NV200® COMPACT CARGO COME to LIFE Go to Nissanusa.Com and Find an Interactive Brochure for NV200 and Every Nissan in the Lineup

NV200® COMPACT CARGO COME to LIFE Go to Nissanusa.Com and Find an Interactive Brochure for NV200 and Every Nissan in the Lineup

2019 ® NV200 Nissan Intelligent Mobility guides everything we do. We’re using new technologies to transform cars from mere driving machines into assistants. Together the journey is more confident, connected, and exciting. COMPACT CARGO Whether it’s cars that assist in the driving task, or highways that charge your EV as you go along, it’s all in the very near future. And it’s a future already taking shape in the Nissan you drive today. SEE NV200® COMPACT CARGO COME TO LIFE Go to NissanUSA.com and find an interactive brochure for NV200 and every Nissan in the lineup. Available on desktop or smartphone, it’s the full product story – including demos, videos, and complete info on trims, colors, and accessories. 1 Owwnerner rreceiveseceives a ccommercialommercial upfitupfit packagepackage ddesigned,esigned, manufactured,manufactured, ttestedested aandnd iinstallednstalled bbyy aann iindependentndependent uupfitpfit ssupplier.upplier. AAllll pparticipatingarticipating uupfitpfit ssuppliersuppliers mmustust bbee NNationalational TTruckruck EEquipmentquipment AAssociationssociation mmembers.embers. PPartsarts ssuppliedupplied bbyy uupfitpfit ssuppliersuppliers aandnd aanyny ddamageamage oorr ffailuresailures ccausedaused bbyy iinstallationnstallation oorr uusese ooff uupfitpfit ppartsarts aarere nnotot ccoveredovered bbyy tthehe NNissanissan NNewew VVehicleehicle LLimitedimited WWarranty.arranty. OOwnerwner sshouldhould rrevieweview tthehe uupfitpfit ssupplier’supplier’s wwarranty.arranty. NNissanissan iiss nnotot rresponsibleesponsible fforor tthehe ssafetyafety oorr qqualityuality ooff tthehe ppartsarts oorr mmodificationsodifications mmadeade bbyy tthehe uupfitpfit ssupplier.upplier. TThehe NNissanissan CCommercialommercial IIncentivencentive PProgramrogram iiss oonlynly aavailablevailable ttoo vvalidalid bbusinessusiness eentities.ntities. PProgramrogram nnotot aavailablevailable ttoo retailretail cconsumers.onsumers. CCertainertain mmodelodel rrestrictionsestrictions aapply.pply. SSeeee ddealerealer fforor ccompleteomplete ddetailsetails aandnd rrestrictions.estrictions. 2 Caargorgo sshownhown fforor ddisplayisplay ppurposesurposes oonly.nly. CCargoargo aandnd lloadoad capacitycapacity limitedlimited byby weightweight andand distribution.distribution. AlwaysAlways securesecure cargo.cargo. HeavyHeavy loadingloading ooff tthehe vvehicleehicle wwithith cargo,cargo, eespeciallyspecially oonn tthehe roof,roof, wwillill aaffectffect tthehe handlinghandling andand stabilitystability ofof thethe vehicle.vehicle. 3 AAvailablevailable ffeature.eature. 4 Thhee ooptionalptional RRearear SSonaronar SSystemystem iiss a cconvenience,onvenience, bbutut iiss nnotot a ssubstituteubstitute fforor pproperroper bbackingacking pprocedures.rocedures. AAlwayslways tturnurn aandnd ccheckheck tthathat iitt iiss ssafeafe toto dodo ssoo beforebefore bbackingacking up.up. MayMay notnot ddetectetect eeveryvery oobjectbject behindbehind yyou.ou. 5 VVehicle(s)ehicle(s) shhownown eequippedquipped wwithith tthird-partyhird-party aaccessories.ccessories. 6 FFeatureeature aavailabilityvailability iiss ddependentependent oonn vvehicleehicle mmodel,odel, ttrimrim llevel,evel, ppackagingackaging aandnd ooptions.ptions. CCompatibleompatible cconnectedonnected ddeviceevice mmayay bbee rrequiredequired aandnd ffeatureeature aavailabilityvailability mmayay bbee ddependentependent oonn ddevice’sevice’s ccapability.apability. RReferefer ttoo cconnectedonnected ddevice’sevice’s oowner’swner’s mmanualanual fforor ddetails.etails. LLateate aavailabilityvailability fforor ssomeome ffeatures.eatures. DDrivingriving iiss sseriouserious bbusinessusiness aandnd rrequiresequires yyourour ffullull aattention.ttention. OOnlynly uusese ffeatureseatures aandnd cconnectedonnected ddevicesevices wwhenhen ssafeafe aandnd llegalegal ttoo ddoo sso.o. SSomeome ffeatures,eatures, iincludingncluding aautomaticutomatic ccrashrash nnotificationotification aandnd SSOS,OS, aarere ddependentependent uuponpon thethe telematicstelematics ddeviceevice bbeingeing iinn ooperativeperative ccondition,ondition, iitsts aabilitybility ttoo cconnectonnect ttoo a wwirelessireless nnetwork,etwork, compatiblecompatible wirelesswireless networknetwork availability,availability, navigationnavigation mapmap datadata andand GPSGPS satellitesatellite signalsignal rreceptions,eceptions, thethe absenceabsence ofof whichwhich cancan llimitimit oorr ppreventrevent tthehe abilityability ttoo rreacheach CustomerCustomer CareCare oror receivereceive support.support. GPSGPS mappingmapping maymay notnot bbee ddetailedetailed iinn aallll aareasreas oorr rreflecteflect ccurrenturrent rroadoad sstatus.tatus. NNeverever