12522 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 9 June 23, 2006 dedication to the betterment of her community. when they first arrived on the island, and as ment would issue a public apology to the I urge my colleagues of the 109th Congress to a Charter Member of Guam Corps, I have Sikhs and pay compensation to the victims’ join me in congratulating Dutch on her well-de- worked closely with them in the activities of families. served honor. the Salvation Army. David and Linda are kind, The Golden Temple attacks show that there f self-sacrificing, and have a genuine, pas- is no place for Sikhs in India, and other mi- sionate love for Guam and its people. They norities also feel the massive repression of HONORING THE SERVICE OF DAVE are dear friends to many, and we will all miss ‘‘the world’s largest democracy.’’ More than a AND LINDA HARMON TO THE them when they leave Guam for their next quarter of a million Sikhs have been killed and GUAM COMMUNITY duty station. I am only comforted by the fact over 52,000 continue to be held as political that the Salvation Army Santa Monica, Cali- prisoners. India has killed over 300,000 Chris- HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO fornia Corps will be in very capable hands tians in Nagaland and tens of thousands more OF GUAM under their leadership. in the rest of the country, as well as more than IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Therefore, on behalf of a grateful island, I 90,000 Kashmiri Muslims, thousands more join their children, Joel, Fred, Holly, and Lisa, Thursday, June 22, 2006 Muslims around India, and tens of thousands and all the people of Guam in extending a of Assamese, Bodos, Manipuris, Tamils, and Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today heartfelt ‘‘Dangkulo na Si Yu’os Ma’ase’’ to other minorities. For minority peoples and na- to recognize the contributions of two individ- David and Linda Harmon for all the good they tions, India is one of the world’s worst tyr- uals, who, for the last 11 years, have dedi- have done for the people of Guam and for annies. It is a democracy for the Brahmins cated themselves to exceptional service to our their service to our community. and a police state for the minorities. community. David and Linda Harmon, Majors f This is not acceptable, Mr. Speaker. I would in the Salvation Army, are recognized in the like to express the sympathy of the Congress Guam community for their boundless benevo- SIKHS IN PUNJAB DEMAND INDE- PENDENCE WHILE OBSERVING to the Sikh Nation for the Golden Temple lence and enduring commitment to serving the massacre. In light of this atrocity and the on- disadvantaged, feeding, clothing and housing ANNIVERSARY OF GOLDEN TEM- PLE MASSACRE going atrocities of the Indian government, I those in need, and helping individuals recover wonder why the United States continues to from substance abuse. fund such a country. The time has come, Mr. David and Linda Harmon first arrived on HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS Speaker, to stop our aid and trade with India Guam in July 1995. The Salvation Army Guam OF NEW YORK and to support self-determination for all peo- Corps has become an integral part of Guam’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ples and nations in South Asia. This is the disaster recovery and relief system under their Thursday, June 22, 2006 best way to bring about stability, peace, free- leadership. Dave and Linda have helped the Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, June 3 through dom, and prosperity in the subcontinent, to people of Guam recover from several natural June 6 marked the anniversary of a very dark defuse the troubles there, and to make sure disasters since their arrival on Guam, includ- chapter in history, the Indian government’s that every person’s rights are protected. ing Supertyphoon Paka in 1997, and Typhoon military invasion of the Golden Temple, the Mr. Speaker, I would like to place a couple Chata’an and Supertyphoon Pongsona in seat of the Sikh religion, in 1984. That atrocity of very good articles on the chanting of 2002. The Salvation Army donated thousands was commemorated by Sikhs and others all Khalistan slogans at the Golden Temple into of dollars of food, clothing, and supplies over the world. There were demonstrations the RECORD for the information of my col- through their efforts to many residents who here in Washington and in many cities. leagues. lost everything as a result of these natural dis- At the Golden Temple in Amritsar they had [From the Tribune (Chandigarh), June 7, asters. The organization under their leadership a ceremony to commemorate the occasion. 