11 ..I~USTRATEIJ NEWS- Vol. 6, No. 5 Thursday, Au ust 1 1991 35 Cents St Ignatius R.C Church Celebrates 100 Years By Michael J. Maloney fcstivhics planned 1ocelebra1c 1he IOOih . aonivcrsnryofS1. lgnatiusRomanCa1hollc Church on Broad~y kick off this month with an exhibit at the Hicksville Public Library. Organized by local historian ·Richard Evers, the exhibit will primarily feature phoiographsdcpkting the landmark-struc­ t ure and the people who have been assoc­ iated with the church since it was buill in 1891. ·;, A nu~"'Or photos will show how the commu,&)laschangedduringtltel~ccn­ tury.~hurch, which was largely un­ changed for 80 years, was modernized in 1970. This will be covered extensively, as well. ~ides photos, the exhibit will also in­ clude documents, prog1arru and Olhenncm­ orabil ia. Rc\,:rancc will also be payed 10 all parish members who lost their lives fighting for the United S1:11cs, particularly in World Wnr II. The exhibit can be seen 1hroughou1 the month of August in the fiction room of1he Hicksville Public Library on Jcrusakm A,,:. nuc. The library is open to a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdnys nnd IO a.m. 10 5 p.m. Saturdays. The anniversary con1mi11ec, chaired by William Heberer, will be printing n centen­ nial souvenir journal and will be sponsoring an exhibit ofo riginal church furnishin~ in the Old St. Ignatius School, during 1he month of October. THE PROMINENT SPIRE of !ht Golhk S1. li nallus Loyola Roman Catholic Church ,.,a, clrul)' ,i,lhtt lq 1hr ln-r -linrd Broad,.,y In llirlm U:-t The anniversa ry will culminate with a In !ht e11rly 190<k. Thi, Is an Edunl Bady pho1ocop) or• pklun- po,1eard, rarln11 norlh. · Sunday afternoon Mass of Thanksgiving (Pho lo Cour1uy or !ht IHck•illt Public Library 1,m,1 Hlslory C'f)llrctlonl and Celebriuion on Nov. 24. Bishop John R. McGannoftheDioccscofRockvilleCcnter, wiU be: present, as ,will other dislinguished guests and parishioners. Chairman Hcbe{'Cris aided by committee members Charlie Montana, Jr., TomGalla- Ramirez Is Named Mall OfYtar hue, Catherine Schlick, Patricia Magee, Jim By Rita Langdon . He obtained ,his Master Electrician Hicks viii~ Kiw.inisClub forl2ycao, is cur­ Flynn, Pauline Swciz.cr, Constance Clarke, Hicksville businessman Marc Ramirez· Licenses from the Town of Oyster Buy in rently serving as i1s president. and George Maguire. rccch'Cd 1he Nassau Council ofChambers of, 1966, the Town of Hempstead in 1967, Suf­ Addltionnlly, heis a member in good stan­ The familiar house of worship ccn;unly Commerce highest honor Outstanding folk County in 1968 and Nc-w York City in ding ofv.irious organization.~ fo r clec1riciaru holds many memories for its parishioners, Small Business Person for 1991. 1970. He also holds licenses for tl)t'Town of and is also an :ic1ivc participant in communl• ,.. and has also been v.icwcd by many in pass- The award came on the heels of another• North Hempstead, scven Villagtis and the ty orgaivzarionssuch as the Hicksville Com­ ing over thed ecades. Its got hie spire is one celebration for Ramirez. owner of Mr. Elec• · City of Long Beach. munity Council. From 1986 to 1988, Ramirei held the of­ "He isa ,-crycommunityminded person:· of the church's most noticeable features. • tric Service. His company, located at 420 s.aicl-his secretary. Patricia Conway. "He's ·"We have very strong feelings for this Sou1h Broadway, celebrates its 25th anni,-cr- · fice or president of the Hicksville Chamt>c_r of Commerce. Throughout his membership. ,-cry thoughtful of his customers. the people cl)urch:' said J'arish,Manager Arthur Schric- sary I his year as well. · who work for him and the.community. He's bcr. "It is the center of activity in·our lives'.' Ramirez ha.~ been an active force in the he has worked with and chaired several CQm­ millces and continues 10 be an act ive well respcctcii by his colleagues. friends and The grandfather of Schriel>e(s wife was Hicksville Chamber of Commerce for a anyone w.hosc life he's touched;' ~he added. acttiallybomintl:Jepluish,~hisfamilyhavc , • number of years. A member from.each member or the chamber. He is past president and is"prcscntly an ac­ Long time friend and former Hicksville scenagrc:atdealof changeinthechurchovcr Chamber of Commerce in Nassau County Chamber of Commerce president Effie • the years. What has remained consiant rcctivcs the prestigious award. Ramirez was tive member of the Nnssau Electric League who acknow!cdgc·d his contributions by Krogmann, s.aid: " He was born in.Pueno thr(>ughout the~·he said, has been "the nominated and chosen by memlicrs of the Rico.and he n:ally had 10 come up lhe hard great deal.of warmth, th~ feeling o.f being Hicks~ille chamber. honoring him wi1h iu "Man-of-1hc-Year" award in.1985 and again in 1989. way. He established his business, starting home aiid clo!c to your'faith'.' " I'm honored that I Wo1S rcoognizcd for my small. He kept going to school and pulling :J1le present ch.urch building is actually the accomplishments by the busincsscommuni- He has been a member of the Town of Oyster Bay Elcclrical Examining Board for himscl f up. He dcsef\es a 101 of'credi1 for sd:Ond church built by Hicksvilk's Catholic ty,' said Ramirez. C\'ery1hing'lic·s done. I think he has one of community, according 10· Evers. It was Ramirczhasbecnanactivcmemberof1hc the p:1.51 20 years and presently serves as chairman of the board. 