4 'DLICUMENTiESUNE- ED_166 371 1C 124 175 . - 'TITLE Abuse and Neglect tf Children in Institutions, 1979. Hearings-.before theSutEommittee on Child and Humwp Devefopment of the Committee on.Labor and Human Resourges, United States 'Senate, Ninety-Sixth . 4 Congress, First Sessdon on Examination of the Problems of AbuSe and Neglecof-Cdildren Residing in Instituticns cr Grcup Residential Settings (January 4c. 1979, ipn Francisco, Califorria January 24, 1979, 'Washington, May 31,1979, Los.Angeles, California). 1 INSIliT0716N Congress cf.the U.S., 'Washington, D.C. Senate. PUE, EtTE 79 NOTE 580p.: 'Not available in hard copy due tc marginal legibility cf the ctiginak clocument. Illegible pages have been removed. ibfS PRIcE MF03 Pkus Postage. EC Nct Available frcm EDRS. EISCRIETORS *Child Abuse: Child Advocacy; *Child Neglect: Children.: Disabilities: Foster Family: *Foster Homes; Government Rtle: Hearings: *Institutionalized' Persons: *Institutions- AESTRACT The papers frcm three 1979 Congressional hearings examine the abuse and neglect cf"children, both handica'pped'and onhAnAicappfd, in foster homes and institutions. Thirty-two prepared statements tire inclusigd by representatives'of such agencies as the Children's Defense Fundt San Fran,cisco.Child Abuse Council: Child Welfare League of America: Parents.Ancnymoys: Department of Health,' Education, and Welfare: and state departments ofHuman Resources. Personal acccuntS of abuse in institutions or gramp homes are included. Amcng many issues addressed are the federal government.'s' role in monitoring prcg;ams, conditions Of institutions, legal , - issues, state legislatic14 and fiscal issues. (CL). J.. 6" . * Reprodtctions s4rplied by EDPS are the l?est.that cao be made, *. * frcm the' crigiAal document._ : * **********************i************************************************ . , , ABUSE AND 14EGLECT OF...CHILDREN.IN INSTITUTIONS, 1979 . sDEPARTMENT OF r--. EDUCATION 1WELF INSTITUTE OF NATIONAL EOUCATION rIN DUCE() F )(A( Tv TA. Q't CE "CO ;;4" CO ORGANIZATION ORtGIN- T t-4 E.PE/V.0N OW QEPRE- CC. HEARINGS Noi NFcy.,,AinLy sTA/Ecroo NA,FIORAt INS/OUSE OF . BEFORE THE SE Pe T 0; F IC 1AL F:01 I!. Y r---.1 A T ION POSIT,ON OA =i SUBCOMMITTEE 0 Ji CHILD AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT .. ., OF THE COMMITTEE ON LABOR:AND ,HUNAN RESOURCES UNITED STATES .SENAIE NINETY-SIXTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON EXAMINAtION OF THE PROBLEMS OF ABUSEAND NEGLECT OF CHILDREN RESIDING IN INSTITUTIONS OR GROUPRESI- DENTIAL SETTINGS JANUARV 4, 1979, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. JANUARY 24, 1979, WASHINGTON, p.c. nitip, 1979, LOS, ANGELES, CALIF.: 4 Printed for the use"-of the Committee on Labor and Hilmar! Resources u.s. GOVERNMENT PlendiTING OFFICE 43-140 0 WASHINGTON : 1979 A - 4 t I. COM:MITTEN ON LABOR. ANDHUMAN RESOURCES A HARRLSON A. WILLIAMN, Jet-tey. Clustrman JENNINa RANDOLPH, West Virginia RI,CHARD S. SCHWEIKKR. Pennsylvania CLAIBORNE IIELL, Rhode Island JACOil K. JAVITS. New York EDWARD M. KENNEDY,Maaaachusettaft R.ORERT T. STAFFORD, Verwmt, GAYLORD NELSON. Wiseauctn ogRIN G. HATCH. Utah THOMAS F. EAOLETON: Missouri WILLIAM L. ARMSTRONG. colorado AI,AN CRANSTON, Californ4. GORDON ./. HUMPHREY, New Hampshire