EE March 1988 PRINTERS BBC Micro Computer System EPSON KP915 (156 coil E369 !a) LX800 8BC MASTER SERIES: WORD PROCESSOR ROMs: £189 le)BROTHER HR20 E349 la) FX800 . AMB15 BBC MASTER 128K £346 (a) VIEW 2.1 £35 Id) VIEW 3.0.. £48 (c) E295 (a)STAR N110 1ParaBel !lace) . E179 lal ADC06 Turbo (65C102) Card £95 (dl Speamaster £49 (dl VIEW INDEX E12 (dl EX 1000 E405 la)STAR NLIO Serial Interface). E219 (a) ADC08 512 Processor £185 (b) WORDWISE £24 (dl WORDWISE+ E38 Id) EX800 E395 la)JUKI 6100 (Daisy Wheel) . ... £295 (al ADF14 Rom Cartridge E13 (d) SPELLCHECK III EX1000 £539 (a)INTEGREX (Colour) E549 lal ADF10 Econet Card £40 (d) WYSIINIG+ E21 (d) £31 (dl L0850 (80 col) E439 (a)NAT PANASONIC KX P 1081_ E149 la) ADJ22Ref. Manual I £14 (c) INTERWORD £46 (di EDWORD II £43 (a) 101050 (136 col) E529 (alNAT PANASONIC KX P 3131. £249 la) ADJ23Ref. Manual Part II _ E14 (c) TAXAN KP815 (80 cob £269 fa) ADJ24 Adv Ref Manual E18 (c) LANGUAGE ROMS: We hailin stock a large variety of printer attachments, interfaces anj con su m abzes. Micro Prolog E62 (c) Microtext £52 (c) Pease write or phone for details. BBC ARCHIMEDES ISO PASCAL £51 lc) LOGOTRON £55 (c) Please enquire about availability and LOGO £46 (c) MACROM £33 (dl detais of the s stem. LISP E39 (dl COMAL £43 (dl ACCESSORIES Oxford Pascal £36 (c) BUFFALO 32K Buffer for Epson printers E75 (dl: FX80 plus sheet feeder £129 lb). UPGRADE KITS: EPSON Serial Interface: 8143 E30 IS); 8148 with 2K buffer E65 1.2 OS F1O1.) E15 (d) COMMUNICATIONS ROMS: ONFS ROM . £19 (dl TERMULATOR EPSON Paper Roll Holder £17 lb); FX80.80- ,85 Tractor Attach £37 (0); RXTX80 £25 (dl Dust Cover E4.50 (dl; LXBO Tractor Unit E20 (c); 10800 Tractor Feed E47 lb). BASIC II ROM (BBC B) .. £22.50 (d) ).(ASTER TERMULATOR E34.75 (dl ADFS ROM E26 COMMSTAR II (28 (d) EPSON Ribbons: MX/FIX,FX80 E5; MX,FIXTX100 E10 (dl: LX80 £4.50 Id% 1770 DFS Kit E43.50 MODEM MASTER Ell (d) Econet Kit (B&B+) JUKI: Serial Interface E65 Id): Tractor Attach. £149 (a); Sheet Feeder E219 (a); E55 Id) COMMAND E34 Id/ Ribbon £2.50 (a): Spare Daisy Wheel £14 (dl. ACORN ADD-ON PRODUCTS: UTILITY ROMs: BROTHER HR20: Sheet Feed E229; Ribbons - Carbon or Won £3; Tractor Feed Torch ZEP 100 £229 (a) DOTPRINT PLUS for FX RX compatiht.,q 512 2nd Processor £195 Ib) £116 (a): 2000 Sheets Fanfold with extra foie par. 9.5- - E13.50; 15" £17.50 lb). IEEE Interface DOTPRINT DUAL for MX range BBC Parallel Lead £6; Serial Lead E6 (dl: IBM Parallel Lead l2m) E12 £265 IS) Acorn Graphics Extension Rom E28 Teletext Adapter £95 )b) Merlin with 57 disc unity commands Acorn 65CO2 Turbo E99 )b) MONITORS 100 page manual E37.50 (cl MICROVITEC 14" RGB TAXAN K12SV620 12" £269 lal Ask for full detaas on our fua range of software 1431 Standard Resolution E179 (alTAXAN K125V625 12" . £319 la) 1451 Medium Resolution E225 (a)12" MONOCHROME MONITORS: 1441 