THE ART & CREATIVE MATERIALS INSTITUTE, INC. 99 Derby St., Suite 200 Hingham, MA 02043 USA Tel. (781) 556-1044 Fax (781) 207-5550 Website: www.acminet.org List of Members February 2014 & ANSI Performance Standard Z356._X BUY PRODUCTS THAT BEAR THE ACMI SEALS ACMI Active Members as of February 2014 ACCO Brands Corporation American Art Clay Co., Inc. Art Spectrum Manufacturing 300 Tower Parkway 6060 Guion Rd. Company Lincolnshire, IL 60069 Indianapolis, IN 46254 30 Phoenix Street Tel. (847) 484-3168 Tel. (317) 244-6871 Brunswick, Vic. 3056 Fax (847) 419-4145 Fax (317) 248-9300 AUSTRALIA http://www.accobrands.com http://www.amaco.com Tel. 011 61 03 9388 0766 Fax 011 61 03 9388 0744 Acrilex Tintas Especiais S/A http://www.artspectrum.com.au Estrada Galvao Bueno, 5000 American Crafts Sao Bernardo Do Campo – SP 476 North 1500 West Cep 09842-900 Orem, UT 84057 Artarch Ltd. BRAZIL Tel. (801) 226-0747 Nanhe Industry Park, Jinlai Road Tel. 011 55 11 4397 9213 Fax (801) 226-5086 Jingwu Zhen, Xiqing Qu http://www.acrilex.com.br http://www.americancrafts.com Tianjin, 300382 CHINA Activa Products, Inc. Tel. 011 86 22 23983586 512 South Garrett American Foam Technologies Fax 011 86 22 23980555 Marshall, TX 75670-4248 HC 37 http://www.arts-arch.com Tel. (903) 938-2224 Box 317H Fax (903) 938-3899 Lewisburg, WV 24901 Artel S.A.I.C. http://www.activa-products.com Tel. (304) 497-3000 PO Box 132111 Fax (304) 497-3001 Av. Edo. Frei Montalva 9700 http://www.americanfoamtech.com Quilicura, Santiago, Aida Chemical Industries Co. CHILE Ltd, Overseas Division Tel. 011 56 2 390 1540 6-28-3 Minami-cho, Fucya Fax 011 56 2 390 1547 Tokyo, 183-0026 American Tombow, Inc. http://www.artel.cl JAPAN 355 Satellite Blvd. NE Tel. 011 81 43 366 8751 Suite 300 Fax 011 81 42 366 8707 Suwanee, GA 30024 ArtQuimia http://www.artclay.co.jp Tel. (678) 318-3344 676 NW 23rd Street Fax (678) 318-3347 Miami, FL 33127 Alpha Art Materials Co., Ltd. http://www.tombowusa.com Tel. (786) 263-3855 283-1 Phyoungchang-Dong, Fax (305) 385-5586 Jongro-Ku http://www.idartsupplies.com Seoul, 110-012 Amos Corporation SOUTH KOREA Choyang Bldg., 8Fl. Aruna Co., Ltd. Tel. 011 82 2 365 3503 113, Samsung-dong 9/4 Bangchan Industrial Estate Fax 011 82 2 395 0077 Kangnam-Ku, Seoul 135-090 Serithai Road http://www.alphacolor.com SOUTH KOREA Kannayao, Bangkok Tel. 011 82 2 3452 0133 THAILAND Fax 011 82 2 3452 0277 Tel. 011 66 2517 0039 Amalgamated Specialties http://www.ec21.com/amosyoun Fax 011 66 2517 1098 Corporation Km 21, West Service Road South Superhighway Amut - Michka Co. & Romina Avery Dennison Muntinlupa City 1725 Marion Ave Apt G15 50 Pointe Drive Philippines Novato, CA 94945-2269 Brea, CA 92821 Tel. 011 63 2 5191818 Tel. (415) 595-1355 Tel. (714) 674-8500 Fax 011 63 2 8079297 Fax (415) 897-4845 Fax (714) 674-6910 http://www.amspecial.com http://www.rominaworld.com http://www.averydennison.com ACMI Active Members as of February 2014 B & B Etching