THECcrMtlCHT, 188B, BJ Tut SP'.KTIV, l.ll'F. I'l BT [SHISG Co. SPORTING IKTELIFE.• PlllU. I'06T Op VOLUME 7, NO. 26. PHILADELPHIA, PA., OCTOBER 6, 1886. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. PRESTO, CHANGE! BROOKLYN NE WJTOBKT NEWS. BASEMLLNEWS. A New Deal in the Detroit Club—A Bit of A MEETING A Sniff at Smith—The Clab'M Work Abroad ON SATURDAY. Ihe Soothing Influence of Mutrle—An Un­ Inside History. —Some Sorry Figures, Etc. sympathetic Public—Fe-rgiison Happy, DETROIT, Sept. 'M.—Editor STORTIXO Lire:— BROOKLYN-, Oct. 1.—Editor SI-ORTISG LIFE:— Ktc. It wa.-i not long after tho earthquake that a Now that our home club is in the West on its NF.W YORK, Sept. 3D.--Editor SPOUTING Lire: The Reserve List of the shaking up occurred in the Detroit Base Bill Between the Champions final trip, there is little for one to write about, Results of Championship —The gentle Jeenis is nowadays fuller of en­ Club, by which the board of directors waa re- except as we glean news from the telegraph and couraging precepts than a copy-fcoak. He ii the dined from nine to five members, Directors press as to what our boys are doing. The inter­ Mark Taploy of the New York direftory, and, Internationals. Preston, Molony, Durfee and Weisa retiring. Nearly Certain. esting wrangle into which our neighbors across Games Played. like his worthy prototype, is "coming out Various are the causes assigned for this break­ the river have got over the scouring of new strong" in this time of excruciating fforriment. ing up, but the true reason has not yet been players for the League tearo, furnishes food f>r Such heart-soothing white lies as the one which Southern League Meeting Called published. It is this:—A determined fiction Spalding Accepts Von der Ahe's uo little gossip and amusement. Happily there Brooklyn Beats Piltsburg - Phil- bears false testimony to the extreme darkness of fight has been progressing in the board of direc­ is one bage ball rumpus that the Brooklyn Club the hour just preceding the dawn, and the more —The Grand Hunt for tors ever since the team was reorganized. The Challenge—The Latter's people have not b^on drawn into and in which lies Win and Athletic Lose glaringly untruthful one which assures m that splendid club that had been secured made it a ihey have not a jmrticte of interest. I wouldn't it always p .nrs when it rain?, have laved the very desirable property. Messrs. Molony, Weiss Latest Epistle. be at all surprised, however, before the matter is —The Other Games. wounds indicted on that worthy body by the Players. and Durfee formed one faction, and Marsh, settled to have some one assert that they are at fickle goddess. As ho hovered around John B.'a Stearns, Edson and Smith the other. Mr. Pres­ the bottom of it. We remember this John Smith ohoulders in the grand stand yesterday, he over whom the fight is now being made. We f Jtmod to fairly reek with consolation. He ton was neutral, and. fearing that peace was un­ LEAGCK GAMES. THEIR RESETCYE. There is now every probability, judging by had him in Brooklyn—briefly. So did the seemed to ooze encouragement at every pore attainable in the b-jaril, he disposed of his stock the subjoined correspondence, that the cham­ and drew out. Mr. Newberry, who made the Athletics—briefly. Soniij other people also had him— Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit and Boston and, in truth, the directory stands in gruesome The Players Who Are Keserveri by Intw- pions of the National League and American As­ briefly. He has boen a great source of comfort to all natioual League Clubs Against Kuch ninth director, sold his stock early in the season Win. need of such kindly offices. To lose the pennant au.l willulrew, leaving tho board c-.mposed of eight. sociation will meet at the close of the champion­ who enjoyed the pleasure of his presence, oven if the was bad; to behold tho hum»n torrents that Other. ship season in a series of games to settle the period of bis stay bas never been prolonged. Let us Light batting and very bad fielding charac­ The trouble originated in tho attempt ot tho Mulony hope audjiray New Xork and Detroit and Baltimore once rushed through tho?e gates dwindled down Special to SPORTING tirs. faction to gain coutii-1 of the aflitirrt of the club. This vexed question of superiority, and that, too, in a terized the last game of the season between the will alt be delighted with the acquisition. Maroon?, of St. Louis, and the Philadelphia^. to a scanty and slow-flowing brooklet, was worse; I'TIC-A, N. Y., Oct. 2.