DONALD W. RIEGLE. Ja., Michigan HOWARD M. METZENBACM, Ohio BrtPuLli J.PAHADISIS. General 0011111,4tbiahd Staff Director hial4J011114M. WnrrfrAnns, Chief (Mark maw 4.WINSTOK.Minority Staff Director A SHBOOMMITTICE ON CHITA AND Hinetidis DEIIRLoPmENT ALAN CRANSTON, Oalitornia, Ohainsal ,betLORD NELSON, Wisconsin GORDON J. HUMPHREY, New Hampshire ONALD W. RIEGLE, JR., Mictrigan WILLIAM L. ARMSTRONG, Colorado SMIANATO MARTINIZZ, Cout14111 z JACtioN M.ANIMIST'S,Minority Clooineol :' - 4 . 74Z a 4110 CONTENTS :CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1979 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. ,'Dr. Phyllis, San Francisco; Marie E. White, Sac.ramento;Jolly ,'Parents' Anonymous, Torrance; Kathleen Gresher,Berkeley;. and?fig. Terry Hopkins, .Santa Clara, Calif.,a panel_ 3 English, Abigail. National Center for Youth Law, accompaniedby Robert Walker, Peter Sandmann, and Peter Bull,a panel 63 Dale, Michael/J. Esq., attorney, New York Legal Aid Society',Saul Wasserman, M.D., chairman, Child and Adolescent Committee,North- ern California Psychiatric Society; and Margaret Brodkin, executive director, Coleman Children and Youth Services, a panel... 96 Roach, Marty, Project Concern; Kathy Baxter, Preventionlid Abuse and Neglect of Children input-of-Home Care Project, San Francisco Child Abuse( Council; Steven Pechter,Children's Advocacy Center; and Patricia Apkaw, Urban Indian Child Resource Center, .a 1 a panel 122 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1979 WASHINGTON, D.C. Days, Hon. Drew S.III, Assistant Attorney Genetal, accompaniedby john E. Huerta,,Deputy Assistaut Attorney General;Lynn Walker, Chief of Special Litigation Section.; Marie Klimesz,attorney, Mil Rights Division; and Karen Siegel,attorney, Office of Legislative Affairs, Department of Justice 156 Martinez, Hon: Arabella, AssiNtant Seeretary for HumanDevelopment Services, Departmen,Cof Health, Education, and Welfareaccompanied by Blandina Cardenas Ramirez, Commissioner for Children, Youth, and Families; arid Herschel Saucier, Associate Commissioner,Office of Services.for Children and Youth tp_ 180 Backman, Jack H.,chairman, Committeeon Human Resources, Massa- chusetts Senate, Commonwealth of Massachusetts 212 Wooden, Kenneth, National Coalition for Children's Justice',Prilceton, N.J.; Mary Lee AllenChildren's Defense Fund, Washington, D.C.; and Jerome Miller, dational Center for Action for Institut'ns and Alternatives, National Youth Workers Alliance, Washington,I .C___ 224 Berman, Sam, executive director, Vista Del Mar Child CareServices, ii4ps Angeles, Calif., on behalf of the Child'Welfare League of America, Inc., and Norman Powell, vice president4 National Organizationof Child Care Workers Associa,tiens, Inc.,-New York, DIY 289 Barr, William W. Administrator, Social Rehabilitation Adrniniistratitin, Department of Human Resources, District of Columbia,accompanied by Gregory Smiles, Project Director on Institutional .Chijd Abuse, Division of Youth and Family Services, Department of Human Services, State of New Jersey; Donald Kline, Ph. D., Department 'of Special Education, Utah State University, Logan, Utah; and Lirry Aber, Special assistant to the director, Child Abuse Unit, Office for Children, Commonwealth of Massachusetts 315 (rm 1. Iv TifirRSDAY, MAY 31, 1979 LOS ANGELES, CALIF, Steele, Buddy, program, supervisor, Glndale Development,Centerfor the Handicapped, Glendale, Calif. ompanied by Ralph Bak, ad- ministrator, Glenridge Center for theandicapped, Glendak, Calif _ ___' 401 Mountain Mission School, Grundy, Dotson, Johnny J., former resident of 413 Va., accompanied by Daniel,Bloch _ 'lb Human Resources Division,'Lg.