* MANCHESTER HERAlJ>, Monday. A im , a. 1 M 7 AOVBRTIBBMaNT IIDPBM INVITATtON TO BIDDBRS the Hous­ Fair rent: Foes and fans organizing On hold: Masse’s ton or be- / page ” *".TO W*.i*s Aumerttv'iiiwNCHBSTft^^ V* mwfw rswwQirfV mwinwrBfT «e w w s f * dream is not coming eleudl j*r*gjy*4 tof tomlihlne elljeber, materials, Enchanting: Turning fairytales page 11 through / page 15 ARBAS at SPENCRR V ILLA O I Prelect Number E-ios. 3. viwvf nwfnwr s-iwv. I. t the" contract..., " i S S S Jn i! a J S r t i ^ eompeittive Mddliw but ovolloMw for mlnonty/fomolo Buelnoos Bnforarlooti^ ?5rX w w o r Pemole Bntar- Miw *JH^..^ "^ "* rils h e d ^ compehhve Wddino but £?PIPS** tor set-oslde amount. All fyN iwss, M lw yl^ QiKl/or Pemole Ruler- K !5 ? i!I^ 2 1 2 y SST15S** ttT ™ * mt-mlOe amount. All - ’'ft P.r'B-* *g*9*y»< I" the.eet-eelde Mddlne must be cerltfied by the Deportment of Bconemie D e ^e e m ^< - • V«A*s^*r I !*l|*^*;y * |'*! WIH be r ^ r e d to furnish 188% g y y?!'**"** « 1«l Povment Bend or Bondi or o Cemple- mZL A or ■onos oro comott* audrrstrrManchesler - A City ol Village Charm Hrralh *• ore on tile et theobove men- S!**lf**S!* •* Flensend 8ped- «y.j3!*1?i?J*?*:*>_y*!^gi.8AuthO!)itvfereecheetsoeS e o d i a e i ^ ^ *rionded to Tuesday, Aug. 4,1987 30 Cents S J U g l n g j . within ten (10) deyscdhir^r 7. Oeeuments must be eenMdetS^iillSin EPA reports Trunk sewer T O M dXM '"iS"M !5lr^^^ amount equol to five •K* * Oe •node pevoMa tothe jj? s»*mlt1ed with each high radon in I tor B?5l2r*Wee&YSll 9. No Md liwll bewilhdrawn for a period ef lixtv (M) dove major snag in *!**.oga*ilnp of M d ^ r until Hw nsxt work tellewtnp enidj^lod. without tti# cen- 19% of homes iont of ihs obeve-mantlenad Autherlty.. HOUJJNO AUTHORITY OF THE COmOMIHIUMS t o w n OF MANCHESTER HOUSIkW AUTHORITY OP THE APARTMENTS LAW N AND 24 BLUEFIELD DRIVE TOWN OP MANCHESTER By Christopher Callahan HM8MI FOR RENT TRUCK8/VAN8 MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT 0600) 24 BLUEFIELD D R I ^ 8ARDEN FOR SALE MS. ADA SULLIVAN, CHAIRMAIt’ MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT 01040 The Associated Press town-8th talks NICELY Affordable. Dated July 24,1907 MS. ADA SULLIVAN, CHAIRMAN MANCHESTER. 4 room Ootod: July 24,1fS7 Manchester. $109,900. LAWN Mower, Snooper CHEVY 1978 4 door 00448 W ASH IN G TO N — Nearly one fifth of 1,500 apartment. 1st floor. 0034S By Alex GIrelll Vt duplex with condo Adults preferred. No push type with leof pickup truck. 3 plus 3 Connecticut homes surveyed showed radon levels an Adams Street connection and status property Is In pets, no appliances, 1 mulcher and bag. Ex­ Silverado. Excellent above the government-recommended guidelines, the Associate Editor one to a North Main Street sewer excellent condtion and cor. Security. 649-1265. cellent condition. S50. condition. 30k. CARR CARR Environmental Protection Agency said in a report with a valve to control the direction Includes 2 large bed­ 6464»05. S6500/best offer. 643- A $1 million sewer question is 4 ROOM apartment, ap­ FOR RALE INVITATION TO BIO INVtTATMH TO BID B9SS issued today. of flow. rooms, loving room 2939 after 5:30. FOR RALE “ INTBRIOR FAINTINBATPi--------------------- 7 dividing the town and the Eighth pliances, heat, hot wa­ The Manchtttar Public THB BAST HARTP(MD The study, part of a 10-state E P A survey of the However, the district does not and oppllanced kit­ 10000 THINOS I t v Utilities District negotiators. Schoola eollclte bide 1907 ter, garage. Lease. TBIRD79. MIchelln tires. MIDOLB SCHOOL” dangerous gas. said 19 percent of the single-family agree to allow the town to deter­ chen. V6 baths, good TO EAT T H E EA S Y W AY to find a CHEVY Coprls Classic Twe-Whaal Drive utility The Board ef IducaNea. lie Plans by the district to build a convenient location. D. S575. Adults preferred. cosh buyer for no-longer- Excellent condition. 1979. Dependable car. trader with leoder bucket homes statewide had radon levels above EP A mine which way the valve will be 646-7240. Long Hill Orlvt, Beet HoeS- sewer on North Main Street that W. Fish Realty. 643- needed household Items Is $1500 best offer. 