1480. Approved and ordered this 1st day of September , A.D. 1545 At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, Lieutenant-Governor. PRESENT: The Honourable Mr. Maitland in the Chair. Mr. Pearson Mr. Kenney Mr. MacDonald Ma Anscomb Mr. Perry Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. To His Honour The Lieutenant-Governor in Coundl: The undersigned has the honour to recommend: THAT under the provisions of Section 14 (2) of the ”erovincial tlections.Actn, the attached list of persons whose names are on a list of voters prepared under the provisions of the said Act, be appointed, without salary, Provincial tlections Commissioners for the purposes of the said Section. r DATED this day of August A.D. 1945. '''' 4.. • V nial'Secretary. A, APPROVED this 28th day of August D. 194:2-1 Presiding Member L ELECTORAL DISTRICT NAME Burnaby Grant, Isabella fillips, Jessie Wilson Allen, Gladys Louisa Dennis, Christopher Alexander Leaf, ueorge Herbert Webster, John Wallwork Helm, Edvard Rudolf McDonald, John Wesley Jones, John Henry Vince, George Watson, Ruth Milinda Street, Ernest George Lewis, Vernon James Cariboo Dawson, Lois Muriel Canal Flats Hogg, Oscar Abbe, Richard Fawn Hill, Herbert Burnett Alexander Dillman, Christian Narcosli Creek Comox Peterson, Casper Alert Bay Watt, John Bevan Stuart, Ronald J. Boil! Point Holt, John Bowser Thulin, Elin Campbell River Hole, Albert E. Coal Harbour Howe, J. Briant Comox Henderson, Alex. Cumberland Russel, Gavin Denman Island Wastell, P.C.A. Englewood Taylor, Jas. Errington Curran, Fred Fanny Bay Stramberg, Wm. Granite Bay Field, Rex. Grantham Sprout, P. Headquarters Calwell, J.A. Heriot Bay Cordy, Jas Holberg Parnell, C.S. Hornby Island Kelsey, Mrs. I. Kelsey Bay Caillett, Lantzville Knight, L.A. Lazo • Welch, H.J. Little Qualicum Hilton, P.A. Malcolm Island Stalker, J. Minto Schulz, Henry Sr. Oyster River Greig, L.L. Port Alice Reid, Walter Port Hardy Lewis, Percy Quathiaski Cove Evenson, E. Quatsino Ekman, Carl Read ICand Hill, Edward Rock Bay Potter, James Royston Milne, W.A. Sayward Cholberg, C. Shuahartie Forrest, J.D. Squirrel Cove Frost, S.W. Surge Narrows Glover, Herbert Union Bay Bennett, E. Wellington Saunders, T.H. Whaletown Grand Forks-Greenwood MoRann, John Wilfred Cascade Sandner, Randolph Filmore Grand Forks Love, Jack Arthur Grand Forks Gardner, Richard James Grand Forks Walker, Thomas Norbet Riverside Gachain, Jean Pierre Carmi (2) ELECTORAL DISTRICT NAME ADDRESS Kaslo-Slocan Honeysett, Frank Appledale Galls, AL1-,ertine Louise Argenta Henn, Frederick Arrow Park Kershaw, Frank Brouse Marshall, Clark Alexander Burton Wilson, George Montagne East Arrow Park Courville, Madeline Beatrice Edgewood Masson, Stephen Galena Bay Dore, Joseph Michael Gerrard Coates, Agnes Glendevon Glendevon Ainsworth, Thomas Jessop Howser MacNickol, Georgenna May Johnson Landing Lathan, Jennie Francis Kaslo Link, Olive Elizabeth Mirror Lake Horrey, Charles Herbert Nakusp Rollins, Claude Henry Needles Newcomen, Christopher Peasmore Robb, Alexander Poplar Sauter, Clara Retallack Morphet, Evans Hair ShUtty Bench Dewis, Horace Vern Silverton DuMont, Carl Roseberry Balbarnie, William George New Denver MacDonald. William Sandon Mackenzie Shearer, Mary Blubber Bay Johnson, Minnie Westview Bernier, Cassie Westview Wallace, Elsie Westview McLeod, Mary Josephine Westview Schon, Sara Jane Westview Coekrill, Gladys Beulah Westview Hyde, Thomas Simoom Sound