April 27, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2603 b The amounts shown represent the estimated effect of the public laws on c Excludes off budget amounts. the deficit. d Excludes amounts designated as emergency requirements. ENFORCEMENT REPORT OF LEGISLATION POST-S.CON.RES. 3, FY 2017 CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET RESOLUTION Vote Date Measure Violation Motion to Waive Result — ............................................... — .................................................................................................... — ......................................................................... — ............................................... — ARMS SALES NOTIFICATION (iv) Military Department: Army. Marker Beacon, (AN/ARN–123, Doppler/GPS Mr. CORKER. Mr. President, section (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: GR–B–JBK, (AN/ASN–128, Tactical Air Navigation GR–B–XMH. (TACAN) System AN/ARN–154(V), VGH FM 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc. Paid, Of- Homing (AN/ARC–20lD) is provided through requires that Congress receive prior no- fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. the FM communication radio. Transponder tification of certain proposed arms (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained equipment (AN/APX–118) consists of an IFF sales as defined by that statute. Upon in the Defense Article or Defense Services receiver with inputs from the barometric al- such notification, the Congress has 30 Proposed to be Sold: See Attached Annex. timeter for altitude encoding. The AN/APX– calendar days during which the sale (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: 118 and AN/APX–118A transponder is classi- may be reviewed. The provision stipu- April 27, 2017. fied SECRET if Mode 4, or Mode 5 fill is in- lates that, in the Senate, the notifica- *As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms stalled in the equipment with a crypto de- Export Control Act. tion of proposed sales shall be sent to vice. Mission equipment consists of the radar signal detecting set, (AN/APR–39A(V)1) and the chairman of the Senate Foreign POLICY JUSTIFICATION Government of Greece—CH–47D Helicopters the Common Missile Warning System Relations Committee. (CMWS) (AN/AAR–57). The AN/APR–39 Series In keeping with the committee’s in- The Government of Greece requested the Radar Warning Receiver sets are sensitive tention to see that relevant informa- possible sale of five (5) CH–47D helicopters, items are classified SECRET if the Unit Data tion is available to the full Senate, I seven (7) Common Missile Warning Systems Module has threat data software installed. ask unanimous consent to have printed (CMWS) (one (1) for each aircraft plus two (2) The software for this system determines the spares), and twelve (12) T55–GA–714A turbine classification. Normally a customer has spe- in the RECORD the notifications which engines (two (2) for each aircraft plus two (2) have been received. If the cover letter cific software developed to meet their re- spares). Also included are mission equip- quirements. references a classified annex, then such ment, communications and navigation 2. All defense articles and services listed in annex is available to all Senators in equipment, ground support equipment, spe- this transmittal have been authorized for re- cial tools and test equipment, spares, publi- the office of the Foreign Relations lease and export to Greece. Committee, room SD–423. cations, Maintenance Work Order/Engineer- ing Change Proposals (MWO/ECPs), technical 3. A determination has been made that the There being no objection, the mate- Government of Greece can provide the same rial was ordered to be printed in the support, and training, and other associated support equipment and services. The total degree of protection for the sensitive tech- RECORD, as follows: estimated cost is $80 million. nology being released as the U.S. Govern- DEFENSE SECURITY This proposed sale will enhance the foreign ment. The sale is necessary in furtherance of COOPERATION AGENCY, policy and national security objectives of the U.S. foreign policy and national security Arlington, VA. the United States by helping to improve the objectives as outlined in the Policy Jus- Hon. BOB CORKER, security of a NATO ally that has been, and tification of the notification. Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, continues to be, an important force for polit- DEFENSE SECURITY U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. ical stability and economic progress. Greece COOPERATION AGENCY, DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- intends to use these defense articles and Arlington, VA. porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of services to modernize its armed forces by in- Hon. BOB CORKER, the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, creasing its rotary-wing transport capa- Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. bility. This will contribute to the Greek U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. 