643- High mileage. Must and bockhee and ItSS Four- ford, CT., will receive eeded guidelines. turned, and thus which government 1591.0 STORRS 2 bedroom, ap­ with a wont od. Dial 0220, 563-6541. sell. $500.643-2929 otter Wheel drive compod pickup Mde for "INTBRIOR FAINTL The Connecticut Department of Health Services, 'Jk: could produce about $1 million in will collect the outlet fees. truck for the 19SM9IS tcheol INO AT THE BAST HART­ pliances. Private en­ SW EET CORN. Pick your 643-2711 to place your SUBARU 81 GL. 4 door, 5 5:30. year. Seoled bide will be re­ based on the survey’s results, is recommendingthat all revenue emerged Monday night as O'Brien said Monday that if there own. $1.00 per dozen. FORD MIDDLE SCHOOL a major snag in a tentative trance, yard. $395. Coll quick-octlon ad. speed, elr, stereo. Ex- CHEVY 1953. Belolr 4 ceived until Aupud 14,19S7, Bid Information end epedtt- homeowners test their houses for radon, which can is no agreement under which between 8-5:30. 643- Natsiskv Form. 644- cellent condition. door, runs good. Por- 2:W F.M. for the Pickup coHona ore ovalloMe at the cause lung cancer. agreement between the town and government takes over all sewers, 8516. 0304. truck and until 3:30 F.M. for Buelnaee Office. Sedad MW $2200. 659-3619. tlolly restored. the utlllt trader, at which The survey said 18 percent of the homes tested had the district over fire and sewer the town will continue to contest the $700/best offer. 075- will be received until 1:00 £ jurisdiction. 3 ROOMS. Portly fur­ AUTOMOTIVE OLDS 67 Detmont 05. 425 lime IhM will be publicly m., FtMov, Aueud 14,19075 radon levels between 4 and 20 picocurles per liter, and 1 question of who controls the direc­ nished. Heat. Working engine. Running condi­ 0089 onytlme. opened,ed. Ththa rlpht■ ■ • •It raearvad which Nme they will be puB- Negotiators for the two govern­ OFFICE/RETAIL to rated any and all Mda. percent had levels above 20 picocurles. The average tion of flow. single mole preferred. tion. $200. 643-9504. 643- PiNTo7r787nr7Sokri lld y opened end read aloud. level was 2.9. ments met for almost three hours in Spedflcdlonf‘ dIU and Md forme The Beard of Bducotlen r # A “ Do you agree that the town will NO PAYMENTS No pets. Leose. 643- EQUIPMENT 9505 evenings. cor. Ports. Best offer. may be tecured at the Busi­ A picocurie is a measure of the pace of radioactive an attempt to resolve differences, 2880. arvee the rlpht to accept or control the valve?" Naab asked. Up to 2 years. Kits your fi­ CARR P O N TA IC J-2000 82. Air 520-6573, 569-4161. ness Office, 4S North School reled any or oil Mde or Iho but adjourned at 10; ISp.m. with the COPY machine standard Street, Monchaeter, Connec­ disintegration. The EPA uses 4 as the level that calls “ No," said district negotiator nancial dimcultles goodbye. FDR RALE coditloned, 37,00 miles. CHRYSLER d o rd o b o right to wolvo tochnleol fop> North Main Street sewer question and legal size. Excel­ ticut. molltloo If It le In tho host 1% for action. John D. LaBelle. "The district Avoid forodoturo. Catch up Good condition. $2200. 1975. Running condi­ 00S4S among unresolved questions. on late payments such at nrst C0N00MINIUM8 lent condition. $3500 CHEVY Monza 78. Blue, 646-5007.______________ toroot to do 00. Four picocurles is about as risky as smoking eight would never agree to that." FOR RENT asking $500.646-0505. tion. $275 or best offer Richard A. Huot, cigarettes per day or undergoing 200 chest x-rays a They scheduled another meeting or second mertgooe or even no body rot. Sunroof, otter 6, 2819792. OIrodor/Bualnoot Sorvicoo outstanding credit card Mils. f^ONTIAC Sunbird 1970. 6 year. A level of 20 is the equivalent of smoking two for 7 p.m. Wednesday. M O N D A Y ’S M E E 'H N G began on om-fm cassette. $800. cylinder, sunroof, new Keep your home free and MANCHESTER. Beauti­ D A TS U N 210 1902. 59,000 packs of cigarettes a day. Whoever owns the line that a tense note when LaBelle. who is 646-8223 after 5:30. brakes, tires and miles. Coll between 6- clear without liens. Sod ful new 2 bedroom PETR AND The study said nearly three-quarters of the 167 empties a major Buckland trunk also legal counsel for the district, credit or late payment his­ condo. Air, refrigera­ MERCURY Bobcat 1976. clutch. $750 or best 10pm. 643-6433. 8UPPUER Running condition. offer. 643-6370 or 742- Connecticut towns surveyed had at least one house with sewer into the town’s collection said “ I assume everybody reads tory Is nota proMem. Kindly tor, dishwasher, ml- DODGE Von 1970. New system will be in a position to call: Best offer. 646-3957. 7667. 7om-2:3Qpm. a reading greater than 4 picocuries. the newspapers.” He was alluding crovwave etc. Call 644- BEAUTIFULLY marked point, good running CAMPERR/ RIDTDRCYCLER/ collect a large sum in outlet T h a Sw iss OIDS Cutlass Supreme VW Rabbit 1900.
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