Products, Inc. Blumberg Company Inc. Certified Color Corp. 18700 N. 107th Ave., Suite 13 75 Parker Street 1441 W. Collins Sun City, AZ 85373 Newburyport, MA 01950 Orange, CA 92667 Tel. (623) 933-4567 Tel. (978) 465-0409 Tel. (714) 997-7519 Fax (623) 815-9095 Fax (978) 462-5477 Fax (714) 997-1142 http://www.etchall.com http://www.blumbergcompany.com http://www.certifiedcolorcorporation.com Brevillier Urban & Sachs GmbH Chartpak PT Bali Taru Utama & Co. KG One River Road JL. Raya Serang KM 11 Am Anger 1 Leeds, MA 01053 Cikupa, Tangerang 15710, 7024 Hirm, Tel. (800) 628-1910 INDONESIA AUSTRIA Fax (413) 586-9339 Tel. 011 62 21 594 00123 Tel. 011 43 2687 542 450 http://www.chartpak.com Fax 011 62 21 594 02654 Fax 011 43 2687 542 45 549 http://apassionforpencils.com Charvin S.A.R.L 473 Route De Bord De Mer Beifa Group Co., Ltd. Bruynzeel-Sakura BV 06270 Villeneuve Loubet No. 298 Jiangnan Rd. (East) P.O. Box 110 FRANCE Beilum 4600 AC Bergen Op Zoom Tel. 011 04 93 73 71 54 Ningbo, 315801 HOLLAND Fax 011 04 93 73 28 59 CHINA Tel. 011 31 164 21 44 00 http://www.charvin-arts.com Tel: 011 86 574 8618 6707 Fax 011 31 164 21 44 44 Fax: 011 86 574 8615 5295 http://www.bruynzeel.nl Chavant, Inc. http://www.beifa.com 5043 Industrial Road Farmingdale, NJ 07727 Buncho Corporation Tel. (732) 751-0003 BIC Corporation c/o H. K. Holbein, Inc. Fax (732) 751-1982 One BIC Way, Suite 1 P.O. Box 555 http://www.chavant.com Shelton, CT 06484 Williston, VT 05495-0555 Tel. (203) 783-2000 Tel. (802) 862-4573 The Chenille Kraft Company Fax (203) 783-2081 Fax (802) 658-5889 P.O. Box 269 http://www.bicworld.com http://www.holbeinhk.com 65 Ambrogio Drive Gurnee, IL 60031 Caran D'Ache Of Switzerland Tel. (847) 249-2900 Dick Blick Company P.O. Box 332 Fax (847) 249-2906 Renaissance Place 19, Chemin Du Foron http://www.chenillekraft.com 1849 Green Bay Rd., Suite 310 CH 1226 Geneva, Highland Park, IL 60035-3151 SWITZERLAND Chroma Acrylics Tel. (800) 723-2787 Tel. 011 41 22 869 01 01 205 Bucky Drive Fax (847) 266-8775 Fax 011 41 22 869 01 35 Lititz, PA 17543 http://www.dickblick.com http://www.carandache.ch Tel. (717) 626-8866 Fax (717) 626-9292 Ceramica Collet S.A. http://www.chromaonline.com BLOCKX J. Fils S.A. P.O. Box 205 Le Tombeu 1B Poligono Industrial L'Olana, S/n The Clay and Paint Factory S.A. B - 4550 08292 ESPARREGUERA Rue Du Dossay 3 Nandrin Barcelona, 4020 Wandre (Liege), BELGIUM SPAIN BELGIUM Tel. 011 32 854 11162 Tel. 011 34 93 777 23 44 Tel. 011 32 4 345 99 62 Fax 011 32 854 12535 Fax 011 34 93 770 94 11 Fax 011 32 4 345 99 69 http://www.blockx.be http://www.ceramicacollet.com http://www.darwi.com ACMI Active Members as of February 2014 Color Craft, Ltd. Crayola LLC DecoArt, Inc. P.O. Box 120 P. O. Box 431 P. O. Box 297 14 Airport Park Road Easton, PA 18042-0431 Stanford, KY 40484 East Granby, CT 06026 Tel. (610) 253-6272 Tel. (606) 365-3193 Tel. (860) 919-2641 Fax (610) 250-5810 Fax (606) 365-9739 Fax (860) 