programprogram GGPSPS wwhilehile ddriving.riving. OOnlynly uusese RRemoteemote EEnginengine SStarttart aandnd RRemoteemote HHornorn ffeatureseatures iinn accordanceaccordance withwith anyany laws,laws, rulesrules oror ordinancesordinances inin effecteffect iinn yyourour vehicle’svehicle’s location.location. SSomeome servicesservices andand featuresfeatures aarere pprovidedrovided bbyy iindependentndependent ccompaniesompanies nnotot wwithinithin NNissan’sissan’s ccontrol.ontrol. SShouldhould sserviceervice pproviderrovider tterminateerminate oorr rrestrictestrict sserviceervice oorr ffeatures,eatures, sserviceervice oorr ffeatureseatures mmayay bbee ssuspendeduspended oorr tterminatederminated wwithoutithout nnoticeotice oorr wwithith nnoo lliabilityiability ttoo NNissanissan oorr iitsts ppartnersartners oorr aagents.gents. SServiceservices aandnd ffeatureseatures maymay rrequireequire ccompatibleompatible cellularcellular nnetworketwork providedprovided byby iindependentndependent ccompaniesompanies nnotot wwithinithin NNissanissan oorr iitsts ppartners’artners’ oorr aagents’gents’ control.control. CellularCellular networknetwork signalsignal strengthstrength maymay varyvary andand maymay notnot bebe availableavailable inin allall areasareas oror atat allall times.times. ServicesServices andand featuresfeatures maymay notnot functionfunction ifif cellularcellular networknetwork isis unavailable,unavailable, restricted,restricted, oror terminated.terminated. NissanNissan andand itsits ppartnersartners oorr aagentsgents aarere nnotot rresponsibleesponsible fforor associatedassociated ccostsosts oorr ootherther tthirdhird ppartyarty cchangeshanges tthathat mmayay bbee rrequiredequired fforor ccontinuedontinued ooperationperation ddueue ttoo ccellularellular nnetworketwork uunavailability,navailability, rrestriction,estriction, oorr tterminationermination ((includingincluding eequipmentquipment replacements/upgrades,replacements/upgrades, iiff aavailable,vailable, oorr rroamingoaming chargescharges oonn aalternativelternative networks).networks). TTechnologyechnology isis eevolving,volving, andand changeschanges byby independentindependent ccompaniesompanies aarere notnot wwithinithin NNissan’sissan’s oorr itsits partners’partners’ oror agents’agents’ control.control. Enrollment,Enrollment, ownerowner consent,consent, personalpersonal iidentificationdentification numbernumber (PIN),(PIN), andand subscriptionsubscription agreementagreement maymay bebe requiredrequired toto rreceiveeceive fullfull suitesuite ofof ffeatureseatures aandnd sservices.ervices. TrialTrial periodsperiods (if(if aapplicable)pplicable) beginbegin onon thethe datedate ofof vehiclevehicle purchasepurchase oror leaselease ofof a newnew Nissan.Nissan. TrialTrial periodsperiods mmayay bbee ssubjectubject ttoo cchangehange atat anyany timetime andand maymay bebe subjectsubject toto earlyearly terminationtermination withoutwithout notice.notice. RequiredRequired subscriptionssubscriptions maymay bebe soldsold separatelyseparately forfor eacheach availableavailable featurefeature oror serviceservice afterafter trialtrial periodperiod ennds,ds, aandnd maymay ccontinueontinue untiluntil youyou ccallall serviceservice providerprovider toto ccancel.ancel. IInstallationnstallation costs,costs, one-timeone-time aactivationctivation ffee,ee, ootherther feesfees andand taxestaxes mmayay aapply.pply. FFeesees aandnd programmingprogramming ssubjectubject ttoo cchange.hange. FFeatureeature mmayay bbee ssubjectubject ttoo aagege rrestrictionsestrictions iinn ssomeome areas.areas. SSubscriptionsubscriptions governedgoverned byby sserviceervice pprovider’srovider’s ssubscriptionubscription aagreement,greement, ttermserms aandnd cconditionsonditions andand privacyprivacy statementsstatements availableavailable aatt sserviceervice pprovider’srovider’s wwebsite.ebsite. TTextext rratesates oorr ddataata uusagesage mmayay aapply.pply. TThehe NNissanissan nnames,ames, llogosogos aandnd ssloganslogans aarere ttrademarksrademarks oownedwned bbyy oorr llicensedicensed ttoo NissanNissan MMotorotor CCo.o. Ltd.Ltd. oorr iitsts NNorthorth AAmericanmerican ssubsidiaries.ubsidiaries. OtherOther trademarkstrademarks andand tradetrade namesnames aarere tthosehose ooff ttheirheir rrespectiveespective oowners.wners. FForor importantimportant safetysafety information,information, systemsystem limitations,limitations, andand additionaladditional operatingoperating andand featurefeature information,information, seesee dealer,dealer, Owner’sOwner’s Manual,Manual, oror NissanUSA.com/connect/important-information.NissanUSA.com/connect/important-information. TTermserms aandnd cconditionsonditions ooff SSubscriberubscriber AAgreementgreement aapply.pply. NNissanConnectissanConnect EEVV ffeatureseatures aarere pprovidedrovided byby NissanNissan NorthNorth AAmerica.merica. SiriusSirius

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