SSC-XL Deluxe Station Controller Congratulations on your purchase of the SSC-XL Deluxe Station Controller from 4O3A. The SSC-XL is the most complete easy-to-use amateur ra!io station controller a"ailable. $t is !esigne! for high performance %ith future expansion capability. The SSC-XL can %or& as a stan!-alone controller. $t is programmable by a 'C application. (ou can control it %ith an optional external &eyboar! or it may be connecte! to a 'C "ia a )SB cable for !es&top control of "irtually any !e"ice in your station. We hope that you will enjoy your new SSC-XL! SSC XL is a "ery flexible platform %ith an almost infinite number of possible uses + interconnections, Flexibility -ront panel o"er"ie% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) SSC-XL Front Panel ./0 *A1D $n!icates current ban! in use. .20.30.40 3 X ( These LED in!icators are programmable freely in any %ay you !esire. They come in groups of 5. -or example, 363ain Antennas X67eceivingAntennas (64Square or stac& or %hate"er The 9S9 LED in!icates SPLIT operation an! it lights up %hen there are multiple antennas on one ban!. .50 3OD4 L4Ds :(*+'C - These LEDs in!icate %hether :eyboar! or 'C control is engage!. $1T - $n!icates that the $nterloc& mode is engage!. $1; - $n!icates that the $nhibit function is engage!. 1T< – 3ar&s the group of functions that require the net%or& .$1; $1T0. 'TT - This in!icates that a 'TT signal has been !etecte!. TX - One or more LEDs %ill light up if a transmitter in the net%or& is active showing you its correspon!ing number. SO27+7/+72 - These LEDs %ill light up as appropriate !uring SO27 .Single Operator 2 7a!io0 operation. 7/ is 7a!io / an! 72 is 7a!io 2. 7ear panel o"er"ie% (5) (7) (3) (9) (2) (1) (4) (6) (8) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14), (15) (16) (17) ./0 'TT Outputs .<ith Delay0- yello% 7CA connector Jumpers to program the 'TT Outputs are locate! below it's 7CA connector soc&et. These outputs may include a programmable !elay for amplifier or preamplifier sequencing, etc. The 7CA jac& can be configure! for either, /. Closure to @roun! .left position0 2. A/2B DC on Transmit .right position0 The top position is for „normaly openC configuration. The bottom position is for „normaly close!C configuration .shorte! on 7X0. Delays can be programme! from the main configuration panel. .20 'TT Outputs .1o Delay0 6 %hite 7CA connector Jumpers to program the 'TT Outputs are locate! below it's 7CA connector soc&et. These outputs ha"e no !elay compare! to the 'TT $nput. The 7CA jac& can be configure! for either, /. Closure to @roun! .left position0 BIJELA!! 2. A/2B DC on Transmit .right position0 The top position is for „normaly openC configuration. The bottom position is for „normaly close!C configuration .shorte! on 7X0. .30 -S .-oot S%itch0 6#lac& 7CA connector This 7CA jac& is a manual 'TT input from a foots%itch. This input al%ays is looking for a closure to groun! on transmit. -oot s%itch line is isolate! %ith opto-coupler .40 'TT $n .@eneric0 0 6 #lac& 7CA connector This 7CA jac& accepts 9'TT9 input from any external !e"ice such as a foot s%itch a relay or a line containing A5B or A/2B DC from a )SB &eying !e"ice or a 'C interface. 'TT $1 line is isolate! %ith opto-coupler BLACK!! .50 $nhi#it .Output0 6 re! 7CA connector -or bloc&ing transmit capability of other transmitters if the $nhibit 3ode has been activate! use this output 7CA jac&. $t's either A/2B or @1D. Jumpers to program this are locate! below it's 7CA connector soc&et. .D0 S<7 Alarm6 re! 7CA connector This input 7CA jac& can accept a 9;igh SW79 alarm .or any other alarm state0 from some external !e"ice .such as an anatenna analyEer amplifier etc.0 to bloc& the transmitter from putitng out any power. This input is expecting either A5B DC or a closure to groun! .programmable "ia a jumper locate! below it's 7CA connector soc&et0. SW7 $1 line is isolate! %ith opto-coupler .F0 *an! Data $1 This D$1 connector accepts *an! Data signals from a !e"ice capable of generating the appropriate *CD !ata. The connector is !irectly compatible %ith (aesu *an! Data jac&s. *an! !ata inpit lines are isolate! %ith opto-coupler. .G0 *an! Data O)T This D$1 connector fee!s *an! Data out for use %ith linear amplifiers or other !e"ices requiring the *CD !ata a"ailable on the *an! Data control pins. .H0 A)X O)T These D*H female A)X soc&ets is use! to connect the controller to the output module unit. $t uses a pin to pin cable. Cable has to has @1D on D*H metal CASE! ./J0 $nterloc& <hen you !esire to ha"e units un!er control of the SSC-XL interloc&e! press this button . The blue 9$1T9 LED on the front panel %ill now be interloc&e!. .