fa S OVER 5,000 COMPLETE People in Sprjnqfield Coverage In News and Read the Sun Each Circulation - - - Read It In Hie Sun VOL. XXVI—No. II OrrlCIAL NEWKPAPKB SPRINGFIELD, N. J., fHURSDAY, MAY 24, I<75I TOWNSHIP OF SPKINGFIELD IO« A COPY. $3.50 BY THE YEAR Voters Approve New Township Schoo LISTEN Clinton^Aventie Picketing That Paid Good Dividends Decisive Victory Residents Battle For Referendum Regional Board Scored On 3d Try Resentment toward the project of the Regional Board Springfield voters, 'after twice defeating the proposal of Education-leading to an expansion program to cost a of the Board of Education for a new school to relieve [-reported- SI.000.000~was expressed,Jpday • by several res- crowded conditions in the system, on Tuesday by a decisive idents of Clinton avenue, who face loss of their property margin of better than two to one, approved- construction of as well as having the borders of the*.proposed annexation a $650,000 one-storyTnlirding;. The final vote was l,10'6-509. FRIENDS!'. area ia_their back yards. ~ !T~|j " Z" • | Despite the two previous setbacks Jt-has been no secret that tho the flmil result was not unexpected. board, has been spending., ma Parking Ban The" pattern was similar i'n both - -The. local school election is ovi! hours in working on plans-for IUI Henshaw Residents iind we'll have more~lo say about addition to tho present building. | voting districts.-In'the first, there the. vote und the way it went late Tho Regional board,,-in addition- to Ordered By Town Ask SpMIhecks -were—TlB'-voters-in- favor witli-fl-iO on . ,. right now, however, wi Spring/. iold~tmrhTdos Mountainside, The TowJishlp Committee hist More than thirty Henehnw nve- opposed_ jfn the second ;t?V per- hear there's another education ex Konllworth, Gurwood, New Prov- night took further steps tojjllevl- nue residents petitioned the Town- sons favored' the project with 109 ate traffic congestion In the cen- ship .Committee last night to take pansloh program brewing—and i "INIVMICC Township and Clurk Town- in opposition. haa to-do "with . "Regional" Hlgi ship. ter, of town by introducing an or- Immediate steps to protect chil- School . Springfield won't liavi Mrs. Walter Albreeht, who lives dinance banning parking at cer- dren on' that street from motor- In striking contnrst to tho other .to stand all the expense of this oni at -11 Clinton avenue, pointed out tain hours uncl dnys along Main ists who speed- with, recklcws referenda when miuiy Individuals because there are five other com that'she bus only fifty foot which street nnd Flemer avenue. abandon' for life and limb. Two und several organizations ex- rmuiltlca which help support- tha can bo utilized as a' roar yard. The Unde__provislons of tlio now or- youngsters have been struck by pressed opposition, there had boon school .... ."although plans with ro proposed, plan of tho school,bourd- dinance, which was recommended autos oa Henshaw avenue within no drganlr.ed resistance tn the pro- gard to tho Rogionul~oxjTFnratwrrprrn;[-wrtuld-:ibsorb-thut space, sho_ said by Police Commissioner Albert J. six months. posal during recent weeks. Tho gram are by no means completed "I feel it will "doprociato my Binder, parking.will be—prohibited Although Pollco Commissioner Township Committee, which-has . lt is believed the Board of Kduca properly so greatly that if I over on both tho east and wo.st sides Albert J. Binder agreed to com- expressed Interest, Lh" construction tlon is presently working on spe- want to .soil it or continue to rent of Main ' street from Axndomy ply with • request of Fire Com- of a firohouse, bad agreed to hold cifications which would" provide foi that flat which" we own, It would] Grcon to Morriw avenue Mondays Students in the lower grades of the School-housed classes. ""Left to right: Lois Tnissloner Wnltor J. Baldwin to up any of Its projects until the . an addition costing 'approximate!] bo terrible," she; said. "There wi! through Fridays from -U30 to 6:30 James Caldwell School pose with the vote- Furst.'ClaireLongfield, Dale Dauser, Don- have the street "spot chocked" a« BToard of Education was given an opportunity to construct Its school. ._$110OO,000 . ,- Regional, Hire loca bo np yard space and no placo to p.m., and on Sundays from 2 to fl appeal apparel they wore on Tuesday as they ald Dauser, Norman Argast, Kurt Christen- often as po.isi.blo in the future, the _ schools, Is gradually hoing jumTnei Inuig up clothes. The nolso from p.m. Saturdays will be exempt attempted to dojtheir bit in putting over the sen, Robert Douglass and Clifford Murphy. former sai-d suggestion thnt a bar- "Consensus was thnt the- new . the influx of residents to tin; the