The Wisconsin Odonata News March, 2014 Volume 2, Issue 2 Note from the Editor, There are many activities going on as Spring (hopefully) comes to Wiscon- sin. I have decided to create monthly updates for you of about four pages. Below this article, the members of the 2014 nominating committee are PRESIDENT listed. If you are interested in running for any office, please let one of them know soon. The slate will be presented in the May update for you to think Robert DuBois about and then vote at the Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 14th. Speaking of the June Annual Meeting, it will be held in conjunction with the [email protected] DSA (Dragonfly Society of the Americas) Annual Meeting. Watch the website VICE PRESIDENT at this URL: Dan Jackson http://mamomi.net/dsa2014/DSA2014/Welcome.html [email protected] The DSA registration fee is only $20 and includes the banquet. You SECRETARY can register for the Annual Meeting of the DSA on the REGISTER page. Ellen Dettwiler Please be aware that you do not have to register for the DSA meeting if you only wish to attend the Wisconsin Dragonfly Society’s Annual meeting. How- [email protected] ever, if you do not register for DSA’s meetings, you cannot attend the ban- quet, or DSA only events. Our meeting in Ladysmith will include field trips TREASURER and presentations. To vote in our elections, you need to be a member of the Wisconsin Dragonfly Society. The form is on page 4 for your conven- Matt Berg ience. [email protected] I have included the expected species list for June in northern Wisconsin for AT LARGE you as a checklist on the next 2 pages. Enjoy! Bill Smith As there are a number of us who can’t travel to Ladysmith in the North Woods for that meeting, we are arranging a meeting at the Horicon Marsh [email protected] Education and Visitor Center on the lower level. We will be connecting via Ken Tennessen Wi-Fi to the main meetings (both the Board and General Membership meet- ings) on June 14th. [email protected] Hopefully, we will be able to use Skype to participate and hear the presen- Julie Pleski tations. More details as we have them. I hope to put together a species list for that site for the next issue in April. [email protected] Joanne Kline Ellen R. Dettwiler, Editor [email protected] Nominating Committee, 2014 Ryan Chrouser Robert DuBois Ellen Dettwiler Dan Jackson [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ©Wisconsin Dragonfly Society, Inc., 2014 March, 2014 The Wisconsin Odonata News List of Odonata expected to be on the wing in June in Epitheca canis (Beaverpond Baskettail) northern Wisconsin: Epitheca cynosura (Common Baskettail) AESHNIDAE Epitheca princeps (Prince Baskettail) Aeshna (Mosaic Darners) [Most species of Aeshna do Epitheca spinigera (Spiny Baskettail) not emerge in Wisconsin until after June] Neurocordulia molesta (Smoky Shadowdragon) Anax junius (Common Green Darner) Neurocordulia yamaskanensis (Stygian Shadowdragon) Basiaeschna janata (Springtime Darner) Somatochlora cingulata (Lake Emerald) Epiaeschna heros (Swamp Darner) Somatochlora elongata (Ski-tipped Emerald) Gomphaeschna furcillata (Harlequin Darner) Somatochlora forcipata (Forcipate Emerald) Nasiaeschna pentacantha (Cyrano Darner) Somatochlora franklini (Delicate Emerald) Rhionaeschna multicolor (Blue-eyed Darner) Somatochlora kennedyi (Kennedy’s Emerald) GOMPHIDAE Somatochlora minor (Ocellated Emerald) Arigomphus cornutus (Horned Clubtail) Somatochlora walshi (Brush-tipped Emerald) Arigomphus furcifer (Lilypad Clubtail) Williamsonia fletcheri (Ebony Boghaunter) Dromogomphus spinosus (Black Shouldered Spinyleg) LIBELLULIDAE Gomphus adelphus (Mustached Clubtail) Celithemis elisa (Calico Pennant) Gomphus exilis (Lancet Clubtail) Celithemis eponina (Halloween Pennant) Gomphus externus (Plains Clubtail) Erythemis simplicicollis (Eastern Pondhawk) Gomphus fraternus (Midland Clubtail) Ladona julia (Chalk-fronted Corporal) Gomphus graslinellus (Pronghorn Clubtail) Leucorrhinia frigida (Frosted Whiteface) Gomphus lineatifrons (Splendid Clubtail) Leucorrhinia glacialis (Crimson-ringed Whiteface) Gomphus lividus (Ashy Clubtail) Leucorrhinia hudsonica (Husdonian Whiteface) Gomphus quadricolor (Rapids Clubtail) Leucorrhinia intacta (Dot-tailed Whiteface) Gomphus spicatus (Dusky Clubtail) Leucorrhinia proxima (Belted Whiteface) Gomphus vastus (Cobra Clubtail) Libellula luctuosa (Widow Skimmer) Gomphus ventricosus (Skillet Clubtail) Libellula pulchella (Twelve-spotted Skimmer) Gomphus viridifrons (Green-faced Clubtail) Libellula quadrimaculata (Four-spotted Skimmer) Hagenius brevistylus (Dragonhunter) Nannothemis bella (Elfin Skimmer) Ophiogomphus anomalus (Extra-striped Snaketail) Pachydiplax longipennis (Blue Dasher) Ophiogomphus carolus (Riffle Snaketail) Pantala flavescens (Wandering Glider) Ophiogomphus howei (Pygmy Snaketail) Pantala hymenaea (Spot-winged Glider) Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis (Rusty Snaketail) Perithemis tenera (Eastern Amberwing) Ophiogomphus smithi (Sioux Snaketail) Plathemis lydia (Common Whitetail) Ophiogomphus susbehcha (St. Croix Snaketail) Sympetrum corruptum (Variegated Meadowhawk) Progomphus obscurus (Common Sanddragon) Sympetrum internum (Cherry-faced Meadowhawk) Stylogomphus albistylus (Eastern Least Clubtail) Tramea carolina (Carolina Saddlebags) CORDULEGASTRIDAE Tramea lacerata (Black Saddlebags) Cordulegaster maculata (Twin-spotted Spiketail) Tramea onusta (Red Saddlebags) Cordulegaster obliqua (Arrow Spiketail) CALOPTERYGIDAE MACROMIIDAE Calopteryx aequabilis (River Jewelwing) Didymops transversa (Stream Cruiser) Calopteryx maculata (Ebony Jewelwing) Macromia illinoiensis (Swift River Cruiser) Hetaerina americana (American Rubyspot) LESTIDAE CORDULIIDAE Lestes australis (Southern Spreadwing) Cordulia shurtleffi (American Emerald) Lestes dryas (Emerald Spreadwing) Dorocordulia libera (Racket-tailed Emerald) (Continued on page 3) Wisconsin Dragonfly Society Page 2 Volume 2, Issue 2 The Wisconsin Odonata News March, 2014 (Continued from page 2) Lestes disjunctus (Northern Spreadwing) Lestes eurinus (Amber-winged Spreadwing) Useful Links Lestes forcipatus (Sweetflag Spreadwing) http://wiatri.net/inventory/odonata/WDS/ Lestes inaequalis (Elegant Spreadwing) Images/WDS_ConstitutionBylaws.pdf — our Lestes rectangularis (Slender Jewelwing) constitution and bylaws Lestes unguiculatus (Lyre-tipped Spreadwing) http://wiatri.net/inventory/odonata/WDS/ Lestes vigilax (Swamp Spreadwing) Images/WDS_Brochure.pdf — brochure which COENAGRIONIDAE can be printed out Amphiagrion abbreviatum (Western Red Damsel) http://wiatri.net/inventory/Odonata/ — The major Argia apicalis (Blue-fronted Dancer) resource for citizen participation Argia fumipennis violacea (Violet Dancer) http://wiatri.net/inventory/Odonata/ Argia moesta ( Powdered Dancer) Resources.cfm — list of resources from Bob Argia tibialis (Blue-tipped Dancer) DuBois Chromagrion conditum (Aurora Damsel) http://www.facebook.com/groups/ Coenagrion interrogatum (Subarctic Bluet) wisconsindragonflysociety/ — our group on Coenagrion resolutum (Taiga Bluet) Facebook — it’s a joy to see these contribu- Enallagma annexum (Northern Bluet) tions from many people and our members Enallagma antennatum (Rainbow Bluet) helping them identify their Odos. Enallagma aspersum (Azure Bluet) www.facebook.com/WisconsinDragonflySociety/ Enallagma boreale (Boreal Bluet) photos_stream — our Facebook page photos. You can go to this link even if you are not a Enallagma carunculatum (Tule Bluet) Facebook member. Enallagma civile (Familiar Bluet) http://bryanpfeiffer.com/2013/12/31/the-year-in- Enallagma ebrium (Marsh Bluet) flight/#gallery/4056/264/0 — Bryan Pfeiffer is Enallagma exsulans (Stream Bluet) a blogger who enjoys dragonflies as well as Enallagma geminatum (Skimming Bluet) birds. This slide show has several beautiful Enallagma hageni (Hagens Bluet) pictures of Odos. “Follow” him and you get Enallagma signatum (Orange Bluet) lots of good reporting of the habits of Odos. Enallagma vernale (Vernal Bluet) http://bryanpfeiffer.com/2014/01/09/surviving- Enallagma vesperum (Vesper Bluet) the-polar-vortex/ — This is an amazing story Ischnura posita (Fragile Forktail) of the early collecting of Philip Powell Calvert Ischnura verticalis (Eastern Forktail) in Costa Rica. Nehalennia gracilis (Sphagnum Sprite) http://bryanpfeiffer.com/ — The home of Bryan Nehalennia irene (Sedge Sprite) Pfeiffer’s site — many pix here and news of It is possible that GLOM, etc. Ophiogomphus colubrinus (Boral Snaketail) http://www.odonatacentral.org/ — OdonataCen- will be near emergence, a few could be out by mid-June, but tral hosts the official website of the Dragonfly Soci- it usually is later than the other Ophiogomphus species. Enallagma clausum ety of the Americas. The journals Argia and the and Bulletin of American Odonatology are online and Ischnura hastata searchable are rarely found in northern Wisconsin, and are not to be expected during our meeting in mid-June. There are lots of Aeshna species (10) in Wis., but most do not emerge until late June and into July, although Aeshna canadensis, probably the earliest to emerge in Wiscon- sin, may be flying by mid-June. Volume 2, Issue 2 Page 3 Wisconsin Dragonfly Society March, 2014 The Wisconsin Odonata News Please Join Us!! Use the form below for membership year 2014. This will allow you to vote and continue to receive the news- letters. Mission Statement The Wisconsin Dragonfly Society fosters appreciation, study and enjoyment of Wisconsin dragonflies and damselflies and the aquatic habitats on which they depend. Adopted October, 2012 Wisconsin Dragonfly Society Page 4 Volume 2, Issue 2 .
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