—The following is the list faction owued an a L •. 'it,. >t" 4o shares <.f ttock, the manner which will leave no room for dispute or All the club** friends wore m ich elated Saturday but to open—finger by linger—the fist that luul closed tt the players reserved by each club in the Inter­ entire Issue, bein^ : • aspirations looked a doubt, AS was the caso last fait. Mr. Yon der night Unt when we learned tbe We-tern campaign There was really but one bit of fielding border­ so tightly on a half-dczcn base ball stars but two national League for 1S37: tiiflo "nor\}-." V tig cf the 51 olimy fac­ Ahe's challenge appeared in our last issue. opened with a victory in Cincinnati, and as was ing on the brilliant, and that was Metieachy's shjit wc'ks b. fore nud find them all gond! The tion hail consiileraL..... .... ...th 1'resideut Marsh's natural, enthusiasm grew apace when the first was catch of a long, high ball from Daily's bat in gentle one's font of consolation mnst needs run down rVcTF.n.0 — John J. Fiolifc, Frank Grant, Michael resignation, yet the reason a*trgued—bu-nne'B cares— Since then the following correspondence has Walsh, John T. McGIone, John J. Remseu and Stephen followed by a second and a third victory. Truly, this the seventh inning. Every run of both nines to his very boot heels, if bis supply of that soothing was chiefly respi nsible. Bad Mr. Mar,h and his passed between the two presidents: waa starting out well; time straight pitmes won by an compound is tj be at all equal to the demand! Dflnu. friends desired to forca the issue they could at any was maele on fearful "muffs," the fiist fir Philadel­ His ,:tiijlTO!».-J. A. Boxtiurjr, E. W. Sewarei, JOB. MR. r. Vo.v VER AHE—Lwr Sir;—Y» ur formal chal- Eastern team against a Western team ou the tatter's phia being upon » double error of McKinacu and time have forced out the other factbn, but in the in leup;e for a ieiiea of games with the Chicago* for the own ground^, was something t-upp^sed to be among A M.4n prune. K.II.-I..-I. K. J. Gilks, W. E. Dilworth anil D. K. Stearns. terwt uf peace they refrained. They realized that ICirby at first and Andrews' sharp hit to third, tuo They will »et very little of it from the outside pub­ lUmiTON.—J. 51. Rnitii-y, W. S. Wright, Joseph wuikl'd championship has just d»me to my notice and the iniposs hilitioj. The games, irom our reports, second on Donuy's wild throw to first aril McGeachy's ?uch a coutso miuht have a b;i'l effect npon the <luK I littfiea to rei-ly. On ihe assurantiou tbat both eluUi seem to have beeu well counted one;*, too. lic. Never was a t>a-e ball crowd *> hot on a board of KiiKtit, Peter Wood, M. Morrison and J. A. Sommers. The Molony faction were bitterly hostile to Uanager nn>^od fly, and the thipl on Crane's and GLw^cock's manngets AS are the doughty citizens of the metropo­ will wiu Ihe cbampionship in their respective assucu- THE PITTSBt RG GAMKS. bad throws to ttist. A single ba?e hit and Varrar's Osivioo.—M. D. West *<nl Joe. Aidnor. Watkins, ai.d favored replacing him with Secretary ti"ii*, the Chicago B*»te Ifcill Club hereby accepts your lis. The snow and ic» of the comius winter will ccol Svmcrsl.—II. D. Buc-kli'V. D. Crothew, P. n. Tom- Ltatlley. The fi^ht has waged continuously, but It wa* towards Pittstmrg, bowovt r, longing eyes failure to luild a ba!l thrown by Irwin atd &n over­ them cff aad the return of the Hl.uVaii>i tiie bock beer challenge, uul>j-ct to the following conditions ami stip­ wero turned, for between the two teams lay the strug­ throw to first by the latter player gave the visitors Bey He'iirv iiuious. Henry Kappei and H. Bittmau. quietlv, for over a year, acd haa at last rcsu'.ted in ulations: will prolahly nnd them m a more propitiatory mood, K.M-tiKSTE.r..—C. J. Panions, N. L. Baker, J. I1. Vi*. a complete victory for Marsh, Btearn?, Ktlson and gle for tbe much coveted second place in the American their only run. Score: ^ but they are now in such an alarming condition that F,V*4—A series of nine games to be arranged—fonr Association championship rare, St. Louis having vir­ ST. LOUIS. AB.R. B. P. A. f.' PHII.A. AB.R.B.
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