//0 'rio .'riority0 Shoul! you !esire to !efine a priority le"el %ithin your station .for example to allow the 93ultiplier9 station to seize control0 use this button. Three !ifferent 'riority le"els are a"ailable ./-30. 4"ery time you clic& the button priority is incremente!. $f the priority is 3 it %ill become / on the next clic&. $nitial statur is 'riority /I ./20 7=-45 )se this jac& to connect to a local s%itch+router in your station an! allow the SSC-XL to be a part of a local area net%or&. TCP+$' is the main method of communication bet%een SSC-XL controllers. All operate in the /J.J.J.J+24 subnet. 7J-45 connector has gal"anic isolation from uC circuit. (13) ADR (DIP Switch) D$' s%itch is use! for configuring !e"ices %hen %or&ing together in a net%or&. Down position in!icates ON .logical /0. D$' /-3 !efine the !e"ice number. D$' 4-D !efine the group number. D$' F !oes nothing in the !efault firm%are. D$' G !efines if the !e"ice is in ser"er or client mode. 3a&e sure you !on't !uplicate !e"ice numbers in the same group. .$f you !o, only the first !e"ice you turn on %ill %or&.0 There can be D !e"ices in a group an! a maximum of D groups. *elow is the table %ith all possible configurations. DEVICE ADDRESS GROUP ADDRESS Server/ Client Device 1 1 0 0 Group 1 1 0 0 Client 0 Device 2 0 1 0 Group 2 0 1 0 Server 1 Device 3 1 1 0 Group 3 1 1 0 Device 4 0 0 1 Group 4 0 0 1 Device 5 1 0 1 Group 5 1 0 1 Device 6 0 1 1 Group 6 0 1 1 ./40+./50 7S232 These t%o D*-H connectors may be use! for CAT control or for any other control purpose. Three pins are use!, 2 – RX 3 – TX 5 – GND ./D0 DC /DB-/GB This /DB-/GB DC connector is use! to power the SSC-XL. Connect only to a DC power source capable of /JJJ mA of current. 'olarity can be %hate"erI Same connector can be supplie! %ith /4B AC. SSC XL has power supply an! %rong polaritiy protection circuit built in. ./F0 )S* This jac& may be connecte! to the optional &eypa!. Selecting of the !e"ice type is ma!e by pressing the :(*+'C button appropriately. )SB connector is protecte! %ith !e!icate! protection $C. ./G0 A1ALO@ $nputs .1ot in use0 A!!itional har!%are 'rogramming :eypa! .optional0 The optional programming &eypa! allows the SSC-XL to operate as a stan!-alone contoller %ithout the nee! for a personal computer. The optional programming &eypa! connects to the )SB connector on the rear panel of the SSC-XL. (ou %ill get 4 colour stic&ers %ith numbering from / to 5 to create &eayboar! layount to fit your personal nee!s. Any stan!ar! ASCI$ &eyboar! shoul! %or& but it is not guarantee!. Some &eyboar!s are recognize! as hubs by <in!ows. These %ill not %or&. O)T')T 3OD)L4 )1$T Relay output port Open collector GND port ( 2x8, GND,+12V or external) Slika output module unit-a - Slika izlaznih potrova i jumpera na modulu One output module unit comes %ith e"ery !e"ice. Each has /D outputs. De"ices configure! as „ser"erC can accept t%o more .three output module units total0. Each !e"ice !irectly controlls it's output module. Ser"er !e"ice can accept t%o more .three total0 output units. As %ith a client !e"ice the first module is controllable only from the master !e"ice !irectly. The t%o a!itional units can be controlle! "ia TC'+$' from any !e"ice on the net%or&. Getting started Setup and Interconnections A typical interconnection !iagrtam is shown below although there are almost infinite possibilities as to interconnectins since the SSC-XL can control almost anything in your station .including your coffee pot if you like0. -our !e"ices in net%or& connecte! to output mo!ules A DC a!apter is supplie! %ith your SSC-XL. <e recommen! you al%ays use it for powering the SSC-XL. <e cannot guarantee full performance of the SSC-XL %hen using a !ifferent power source.
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