INDEX OF SUGGESTED WORKS This index lists the creators and titles of works included in the Maps. To search for other information (for example, ideas, places, events) please go to the online version of the Maps at http://commoncore.org/maps/ and use the search function. A All Quiet on the Western Front Antigone (Sophocles), 37, 38, 39, 41–46, ‘‘A & P’’ (Updike), 175 (Remarque), 14, 245, 247 247 Achebe, Chinua, Things Fall Apart, 97, Allbery, Debra, ‘‘Walking Distance,’’ 25 ‘‘The Apparition’’ (Donne), 217–219 100–101 Allen, Frederick Lewis, Only Yesterday, Arabian Nights, 98 Addams, Jane, Twenty Years at Hull 14 ‘‘Archaic Torso of Apollo’’ (Rilke), 245 House, 153 Allende, Isabel Are Years What? (For Marianne Moore) ‘‘Address at the March on Washington’’ The House of the Spirits, 71, 72–73 [1967] (Suvero), 176, 178 (King), 59, 60 The Stories of Eva Luna, 71, 72–73 Aristotle, Poetics, 37, 38, 48, 52, 54–56 ‘‘Address to the Broadcasting Industry’’ An Almanack for the Year of Our Lord Arnold, Matthew (1961) [Minow], 175 1648 (Danforth), 122 Culture and Anarchy, 234 ‘‘Address to William Henry Harrison’’ Almerayda, Michael, Night Wraps the ‘‘Dover Beach,’’ 233, 235 (1810) [Tecumseh], 141 Sky: Writings By and About Arrangement in Gray and Black: The The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mayakovsky, 110 Artist’s Mother (1871) [Whistler], (Twain), 152, 154 Alvarez, Julia, ‘‘Homecoming,’’ 24 234, 237 ‘‘Advice to a Prophet’’ (Wilbur), ‘‘America from the Great Depression to As I Lay Dying (Faulkner), 164, 166 175 World War II: Photographs from Asturias, Miguel Angel, 74, 76–79 The Aeneid (Virgil), 47, 48, 49, 50 the FSA-OWI, 1935–1945’’ Aswany, Alaa Al, ‘‘The Kitchen Boy,’’ 4 After Dark (Murakami), 83 (Library of Congress), 15 Attar of Nishapur, The Conference of Against All Hope: A Memoir of Life in ‘‘America’’ (Ginsberg), 175 the Birds: A Sufi Allegory, 98 Castro’s Gulag (Valladares), 72 American Quarterly, ‘‘Towards a Auden, W. H., The Age of Anxiety: A The Age of Anxiety: A Baroque Eclogue Definition of American Baroque Eclogue, 245, 246, 248 (Auden), 245, 246, 248 Modernism’’ (Singal), 165 ‘‘Auguries of Innocence’’ (Blake), 223 Agosin, Marjorie, Gabriela Mistral: A Amichai, Yehuda Augustine, Saint, Confessions (Book Reader, 71 Open Closed Open: Poems, 98 XI), 189, 190 ‘‘Ain’t I a Woman?’’ (May 29, 1851) The World Is a Room and Other Austen, Jane [Truth], 153 COPYRIGHTEDStories, 98 MATERIAL Emma, 223 Air (2010) [Shonibare], 99, 101–102 The Analects (Confucius), 84, 86 Sense and Sensibility, 233, 235 Akutagawa, Ryunosuke Anderson, Sherwood, Winesburg, Ohio, The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured ‘‘In a Bamboo Grove,’’ 85 164 Man (Johnson), 152 Rashomon and Other Stories, ‘‘Annabel Lee’’ (Poe), 233 The Autobiography of Benjamin 83, 87 ‘‘Anne Hutchinson: Brief Life of Franklin (Franklin), 131 The Alchemist (Jonson), 213, 214 Harvard’s ‘Midwife’: 1595–1643 The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Gomes), 141, 142, 148–149 Told to Alex Haley (Malcolm X), (Carroll), 233, 235 ‘‘Annexation’’ (O’Sullivan), 141 176 ‘‘All God’s Children Had Wings’’ Anouilh, Jean, Antigone, 245, 247, ‘‘Avant-Garde and Kitsch’’ (Traditional), 153 248 (Greenberg), 59 All the Pretty Horses (McCarthy), ‘‘The Answer Is No’’ (Mahfouz), 98 The Awakening (Chopin), 152 174, 178 Antigone (Anouilh), 245, 247, 248 Axelrod, Alan, Patton: A Biography, 176 262 Index of Suggested Works Azuela, Mariano, The Underdogs: A Benner, Susan