AMAZONIANA XV (3/4): 239 - 267 Kiel, Dezember 1999 The first penicillate millipedes from the vicinity of Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil (Diplopoda: Polyxenida) by K. Ishii, M. Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin & B. Condé Dr. Kiyoshi Ishii, Department of Biology, Dokkyo University School of Medicine, Mibu, Tochi gi, 321-02 Japat. Dr. Monique Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Laboratoire de Zoologie/Arthropodes, 6l rue Buffon, F-75231 Paris, France. Prof. Dr. Bruno Condé, Musée de Zoologie, 34 rue Sainte-Catherine, F-54000 Nancy, France. (Accepted for publication: November, 1999). Abstract Two new and an undetermined/unnamed species in the penicillate diplopod genera Lophoturus BROLEMANN, 1931 and Macroxenodes SILVESTRI, 1948 are described from the vicinity of Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil: L. adisi n.sp., M. amazonicus n.sp., and M. sp.. L. adisi n.sp. is characteristic in having the molar plate with a swollen dorsal molar plate shoulder of the mandible , while M. amazonicus n.sp. in having three thick bacilliform dorsal sensilla separated from a second group of posterior ventral sensilla on antennal segment VI, the gnathochilarium wìth 2l to 23 palpal sensilla and the femoral and tibial setaewithanoval basefurnishedwith3or"llongspines. Also,L.adisin.sp.,whichisthedominant species at the locality, has been investigated as to its postembryonic stadia and rnandibular structure. On the other hand, M. sp. is characteristic in having more numerous sensilla located in one or two ro'ws in the dorso-distal part ofantennal segment VI, in the tergal trichomes grouped in two separated oval areas, and in22or23 palpalsensilla. Plesioproctus CONDÉ, lg64isshowntobeajuniorsynonym of Ancistroxenus SCHUBART, 1947, n. syn. The synonymy results from a revision of type material of the Brazilian Ancistroxenus tupiensis SCHUBART, 1947. Plesioproctus comans (LOOMIS 1934), flrom Trinidad, is forrnally transferred to Anci.stoxenu.s, resulting in A. comans (LOOMIS 1934), n. comb., a species which is also a subjective senior synonym of Ancistroxenus tupiensis SCHUBART, I 947, n. syn.. A. comans has been recorded from the study region for the first time, and its posternbryonic stadia are fully redescribed. A key to the genera of the family Lophoproctidae is given. Keywords: Diplopoda, Penicillata, new species, taxonomy, key, Manaus, Amazonia ISSN 0065-6755/199912391 O MPI für Limnologie, AG Tropencikologie, Plön; INPA, Manaus 239 Introduction Paratypes: I adult female (INPA), Brazil, Amazonas, environs of Manaus, Lago Janauarí (03"20'S, 60'17'w), mixedwater inundarion forest, K30, 10.10.1987, J. ADIs et al. leg.; I adult female (lNpA), K2l, 14.03.1987;2 adulr males (INPA), The penicillate Diplopoda is a group possessing characteristic tufts of trichomes on Kl9, 14.03.19s8; I adulr male (tNpA), Kz4, 14.03,t998; I adult male, I adult female (INPA), K3l, 14.03.1988; the body. Penicillates are widely distributed from the tropics to the Arctic zone, with I adult female (INpA), Kt2, 14.03.1988;5 adult mates (INPA),3 adult females (usP), Kl8, 14.03.1988;3 about 100 species so far described. adulr males,2 adult females (tNpA), K30, 14.03.1988; 2 adult males,9 adult females (INPA), 14 adult males (uSp), KlO, 12.04.198g;2 adult males,6 To date, eight species of penicillate diplopods have been reported from Brazil: adulr females (INPA), K I 8, 12.04. 1988; 5 adult males, 3 adulr females (tNpA), K22, 12.04.t988; 5 adult males, Polyxenus superbus SILVESTRI, 1903; P. lepagei MELLO-LEITÃO, t9Z5; p. senex 3 adult females (INPA), K22, 12.05.1988; I adult male, 3 adult females (tNpA),K27, t2.05.1988; 2 adult MELLO-LEITÄO, 1925; Monographis tamoyoensis SCHUBART, 1939: Macroxenus females (INPA), K28, 12.05.1988; 6 adult males (INPA), I I adult females (usp), K30, 12.05.1988;6 adult caingangensis SCHUBART, 1944:, Ancistroxenus phrysso- tupiensis SCHUBART, 1947; males (cA), BE50A, 14.07.1987 2 adult males, I adult female (cA), Kl5, 14.03.1988; I adult male,3 notus sp.; and Macroxenodes sp. (CONDÉ l97l). adult females (cA), K26, 12.04. 1988; 3 adult males, 4 adutt females (cA), K30, 12.04. 1988; 2 adult males, J. ADIS and his colleagues investigated the abundance, phenology and natural 6 adult females (cA), K26, 12.05.1988; I adult female (MHNP), Kl8, 12.05.1988; I adult mate, I adult history of the terricolous and arboricolous arthropods in a mixedwater inundation forest female (MHNP),K27,12.04.1988; I adult male,3 adult females (MHNp), K27, 12.05.1988. (cf. AMARAL et al. 1997) at Lago Janauarí near Manaus (03"20'5, 60"17W'), Central Amazonia, Brazil from July 1987 to June 1988. Recently, about 1,800 penicillate Other material examined. diplopod specimens collected by soil extraction (K), ground photo-eclectors (emergence At the same locality as for holotype: 2 adult males: 88504,01.07.1987, J. ADIS et al. leg.; I female of larva stadium traps; El0-13) and arboreal photo-eclectors (trunk traps) for trunk ascents (8E49) and VI, I female of stadium VII, I adult male, 2 adult females: BE50A, 3L07.1987; I female of stadium VII: BE50B, 31.0'l descents (8850) from the above forest were provided to us by him for taxonomic study .1987; I adult female: 8850C,31.07.1987;3 adult males, 6 adult females: BE50c, 14.08.1987;4 adult males, T adult females: BE50D, 14.08. 