THE GREAT LAKES ENTOMOLOGIST Index for Volume 24 (1991 ) ISSN 0090-0222 Author Index ...................... : ....................................................... 1 Taxonomic Index ...................................................................... 4 Dates of Publication............................................................... 23 Published by the Michigan Entomological Society Volume 24 Author Index Alexander, Richard D. A review ofthe genus Gryllus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), with a new species from Korea, 79-84. Bach, Catherine E., see Rickehnann, K. M., 231-237 Baines, D. Michael, see Rink, et al., 21·26. Ballard, Harvey E., Jr. First report ofAllonemobius griseu8 and Psinidia fenestralis in Ohio (Orthoptera: Gryllidae and Acrididae), 181·182. Band, Henretta Trent-Acorns as breeding sites for Chymomyza amoena (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Vlrginia and Michigan, 45-50. Bater, John E., see Punington, et aI., 75-78. Beck, D.A, see Elliott, et aI., 159-167. Coppel, H.C., see Simser, D.H., 103·108. Cowan, David P. New Michigan state record for a sphecine wasp, Podium rujipes (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), 183-184. Crawford, Hewlette S, Jr., see Jennings, et aI. 69-74. Dahl, Robert A and Daniel L. Mahr- Light trap records ofPhyllophaga (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Wisconsin, 1984-1987, 1-8. Dowell, Robert V., see Scriber, J.M., 27.38. Elliott, N.C., J. J. Jackson, G.R. Sutter, and D.A Beck- A descriptive study of the population dynamics of adult Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in artificially infested corn fields, 159-167. Foote, B. A, see Usis, J.D., 133-143. Fricke, J. M. - A trap-nest design for small trap-nesting Hymenoptera, 121·122. Fricke, J. M. - Trap-nest bore diameter preferences among sympatric Passaloecus spp. (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae),123-125. Funk, David T., see Rink, et aI., 21-26. Grabstein, Eric, see Scriber, J.M., 109-120. Hall, Richard B., see Hart, et aI., 63-68. Hanna, Roger D., see Hart, et aI., 63-68 Hart, Elwood R., Richard B. Hall and Roger D. Hanna- DispersaI of Fenusa dchmii (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) from an Alnus short·rotation forest plantation, 63-68. Heady, S.E. and L.R. Nault- Acoustic signaIs ofGraminella nigrifrons (Homoptera: Cicadellidae),9-16 Hogg, David B., see Wipfli, et aI., 169-172. Hunt, D. W. and K. F. Raffa Orientation ofHylobius pales and Pachylobius picivorus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to visual cues, 225-229 Hunter, Malcohn L., Jr., see Jennings, et aI., 69-74. Jackson, J.J., see Eliott, et aI., 159·167. Jennings, Daniel T., Hewlette S. Crawford. Jr. and MaIcohn L. Hunter, Jr. ­ Predation by amphibians and small manunaIs on the spruce budworm (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), 69- 74. 1 Katovich, S.A. and H.M. Kulman- Eastern pine seedwonn, Cydia toreuta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in red pine cones in Wisconsin, 145-152. Kendall, Patricia A, see Purrington, et al., 75-78. King, B.B. No intersexual differences in host size and species usage in Spalangia endius (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), 17·20. Knight, G.A, RJ. Lavigne, and M.G. Pogue The parasitoid complex offorest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), in eastern Wyoming shelterbelts, 255- 261 Kulman, H.M., see Katovich, S.A, 145·152. Kurczewski, Frank E. and Mark F. O'Brien Auplopu8 carbonarius, a Palearctic spider wasp, extends its range to Michigan (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), 185-186. Kurczewski, Frank E. and Richard C. Miller - Range extensions for species of Sphecidae (Hymenoptera) in the northeastern United States, 253.254 Kurczewski, Frank E. - Burrow construction from the ground surface in Lyroda subita (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), 203-206. Lavigne, R J., see Knight, G.A, et al., 255-261 Lindroth, Richard L., see Scriber, et al., 173·180. Mahr, Daniel L., see Dahl, RA, 1·8 McPherson, J. E. - Noteworthy range extensions of three emesine species (Heteroptera: Reduviidae), 99.1Ol. McPherson, J. E. - Range extensions of three emesine species in North America (Heteroptera: Reduviidae), 263·264 Metzler, Eric H., see Rings, RW. et al., 265·280 Miller, Richard C., see Kurczewski, F. E., 253-254 Nault, L.R, see Heady, S.E., 9·16. Nitao, James K, see Scriber, et aI., 173-180. O'Brien, Mark F., see Kurczeweki, F.E., 185·186. Parshall, David K, see Rings, R W. et aI., 265-280 Pavuk, Daniel M. and Benjamin R Stinner New Lepidoptera-parasitoid associations in weedy corn plantings: A potential alternate host for Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) parasitoids, 219·223. Petersen, Chris E. - The water quality ofthe west branch ofthe DuP age River and Kline Creek, Dlinois, as evaluated using the arthropod fauna and chemical measurements, 127-131. Pogue, M.G., see Knight, GA, et al., 255·261 Profant, Dennis - An annotated checklist ofthe Lepidoptera ofthe Beaver Island archipelago, Lake