NORTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE THE SPECTRUM OFFICIAL PUBLICATION VOLUME XLVIII. STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1933. NUMBER 22. LILLIAN LINDSEY FIRST LEO ANDERSON GOES TO Bison Brevities Presentation Set IN LINE AT MILITARY YMCA COUNCIL MEETING For February 27,28 By Blue Key BALL ON FEBRUARY 27 TO BE HELD IN CHICAGO DR. METZINGER WILL Original Musical Comedy, "Sky High," Will Be Theme Home Economics Senior Guest ADDRESS GERMAN CLUB Head of Local Organization Will Rather Than Revue Of Stanley Thompson At Attend Executive Body. With a talk in the German language Annual Function Session Feb. 2, 3, 4 on "Varying Aspects of German and JAMES KONEN IS DIRECTOR American University Life," by Dr. MISS RAPHAEL IS SECOND REPRESENTS TWO STATES Leon Metzinger, head of the depart- Leading Characters and Dance ment of modern languages, Delta Beta, Choruses Are Named For Miss Clausen, Miss Plaggmeir college German club, will hold its first Students To Draw Up Plans For meeting of the winter term in the Y. All-College Show Are Third and Fourth Next Annual Geneva Con- M. C. A, Thursday at 7:45. In Grand March ference of Group A very brief business meeting will With rehearsals being organized dur- be followed by a program which also ing the past week, the Bison Brevities, Miss Lillian Lindsey, Page, as the includes German readings and folk annual all-college show of the North Leo Anderson, president of the col-. guest of Stanley Thompson, Fargo, ball songs. Dakota State college, is being prepared manager, will lead the grand march at lege YMCA for the past two years, will All persons on the campus who are for presentation Feb. 27 and 28. the Military ball on Friday evening, represent the student section of the interested in the German language are Dancing choruses, chosen before the Feb. 27. Miss Lindsey, a senior in the LILLIAN LINDSEY YMCA in North and South Dakota at cordially invited to attend. Refresh- Christmas vacation, are working under ments will be served. school of home economics, is affiliated a meeting of the executive council of the direction of Ben Boyden, last year's with Kappa Kappa Gamma, Women's dance director, and the singing chorus, Athletic association, and the college the northwest area of the student which was chosen recently will begin YWCA. State College Group YMCA in Chicago on Feb. 2, 3, and 4 Saddle And Sirloin intensive rehearsal during the coming LeRoy Chloupek, Dilworth, Minn„ to make plans and arrange the pro- week. Individual speaking parts are asistant manager of the ball, will be Gives P.T.A. Program gram for the Geneva conference of the Has Annual Banquet in charge of Richard Randlett. The show is rounding into shape rapidly, second in line with Miss Beatrice Ra- area held annually at Lake Geneva, phael, also of Dilworth, as his partner. Debate Between Frieda Panimon Wis. L. B. Humphrey, Chief of Ani- and, according to Ray Greenwood, Third in line will be Miss Rhoda manager of the production, indications And Edward McArdle To Mr. Anderson is one of the execu- mal Husbandry At Wis- Clausen, Fargo, guest of Edward point toward the best show ever pre- tive council Comm, Fargo. Miss Clausen is a jun- Feature Presentation oA ten, chosen each year at consin, Speaks sented by the Bison Brevities. the Geneva conference. He is the first ior in the school of science and litera- Breaking from the policy of former Featuring a debate on the question, member from either South or North The Saddle and Sirloin club, organi- ture. She is a platoon sponsor of the years, the Bison$ Brevities will present "Resolved that at least one half of all Dakota to be so honored. In addition zation of students in the school of agri- College ROTC corps, and a member of an original musical comedy, "Sky revenues for state and local purposes to being president of the local YMCA culture, will hold its annual banquet Guidon, honorary military sorority. High," in place of the customary revue. should come from sources other than fr the past two years, he has been vice on Friday evening, Jan. 20, in the Miss Frances Plaggmeir, Werner, The show has been adapted from a real estate and property taxes," a president of the state student YMCA Ceres hall cafeteria, it was announced with Earl Grove, Morris, Minn., will short story by Richard Hackenberg, group of students from the North Da- and membership chairman of the col- today by Lars Jensen and Clayton be fourth in line at the grand march. former State college student, by Morris kota State college will present a varied lege cabinet. Quinnild, students in charge of the ar- Miss Plaggmeir is a junior in the Olson. Olson has written the book and program before the Parent-Teachers rangements. school of home economics, and is a The northwest area of the national lyrics, while his brother„ Henry Olson, association of the Washington school at L. B. Humphrey, chief of the animal member of Kappa Kappa Gamma student YMCA to which the State col- wrote the musical score. 