1987; adult female: BE50B, (for methodology and study site see ADIS 1987, 1988; ADIS er al. 1996; MORAIS er I 01.09.1987; I stadium It: Kl6, 14.09.1987;2 stadium III: Kl8, 14.09.1987; I stadium 14.09.1987; al. 1997 a, b; VOHLAND & ADIS 1999). il: Kl9, 7 stadium II: K23, 14.09.1987;2 stadium II: K25, t4.09.1981-; I stadium I, I stadium III,3 sradium IV, In the present paper, two new species, Lophoturus adisi n. sp. and Mqcroxenodes 2stadiumV, I maleof stadiumVl, I femaleof stadiumVl,2malesof stadiumVll,2femalesof stadium amazonicus n. sp., are described, and another, yet unnamed species of the genus Mqcro- VII, I adult female: 812,30.09.1987; I sradium I, I stadium lI:K22,13.10.1987; I sradium IV,2 stadium xenodes SILVESTRI, 1948, which is only based on a single adult specimen, is recorded. V: K23, 13.10. 1987; I stadium Y:K24,13.10.1987; ladult femate: K26, 13.10.1987; I stadium v, I male Furthermore, L. adisi n. sp., a dominant species at this locality, is studied as to its of stadium vl, I lemale of stadium VI: K30, 13.10.1987; I sradium II, I stadium V: K3 l, 13.10.19g7; I postembryonic stadia. In addition, based on a revision of type material of Ancistroxenus stadium v: K32, 13.10. 1987; I female of stadium VI: K33, 13.10.1987; I female of stadium vl: Kl0, tupiensis SCHUBART, 1947, kept in the Museu de Zoologia, universidade de São l0.l1.1987; I stadium IV: Kll, 10. I 1.1987; I stadium V: Kl2, 10. I1.1987; I female of stadium VI: Kl3, Paulo, its synonymy with Plesioproctus comans (LooMIS 1934) is established (n. l0.l1.1987; I male oflstadium VII: Kl4, l0.l L1987; I stadium lV,2 stadium V, I male of sradium vll, syn.). These two species are thus treated as a single species, Ancistroxenus comans, rr. I adult male: Kl6, 10.11.1987; I male of stadium VI: Kl8, 10.11.1987; 2 stadium III: Kl9, 10.11.1987; comb., which is fully redescribed, with notes given on its postembryonic stadia. A key I stadium III,2 stadium V,2 adult females: K20, l0.l itl9B7;2 sradium II, I stadium v: K2g, l0.l l.l9g7; to the genera of the family Lophoproctidae is provided. 2 stadium Y: K29, 10.11.1987; I adulr female: K30, 10. ll.l987; I sradium V, I adult female: K3 l, 10.11.1987;2 stadium II,2 females olstadium Vll,2 adult females: 15.12.1987; Type material of both new species described herein has been shared between the Kl0, I stadium II, I stadium III, I stadium IV,2 females of stadium Vl, I adult female: Kll,15.l2.l9g7; collections of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus (INPA), I stadium III: Kl2, 15.12.1987;2 stadium II,2 stadiur¡ III,2 adult males, I adult female: Kl3, 15.12.19g7; I stadium t,2 collection J. ADIS, Plön (cA), the collection of the Museu de Zoologia, São paulo stadium V, I male of stadium VII, I female of stadium VII, ladult male, 2 adult females: KI4,15.l2,l9ï7: (USP) and Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, France (MHNP), as given 4 stadium I[, I stadium IV, I female of stadium VI,2 adult males: Kl5, 15.12.1987;3 staclium II: Kl6, below: holotype, allofype and about 50 % (35 males and 3l females) of the paraty- all 15.12.1987: I stadium II, I stadium V, I male of stadium VII, 2 adult females: Kl'], 15.12 1987.,22 pes in INPA, each 20 % (14 males and 14 females) paratypes in and and cA usp, l0 stadium I, l9 stadium I[, l2 stadium IIl,3 stadium V, I male of stadium VII, I fernale of sradium VII, I % (6 indi. in each sex) in MNHP. The all non-types are deposited in INpA. Some adult male: Kl8, 15.12.i987; 38 stadium 1,2 stadium II,2 stadium III, I adult ma1elKl9, 15.12. 1987: I materials used for SEM has been kept in the Collection K. ISHII, Japan (CI). stadium I,5 stadium II,3 stadium III, I female of stadium VI, I adult female: K20, f S)Z.f lSl: I stadiurn II, I stadium III: K2l, 15.12.1987; I stadium 1,4 stadium II, I adult male: K26, 15.12.1987;10 stadium ll: K27,15.12.1987; I male olsradium VII: K3 l, 15.t2.t987; I stadium II: K32, t5.12.t987:4 sradium Taxonomic part II, I stadium lll, I adult male, I adult flemale: K33, 15.12.1987; l3 stadium I,2l stadium ll, l5 sradium III, 4 stadium IV, 9 stadium V, 3 males of stadium VI, 5 females of stadium VI, I female of stadium VII, Lop hoturas ødr'sí n.sp.
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