653-0643 http://www.crayola.com http://www.decoart.com http://www.createxcolors.com Creative Paperclay Co., Inc. 79 Daily Dr., Suite 101 Demco EnCouleurs Inc. Colorantes Importados Camarillo, CA 93010 5485 Ramsay Corregidora No. 28 Col. Tlacopac Tel. (805) 484-6648 St. Hubert, Quebec Deleg. Alvaro Onregon Fax (805) 484-8788 CANADA C.P. 01140, http://www.paperclay.com Tel. (450) 443-8455 MEXICO Fax (450) 443-2674 Tel. 011 52 55 5 662 8292 Crown Ball Pen Co., Ltd. http://www.demcoencouleurs.com Fax 011 52 55 91 49 5556 1123 CheongOk-Ri, http://www.colorim.com Juchon-Myeon, GimHae-City GyeongNam 621-841 KOREA Derivan Pty. Ltd. Colorfin LLC Tel. 011 82-55-320-7800 1 Northcote Street 65 Willow Street Fax 011 82-55-320-7880 Mortlake, NSW 2137 P. O. Box 825 http://ebook.ec21.com/crownpen/default1.html AUSTRALIA Kutztown, PA 19530 Tel. 011 61 297 362022 Tel. (484) 646-9900 CS Laboratories of N. America Fax 011 61 297 363637 Fax (484) 646-9901 1101 S. Kilbourn Avenue http://www.derivan.com.au http://colorfin.com Chicago, IL 60624 Tel. (773) 638-6900 Colors of Nature Fax (773) 638-4002 DESIGN MASTER Color Tool 85 Seaton Street P.O. Box 601 Toronto, Ontario M5A2T2 Boulder, CO 80306 CANADA Da Vinci Paint Co., Inc. Tel. (303) 443-5214 Tel. (647) 780-7465 11 Good Year St. Fax (303) 443-5217 http://www.colorsofnature.com Irvine, CA 92618 http://www.dmcolor.com Tel. (949) 859-4890 Fax (949) 859-4766 Cra-Z-Art Corporation http://www.davincipaints.com 1578 Sussex Turnpike Discount School Supply / Randolph, NJ 07869 Daler-Rowney Limited Excelligence Learning (973) 543-2037 Southern Industrial Area, Box 10 2 Ragsdale Dr., Suite 200 (973) 543-1914 Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 8ST Monterey, CA 93940 http://www.cra-z-art.com ENGLAND Tel. (770) 307-1077 Tel. 011 44 1344 461083 Fax (770) 307-4907 Fax 011 44 1344 486511 http://www.excelligencelearning.com Cranfield Colours Ltd. http://www.daler-rowney.com 44-47 Springvales Industrial Estate Cwmbran Dallas Lighthouse For The Blind Dixon Ticonderoga Company Wales, NP 44 5BB 4245 Office Parkway 195 International Parkway ENGLAND Dallas, TX 75204-3680 Heathrow, FL 32747 Tel. 011 44 01633 861421 Tel. (214) 821-2375 Tel. (407) 829-9000 Fax 011 44 01633 864354 Fax (214) 824-4612 Fax (800) 232-9396 http://www.caligoinks.com http://www.dallaslighthouse.org http://www.dixonticonderoga.com ACMI Active Members as of February 2014 Dong-A Teaching Materials A. W. Faber-Castell General Pencil Company Co., Ltd. Peruana S.A. P.O. Box 5311 4F, Samjung Building Av. La Molina 161 ATE Redwood City, CA 94063 237-11 Nonhyun-Dong, Kangnam-Gu Lima 3, Tel. (650) 369-4889 Seoul, PERU Fax (650) 369-7169 SOUTH KOREA Tel. 011 51 1 6121900 http://www.generalpencil.com Tel. 011 82 23 443 6007 Fax 011 51 1 6121952 Fax 011 82 42 625 6104 http://www.faber-castell.com http://www.dongapen.com Ghent Manufacturing, Inc. A.W.
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