• • ' -- ~ rn ~ --~ z0 )> :ti' m G) :n- -I ,fl ~ 0,, Edited for · :r The Heather Society m '.t> by ~ J: E. C. Nelson & D. J~ Small m Al z l> ~ Volume 1 m CJ) Hardy Cultivars & Europea n Specie s ~ I ·•­ Part 2: D-1 • tJ ...I -- Volume 1 Hard Cultivars & Euro ean S ecies Part 2: D-1 Preamble In 1970 , The Heather Society (founded in 1963) was charged by the International Commission for the Nomenclatureof Cultivated Plantsto undertakethe role of International Registration Authorityfo r a denomination class comprising five genera within Ericaceae, namely Andromeda, Bruckenthalia, Ca/luna,Daboecia a nd Erica. These plants are generally called "heathers• or "heaths" in English-speaking regions. The role of an International Registration Authority is defined by the International code of nomenclature for cultivated plants (ICNCP), the current edition being that published in 1995. This checklist of cultivar nameswith in the denomination class has been compiled from a number of sources. It has its origins in the work of D. C. McClintock (Registrar1970- 1994) whose card files were compiled over many decades and provided an invaluable source of information. The Heather Society also acknowledgesthe significant contributions of the following dedicated people: T. A. Julian (Vice-president), the late A. W. Jones (Registrar, 1994-1998), Mrs J. Julian (Registrar 1999-) and R. J. Cleevely (Honorary Secretary). Many other members of The Heather Society, as well as other botanists, horticulturists and individualswi th interests in, and knowledgeo f, these plants, have also contributed. The Heather Society also acknowledgesthe s ubstantial assistance given by tts affiliated societies and their members, particulartyH. Blum and J. Flecken( Nethertands), J. Schroder and K. Kramer (Germany), Mrs B. Johansson (Sweden) and the late A. Dome (U.S.A.). This checklist is derived directly from a computerised database that was devised and is managed by D. J. Small. The entries in the databasewere checkedand edttedb y Dr. E. C. Nelson.Mrs A. Small (Administrator ofThe Heather Society), R. J. Cleevely and Mrs Maynard (Secretary to Mr McClintock) provided invaluable assistance at a ll stages of the editing and production of this checklist The research work for this checklist and its compilationwas funded, in part, by a generousgran t from the Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust. Scope of Volume 1 of the Internationalchecklist of heathernames _ _ Volume 1 contains all cultivar names and all botanical names that havebee n tracedWithin the generaAndro meda, Bruckenthalia (recently subsumed into Erica), Calluna and Daboecia. All the names of cultivarsand subspecific taxa for those species of Erica indigenous in Europe, Asia Minor and the Atlantic islands (Azores, Made1~and the Cana Islands) and for their hybrid taxa - the so-called hardy heaths and heathers - are also 1nclud - The Zimes of cultivars and hybrids derived from species of Enca indigenous in Afnca, including the so-called cape heaths, are not included in this volume. These WIiibe hsted in volume 2. Arrangement . r led - strict alphabetic sequence. When the As this checklist comprises a single integrated hst, nal~:~o: ~~es ~~ the name are listed, their order being same name was used on more than one occasion, a d then the speciest o which they belong. When determined by the alphabetic sequence of, fi~ I, ~Tne;~::;n~minai ion class, their orderi s determinedb y the © The Heather Society 2000 the same name has been used at different ran s n the s ·es to which they belong, and, the_reafter, of the © Photographs: The Heather Society Slide Library alphabetic sequence of, first, the ge_nus~ nd, the ~es · ~forma · subspecies; subvariety;vanety . names of the ranks, as follows - cult1var, orma, s rised database, and thus some namesco mposedof This checklist has been generated from a co~ pu~ethe inclusion within the epithet of punctuation marks more than one word may appear out of sequence ue o . (e.g. full stops, colons) and of spaces. nd botanical epithets from five genera, no _separateg _enenc Although this checklist contains cult1var n~':~~ ined in a single denomination classwi thinwh ich the duplication All Rights Reserved ~~~:~t:::;~:i~~d i~~:!~ye::~:~~ ~CNCP 1995, Art. 6). No part of this publication may be reprodu ced, stor ed in a retrieval syst em or transmitt ed in Botanical names . ch klist because, in many insta. nces, espec:1.·ally in the nineteemed antht some and any form, or by any means, electronic, magn etic tap e, photo copying, recordin g or oth erwis e, Botanical epithets are included ,n this ~ be regarded as cultivars were descnbed and na "ndication withou t permission in writing from The Heath er Society, All Saints Road , Cree ling St. Mary , 0 Ipswich, IP6 8PJ, England early twentieth centuries, e~;'t~~: t:::a:~~I v:~:ty (varietas)_ or were given tri-nom~a!,;'!, ::i : ~ I names in:~~s0 ~~~.~:~; r~~;:~ti~ar names have their origins_:! L::;~:'~-:'~~~:;,e:~not gov~medor regu= ~elud ing the names of sp~ies;;i: ,~~;~:~~ itf~! =anls , and are not the : spo;s:~ 1~::;~ !;::' of the by the /ntemat,onal code o no . L tin form must be published,n acco WI First edi tion publ ished in 2000 by The Heath er Society R istration Authority. These names, ,n a ' . is cared ln:mationa l code of botanicalno;:;~:~::u<:;f h~t any botanical synonymy g~v:n : !