E. The Bloody Tenent of Persecution, for Novel of the Mexican Revolution, ‘‘Complex Feelings about Borges’’ Cause of Conscience (Williams), 71 The Noe´ Jitrik Reader: 122 Selected Essays on Latin ‘‘Blowin’ in the Wind’’ (Dylan), 176 B American Literature, 72 Blue Nude (1952) [Matisse], 246, 249 Ba, Mariama, So Long a Letter, 97 The Noe´ Jitrik Reader: Selected Boccaccio, Giovanni, The Decameron, Bacon, Francis Essays on Latin American 188, 203, 205 Novum Organum, 213 Literature, 72 Bogin, Magda, The House of the Spirits, Self-Portrait (1973), 59 Berman, Ronald, ‘‘The Great Gatsby 71, 72–73 Bakhtin, Mikhail, Rabelais and His and the Twenties,’’ 165 ‘‘Bogland’’ (Heaney), 25, 28 World, 203 Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo, Ecstasy of ‘‘The Bonnie Lass o’Fyvie’’ Baldwin, James Saint Teresa (1647– 1652), 204, (‘‘Peggy-O ),5 ‘‘If Black English Isn’t a Language, 205 ‘‘Book of Twilight’’ (Neruda), 71 Then Tell Me, What Is?,’’ Bierstadt, Albert, Looking Down The Book of Lamentations 165, 166 Yosemite Valley (1865), 141 (Castellanos), 71 Notes of a Native Son, 58 ‘‘Billy Budd’’ (Melville), 140 Borges, Jorge Luis The Ballad of Reading Gaol (Wilde), ‘‘Birches’’ (Frost), 165, 167 ‘‘The Garden of Forking Paths,’’ 233, 235 Bird Pendant (Costa Rica, first century 71, 72–73 Balthus, Le roi des chats (The king of BCE to first century CE), 72, ‘‘The Secret Miracle,’’ 71, 72–73 cats) [1935], 59 75 Boswell, James, The Life of Samuel Banneker, Benjamin, Benjamin ‘‘A Bird came down the Walk’’ Johnson, 223 Banneker’s Letter to Thomas (Dickinson), 141 Botticelli, Sandro Jefferson (August 19, 1791), 130 The Birth of Venus (1486) [Botticelli], The Birth of Venus (1486), 25, 26 Barks, Coleman, The Illuminated Rumi, 25, 26 Primavera (1482), 203 98 Bishop, Elizabeth Bourgeois, Louise, Red Fragmented Barney, Tina, Marina’s Room (1987), 5 ‘‘The Fish,’’ 175 Figure (1953), 176, 178 Barrie, J. M., Peter and Wendy, 233, 235 ‘‘One Art,’’ 175 Bowlby, Rachel, ‘‘‘I Had Barbara’: Baudelaire, Charles, The Flowers of Evil, ‘‘Sestina,’’ 175 Women’s Ties and Wharton’s 233, 235 Bishop, John Peale, ‘‘In the Dordogne,’’ ‘Roman Fever’,’’ 153, 155, Bauer, Susan Wise, The History of the 165 157–161 Medieval World: From the ‘‘The bitter air’’ (Daniel), 188 Box with lid (Indian, late sixteenth Conversion of Constantine to the Black Boy (Wright), 14 century), 84 First Crusade, 189 Black Elk, Black Elk Speaks, 165 Bradford, William, Of Plymouth Beardsley, Monroe C., ‘‘Dostoyevsky’s Black Elk Speaks (Black Elk), 165 Plantation, 122, 123 Metaphor of the ‘Underground’,’’ Black, James, ‘‘The Visual Artistry of Bradstreet, Anne 109, 111 Romeo and Juliet,’’ 38, 39–40 ‘‘To My Dear and Loving ‘‘Because I could not stop for Death’’ ‘‘The Black Cat’’ (Poe), 4 Husband,’’ 122, 123 (Dickinson), 141 ‘‘The Black Swan’’ (Merrill), 175 ‘‘Upon the Burning of Our Beckett, Samuel, Waiting for Godot, Blair, Elaine, Literary St. Petersburg: A House,’’ 122, 123 245 Guide to the City and Its Writers, Brandenburg Gate Address (June 12, Beethoven, Ludwig van, String Quartet 109 1987) [Reagan], 59, 175 No.15inAMinor,Op.132 Blake, William Braque, Georges, Candlestick and (1825), 246 ‘‘Auguries of Innocence,’’ 223 Playing Cards on a Table (1910), Beirut Blues (Shaykh), 97 The Lovers’ Whirlwind (1824– 246 Bell, Ed, Unchained Memories (2003), 1827), 223 Brave New World (Huxley), 245, 247 153 Songs of Innocence and of Brecht, Bertolt, Mother Courage and Bellow, Saul, Seize the Day, 174 