Benham, Violet Margaret Allisom Hat'WoUr Bruce, Thomas Harry Blind Bay -'''French, Alice Sechelt Kynoch, Thow George Sechelt Pedersonparl Bella Coola Roberts, Esther Hagensborg Brynildsen, Guy Alger Belle Coola Coomber, Harvey Westview Gibson, Frank Gibson, Kathleen Jane Green, Thomas William Cloke, Dorothy Nuttall, Lthel Minnie Grain, Mildred Ormsby McCartney, Belinda Wildwood Sparrow, Beatrice M. Powell River Sparrow, Albert Victor Powell River Dobbyn, Arthur Graham Powell River Manwood, Clara Westview Thorburn, George Gordon Powell River McCartney, James Wildwood New Westminster :Cassady, Helen Aelizabetk 109 Queens Ave. New Westr Bennett, Thelma Louise 732 - 5th St. " " Copp, John Percy 334 - 4th St. Carlsen, Sigmar Conrad 337 - 2nd St. " Fairall, Francis Irene 51 Albert Crescent " Grimston, Douglas George 115 - 8th St. “ Gunn, Arthur Hugh 401 - 5th St. " Holliday, Wilfred August 305 - 2nd St. 10,-Knight, Ruth Ellenor 411 - 3rd Ave. " -V, .Lamdin, Lillian gliteboth 410 -Fader St. " Montgomery, David 341 Simpson St. " Marshall, Whitney Reginald 1434 Edinburgh St. Manning, Olive Loelette 640 Ewen Ave. '16 .. Morrison, Adelia Agnes 305 Carnarvon St." Morgan, John Hanna 121 - 3rd Street " -VaNA, Monk, Kathleen Alice Ann 51 Agnes Street " (3) ELECTORAL DISTRICT NAME ADDR7SS New Westminster (contld.) MoKenzie,Margaret Katherine 320 - 9th St. New Westr. Postlethwait, Lesly 210 Durham St. " Seney, J. Elden 803 Dublin St. " Sangster, James Lewis 319 - 6th Ave. " N Smith, John William 420 Carnegie St. Sinclair, Duncan 619 - 2nd St. " Taylor, William 215 - 5th Ave. " Ross, Eva Grace 125 Agnes St. N Oak Bay Nantes, Mrs. Margaret 1639 Hampshire Bd,Victoria Collings, Horace W. 2140 Beach Drive " Sherwood, Lt.Col.Henry Lewis 713 Mount Joy Ave. " Prince Rupert Havroy, Oskar Pioneer Rooms, Pr. Rupert Ritchie, Alleyn 1215 - 2nd Ave. " Mills, Chas. 700 - 6th Ave.W. " N Parker, Hobert H. 172 - 3rd Ave.E. " N Lindsay, Johh 1152 Park Ave. " N MacRae, John 230 - 8th Ave.W. " N Judge, John 740 Taylor St. " N Watts, Wm. 308 - 5th Ave.W. " Casey, Geo. B. 1122 - 11th Ave.E. N Nickerson, Geo. 500 - 5th Ave.W. " Allaire, Alexander 2177 Atlin Ave., " N Anderson, John Gunnard 408 - 8th Ave. W." Bacon, Bert James Government Wharf " N Balagno, Charles 325 - 5th Ave.W. " N Bamford, Ralph 324 - 4th Ave. W." N Batt, Cecil Cotton St. N Belanger, Joseph 308 - 9th Ave.W. N N Bird, Sidney Borden St. N N Black, Thomas 2053 Graham Ave. N N Blaine, Leon Seaview Apts. N Breen, Harry 625 - 5th Ave.E. " N Brind, Cecil 236 -11th St. N Bulger, John 607 - 3rd Ave.W. " N Cade, John Pearson 207 - 4th Ave.W. " N Cavenaile, Ernest Seal Cove N Cheeseman, Stephen Angus Apts. N Comer, James Henry 625 - 3rd Ave.W. " N Cravetto, Pete 208 - 4th St. N Dawes, Geo. 146 - 4th Ave.E. N N DeJong, Peter 715 - 5th Ave.W. N N Dibb, Frank 1823 Graham Ave. N Dybhavn, George 2104 Atlin Ave., N George tckerman 1730 Atlin Ave. Flaten, Arnold 4th Ave. E. N Granley. Seven T94,U.S. Barracks" N Frizzell,Geo. Douglas 3rd Ave. W. Gladding, Robt. Ed. Heffner Apts. N N Gurvich, John 622 rreser St. N Hallberg, Knut 110-9th Ave.E. N Hankinson, Cecil Hazen 945 Borden St. Joyce, rred Waterfront If Keilback, Dorothy 217 - 9th Ave.E. N Mair, John H. 171-3rd Ave.E. N Mortimer, Hichmond td. 324 - 2nd Ave. N MoClymont, Jean 909 Borden St. " McNulty, John 609 - 2nd Ave. " Robins, Douglas Port Edward N Rorie, George 220 - 4th Ave.W. W N Royer, Gillis Commercial Hotel " Stuart, David