Ohio ·~.·.:I SPEC/RUM is a journal established to encou~ge· Seventh.<Jay Adventist Editorial Correspondence: SPEC/RUM is published by the Association of participation in the discussion ofcontemporruy issues from a Christian viewpoint, Adventist Forums. Direct ·all editorial correspondence to SPECTRUM, 7710 to look without prejudice at all sides of a subject to evaluate the merits of diverse Carroll Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland 20912; Fax: (301) 270-2814. Manuscripts views, and to foster Christian intellectual and cultural growth. Although effort is should be typewritten, double spaced, or on Apple Macintosh disks. Please madeto:ensure accurate scholarship and discriminating judgment, the statements include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Letters to the editors may be of fact are the responsibility of contributors, and· the views individual authors shortened before publication. express are not necessarily those of the editorial staff as a whole or as individuals. Subscription Information: In order to receive SPEC/RUM, a mem­ The Association ofAdventist Forums is a non-subsidized, non-profit organi­ bership fee ($25 per 5 issues, $32 in Canada and in other foreign countries, $18 zation for which gifts are deductible in the report of income for purposes of for studentS) by check rnade to the Association of Adventist Forums, Box 5330, taxation. The publishing of SPEC/RUM depends on subscriptions, gifts from Takoma Park, MD 20913. Phone: (301) 270-0423. Single copies are $5. For individuals, and the voluntary efforts of the contributors and the staff. address changes, send old address label along with the new address. © 1992 All rights reserved Litho USA Vol. 22, No.5, January 1993 FROM THE ED!JOR The Environment, Stupid 2 ARTIClES LeHers From 4frica 3 Gilbert Burnham returns to Africa, where he served for 15 years as a missionary. The Questioning Imagination 6 Ottilie Stafford shares her zest for life as a joyous quest. The Cynic and the Church 13 Gary Chartier tells why it isn't necessarily sacrilegious to feel like laughing. Apocalyptic Anti-Imperialists 20 Doug Morgan shows how an apocalyptic hope can encourage public witness against war and oppression. SPECIAL SECTION: THE ENVIRONMENT Adventists and the Good Earth 28 Alvin Kwiram challenges Adventists to change the ecology of their faith. The Compelling Case For Nature 36 Glenn Coe argues nature's right to exist unmolested. Earth in the Balance 38 Roy Benton explores echoes of Old Testament prophets and Revelation in U.S. Vice-president Albert Gore's book. Resurrection of the World 41 Brian W. Harper relates the environment to the resurrection. What Are Adventists Doing? .45 A look at Adventist involvement, from Capitol Hill to Borneo. DEPARTMENTS News Updates 50 Sharise Esh and Roy Branson report on Adventists on the move. Book Reviews 55 Readers' Responses 59 FROM THE EDITOR The Environment, Stupid ill Clinton's version was scrawled across the the environment. front wall of his presidential campaign head­ This is the first special section of Spectrum devoted B quarters: "It's the Economy, Stupid." If AI Gore to the environment. Of course, the voices heard in this had been at the top of the ticket, the title of our special issue only begin the discussion. For example, they section might have dominated the campaign. (See Roy concern themselves with the environment primarily Benton's review of Gore's book.) Gore and many because pollution transforms the environment into a others believe devastation of the environment has hazard, indeed a threat, to human existence. The replaced nuclear winter as the impending apocalypse principal concern of these authors is the traditional that should dominate our thinking. preoccupation of morality-the well being of humans. "The environment, stupid," was not the slogan They are what might be called soft environmentalist.~. mounted on the denomination's Rose Parade float, but What remains a secondary theme through most of the one billion potential viewers on television could our special section are concerns about the environment see that the Seventh-day Adventist Church had dedi­ for its own sake; expressions of outrage at the extinc­ cated its gorgeous, multicolored float of animals to tion of species unnecessary to human existence, such "Enjoying and Caring for Nature." (See Lara Beaven's as the snail darter, spotted owl, and humpback whale. report.) Media commentators reported that Seventh-day Glenn Coe does defend an environmentalism that might Adventists were environmentalists. (See the General threaten human interests. Such a sense of loss at the Conference's official statement on the environment.) disappearance of any part of creation, a demand to In our special section, some of Spectrum's best­ preserve life, even at the expense of human well being, known authors (Alvin Kwiram, Roy Benton, Glenn is the truly new moral concern suggested by hard Coe) demonstrate how making the environment one of environmentalists. In a sense, soft environmentalist.~ the church's major concerns involves re-examining worry about protecting humans from a polluted envi­ such distinctive Adventist affirmations as Creation, the ronment; hard environmentalists worry about protecting Sabbath, healthful living, and an apocalyptic world the environment from humans. view. Brian Harper, a graduate student in ethics Whether an apocalyptic community endorses not appearing for the first time in Spectrum, suggests that only soft but hard environmentalism is worth further redemption understood as resurrection must also be discussion. It is already clear that soft or hard, Advent­ revisited if the environment is to become the focus of ists are-or should be-environmentalists. Adventist Christians. Several other younger voices report some things Adventists are actually doing about Roy Branson 2 VoLUME 22, NuMBER 5 ARTICLES Letters From Africa A Johns Hopkins professor returns to Africa, where he served 15 years, until recently, as a medical missionary. by Gilbert Burnham Fort Portal,
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