17–15, concerning the Army’s proposed Let- military’s goal to upgrade its capability DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- ter(s) of Offer and Acceptance to the Govern- while further enhancing greater interoper- porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of ment of Greece for defense articles and serv- ability between Greece, the U.S. and other the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, ices estimated to cost $80 million, After this allies. we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. letter is delivered to your office, we plan to The proposed sale of this equipment and 17–11, concerning the Navy’s proposed Let- issue a news release to notify the public of support does not alter the basic military bal- ter(s) of Offer and Acceptance to the Govern- this proposed sale. ance in the region. ment of Australia for defense articles and Sincerely, There is no principal contractor as the sys- services estimated to cost $137.6 million. J.W. RIXEY, tems will be coming from U.S. Army stocks. After this letter is delivered to your office, Vice-Admiral, USN Director. There are no known offset agreements pro- we plan to issue a news release to notify the Enclosures. posed in connection with this potential sale. public of this proposed sale. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17–15 Implementation of this proposed sale will Sincerely, Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of require U.S. Government or contractor rep- J.W. RIXEY, Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the resentatives to travel to Greece for equip- Vice Admiral, USN Director. Arms Export Control Act, as amended ment de-processing/fielding, system check- Enclosures. (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of out and new equipment training. TRANSMITTAL NO. 17–11 Greece There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- (ii) Total Estimated Value: fense readiness as a result of this proposed Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Major Defense Equipment* $34 million. sale. Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Other $46 million. Arms Export Control Act, as amended TRANSMITTAL NO. 17–15 Total $80 million. (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Australia tities of Articles or Services under Consider- Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the ation for Purchase: Arms Export Control Act (ii) Total Estimated Value: Major Defense Equipment * $119.5 million. Major Defense Equipment (MDE): Annex Item No. vii Five (5) CH–47D Aircraft. Other $18.1 million. Seven (7) Common Missile Warning Sys- (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: Total $137.6 million. 1. The CH–47D is a medium lift aircraft, re- tems (CMWS) (one (1) for each aircraft plus (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- manufactured from CH–47A, B, and C air- two (2) spares). tities of Articles or Services under Consider- Twelve (12) T55–GA–714A Turbine Engines craft. The CH–47D aircraft, which includes ation for Purchase: (two (2) for each aircraft plus two (2) spares). two T55–GA–714A turbine engines, has been Non-MDE includes: Also under consider- identified as Major Defense Equipment Major Defense Equipment (MDE): ation for this sale is mission equipment, (MDE). The avionic system in the CH–47D Up to seventy (70) AGM–88B High Speed communications and navigation equipment, helicopter consists of the communications Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARM) Tactical ground support equipment, special tools and equipment providing HF (AN/ARC–220), VHF Missiles. test equipment, spares, publications, Mainte- AM/FM (AN/ARC–186) and UHF–AM (AN/ Up to forty (40) AGM–88E Advanced Anti- nance Work Order/Engineering Change Pro- ARC–l64) communications. The voice secure Radiation Guided Missiles (AARGM) Tac- posals (MWO/ECPs), technical support, and equipment consists of the TSEC/KY–58 and tical Missiles. training, and other associated support equip- the TSEC/KY–l00. The navigation equipment Up to sixteen (16) CATM–88B HARM Cap- ment and services. includes ADF (AN/ARN–89 or 149, VOR ILS tive Air Training Missiles (CATM). VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:13 Apr 28, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27AP6.056 S27APPT1 lotter on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2604 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 27, 2017 Up to sixteen (16) CATM–88E AARGM TRANSMITTAL NO. 17–11 TRANSMITTAL NO. 17–14 CATM. Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Up to twenty-five (25) AGM–88B Control Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Sections. Arms Export Control Act Arms Export Control Act, as amended Up to twenty-five (25) AGM–88B Guidance Annex Item No. vii (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of Sections. (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: Slovakia. Up to twenty (20) AGM–88E Control Sec- 1. The AGM–88E Advanced Anti-Radiation (ii) Total Estimated Value: Major Defense Equipment * $0 million. tions. Guided Missile (AARGM) weapon system is Other $150 million. Up to twenty (20) AGM–88E Guidance Sec- an air-to-ground missile intended to suppress Total $150 million.
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