~: involvedin ISBN 0-9539079-0-2 Every effort has been :e of the large number of botanical names: an .; in Andromeda, u~le under the /CBN. However, ~ acknowledge that in some cases'. _especially :' names may not be corrector checking each one, the edit . that the sources and authont1es for som d dditiOIIS synonymy is lacking. We also ~~:ie ty welcomes corrections, amendments an a may not be complete. The Hea er INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF HEATHER NAMES I 2 Volume 1 Hard Cultivars & European S ecies Part 2: 0-1 3 D.NMclintock . Erica ciliaris' D. Mclintock' :~;r n:-;::sprinted in bold accord with the Internationalcode o_fnomenclature for cultivated plants (1995) g~1 m ipographic error. correct name Erica ciliaris'David McClintock' and thus are accepted. Trade designationsare printed m small capitals (e.g. GoLDHAMILTON). · McClmtockcard index (no source recorded). Cultivar names not printed in bold either are of uncertain status or do n~t comply with the articles_of the Internationalcode of nomenclaturefor cultivatedplants (1995) and thus are reiected: The reasons for reiectmg D.NMetheny- Erica x watsonii' D. Metheny' these names is stated (see below). When an accepted synonym1s available for a reJectedname, the synonym typographicerror: correct name Erica x watsonil'Dorothy Metheny• that should be used will be given in bold. ill Catalogue Fall 1998-Spring1999, Heaths& Heathers(Shelton, Washington, U.S.A.) : 16. The followingname , for example, is accepted. dabeoci - Menziesiadabeoci (Linnaeus) J . E. Smith N synonym of Daboecia cantabrica Balkan Rose - Erica splculifolia 'Balkan Rose' * 'Bloemen roserood in dichte, onbebladerde trosjes ... Afwijkend van de soort door rodere blowmkleur.' : ;ompendium florae_brittanicae : 61 (1800); A.-P. de Candolle,Flore Francaise111 : 874 (1805) Heliotropeflowers, June-July,with dark grey green foliage. 15cm tall, 30cm spread. rom Dabeoc, a saint m the early Irish church(fl . c. 500 AO). • Introducedin 1983 as Bruckenthaliaspiculifolia 'Balkan Rose'. Oaboecia - Erica vagans'Daboecia' m Ericultura52 [incorrectlynumbered 51]: 14 (December 1983); DerHeidegarten 23: 32 (1988); _ 41: 16 (1997) [as 'Balkanrose'];D. Small & A. Small, Handy guide to heathers: 1.44(1998; 2nd edition). N typographicerrors: correct name Daboecia cantabrica 'Bicolor' m B. de Laubadere,Bruyere: 41 (1999). <D Basionym: Bruckentha/iaspiculifolia 'Balkan Rose'. Alluding to the flower colour and the common name of Bruckenthalia(Balkan heath). When Bruckentha/ia was subsumed into Erica, the cultivar name was daboecia - Andromedadaboecia Linnaeus automaticallytransferred. N synonym of Daboecla cantabrica m Systema naturae ..._ editio duodecimaII: 300 (1767);W. Aiton, HortusKewensis II : 68 (1789). The following name, for example, is rejected, and its accepted synonym is provided. CD From Dabeoc, a saint m the early Irish church (fl. c. 500 AD). For discussionof the namesee Watsonia 23: 47-58 (2000). Ada s. Collins - Erica camea 'Ada S. Collins' N typographicerror and mistaken identification: correct name Erica x darfeyensis 'Ada S. Collings' daboecia - Andromeda daboeciaPallas m B. Proudley& V. Proudley,Heathers in colour. 131 (1974); H. van de Laar, Naamlijst van houtige gewassen: N synonym of Phyllodoce caerulea (Linnaeus) Babington 78 (1985); Yearbookof The Heather Society 3 (7): 72 (1989). m Flora Rossica II: 57 (1831). daboecia - Erica daboeciaWilldenow Abbreviations,Symbols and Annotations N synonym of Daboecia cantabrica U..-..o., K.. Cluu.,,.4s _~: 11Z (IT m Species plantarum: 383 (1797; 5th edn)l._ -,, Personal names AWJ A. W. Jones HJMB H. Blum daboecii - Bore/ta daboecii Baillon DJS David Small RJC R. Cleevely N synonym of Daboecia cantabrica ECN Dr Charles Nelson TAJ T. A. Julian m (J. Bergmans, Vasteplan/en en rotsheesters: 264 (1939)) Abbreviationsfor colours in descriptions daboecii - Erica daboecii Linnaeus H Heather Society colour chart RHS CC Royal Horticultural Society colour chart N synonym of Daboecia cantabrica m Species plantarum I: 509 (September1762; 2nd edn) Other abbreviations ICBN International code of botanical nomenclature Dagmar - Calfuna vu/garis 'Dagmar' ICNCP International code of nomenclature for cultivated plants * Indistinguishablefrom Ca/lunavulgaris 'Marleen'. • Clone CLL 23; submittedfor plant breeders'rights in Germanyby Ramerde Winkel(Goch, Germany) on The symbols preceding the sections of each entry are as follows: 4 November 1993;withdrawn 26 February1997 . m Blatt fur Sortenwesen27 heft 1: 15 (Jan. 1994); Yearbookof TheHeather Society 1994 : 40; Encultura N reason for rejection: correct name (in bold) 95: 17 (1994);_ 108: 14 (1998);Der Heidegarten42 : 10 (1997). F * brief description, if available <D Derivationnot known. Preliminarydesignation was "De Winkel Violett";the samedesignation was used • the history of the cultivar, if known later for another clone.
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