Our Annual USCGCTHE HealyLAKE Dinner WASHINGTON & EVERETT COUNCIL NEWSLETTER Bellevue Red Lion Hotel Wednesday Our Annual USCGC Healy Dinner Bellevue Red Lion Hotel Wednesday, 11 March 2015 Special Guests Members of the USCGC Healy Keynote Speaker: CAPT John Reeves, USCG Commanding Officer, USCGC Healy Topic: “Artic Science and the Opening of the NW Passage” Recognizing the Healy Sailors of the Quarter and Sailor of the Year RecognizingVOL. vol. 74 71 DELGENEDelgene the University Phillips PHILLIPS of - Editor -Washington EDITOR www.lakewashnlus.org NROTCwww.lakewashnlus.org DecemberMarch 20152015 Recognizing Corporate Member GE Power Conversion FUTURE EVENTS USS Henry M. Jackson (SSBN 730) Welcomed as To register go to our website: www.lakewashnlus.org. Our Annual USCGC Healy Dinner Adopted Unit at November Dinner 13 Jan Dinner meeting Bellevue Red Lion Hotel With 45 guests in attendance 8 Mar Healy dinner Wednesday, 11 March 2015 the Lake Washington & Ever- Special GuestsMore at ett Council held its final din- Memberswww.lakewashnlus.org of the USCGC Healy ner event of 2015 at the Bellevue Red Lion Hotel on Keynote Speaker: CAPT John Reeves, USCG Wednesday, 18 November. CommandingABOUT Officer, US USCGC Healy Topic: “Artic Science and the OpeningFollowing of the the NW social Passage” hour First Vice President Pete RecognizingThe Lake Washington the Healy & SailorsEverett ofStiles the Quarteropened the and evening Sailor at of the Year Recognizing the University of Washington1845. The NROTC Liberty High RecognizingCouncil (LW&EC) Corporate is part Member of the GE Power Conversion Navy League of the United School NJROTC presented To States,register www.navyleague.org go to our website: www.lakewashnlus.org.the Colors and Marjorie , 11 March 2015 James led the audience with Special Council Guests Adopted Units: the “Pledge of Allegiance.” Members of the USCGC Healy Colors were then retired and US Naval Station Everett board member Cecil Allison KeynoteUSCG Base Speaker: Seattle CAPT John Reeves, USCG CommandingUSCGC Healy (WAGB Officer, 20) USCGC Healygave the invocation. The Topic:USCGC “Artic Henry Blake Science (WLM and 563) the Opening of the NW Passage” USCGC Blue Shark (WPB 87360) RecognizingUSS Jimmy Carter the (SSN Healy 23) Sailors of the Quarter and Sailor of the Year RecognizingUSS Henry M. Jackson the University (SSBN 730) of Washington NROTC RecognizingUndersea R & D Corporate Detachment Member GE Power Conversion Liberty High School NJROTC ToU. ofregister Washington go NROTC to our website: www.lakewashnlus.org. OurNaval Annual Sea Cadet USCGC Corps, NS Healy Everett Dinner Div Navy League Cadet Corps Training BellevueShip Henry M.Red Jackson Lion Hotel Wednesday, 11 March 2015 SpecialVoyager is Guests the official newsletter of the MembersLW&EC NL of-US the and USCGCis published Healy quar- terly in March, June, September and De- Keynotecember and Speaker:printed by American CAPT JohnPublish- Reeves, USCG Commandinging & Printing, Officer,Inc. in Kent, USCGC WA and Healy Topic:provided “Artic to all members. Science Comments and the and Opening of the NW Passage” suggestions are welcome and should be Recognizingsent to: Voyager the Editor, Healy P.O. SailorsBox 547 of the Quarter and Sailor ofThanksgiving the Year buffet was served at RecognizingBellevue WA 98009 the- 0547University or email ofto: Washington NROTC 1900 and at 1945 First VP Pete [email protected] Corporate Member GE Power Conversion (continued on page 4)…………….. VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE As I stated in my last will be held on Wednesday 8 March when we will “View…” time flies recognize the crew from one of our adopted units, and we are now look- the USCGC Healy (WAGB 20). The Healy re- ing back on a very cently returned from its annual “cruise” to the successful year for the Bering Sea and during that deployment it become Lake Washington & the first United States vessel to visit the North Everett Council. More Pole unaccompanied. Our council holds eight to importantly, planning ten tours each year to Navy and Coast Guard and looking forward to commands and also to private sector companies… anticipated programs again, venues not normally available to the gen- and activities in 2016. eral public. Tours have been held at Submarine Events and Tours Group 9 (which includes a tour of a nuclear sub- As in the past our council will hold six dinner marine), Boeing manufacturing facilities in Ever- events, one every other month. Five will be held ett and Renton, the Boeing Scan Eagle Program at the Bellevue Red Lion Hotel from 6:00 pm to (military drones) and a day cruise aboard the 9:00 pm. The sixth, our “Summer Fun Event,” is USCGC Healy among others. Board member Jim held at a venue that is not normally available to Ardissono is our Tour Director and shortly he will the general public. Past locations have included begin scheduling tours in the first quarter of 2016. th CenturyLink Field, the 446 Airlift Wing at In August 2015 we successfully held our First McChord AFB, the Coast Guard