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. lege "Y" belongs, consists of all student husbandry department at the Univer- sorority. The story deals with the events at Frieda Panimon will argue the af- YMCA's in North and South Dakota, sity of Wisconsin, has been secured' as The ball, an annual formal function Sky High hotel, where Mary Lane, firmative of this question which is one Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, the chief speaker at the banquet. He sponsored by the local unit of Scab- taken by Erlys Hill, is the clerk. Bill of the subjects for intercollegiate de- Illinois, Iowa, and Indiana. William will give an illustrated lecture on bard and Blade, honorary military or- Horton, William Murphy, a young en- bates this season, against Edward Mc- Yates, of Ohio Wesleyan, is acting "Livestock Production South of the ganization, will be held in the Crystal gineer, is attempting to complete a Ardle. chairman of the executive council, Equator." M. B. Johnson, member of ballroom in Fargo, with the New Red the college experiment station staff in road through the mountains, but when The remainder of the program in- which includes besides the ten stu- Jackets furnishing the music. charge of range investigation in west- his plana go wrong, and it appears that A window display in downtown busi- cludes vocal selections by Caroline dents mentioned above, a selected he will fail, Ilsa Mason, played by group of YMCA general secretaries ern North Dakota, will act as toast- ness places is being planned by the Hendrickson, accompanied , by Esther master. Veronta Weppler, to whom he is en- Jepson. Ward McCabe will give a and faculty members. managers of the affair. Tickets can During the evening, John Leakey, gaged, breaks the engagement, and a reading and Carol Ladwig and Carol now be obtained from the College prominent Dickinson livestock man, mix-up ensues. Jean Pote as Mrs. Cooper will present a dance. The pro- Bookstore, the Cook Drug Co., the Ser- Nelson Sauvain, chairman of the will be honored by having his picture Henry P. Mason, and Betty and Jane gram is under the direction of Don vice Drug Store, and all members of State Board of Administrations, dis- hung in the Saddle and Sirloin club Bristol as Maize and Dixi Mason, add Hay and Alice Bender, instructors in Scabbard and Blade. cussed the salary reductions that would Hall of Fame. Mr. Leakey will be complications to the plot. Lord Dur- the department of public discussion. A list of guests at the ball will be affect faculty members of North Dako- present and will gave a short talk to ham and his nephew, Algernon Depew, published in a later issue of The ta State college, as provided for in the club members. portrayed by Richard •Randlett and Earl Helen Pease, Ruth Foote, Marian Spectrum, it was announced today by measure initiated in the last general The Saddle and Sirloin club cooper- Grove, respectively, are guests at the Wagness were dinner guests at the Phi Robert Connolly, editor-in-chief. election, at an informal meeting of the ates with the North Dakota Livestock hotel, and plan on attempting a moun- Omega Pi house Monday night. faculty, Friday evening. association in staging these banquets. tain climb. Jane Nichols as Carrie Potts, the maid of all work, and Deli- van Ross as Cash Potter, handy man Little International and amateur detective, have the lead- North Dakotan Is Mentioned ing comedy roles. They are ably as- Livestock Show Plans As Cabinet Prospect sisted by John Hamlet as the head and no promises that would embarrass bellhop. Are Making Progress Cap E. Miller, Head of Dept. of the administration in mapping out a Unusual lighting and effects are be- Agricultural Economies, new, different and better program for ing planned by John Gabe and Lyle Many Students Enter In Stock Cited For Post - farm improvement." Phillips, who are in charge of that Judging Contests, Say The Richland County Farmer-Globe work. Margaret Dady, who costumed While North Dakota, during 43 years says: "We believe Cap E. Miller is the the choruses in last year's show, is in Show Managers of statehood, has never claimed a mem- very type of agricultural leader that is charge of the costumes again this year. bership in a presidential cabinet, this needed for this responsible position at Chester Comeau and Vincent Case are Plans for the eleventh presentation year she presents an outstanding can- this critical time. His experience, en- designing the scenery for the produc- of the Little International Livestock didate for a post in the group to be ergy, frugality, wide acquaintance, tion.
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