Chas. 3649 - 2nd Ave.W." N Sunbury, Selah Ed. Georgetown N Thompson, James Henry 1809 Graham Ave. " N Wood, George Douglas 733 Taylor St. " Gilker, James Clifford 223 - 4th Ave.E. " N Saanich Thomas, Dr. J.M. 3366 Glasgow Ave. Victoria Bell, Mrs. Kathleen Anderson 3437 Maplewood Hd. " (4) ELECTORAL DISTRICT NAME ADDRESS Saanich (Contd.) Reader, Mrs. Isobel 3680 Craigmillar Ave. Victoria Smith, Mrs. r.W. Canterbury Rd. Victoria MacDonald, Mrs. M. 336 Obed Ave., " Brown, Gilbert 1981 Carrick St. " Rendle, Arthur Box 68, R.M.D.4, " Kettle, William Alfred 1978 Neil St. Alexander, Tom 3208 Shelbourne " Mortimer, Muphemie Adamson Mrs.Mortimer St. Urton, Urban Sylvester 3929 Cumberland " Johns, Albert Oliver Braefoot Rd. Lee, Mrs. Margaret Annie Andrews Hd.#4 " Harris, Mrs. Annie 507 Dupplin Rd. " Butt, Bertha Mrs. 3267 Tennyson " Ells, Mrs. Lily Rose 3255 Tennyson " Bell, Edgar Ernest 3385 Whittier Nelson, marl Blake 1028 Inverness " Kyle, Mrs. Julia Ann 3440 Calumet Ave." Gray, Hobert 425 Culduthel Rd." Eilers, rrederick Lewis 3211 Quadra St. " McGregor, Mrs. Alice 1190 CamroseCres." Jennings, Mr. Kenneth Shelbourne St. " Silver, Mrs. Myrtle Esther Shorncliffe Hd. " Jennings, William Ruby Rd. Valdes, Ada Miss McKenzie Ave.#4 " Lynn, William John Box #1468,R.R.3 " Brydon, Robert Glanford Ave. Footner, Bertram Chase Mann Ave. Dad son, Alfred Kita)n Snellingp St. Lucas, Charles Gilbert Marigold P.O. Warnock, John Carey Rd. Cudmare , Charlie s Thomas Box 01154 H.11#3 " Hodgson, Jennie BeatriceMrs. Colquitz P.O. Matthews, William Carlisle Wilkinson Rd. Lewis, Kenneth Morton Cadboro Bay Hd. " Reeves, Florence Henrietta Mrs. Santa Clare Ave. " Hobbs, Alfred Percy H.R.1, Royal Oak " Boorman, Ebenezer H.R.1, Royal Oak " Thomson, Lorne Keating P.O. Sluggett, Dorothy Gabrielle Brentwood Bay " Creed, Herbert lerancis Keating A Rds Derrinburg, Hobert Carnes Saanichton P.O. Arnup, ceciliaMary 2832 Colquitz Ave." Wilkinson, Edward 2815 Colquitz Ave " Dorman, Leo 552 Walter Dorman, Alexander 501 Obed Lacey, John 470 Kerr Ave. Pass, Winifred Mrs. 2973 Orillia St. McAllister, Richard 61 Maddock Howard, Norman 3040 Millgrove Hurley, tlsie Myra Mrs. 3115 Qu'Appelle Grimes, rrederick trbin 3231 Wascana St. Waterston, John 122 Lurline St. Forster, George Edward 264 Crease Ave. Mecham, William cooper Burnside Rd. Partridge, Joe Marigold P.O. Saunders, William George Carey Rd. McKillican, Henry 1521 3rd St. Sidney Mitchell, Joseph 6th St. Sidney Robinson, Henry Prospect Lake P.O. McGillivray, Neil Prospect Lake P.O. Skeena Thompson, Miss Edith Mary Cedarvale Skinner, Leslie George copper City Martin, George Hezelton Moore, Hoy Kitwanga MacKenzie, van New Hazelton Kenney,. Lambert Hanson Smithers Grant, William Smithers Sargent, Mrs. Barbara South Hezelton Little, William Woodcock (5) ELECTORAL DISTRICT NAME ADDRESS SouthUkanagan. Powell, kilter Rees West Summerland Bull, Cecil Hobert Rutland ritpatrick, iranklin Leon Rutland Hannon, John William Westbank Chidley, Arthur James Peachland Hume, George Clarence Glenmore, H.11.3,Kelowna Conroy, Joseph John Ellison, R.W.3, Kelowna Mcivor, Bernard Benvoulin, " Chaplin, fired John Okanagan Mission Murchison, tarle Alexander Kelowna Hamilton, Andrew Walter Kelowna Tutt, George Henry Kelowna Kennedy, James Norman Naramatta Vancouver Centre Court, Mrs. Janet Harris 417 metropolitan bldg. Turner, Melvin Harold 391 PowellSt.
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