ROBERT MOORE a!r1u!uullululu!uulrl!! imi! 11111111! ml! ll! lluum!! mllmlmlllllul !llHml!lumlulllulllul! SELLING NEWS Heads Transradio Press WIKY Tells Audience Why ROBERT E. L. MOORE, vice pres- ident Press Service -AM -FM of Transradio LISTENERS to WIKY since 1945, has been elected presi- FOR Evansville, Ind., 9 a.m. newscasts dent of the corporation, Herbert i]l101p -rv 11'1 p' n1111,opra1rl1;i1j1 It explana- were introduced to daily Moore, founder of whys and wherefores tions of the the company and JOE Mutual recent two - CUMMISKEY, former of radio news during a board chairman, sportscaster, joins WPAT Pater- week sponsorless interlude, the sta- announced last son, N. J., as director of news, tion reports. week. He suc- sports and special events. He form- Purpose of the one -minute "les- ceeds Dixon Stew- erly was featured on Mutual's Inside sons" -the time slot on sponsor- art, Transradio's Sports, was once sports editor of now hiatus for the five-minute news- defunct New York PM and before that president since Ten major farm organizations cast -was to explain "why WIKY on staffs of the NewYork News and they 1945, who has the Buffalo Times. (Grange, etc.) representing 140,- newscasts are different," why been given a new 000 New York state families own of JACK JUREY named news editor of are listened to, the job radio assignment in the Rural Radio Network. Since they for WKBN Youngstown, Ohio. listen first to their network, make news and how news is gathered field of visual a broadcast, John Munger, news Mr. Moore JIM GRANER appointed to succeed Rural Radio first oid for sales in news dissemina- rural New York. director, explains. tion. JIMMY DUDLEY as sportscaster for Taking the listener behind the WJW Cleveland. Mr. Dudley resigns, Re- election of Rex R. Goad as effective Feb. 15, to freelance. scenes, the promotion- education vice president in charge of news series pointed up family listening, operations also was announced. Mr. MALCOLM JOHNSON, formerly with good taste, human interest, con- now defunct New York Sun, joins In- Goad is Washington bureau man- ternational News Service as reporter. versation style of writing, editing, ager and has been with Transradio news news qualified personnel, 16 years. WALTER CARLE resigns as director serv- for news and from sources, sports items, wire Robert Moore, 40, joined Trans - of public service KTTV Mr. (TV) Los Angeles to freelance in ra- ices use and fact -reporting. radio immediately following its or- how we put a dio and television. Munger says "that's ganization in 1934. He established five -minute newscast to work for Washington bureau SEYMOUR FOX joins news and spe- with the company's cial events staff as writer at NBC us; how we think we sold news and served as bureau chief until news." Chicago. He worked previously for 1937 when he made a country -wide WMOR (FM) Chicago and at Trans - tour to establish new bureaus and radio Press. facilities. He extend Transradio's CAMERON CORNELL, news editor of RADIO NEWS COURSE later served as assistant to the KERN Bakersfield, Calif., joins CBS 85% division man- U. of Minn. Sets Feb. 17 -18 president, Southern Hollywood news bureau as writer. ager and covered the invasion of . of properous rural New York JULIAN BENTLEY, news editor at is member is served by B RR stations: WHCU- CLIFTON UTLEY, national news Europe. He a charter WBBM Chicago, named board mem- for WMAQ -NBC Chi- of the National Assn. of Radio FM, Ithaca; WFNF, Weathersfield; commentator ber of Headliners Club of Chicago Center; WVCN, De- be speaker News Directors. WVBT, Bristol cago, will the featured chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, national Ruyter; WVCV, Cherry Valley; when the U. of Minnesota School journalistic fraternity. WVBN, Turin; WSLB -FM, Ogdens- of Journalism holds its fourth an- ROBERT F. HURLEIGH, news direc- burg; WFLY, Troy. nual radio news short course at tor of WGN Chicago, is the father of Minneapolis, Feb. 17 and 18. He SALES STUDIES a boy, Steven