2006] also assisted in providing humanitarian assist- The Jathedar of the Akal Takht, Joginder RADICALS RAISE KHALISTAN SLOGANS ance to the Kurdish refugees who were evacu- Singh Vedanti, the highest Sikh religious lead- AMRITSAR, June 6.—Activists of various ated from Iraq to Guam as part of Operation er, led the commemoration. During his re- radical Sikh organizations raised slogans in Pacific Haven in 1996, and to Burmese refu- marks, he did not mention Saul Jamail Singh favour of Khalistan on Ghallughara divas gees who came to Guam to seek political asy- Bhindranwale, the leader of the Sikhs who (genocide day) to mark the 22nd anniversary lum in the United States in 2000. Additionally, was murdered at the Golden Temple, or Gen- of Operation Bluestar in front of Akal Takht the Salvation Army Guam Corps, under the here today. eral Shabeg Singh or any of the others who Mr. Parkash Singh Badal, president, SAD, Harmon’s leadership in 1997, provided critical were murdered. This displeased the crowd. distanced himself from it. assistance in the aftermath of the tragic crash The Sikhs in attendance, hundreds of them, As soon as Mr. Simranjit Singh Mann, of Korean Air Flight 801 on Guam. chanted slogans of ‘‘Khalistan Zindabad,’’ president, SAD (A), came out from Akal The Harmons helped establish the sub- which means ‘‘Long live Khalistan,’’ Khalistan Takht after participating in ardas, radicals stance abuse recovery program which eventu- is the Sikh homeland which declared itself started raising slogans for an independent ally became known as the Lighthouse Recov- independent from India on October 7, 1987. Sikh state and showed pages containing ery Center. The Lighthouse Recovery Center These chants show that the movement to lib- statements in favour of Khalistan and post- has grown from meager beginnings to a 16- ers displaying damaged Akal Takht in the erate Khalistan is still alive in Punjab. Last military operation. However, Mr. Badal ac- bed residence today, and has helped start year, there were speeches and flag-raisings cused those who indulged in sloganeering of over 200 men down the road to recovery from on the Golden Temple anniversary. There being agents of the Congress, which was re- substance abuse and addiction. With guidance were similar events this past January. Those sponsible for the infamous Army operation. from the Harmons the Corp’s Thrift Store was events resulted in arrests and criminal com- He said Mr. Mann was well aware that Pun- expanded. And after acquisition of the former plaints, even though the Indian courts have jab had to suffer greatly because of this. Navy Chapel at Tiyan, the Salvation Army de- ruled that speaking out [or Khalistan is not a Mr. Mann said though they were not al- lowed to continue their peaceful struggle to veloped its Food Bank and Education Center crime, In spite of these intimidation tactics, the as their Family Services and One Stop Home- attain independence, they would contest the Sikhs spoke out again for Khalistan. next elections democratically. less Assistance Center. Over 20,000 Sikhs were killed in the Golden Commenting on the recent judgments and The Harmons have been active citizens in Temple attack and the attacks on 37 other coverage in newspapers, he claimed that the Guam community outside of the Salvation Gurdwaras around Punjab, known as Oper- judges and the English media had also Army as well. They are members of the Guam ation Bluestar. During Operation Bluestar, the saffronised. He asked people to raise their Symphony Society, the Rotary Club of Tumon Indian army shot bullet holes in the Sikh holy hands if they wanted revival of Anandpur Sa- Bay, the Guam Homeless Coalition, the Coun- scriptures, the Guru Granth Sahib. Young hib’s resolution of 1973 and for severing of re- cil on Home1essness, and Linda is a past boys were taken outside and summarily shot. lations with the Congress and the BJP. Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti, Jathcdar, president and member of the Guam Women’s The Golden Temple itself was ransacked and Akal Takht, said the real tribute to those Club. severely damaged. Do these sound like the killed in the operation would be to protect Mr. Speaker, over the years, I have come to acts of a democracy? the Sikh history and culture, and to stop personally know the Harmons. I helped wel- If India were truly committed to democratic apostasy and addiction among the Sikh come them to Guam as Lieutenant Governor values, at the very least, the Indian govern- youth. VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:13 Mar 27, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR23JN06.DAT BR23JN06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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