1he bcsr rcpu1,11ions ofany electrical techni­ erect.ed by\he memorable Father l..3wrence community since 1965 whenhcand his fa.mi• R.imircz, who has been a member of the cian around:' ' /coaliaued on pas• 16/ · ly mO\,:d to Long Island from the Bron~. \ HOMETOWN PEOPLE We-Salute . Attention 1944 Graduates . MariM LanttCpL ll'>!vln Holtz,sonor Received a nice letter from a former ~tnmd Kathlttn HoltzorHicksvillewho classmate, Teresa (Ro llkamp) has been promoted to his prcstnt rank while Schmitt. She is interested ln getting serving :11 Marine Corps Communication together a reunion of 1he Class ot '44. We Elcctronks School, Twenty-nine Palm.s, ha,-c nC\-cr had acl:u.s reunion and in three Califomirl. shon )-cars "-c will be out ofschoo l SO )-cars. A 1988 groduote of Hicksvll)e High (Oh, my goodness-I can'l bclic:vcit!) Irany ' School, he joined the Marine-Corps in of )'OU arc in1ercs1cd please conu1ct her at January 1990. 26 Pinelawn Road, Melville. N.Y. 11747. She • Navy Seaman Rttrull Dante 8. Buc­ has some great ideas about making it a suc­ ci, ii 1989 grailunte of Holy Trinity High ccs.s. She would nlso like to hear from nny School in Hicksville. h:iscompkted recruit TIIOMAS A, MCGEE of)'OU whowcn:in the Class of '43andClass training at Rtcrult Training Command, San or '4S as we may be able 10 combine the Diego. classes. If )'Ou remember thnt far back when ThOf!13S McGee Joins During Dante's eight-week training cycle, we went to school )'OU really \\-Cre with the he studiedgenerul military subjcct.sdcsign­ class ahead ofyou and 1hcclnss behind )'OU Af!t on Newspapers cd to prepare him for fun her ac.idcmic and .... nfier all, there "-ere only about IOOin Thoma, A. McGee ltas joined Anion on-the-job' training in one'Of the Navy's 8S each class. We really knew C\-crybody in "1e Ncw~pnpc:rs as Circuln1ion Din:c1or, nc­ v basic fields. · , , whole school. Ir you woulJ li~c you can call cordi11g 10 James Koutsis. Publisher. His studies lnclu\le 5eam;1nship, close her at (516) 423-5693. Mr. McGee ha.\ extensh-cexpcricnttjn Qrder drill, Naval history and first aid. Per­ If )'Ou know of any addresses or any or MtlA.D Connolly the newspaper industry, spending more sonnel who complete this course orinstrue• those gradualing in those three year~­ than 25 )'cars wi1h the New l\Jrk Daily lion arc eligible for three hours or college please send them to her. They're Proud OfMeg N,w~. Whh 1hc New$, Mr. McGl:c held credit In physic.ii cduca1ion nnd hygiene. Eliz11beth and J ohn Keyer arc proud 10 a ,artc1yofpo,i1io11s, includintCircula­ He joined the Navy in 1991. Completes Training. announi:t the moving upof their daughter, tion S:ilcs Manager. rusistant Circulation Marine Pvt. Joseph P. Garry, son of Megan Connolly. She is leaving Burns Munniicr and Long hlan Circulatioit Robfrt and K2thy 8. Garry of Hicksville Avenue School. Megan received various IVlanuier. has completed recruit training 01 Mnrine awards at the ceremony including the With Anton, Mr. Mc1 cc will be Corps Rccruil ,Dcpol, Parris Lsland, South • Prc~idential Academic Firness Award and rc5pomiblc for all a)pc:ct.s or lhcclrcula• Carolina. the Charles A. Wagner Post 421 American tion dcpanmcnt, including prorm;tions During1he 13-wcck trainingc)'cle. Joseph Legion School Award for Distinguished and 1elcmarkt.11ing. was rnught the basics ofbattlefield survival. Achievement. A rl:!>1dcnt or Oyster Bay, he has scrv­ He was introduced 10 the typical daily Congratulations and love from Mom . cdonthe Boa,dof Directors for lhcNcw routine lhat he will experience during his and DAd. Happy 61sl belated birthday .Yor~ State Circulation Managers c:nlistmcnl and studied I.he personal and pro­ greetings to John .... Ion\ Mtgan and Asfoda1ion, a, en1cr1ainmcR1 chairman fcssionalstandards traditionnllyc'lhibitcd by Elizabeth. fur the ~nnual Dill Baidwin's Day dinner Marines. and n, a commiucc member on Outrcai:~ The 1990 graduate of Hicksville High Dean's List Honors Project "\\alk Away from Drugs:• School joined the Marine Corps in March Jiimt's P.
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