school is bad enough now but from the-ban. • ~ — referendum for a new school. .All are stu- (Photo by Bob Smith.) > . ricade bo erected to slow traffic building was a "must." In tho prior general urea has resulted in ( it will be terrible If this goes The same parking restrictions dents either at the school or in its Sunday would be Impractical and f^ ri—boon-opposi- serious problem of overcrowding through. Chlckoiirt raised by the will prevail on Flemer . avenue, nbly illtegal,—-Baldwin lives on tion to purchase of the Flemer and expansion of present fucilitle: agriculture department multo It from Wabeno avenue to Morris Honohaw avenue./ tract on SoutIi_J3pringfield. avenue is sorely needed. ~ ~ 7 very unpleasant. avenue on tho oust side and from Binder nssnrcd the petitioners as a"slte. ' Cost of this was 531,000 "We plan to fight this thing and Hanniih street to Morria avenue Woman's Club Uses Cars, Baby Sifters, that his department was doing which Included, legal fcesr It was on tho west side. everything~'7ia5s!blo~to^rovcc"'drlv^ ' Fact that. Regional High is lo- luivo: already • uollficxl' our attor- of~the" 5650,000. -, neys. Tho 55.00 per foot price of- ers to .comply , with speed limit.'! Among the groups which p_ayed ». cated in Springfield .anil is oon- not only on Henohaw HVMIUO "but Hlflerltd to IKV one of (he most fered is ridiculous. We feel the To Rally Votes For School Referendum a prominent part In campaigning ground, together with tlio building First Aid Squad throughout the community, H(? beautiful structures of its typo in A stirring sag r- of a group of polls to ascertain how many of the there were no phones the club for' the measure wer^j tho Sprlng- Is worth at least $5,000.'. And tliorc : suggested that In view of tho fuct fickl Woman's Club and the, Spring- tho state is an asset to this. Hollds Dinner women n roused to action in an persons who had pledged to vote wotxin made personal calls. is resentment among other people that Henshaw avenno was not n field Parent-Teacher Association. .community . hut now that an :r "yes" had appeared at the polls. At here." - Second Annual Dinner of -the-| all-out ~b"attlc to .preserve for Care squads composed mostly of through street many of the per- \Othcr "organizations which in- addition is being planned there Springfield First Aid Squad was Springfield children the American approximately 0:30 p. m. (the polls membcra of the C'tizene' Advisory sons accused of being violators ( Mrs. Norbort Kuffner of 35 Clln domed tho measure wore Conti- are rumblings of dissatisfaction held last Saturday at tho-Orohurd-] tradition of a complete .education opened at 2 o'clock)_ ehootfi were Committee for the Schools made a probably are residents of tho are_t ton avenue said she nnd her lilts nental Post 228, American Legion: among odri-house-murjbercfl res- Inn. RichaVd Allen was chairman tells the story of approval of the chccltod. "•" number of calls In nn_effort to get with the exception of tradesmen^ band had purchased their home for Baltusrol Civic Association,- Cham- idents mi-Clinton avenue ... of the dinner committee. A gold and visitors. Ho culled attention security. She said tho garden of- $(156,000- school referendum hero Then the club members went out the vote. Tho rculto of those ber of Commerce, Citizens' League, plots along that street run about squad pin- was nroscntod to Earl Tuesday. Behind the hard-fought Into action. The names of. all who endeavors apparently were borne to the fact that parents, too, ba.ve 200 feet in depth and Koglonal fers excellent excrcl«o for her hus Colfax Civic Association, Fleldstono B. Loycruft, former Captain of the struggle wore tho 200 members pf had previously registered but had- out by tho heavy voting from 7 p. a responsibility in instructing Board authorities arc asking for band and will provide a home-for Civic Association, Girl Scout Coun- eqund. the Springfield Womnn'ri Club, tho m.- until - tho polls closed ut 9 80 fo«)t from the rear ot "euehr her son when- he returns from failed to vote were turned Into tho youngsters to otay out of the cil, Lions Club, Rotary Club,' Sliun- Guests were: Vernon. Ralph,- UvrgcMt social organization In-the y.ar-k>u3__lieadqUQjltcrs' established o'clock. property In order to further ex- service. 1 street.- plke Civic Association, Battle Hill owner of Verne-' ; Ralph and Son township. for each of the voting district"). pansion program plans . (he 'I'm entitled to security," Mrs. yff n rcnul lm t r EaBt Virtually all persons who had Post, V. F. W., und the Woodcrest board lias offered $5.(M( per foot iKuffncr. uakl," and I fool '" ' '-7' $°'.
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