Michigan, 85·97. Purrington, Foster Forbes, Patricia A Kendall, John E. Bater and Benjamin R Stinner - Alarm pheromone in a gregarious poduromorph collembolan (Coleoptera: Hypogastruridae),75-78. Raffa, K F., see Hunt, D.W., 225·229 Rickelmann, Kathleen M. and Catherine E. Bach Effects of soil moisture on the pupation behavior ofAltica subplicata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), 231·237 Rings, Roy W., Eric H. Metzler and David K Parshall - A check list of the Lepidoptera of Fulton County, Ohio, with special reference to the moths of Goll 2 Woods State Nature Preserve, 265·280 Rink, George, Barbara C. Weber, D. Michael Baines and David T. Funk - Acrobasis shoot moth (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) infestation·tree height link in a young black walnut population, 21·26. Sanders, C.J. - List ofthe Lepidoptera ofBlack Sturgeon Lake, Northwestern Ontario, and dates ofadult occurrence, 51·62. Scharf, William C. - Geographic distribution of Siphonaptera collected from small mammals on Lake Michigan Islands, 39-44. Scholtens, Brian C. - Host plants and habitats ofthe Baltimore checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas phaeton (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), in the Great Lakes region, 207.217. Scriber, J. Mark and Eric Grabstein - Foodplant processing in four Hyalophora species (Lepdioptera: Saturniidae): Regional and taxonomic specialization, 109-120. Scriber, J. Mark and Robert V. Dowell- Host plant suitability and a test ofthe feeding specialization hypothesis using Papilio cresphontes (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae),27-38. Scriber, J. Mark - Differential suitability of 12 Great Lakes tree species for Papilio canadensis (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) larval survival and growth, 239-252 Scriber, J. Mark, Richard L. Lindroth, and James K. Nitao- Toxic phenolic glycosides from Populus: physiological adaptations of the western North American tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio rutulus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), 173-180. Simser, D.H. and H.C. Coppel - An array ofspatulate sensillae on antennae ofmale Brachymeria lasus (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae), 103·108. Stinner, Benjamin R, see Pavuk, D.M., 219·223. Stinner, Beqjamin R, see Purrington, et al" 75-78. Sutter, G.R, see Elliott, et al" 159-167. Usis, J. D. and B. A Foote- Influence of strip-mining on the mortality of a wetland caddisfly, Limnephilus indivisus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae), 133-143. Voss, Edward G. - Moths of the Douglas Lake region (Emmet and Cheboygan Counties), Michigan: IV. Geometridae (Lepidoptera), 187·201. Weber, Barbara C, , see Rink, et aI., 21·26. Wedberg, John L., see Wipfli, et al., 169-172. Wilson, Louis F. - Location and condition ofwhitemarked tussock moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) cocoons in a Michigan black walnut plantation, 153-157. Wipfli, Mark S., John L. Wedberg, and David B. Hogg- Screen barriers for reducing interplot movements of three adult plant bug (Hemiptera: Miridae) species in small plot experiments, 169-172. 3 Taxonomic Index Abagrotis altemata (Grt.), 95, 278 Ablerus clisiocampae (Ashm.), 257·260 Acanalonia bivittata (Say), 254 innotata Gn., 59, 94 ACaD2Uonlidae, 254 interrupta Gn., 276 Acari: Acaridae, 75 lepusculina Gn., 59, 94, 276 Acasis viridata (Pack), 57 lobeliae Gn., 276 Achatodes zeae (Harr.), 59 longaGn., 94 Aclens caliginosana (Wlk.), 54 morula G. &R, 276 celiana (Rob.), 54 noctivaga Grt., 59, 94 ceroinana (Fern.), 54 oblinita (J. E. Smith), 94, 276 comandrana (Fern.), 89 quadrata Grt., 94 cornana (McDJ, 54 rubricoma Gn., 276 forbesana (McD.), 54 superans Gn., 59 fuscana (B. & Bsk), 54 Actebia fennica (Tauscher), 95 hastiana (L.), 54 Actias luna (L.), 57,92,273 inana (Rob.), 54 Adaina montana (Wlsm.), 56 logiana placidana (Rob.), 54 Adela ridingsella Clem., 87 maccana (Tr.), 54 Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze), 169-172 macdunnoughi Obr., 54 Aethalura interteXta (Wlk), 56, 190 maculidorsana (Clem.), 54 Aglais milberti (Godt.), 55, 89,270 maximana (B. & Bsk), 54 Aglossa caprealis (Hbn.), 56 nigrolinea (Rob.), 54 Agonopterix atrodorsella (Clem.), 87 nivisellana (Wlsm.), 89 fiavicomella (Engel), 87 semiannuia (Rob.), 54 pulvipennella (Clem.), 87 variana (Fern), 54 Agriopodes fallax (H.· S.), 276 Acossus centerensis (Lint.), 54, 88 Agriphila ruricolella (Zell.), 90 undosus (Lint.), 54 vulgivagella (Clem.), 56, 90 Acrididae, 181·182 Agroperina dubitans (Wlk), 59, 94 Acrobasis betulella Hulst, 56 dubitans cogitata (Sm.), 59 demotella Grote, 21-25 lateritia (Huth.), 59, 94 juglaMis (LeBaron), 21-25 Agrotis gladiaria Morr., 95 sp.,90 ipsilon (Hufu), 60, 95, 277 tricolorella Grt., 56 mollis Wlk., 60, 95 Acronicta aftlicta Grt., 94 obliqua (Sm.), 60 americana (Harr.), 94, 276 venerabilis Wlk., 60, 95 dactylina Grt., 59, 94 vetusta Wlk., 95 fragilis (Gn.), 59, 94 volubilis Harv.• 60 grisea Wlk., 59, 94 Alabama argillacea (Hbn.), 58, 93
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