Lankford. $6,500 will talk at a dinner in the Radis - Ohio Group Names Plan Unit son Hotel, Feb. 17. The Minnesota is the "Cadillac" average Associated Press Broadcasters are SALES research and training farm income per family in New meeting in conjunction with the plans will be studied by an educa- TRANSIT RADIO York state. Farm families in New course. tional committee appointed by Carl York buy 45% of the autos sold; 22% 51% of the hardware; 36% of the Among other scheduled speakers George, president of the Ohio Sponsor Gain Reported course are: electrical appliances; 28% of the for the Assn. of Broadcasters, to work out A GAIN of 22% in number of drugs; 36% of food -meat; 33% of Wallace E. Stone, manager of KILO plans will benefit both Ohio Grand Forks. N. D.; John F Meagher, that sponsors using Transit Radio was the clothing. manager of KYSM Mankato; Ari State U. and Buckeye stations. reported in the final two months Stringer, NAB; Jim Bormann, news di- The committee, which will co- rector of WMT Cedar Rapids, Iowa; of 1949, according to a listing of 356,640 Tony Moe, promotion manager of ordinate its efforts with those of station reports released last week WCCO Minneapolis; W. Earl Hall, man- Dr. Kenneth Cameron, Ohio State the total rural families in aging editor of Mason City (Iowa) by Transit Radio Inc., Cincinnati. is Globe Gazette and university pro- U., is composed of the following: During December a total of 459 the upstate area. This includes fessors Dr. Ralph D. Cesey. Mitchell Hugh Higgins, WMOA Marietta, 138,255 farm families . a rich, V. Charnley and Charles E. Swanson. sponsors used Transit Radio on the chairman; Al Heiser, WLEC San- 14 stations releasing reports, as responsive market worthy of your dusky; Robert Mason, WMRN compared to the previous report consideration. Radio News Play Marion; Bill Orr, WBNS Colum- for October of 376 sponsors on 13 bus; Robert Runnerstrom, WCOL Rural Radio . prescription to RADIO news emphasis now stations, the music -as -you -ride firm sell the. $971,000,000 agricul- Columbus; William Sprague, WHK revealed. Largest gains were re- tural market in New York state. is on the national and local Cleveland, and Harvey Young, the play from corded among appliance and furni- scene, taking WHIO Dayton. ture dealers, clothing and depart- international affairs as com- jewelers, pared to 1945, according to a ment stores, florists and with no classification showing a survey announced Feb. 3 by reported. ABC editors of Esso Report- Platters to Politics decrease, Transit Radio over WJZ New Rural er broadcasts York. Comparison of six MYRON J. BENNETT, former days in January 1945 with disc jockey, has entered the guber- WDBC New Facilities same period this year re- natorial race in Iowa on the Demo- vealed international play de- cratic ticket. Primaries will be WDBC Escanaba, Mich., owned and Radio clined from 62.9% to 12.8 %; held in June. Mr. Bennett used operated by the Delta Broadcasting local jumped 19.5% to 40.5%, radio two years ago to help win the Co., has inaugurated new facilities while national rose 17.9% to election to the safety commissioner operating on 680 kc, 1 kw. Affiliated NETWORK 46.7 %. Esso Reporter, broad- post in Des Moines which he now with the Escanaba Daily Press, cast Mon.-Sat., '7:55 a.m., holds. In that capacity, he is head WDBC formerly operated on 1490 12:30 p.m., 6 p.m., and 11 of both police and fire departments. kc, 250 w. John P. Norton, pub- p.m., is sponsored by Stand- Stations at which Mr. Bennett lisher of the newspaper and presi- 118 North Toga Street. Ithaca, N. Y. formerly worked include WCKY dent of the broadcasting company, ard Oil of New Jersey, 330 West 42nd Street. New York City through Marschalk & Pratt, Cincinnati, KRNT Des Moines, said formal dedication of the new New York. KWK St. Louis and KSO Des facilities is planned for late in Moines. February or early March. BROADCASTING Telecasting February 13, 1950 Page 47 .
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