• <\' >- '. 't t T •/ .1 ,. The Weather JANUARY. 8..J95S . AveniKe Daily Net Prem Run Fqrpcnat of tJ.e S. Weatber A u ea e --------r»r~«fie i;rM l( Ended 1. / H'.- : r - V r : s -r~ ..... dan.-S, IMS j>r treealng min tonljbt y — /■ and’Rbfi^ajr^ Rnnw ttte flaiurdny, scrannalalinn ala to 10 . Inches. Nutmeg District Loyal Orpge A t tha request pf^ Mrs. Douglas Hartford ...yesterday, and alBo*tB/ 10. Lodge, No. 21. will install the oN A. .lohnson, president of the. Fed- reception for'G ov, and Mrs. Jnfin Member of the Audit - Minimum tonight 28-38, Lodge. .. :About Town ficers of-Washington LOL, No. 117, eratfed'ClU'bs of'Conhecthnit, mem­ llarena 'Mancheiteh-— A CityViUfOte Chafm and Manchester, LOL, No. 99;. to- bers,of the Cosmopolitan Club are moirowa night at 8:.70 in Orange ■ •unMt Reb«Jc«h bodjtei No. 35*. planning to send books to the Lin­ z Hall. All officers and members of coln School.. Jn -.Buenos-Aires, - Ar- MANCHESTER, CONN.. FR^bAY* JANUARY 9,1933 s (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE and Klnf I>*vid Lodge, No. 31. both lodges are askefl'to report at (CTnaatfied Adtertlalag • • Pngn I t i n>Or, wiir « e « t h « r fieW omcers gentina. The school principal ta a i YOU Lxxn, NO. 84 Sh ' » Joint public installation to- 8 p! m, A social time will follow former resident of New Britain, j ew Kt 8 p. m. in Odd Fellows the ceremony, during which re­ Members of the club who were not , ill, 48# Main street. District freshments will be servkd. »' present at the. last meeting should K.wauty President Mrs. Bernice R. call Mrs. Rdson Bailey for the type Headquarters ev«T o f Oils town and her staff wjit Mrs. Helen Fitzpatrick, presi­ of book acceptable. I ■' Un the Rebekah officers; and dent of the Hartford County- Fed­ FOR .^riet Deputy Grand Master eration of Democratic Women's Manchester Lodge No. 73, AF arry Pierce of East Hartford and Clubs,' and Mrs, Nora Rullivah.of and AM, will hold a special com­ staff will seat the officers of Hartford, .both representing tlie munication at the Masonic Temple . IQ n f David Lodge. Mrs. Hannah county federation, attended the tomorrow night, at 7:30,. for the / WQHsms heads the refreshment first meeting of the General As- purpose of rbiuiuctlhg a'Mksonlc'i •ammlttei’ nslttee. sembly^ist the State Capitol in funeral service for the late WJ1- j Ham C. .Parks. The ser\'lce wdlt he i held at the T, P. Hollorsn-F.tineral ’ Home on Center street at 8'b'clock. | - X HALEYS Self Serve and Meat Dept Mias Geraldine .lones of Olaston- ' bury and Raymond. P. O'Coin of Spruce street will W njarrled Sat­ RAN^E and FUEL OIL urday morning pt 10 o’clock in St. Always Feature Quality At Consistently Low Prices The l*rei.hlelit Attends Budget Seminar Paul's Church, ’ Glastonbury, with reception' In the afternoon in Health Plan Total FaW'DiginMuck 24 Hour Deliyery Service iGrange Hail, that town. Ranq«s, Rafrigcrators H A L p ;^ Wash«rs and All The Mary Cushman group o f the EGGS FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS P le a M ad e 111 State a# For Nine in Second Congregational Women's Ofhar Applianett HORIARTY BROTHERS League will mPet tomorrow eve­ Grade A I.arge COFFEE 1 SNOW CROI* ning with Mrs. Ethel Hubbard, of Sli CENTER STREET TEL. 51.15 130 Green road. Mrs. .Tames Brand TtnJW H ALC COM Doz. Ground As You Like K S U ^ T A S H / By Trum an Six Inches B -50 Crash and Mrs. Ralph Blodgett will be ssamiiieiw Cm » hostesses. I.b. ^ .. ~ ■ . V vv.--— “ ■ “Savannah, Ga.. .Ian. 9—(/P) 10 Ozg. e Washington. .Tan. 9 -A f)—-. By "I he —Two B-i’>0 bombers collided 23 President Trum^an called on nearly three miles up over Budget At a\Qlance 1 S.VQW DROP . Congi-ess today to set up a Northeast t^ay, dumping up (For Year Ending June program at once that would ' to a foot of snow over some with .nine . crewmen,_^^^p^ ,>v_. FRENGHFRIEG^ ‘‘bring adequate health “car^ and bringiTig^ 'death t<r meted into the muck of a ... I 9 5 r 'x *= " k e e p A within the financial means of 10 persons.. The worst storm Income ........ 1(18,677,000,000 $68,645,000,009 New l;ow- Price marshland between tvvo sub­ POTATOES all our .people.” “ ''/to hit~Boston in- seven win- division.^. Outgo . ___ _ .... $74,600,000,000 $78,600,400,009 ' S R S R P Bu( it wasn’t a natlonai health ters blanketed New England Searchers today clung to a faint Deficit ................. $5,900,000,000 $9,9oo,ooo;ooo In.surance piogram which Tnimaii vv'ith no signs df a letup for hope_that fome of the nine ntay Year-end D e b t./ ,^.