diptico 09/12/13 14:36 Página 1 PoRtuGal united left left Bloc Izquierda Unida Bloco de Esquerda Portugal www.izquierda-unida.es www.esquerda.net united and alternative left (Catalonia) RoManIa Esquerra Unida i Alternativa socialist alliance Party www.euia.cat Partidul Alianta Socialista sWItzERland www.pasro.ro labour Party of switzerland san MaRIno Partei der Arbeit der Schweiz Communist Refoundation of san Marino www.pda.ch (de) Rifondazione Comunista Sammarinese www.pst.ch (fr) www.sxun.org www.pdl.ch (it) sPaIn tuRkEy Communist Party of spain Freedom and solidarity Party MEMBER PaRtIEs MEMBER Partido Comunista de España Özgürlük ve Dayanışma Partisi United for www.pce.es www.odp.org.tr CyPRus GERMany new Cyprus Party German Communist Party a left alternative Yeni Kıbrıs Partisi Deutsche Kommunistische Partei www.ykp.org.cy www.dkp.de Progressive Party of the Working People Italy Ανορθωτικό Κόμμα Εργαζόμενου Λαού Party of Italian Communists in Europe www.akel.org.cy Partito dei Comunisti Italiani www.comunisti-italiani.it united Cyprus Party Birleşik Kibris Partisi sloVakIa www.birlesikkibrispartisi.org Communist Party of slovakia Komunistická strana Slovenska CzECh REPuBlIC www.kss.sk Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia Komunisticka strana Čech a Moravy oBsERVER PaRtIEs oBsERVER www.kscm.cz ContaCt us Party of the European Left Rue Parnasse 30 1050 Brussels – Belgium Phone: +32 (0) 2 5022606/16 Fax: +32 (0) 2 5020173 e-Mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.european-left.org www.european-left.org diptico 09/12/13 14:36 Página 2 PaRty oF thE EuRoPEan lEFt (El) United for a left alternative in Europe MEMBER and oBsERVER PaRtIEs “We refer to the values and traditions of socialism, communism and the labour movement, of feminism, the feminist movement and gender equality, of the environmental movement and the Party of the European left is a political party at the European level which was formed sustainable development, of peace and international solidarity, of human rights, humanism in 2004. Member and observer parties of the El are socialist, communist, red-green and and antifascism, of progressive and liberal thinking, both nationally and internationally”. other democratic left parties. their basic principles and political aims are laid down in the El Manifesto from 2004. Membership to the El is open to any left party and political Manifesto of the Party of European Left, 2004 organization in Europe that agrees with the El Manifesto and accepts the El statutes. at the moment (december 2013) the El has 26 member and 7 observer parties. austRIa FRanCE Communist Party of austria French Communist Party Kommunistische Partei Österreichs Parti communiste français www.kpoe.at www.pcf.fr BElaRus the left Party Belarusian left Party ‘Fair World’ Le Parti de Gauche Беларуская партыя левых www.lepartidegauche.fr ‘Справядлівы свет’ unitarian left www.camarade.biz Gauche Unitaire BElGIuM www.gauche-unitaire.fr Communist Party GERMany Parti Communiste (Wallonie-Bruxelles) the left www.particommuniste.be Die Linke n response to pressure from corporations and financial markets, the welfare state and BulGaRIa www.die-linke.de Bulgarian left democracy are dismantled across Europe. The achievements of the labour movement such GREECE Българската левица Ias employment protection, social security, unemployment benefits and pensions fall victim syriza www.levicata.org to the greed of the capitalists. Poverty and misery spread out with all the ugly consequences. PaRtIEs MEMBER ΣΥΡΙΖΑ Chauvinism and racism are constantly growing and there is a growing danger of war. CzECh REPuBlIC http://www.syriza.gr We are at a turning point in history. The crisis threatens to destroy cultural and social Party of democratic socialism hunGaRy achievements and prepares once more the ground for discord between peoples. However, Strana demokratického socialismu Workers' Party of hungary 2006 people stand up against this development: From Athens to Lisbon, they have begun to fight www.sds.cz Magyarországi Munkáspárt 2006 back. With general strikes and mass protests they have entered the political arena in order dEnMaRk www.munkaspart-2006.hu to put their governments under pressure. In this situation, the parties of the European Left Red Green alliance bear a lot of responsibility. The crisis raises mainly questions and uncertainty for many peo- Italy Enhedslisten - De Rød-Grønne Communist Refoundation Party ple. However, our answers and alternatives do not find by itself in the hearts and minds of www.enhedslisten.dk the people. It is about being there, where people fight together, taking their destiny into Partito della rifondazione comunista their own hands and get active. EstonIa www.rifondazione.it Estonian left Party The resistance of the population and the growing strength of left parties in several luxEMBouRG Eestimaa ühendatud vasakpartei European countries are a cause for hope. The EL is working to unite the progressive and the left http://vasakpartei.ee/vpb oppositional forces in order to build up fronts of resistance against the brutal austerity poli- Déi Lénk cies, defending public services. FInland www.dei-lenk.lu We fight for a re-foundation of the European Union; for a new definition of its objectives, policies Communist Party of Finland REPuBlIC oF MoldoVa and structures; an economic, productive, social and ecological model based on solidarity, social justice, Suomen kommunistinen puolue Party of Communists of the Republic democracy and popular sovereignty, acting in the service of the people. www.skp.fi of Moldova The EL is internationalist and stands together in solidarity. We strive for a society, which left alliance Partidul Comuniştilor din Republica transgresses the capitalist and patriarchal logic. Our aim is a peaceful society, human eman- Vasemmistoliitto Moldova cipation, liberation of men and women from any form of oppression, exploitation and www.vasemmisto.fi www.pcrm.md exclusion..
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