Yellow, black and read all over, and getting greener every day Fouryears ago, telephone directories Networking for success began to attract the interest of govern- According to Bill Hengy, president of in- - ment recycling officials who expressed a dependentdirectory publisher Michigan by Steve Apotheker more-than-friendly interest in ways to re- DirectoryCo. of Pigeon, Michigan and Resource Recycling cover old telephone directories. The lack chairman ofYPPEN, thenetwork has of markets for the old telephone direc- made significant progress in meeting ex- tories (OTD) was seen asa major bottle- pectations set for it by YPPAs board of neck to recovery. Taking a page from ef- directors, of which he is also a member. forts to jumpstart the recovery efforts for YPPAs board has now approveda set of Yellow Pages publishers old newspapers,legislated measures guidelinesthat call upon members to in the and Canada passed in severalstates placed re- meet YPPEN’s goals: U.S. sponsibility on publishers to develop re- making all directories recyclable get together to increase covery programs and get recycled con- stimulating collection, processing and telephone directory tent into their telephone books (see “The marketing of OTD recycling. greeningof the yellow pages,” in the using recycled paper to print new di- November 1990 issue).“Make no mis- rectories. takeabout it, the California recycled- To help move directory publishers to- content law wasthe driver for getting sec-ward these goals, John Purcell, past ondary fiber into directories,” said a rep- directorofenvironmental issues for resentative with Pacific Bell Directory in AmeritechPublishing, Inc. (Troy, Michi- SanFrancisco. In addition to recycled gan), was hired by YPPA as vice presi- content, individual directorypublishers dent of public and environmental policy. began to look at the recyclability of their Purcellcoordinates the work ofthe product and to find ways to get the OTD YPPEN steering committee. The commit- collected and processed. tee has subcommittees for technical as- But rather thango it alone, in 1991 the sistanceand manufacturing, marketing 160-memberYellow Pages Publishers development,communications and a Associationof Troy, Michigan, whose secretariat. membersrepresent more than 90 per- “Everymember company wants to cent of thedirectory publishers in the support what we are trying to do,” says U.S. and Canada, sought the approval of Purcell. “But these companies each have its board of directors to form a task force their own idea of how to do that. And, to move this issue forward. This Novem- some operate in quite different cir- ber, YPPA officially announced the for- cumstances than others,depending on mation of the Yellow Pages Publishers the regionof the countryin which they are EnvironmentalNetwork, a steering or- located.We just have to try to find ganizationfocused onthe activities guidelinesthat every member can live involved with the recoveryof OTD. with without compromising theintegrity of Canadian publishers have also played the overall industry effort.” a major role in the YPPEN effort. Carol What Purcell is referring to are different Ammon,manager ofproduction and levels of community interest in recycling graphic arts planning for TELE-DIRECT directories foundin the various regions of (Publications) Inc.,Scarborough, On- the U.S. and Canada. Too, theavailability tario, is vicechairman of theYPPEN of markets that take OTD vary, a matter technical subcommittee. Her participation usually closely related to the availability in the early formationof YPPAs environ- of other recyclable papers. Also of con- mental thrust and her work on behalf of sideration is the amount of interest in the Canadian publishers helps makeYPPEN issueexpressed by state governments representative of North American direc- across the country. tory publishers. YPPEN’snew reporting system will 71 RECOVERfD PAPER SUPPLEMENT Resource Recycling November 1992 ___”_ .”_ ”. .. -.. allow it to provide information on aggre- gate tonnage data of the amount of paper used by member publishers and the total recycled fiber content. By 1994, the re- portwill provide summary statistics on directory recovery rates and end users. Reportswill be available for 1992 and 1993 using actual totals for some mem- bers and estimates for others that have notyet developed a means to collect such data. Building in recyclability TheYPPEN approach is to giveau- tonomy to the regional and independent publishers to manage their recycling ac- tivities as they choose. YPPA asks that its members follow the YPPEN technical guidelines,especially about making di- rectoriesrecyclable. Thetechnical guidelines call for the elimination of lam- inated and plastic coatings on directory covers, and encourage the use of vege- table base (soybean) oils. From a recycling standpoint, there is some chaos in the marketplace regardingIn one month’s time, 700 tons ofJelephone directories were collected in San Diego. the preferred adhesive used for holding soluble(animal-based) gelatin was the that prefer the hot meltadhesive; most a directory’s pages together. Four years way to proceed.However, several end notably Daishowa America (see the agothere was consensus that water- users have invested in deinking systems “New Recycling Markets” department in < , ”;: WASTEPLAN ,”.’ I(/.- Planning Software A proven product, the WASP AS-42 Baler. It is the most cost efficient, low maintenance, Comprehensive Planning Tool medium volume baler today. - Waste Generation and Composition Its customer base is multiple - Source Reduction and ever growing. Unique features include automatic - Recycling, Compost, Garbage Collection screw drive reliability (no - Processing and Disposal Facilities hydraulics), fixed or portable, indoor or outdoor installations, Used Nationwide factory direct delivery, setup and demo, superior warranty - Used in 15 states by municipal and state , #. planners, university academics, and private andcustomer satisfaction -”“ ’ guarantee.Special dealer Established Sales&Mfg.reps consultants prices, video andbrochures, with Retail, Mfg., Bldg. Mgmt., training assistanceand market- Institutional and Hospitality User-Friendly ing area basedterritories and clients. Dealers who want to - Menu Driven top quality manufacturer.expand their lines. - PC- Based - Start-up data For a free demonstration copy write: NRI Balers (exclusive dlstrlhutor of) Tellus Institute, 89 Broad Street, Watkins Arcraft Support Products Boston, MA 021 10, (61 7)426-5844 P.O. Box 230. Excelsior, MN 55331-0230 612/ 474-0455 Circle 383 on RR service card Circle 202 on RR service card IL Resource Recycling November 7992 RECOVERED PAPfRSUPPLEMfNT Pac/f/c BellDirectory vice president Lynn Brady joins San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos to kick off the 1991 telephone book recy- cling campaign. publishers to useeither a hot melt or water-solubleadhesive depending on local recycling market conditions. This is an important areaof cooperation for pub- lishers that are in competition with each other in the same market or in adjoining markets. During recycling collection pro- grams,the books can easily get com- mingled.Books not manufactured with recyclingprocessing in mindcan con- taminate those that are recyclable, caus- ing mixed loads to be turned away by a processor. Turning over a new recycled page According to Hengy,the Northeastern U.S. was the first region to have a gov- ernmental agency look at directory recy- the September 1992issue), which makes have switched to water-based glues, this cling concerns. “The Northeast Recycling recycled-contentdirectory paper. For apparentlyseverely restricts access to Councilhas shown a great deal of in- severaldirectory companies, such as these end users. terest in telephonedirectory recycling,” PacificBell and Southwestern Bell that YPPEN’s technical guidelines call for Hengy says. “In cooperation with NERC, With a reputation to be proud of . I kdON-TIME DELlVERYt Recycling Container Decals Withstands Most International, Ltd. Severe Weather g& CLEAR GLASS Conditions. established 1976 PLASTIC Meets MostANSI 8 OSHA Standards for mm Recycling Equipment. Stock Decals THE WASTE PAPER Available for Available with Your EXPORT EXPERTS Company Logo- Specific Sizes and Color Schemes We Buy WASTE Available. Municipal Waste Paper, All Low Grades, High Grades, Roll Stock Main Off ice New Jersey Office 59 TONER ST., P.O. BOX 9999 S.W. Wilshire 151 Passaic St. 397 KEWANNA. IN Portland, OR 97225 Rochelle Park, NJ 07662 46939 Ph: (503) 297-4895 Ph:(201) 712-9410/11 Fax: (503) 297-4395Fax: (201) 712-9524 Circle 108 on RR service card Circle 337 on RR service card 73 RECOVEREDPAPER SUPPLEMENT Resource Recycling November 1992 we have completed a planto increase the use of recycled paper in new directories Table 1 - Major directory paper producers in North America by establishingguidelines for the recy- r Capacity cled fiber content of the directory paper Company (000 tonslyear) Mills we use. The plan also proposes ways to MacMillan Bloedel 230 Port Alberni andPowell River, BC maximizeenvironmental compatibility Daishowa 210 Port Angeles, WA; Quebec City,PQ and recyclability of our books.” Bowater 175 Millinocket, ME Fraser 135 Madawaska, ME Planguidelines recommend that the Abitibi-Price 107 Alma and Jonquiere:PQ aggregate recycled fiber used by YPPA Champion International 90 Lufkin, TX; Deferiet, NY publishersand, in turn, their supplying Stone-Consolidated 70 Trois Rivieres,PO mills, be 10 percent by 1993, 25 percent James River 25 Clatskanie,
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