$264,000J)00,QD0 $274,000,Q0Q,0(kK. HOMOGENIZED PREMIER 9 0zft. 22c--- a.sKea: This ••ttme. ’tt^ ^2{^V''an<)ther 2-4 hours. STeiet and have parachuted to safety as the suggested A series of "federal sky giant Bwirled dos^n in the E Y E FO R aid' to state plan murky darkness frpm 14,000 feet comprehensive personal health ? gions. _ x Washington, Jan. 9-^/P)— F’resident Truman today laid R altitude. But a quert by air, land Orange and services." , Three persons died In highway SPRY and - Sea - had -failed -to -disclose-any $78,600,000,000 'valedictory budget before Congress, where ■X iNOW Truman’s earlier proposal.s' for mishaps, 'six frohi, over-sx*rtion ih Republicans promptly cried "fantastic” and promised to cut ^GrapalruH Juica f national health insurance p ro -, deep snow and a fisherman per- survivors.- V a tu e s 3 LBS. Three Bodle* Found it sharply. But that was the customary reaction of Dem^ gram drew healed attack from i.thed when hla lobftler boat wAs Republican Congressmen and the ’ swamped off the MalnexCoa.st. The broken and charred reinains crutlc Cdngreaaea, too, and they* 0 0z8. 2 For 31c American Medical association. ; Hundreds of schoojs. lh New of three men were found nearby a frequently fell short of January They called his plan "socialized York Stale and New England, 20-foot-deep crater the huge craft pledgea to trim away billions of medicine " 1 were closed. Highways and road.s dug in the marsh near the Isle of dollars. Only time jcould tell Budget Summary whether, under the GOP, things Submitting Congre.ss the first were tteacherous and ‘0'. Hope suburbs. would be differettt. volume of the recent report of his where snow P'owa had , ■ The other four-engine bomber landed at the nearby hunter Air Truman's’ .estimate of govern­ Waahington, Jan. 8—^/P)— High­ . A- Qroca-H . B e e c h - N u t own Cbmmls.sion on the : Health drifts. In ment spending was for the fiscal Needs of the Nation, the Pre.vldent telephone service vns interrupted Force Ba. e, four feet of its tail light excerpts from Prealdent Tni- said the commission majority fe lt ' In some ««ction.s. The "vei night assembly sheared swaj'. but Its year 1954, which begins July 1. n'.an'a message to Cktngreaa on UM 1 LBv that the national insurance • pro- storm broke iimba off trees and crew unjHi.rt, Lti Thonaas R. Mere­ The total was four billion dollars budget for fiscal 1954, starting iBABY FOODS higher than spending projected by j July I T '" • ROR A ORAI lUY THIS WEEK END-^TRY EAGLE gram "j-eqiilred further study he- damaged power lines, dith. H in ter information officer, STRAINED.......... 4 Jon 39c fore coming to any final conclu- The driving northeast storm said this bomber apparently ripped the President for the current fiscal | The Background Bions on its merits.” I dumped heavy snow on much of off a wing of the other as the two year and 12'j billions more than! This budget has been preparag PINEHURIJT CHUCK ROAST In fiscs I 1852, which ended last I under unique cIrcumatanCM. It (a SELECT MEAT WISELY JUMiOK........... ...... 3 Jon 43c circled high In the air to come in Pre^dent Truman wa* ia a ffleaaant mood yes terda.v morning at a semlmur at wiiich rei>orters (ira TONF.LESR) WHILE YOir AKE SARDINES (Continued on Page Pour) (Continued.'^on Page Four) received an advanoe briefing en the Federal budget for the fiscal .year beginning July 1. With him June 3b. i the first budget since the adoptioii for a landing. The increases were almost en-1 of the 20th amendment to the Gm- . ]H‘ one bite you'll discover Inqt here. Is chuck ronsl at Its very Our frequent purchases insure "It is entirely possible that from are Secretary of the Treasury J«hn Rayder and Frederick J. Lawton, right, director of the' Rnrenu of bMk Thnt’a bemuse It comes from top grades of government /complete stocks of all varieties. the Budget. Ttie President holds a ropy of the bulky document wlilch wna made public at noon to- Jirely for natlonsi security pro-! Mllutlon to 'be presented to tha ^KEEPING A SHARP EYE ON VALUE” the great height, some -of the grams and pointed, Truman aaid. Congress by a President whp w ill 'lenpaeted beef— the only kind we offer al.P.inehurat. No wonder 3 Cons crewriiCn o f the ttl-filted bomber/ §’py, leave office •eeple ceme to pinehnrat for the lN>st meat and the beat values WE REDEEM BEE(H-NIIT GOlIRTESY CARDS _— -------- -------------------^ — toward a 10 billion' dollar deftcit a few daya after't ta Rememiter that It will pay you to shop rinchiirnt's service 2 ^ 49c may have gotten clear with their transmlaslon/ n tesf .
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