Hi Res £365 (a)TAXAN: MULTIFORM Z80 2nd Processor for the BBC MICROVITEC 14" RGB:PAL & AudioTaxan KX 117 12' Green P31 E 85 la) This unique Z80 2nd Processor running OS 1.1 will allow use of almost any standard CP.M soft 1431 AP Standard Resolution E199 (a)Taxan KX 118 12" Green P39 E 95 ware on the BBC micro. It is supplied with a number of different CPifil formats and includes a 1451 AP Medan Resolution£259 (a)Taxan KX 119 12" Amber E 95 la) PHILIPS: utility to configure it to read other formats. This is pariicularty useful in environments where corn - MICROVITEC 20" RGEIPAL,Audo autos with different CP/M formats are used and the data cannot be easily exchanged between 7502 Green Screen E 69 tai 2030 CS std Res £380 (a) 7522 Amber Screen E 75 la) them. Mains powered (includes Pocket Wordstar & MSDOS (LW unity) E249 Ib) 2040 CS Hi Res E675 (a) MS DOS Read Write Utility £49 Ic) 7542 White Screen E 79 (a) Mitsubishi 14" RGB Med Res IBBCIBM)AB Phelps Monitors scarified with swivel META Version 3 ASSEMBLER E219 (a)stand Assembles 17 of the popular processors. Over 70K long program on two roms and a disc and provides complete Editing and Assembly facilities. It uses appropriate mnemonics for different BOOKS processors. Fully nestable macros, nestable conditional assembly (IFIELSEENDIF). modular source code, true focal arid global labels, 32 bit labels arid arithmetic. 30 ways to send ohi;ett No VATon books; Carriage (c) code and 50 directives. View 3.0 User Guide £9.00 LANGUAGES: A powerful editor with many features. Send for detailed leaflet. £145 (6) Viewstore £9.00 6502 Assy Lang Prog £19.95Vrewstieet £9.00 BBC DISC DRIVES 8086 Book E23.95Wordwise Plus E9.95 5.25" Single Drive: Acorn BCPL User Guide £15.00 Acorn FORTH £7.50SOUND & GRAPHICS: 1 400K 40.80T DS: TS400 E90 IblPS400 vrtth peal £104 lb) 5.25" Dual Drive: Acorn LISP E7.50Mastering P4usic E6.95 2 x 400K 40.80T DS: TD800 ....E170 (a)P0800 with psu Acorn ISO Pascal Ref Manual £10.00 E190 la) Intro to COMAL £10.00DISC DRIVE SYSTEMS: 2 a 400K 40.801 OS with psu and built in monitor stand P08009 £209 lal Advanced Disc User Guide (14.95 3.5- Drives: Intro to LOGO E7.50 Micro Prolog Ref Manual E10.00Disc Book E3.50 400K 80T DS TS35 1 E67 (b)PS35 1 with psu E85 lb) Introduction to Turbo Pascal. E14.95Disc Programming Techniques £7.95 1 , 400X SOT DS with psu TD35 2 E126 lb(P035 2 with psu E149 it)) Disc Systems E6.95 Prog the Micro with Pascal . E8.50 The UNIX Book 07.50File Handing on the BBC E6.95 3M FLOPPY DISCS Unix User Guide E19.95APPLICATIONS: Industry standard floppy discs with a life time guarantee. Discs in packs of 10: Understanding Unix E18.45Interfacing PrOj for BBC E6.95 5% DISCS 3% DISCS BBC MICRO GUIDE BOOKS 88C and Small Business £5.75 40T SS DD £8.20 Id)40T DS DD £10.00 (dlSOT SS DD £15.00 (dl BBC User Guide Acorn £15.00PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE BBC Plus User Guide E15.00 80T SS DDE12.25 (d)80T DS DD. E13.00 Id)80T DS DO £19.50 (d) Wordstar made easy £16.95 Drawing your Own BBC ProgramsE6.95Introduction to Wordstar £17.95 Inside Information C8.95Wordstar Handbook E11.95 Math Prog vt BBC Basic E7.95 DISC ACCESSORIES dBase-II for the first time user E 16.95 Toolbox 2 £10.95 Understanding dBase-111 £22.95 Single Disc Cable E6 (d) Dual Disc Cable E8.50 (d) VIA 6522 Book 450 10 Disc Library Case £1.80 Ic)30 Disc Storage Box E6 (Cl Multiplan Made Easy £18.95 40 Disc Lockable Box E8.50 (c)100 Disc Lockable Box E13 (c) PROGRAMMINGATIILITY &summate Complete Grade £16.95 Eloppielene Drivehead Cleaning Kit with 20 disposable cleaning kits 5F." f 14 50 (dl; E16 Idi Advanced Sideways Ram User ABC of LOTUS 123 £17.45 Guide £9.951-2-3 for Business £16.95 Advanced User Guide (BBC) Adv Tech in dBase 11111 . E22.95 BT APPROVED MODEMS Applied Ass./Lang on the BBC E9.95Mastering CPA( £17.95 BBC Micro Sideways ROM's RAM'sE9.95CPM Wale E16.50 MIRACLE TECHNOLOGY WS Range Guide to the BBC ROM £9.95Introducing CPIM on BBC & ZEO E9.95 MS PC DOS Prompt . __ £10.95 WS4000 V21123. WS2000 V21A/23 Beginners Guide to W.P £7.95 Mayes Compatible.Inter -vent. Auto Dial' Manual Modern £92 (b) Auto Answer) E135 lb) WS 2000 Auto Dial Card E27 PROGRAMMED ROMS FOR ELEKTOR WS3000 V21123 Professional WS 2000 Auto Answer £27 Ml PROJECTS As WS4000 and with BELL standards arid WS 2000 SKI Kit £5 Id) 503-N kir_ Computer Monitor 516 TaScing Dice 2716 E 7.317 battery back up for memory . £244 (b) %VS 2000 User Port Lead £5 Idl 521 CharGen & Video Routine for DOS W53000 V22 Professional 2708 E 4.80 504 Disco fights 2708 E 4.80 Jumor 2732 + 2716 £16.40 As WS3000 V21/23 but with 1200 baud full 505 Chess Intelekt. 2 x 2716 E14.60 522 CharGen & video; Routine for ex- duplex £409 fal tended junior 2732 2 x 2716 E24.00 WS3000 V22 his Professional 506 J C Tape Monitor . 2716E 7.30 (Offer Ernited to current stodul 507-N J C Printer Mon & PME 523 Char. Generator .. 2732E 9.00 As V22 and 2400 baud full duplex E537 (al 524 Otrantisiz' er 2732 E 9.00 INS3000118C Data Lead 2716 E 7.30 E7 (dl 508 J C Bus Control 82S23 E 4.80 525 Universal Term 2732 E 9.00 510 150 MHz Freq Meter 2 x 82523 526 Wind Dir Ind 2716 E 7.30 E 9.60 527 Babyrinth 2716 E 7.30 SPECIAL OFFER PROJECTS: 514 Dank Room Camp:A.21 2716 E 7.30 530 Daisywheel Ifatie 2 2716 E11.00 EPROMs/RAMS Junior Computer Kit £86 lb) Housekeeper kit £58 (b) ALL PRICES TECHNOLINE 2764-25 £2.80 Id) Elekterminal Kit (1980) £50 (b) 27256 £5.00 Id) VIEWDATA SYSTEM ASCII Keyboard kit £75 Ib)EXCLUDE VAT. Tel. 01-450 9764 27512 £9.90 (dl J C Books 1, 2, 3. & 4E6.90 lc) ea 6264LP-15 £2.60 Please add carnage 50p unless Using 'Neste type protocols.
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