Museum at Annual Golf Tournament at the Eagles Pride Coast Guard Base Seattle, the Don James Center Golf Course at Joint Base Lewis-McChord and at the University of Washington football stadium the planning for the “Second Annual…” is under- and the Virginia Mason Athletic Center (the Se- way. The tournament will be held, again, at Eagles attle Seahawks practice facility). We provide a Pride in early June 2016, Note… those attending mix of very interesting speakers at our dinner our events and tours do not have to be a member events and on Wednesday, 13 January, our Key- of our council nor have served in in the military. note Speaker will be Bill McSherry from The All, whether prior military or not, are highly en- Boeing Company. Our second dinner of the year couraged to attend our dinners and tours. Communications The Lake Washington & Everett Council publish- 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS es its newsletter, “Voyager” on a quarterly basis. Our Editor, CAPT Delgene Phillips USCG, Re- President…………….…..…..Craig Chapman tired, publishes articles on our dinners, tours, ad- First Vice-President….…..…Pete Stiles ditional council events and other relevant infor- Second Vice-President……...Tom Lancaster mation pertaining to the sea services. You can re- Treasurer……………...…….Niles Fowler Secretary…………………….Sonya Bachmann ceive Voyager in two ways: the printed version or Chaplain………………..……Cec Allison by going to: www.lakewashnlus.org. If you prefer Judge Advocate………...…...Bert Kinghorn Tour Director……………….Jim Ardissono to receive Voyager via our website, and not the [email protected] paper copy, pleased contact Delgene at [email protected]. Our council also maintains Other Directors: Jim Ardissono Jim Britt Dan Burr Jay De Bellis Phil Johnson an outstanding website, www.lakewashnlus.org Robert Mitchell Delgene Phillips Jim Sketchley which is updated on a continual basis. Our Web- Pete Stiles John Thoma Al Torstensen site Editor, LCDR Phil Johnson, USGCR, Retired, National Directors: Pete Stiles Jim Sketchley publishes interesting and relevant information per- Dave Visneski taining to the sea services and advertises our din- ners and tours a month in advance of each event Director Emeritus: Louise Chase (LWC) (NLUS) Niles Fowler (NLUS) Roger Ponto (LWC) (NLUS) plus you can register for those events electronical- RADM John Lockwood USCG, Retired (LWC) ly. A new enhancement in early 2016… you will be able to pay in advance for our dinner events electronically or at the door with a credit card. A new communications project will be developed 2 VOYAGER December 2015 in early 2016 when we implement what we are LW&EC BUSINESS AFFILIATES calling “Social Media Engagement” which in addition to Voyager and our website, we will in- teract with current council members and future Corporate Members members via a combination of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other similar up-to-date media— GE Energy Power Conversion much more to come on this topic. Honeywell, Inc. Youth Programs Kvichak Marine Industries, Inc. Our council has three “youth” organizations that Microsoft we support as adopted units: the University of SAFE Boats International Washington NROTC, the Liberty High School Schneider Electric NJROTC and both a Sea Cadet unit and a Navy USAA League Cadet unit, both located at Naval Station Vigor Shipyards, Inc. Everett. We provide financial support to each unit and articles and photos on each will be published Community Affiliates periodically in Voyager, including this issue. Everett American Publishing & Printing, Inc. In January 2016 the Lake Washington Council B.E. Meyers & Company, Inc. merged with the Everett Council and inherited The Boeing Company three new adopted units, the USCGC Henry Blake Cadick Corporation (WLM 563), the USCGC Blue Shark (WPB Craig Chapman, CFP, Financial Advisor 87360) and the USS Henry R. Jackson (SSBN Oppenheimer & Co., Inc. 730) which we “share” with the Bremerton Olym- First Command Financial Planning pic Peninsula Council. The good news… we are Flags & Flagpoles Northwest now associated with a navy town and community, Forde Financial & Tax, Inc. and that said, a primary goal in 2016 will be to re- Global Construction Services, Inc. establish a Navy League presence in Everett and Gloria R. James, P.L.L.C. in Snohomish County which I think will take at Human Resources of Auburn, Inc. least a year, if not longer. But this will happen Red Lion Hotel Bellevue and, as above, “more to follow.” We appreciate US Family Health Plan at Pacific Medical your continued interest and support of the Center Lake Washington & Everett Council and look Vertical Path Recruiting, Inc. forward to seeing you at our events and tours in the coming year. Pete Stiles, Through their financial contributions, these First Vice President business affiliates demonstrate their commit- ment to LW&EC-NLUS, to the mission of the Navy League, and their desire to support young people through our programs and scholarships.
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