- curtis, Franklin A., associate director, , General Accounting Office, 'accompaniedby Messra. Benedetto Quat- trociocchi, Richard Neuman, Jinimy L.Bowden and Scott Sorensen __. 429 Comrie, Keith, director, Los AngelesCounty Department of Public Social tiervices; accompanied by Sister .MaryElizabeth, executive director, Man?itpiez, deputy director,- . Maryvale Children's In.stitution; and Phil P planning and review division,department of social services,Califqrnia Health and Welfare Agency 470 STATE M EN TS the direct or, Office for Children, Aber, IAtwreneespecial assistant to 385 Commonwealth of Massavhusetts, Bostem, Mass ' Allen Mary Lee, representing theChildren's Defense Fowl, Washington, .'N , . _ 254 DI; . Bi.cktnan, Jack IL, chairman, Committee onII uman Resoui ces, M chusetts Senate, Commonwealth ofMassachusetts. 212 . , . 217 Pre ared latement _ ita t ion Administra tion Barr, AM64.4k. " Department of Hutuanosources, District ofColumbia, accompanied by Gregory Smiles, project director onInstitutional Child Abuse, Division or Youth and 1-)irnily Services, I tepartmentof Ilutnan Servif.es, State of17.. New Jersey; Donald. Kline, Ph. D.,Department of SpecialEducation, aml Larry. Aber, special assistant4' i Utah State University, Logan, Utah; . to the director, Child Abusa, Unit.Offivfor Children, Commonwealthof __ . 335 Massachusetts _ I. 311 _ _____ Prepared statetnent_... _. _. .._ Baxter, Kathy, Prevention of Abuse, and.NegIcet of Children- on Out-of- 11 ome (7are Rq)ject, San FranciscoChild Abuse Council, prepno ed - .. _ 427 . statement... g92 * Bayh, Hon. BirA,roa.U.S.41kiator fromt he State of Indiana VistaDel Mar Child Care SrvieesA.Os Bermac, Sam, executive dinector, Welfare Leafeue of A erica(Ine., Afeeles,n Calif. on behalf of the Child and Norman Powell, vice- presidetit,National Organization of Cld Care Workers Associations, Inc., New York,N. N'_ _ -. 289 . ... - ._ 293 _ . _ '. -Prepared seatement_ director,,,- Colemen Children Brodkin_ Margaret, ACSW, LCSW, execUtive 119 and Youth Services,..preparedstatemCCnt Cornrie, Keith, director, Los AngelesCounty Department of PublicSocial Services; qcompanied by SisterMary EliiAbeth, executive director, Maryvale Children's Institution; and PhilManriquez, deputy director, planning and review' division, department.of sociaq serviees, California . __ 470 Health and Welfare Agency... / . Prepared statement . 11?_ 473 , Human Resources Division, U.S. CurtiS, Franklin A., AsSociate Director, by Messrs. Benedetto Quat- NA General Accounting Office, accompanied.., L. Bowden, and Scott Sorensen..°. 429 i tr(,eiocchi, Richard Neuman, Jimmy .... 433 Preparsed statement (with attachments) ..... _ _ . -. _ _ bale, Mictur) J.Esq., attorney, Nrw York LegalAid Society ;. Saul. Wasserman, M.14p,chairman,71-tild
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