Experience, 223, 224, Her Children, 245, 247 Benjamin Banneker’s Letter to Thomas 226–229 Briefing for a Descent into Hell Jefferson (August 19, 1791) Blok, Aleksandr, ‘‘The Twelve,’’ 109, (Lessing), 245 [Banneker], 130 111 Brodsky, Joseph, ‘‘To Urania,’’ 109 Index of Suggested Works 263 Bronte,¨ Charlotte, Jane Eyre, 233, 235, and the Home Front in the Words Chief Joseph the Younger of the Nez 236 of U.S. Troops and Their Families, Perce Nation, ‘‘I will fight no more Bronte,¨ Emily, Wuthering Heights, 233, 49 forever’’ (October 5, 1877), 153 236, 238–241 Carroll, Lewis, Alice’s Adventures in Ch’ien, T’ao Brooklyn Bridge (1981) [Burns, dir], 5 Wonderland, 233, 235 ‘‘Substance, Shadow, and Spirit,’’ Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? The Carver, Raymond 83, 86 Great Depression of 1929–1933 ‘‘A Small, Good Thing,’’ 175 Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (Byron), 233 (Meltzer), 14 ‘‘The Current,’’ 175 A Childhood: The Biography of a Place Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, Sonnet 43, ‘‘Happiness,’’ 175 (Crews), 58 233 ‘‘The Cask of Amontillado’’ (Poe), 4, 6 Chinese Poems of the Tang and Sung Browning, Robert, ‘‘Love Among the Castellanos, Rosario, The Book of Dynasties: Read by Lo Kung-Yuan Ruins,’’ 233, 235 Lamentations, 71 in Northern Chinese, Peking Bulgakov, Mikhail, ADeadMan’s The Catcher in the Rye (Salinger), 174 Dialect (Folkways Records, 1963), Memoir, 109 Cather, Willa, My Antonia, 152 84, 86 Bunyan, John, The Pilgrim’s Progress, Cat’s Cradle (Vonnegut), 174 Chopin, Kate 212, 214 ‘‘The Celebrated Jumping Frog of The Awakening, 152 Burkina Faso, hawk mask (no date), 99 Calaveras County’’ (Twain), 152 ‘‘The Story of An Hour,’’ 153, Burns, Ken, Brooklyn Bridge (1981), 5 Cervantes, Miguel de, Don Quixote, 154–155, 157–161 The Butterfly’s Burden (Darwish), 98 212, 215 ‘‘Chosen’’ (2001) [Lee, dir], 5 Bynner, Witter, The Jade Mountain: A Chagall, Marc, I and the Village (1911), Christensen, Thomas, Like Water for Chinese Anthology, Being Three 110, 113 Chocolate, 71, 72–73 Hundred Poems of the T’ang Chartres Cathedral (1193– 1250), 25 AChristmasCarol(Dickens), 233 Dynasty, 618–906, 83 Chaucer, Geoffrey ‘‘Chronicle of a Death Foretold’’ Byrd, William, The Secret Diary of The Canterbury Tales, 188, 190, (Garc´ıa Marquez),´ 71 William Byrd of Westover, 205 Church, Frederic Edwin 1709–1712, 123 ‘‘The General Prologue’’ (The Morning in the Tropics (1877), Byron, Lord George Gordon, Childe Canterbury Tales), 188 223, 225 Harold’s Pilgrimage, 233 ‘‘The Knight’s Tale’’ (The Niagara (1857), 141 Canterbury Tales), 188, 189 Churchill, Winston C ‘‘The Monk’s Tale’’ (The ‘‘Sinews of Peace Address,’’ 59 Caligula (Camus), 245, 248 Canterbury Tales), 188, 190 ‘‘Their Finest Hour’’ (House of Calla (1929) [Cunningham], 165 ‘‘The Nun’s Priest’s Tale’’ (The Commons, June 18, 1940), The Call of the Wild (London), 152 Canterbury Tales), 188 246 Campbell, Joseph, The Hero with a ‘‘The Pardoner’s Tale’’ (The Cimabue, Maesta` (1280), 189 Thousand Faces, 49 Canterbury Tales), 188, 190 ‘‘Civil Disobedience’’ (Thoreau), 141 ‘‘Campo di Fiori’’ (Milosz), 24 ‘‘The Wife of Bath’s Tale’’ (The ‘‘A Clean, Well-Lighted Place’’ Camus, Albert, Caligula, 245, 248 Canterbury Tales), 188 (Hemingway), 164 Candlestick and Playing Cards on a Cheever, John, ‘‘The Swimmer,’’ 175 ‘‘Clothesline Saga’’ (Dylan), 5 Table (1910) [Braque], 246 Chekhov, Anton Coetzee, J.
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