VOL. XX XVI. So. 34. HONOLULU, II. T.f FIUDAY, APHIIj 2fl IJMIt. SH.MIWKKICLY. tVIIUI.K No. '2271. Mpinf' w . nt retail. Next come, tho practice o lii'rtnlttltiR n wholesaler tn become bomls-- innii for nn Hppllcnnt fur n retail llceimo. SDLQNS ARE -- .. ? In effect the taller tirarltdu makes Ihn jrclnllrr the bondman, for be Is only tun Ingent of hi. principal. In the opinion of I members of this committee there should be bo such cloio relation, permitted. Tho wholesale dealer muet not be allowed to w Busy 'hold tlio whip hnlid over the small dealer. for to such conditions limy bo traced some of the dltllcultles of the past. When large dealers aru pcrmitud to exerclso leading Intlueucu with the licensing pow- er, ns may bo traced In soma Instance u submitted herewith, then will tho Inter- W Appropriation for ; ests of the small, thu retail dealer bo turu j tj.ooJ ;; lost to sight. u - ti Kxpenulturcs by Leglsln- J. Of the liiilf-dozc- n matters trented In U tute 3,OX) U the evidence beforo the commltteo nnd. a a now In the linuils of the I louse, tlio com- U Balance J00.000 mittee wishes to call attention to tho U Legislative term no days ti case of W. C. J. Ottuian, as furnishing U No. of days of sessions S3 days Ti the most peculiar features. In Novem- U - ti ber, HSJ, n light wine and beer license, 82 No. days yet to run 7 days J us contemplated by law, was Issued to $00,000 ti Amount of money left it Oilman, ho then having a place nt Wal-klk- l, ti Amount for remaining Bovcn !.' more than tho requited dlstauco U days 00.000 U from the nearest spirituous liquor license, a a which In this case was the Hawaiian ti What will they do about Zi llolil. Tho strictness of Minister King u it 7 a was shown when, In measuring tho legal a a (XX) feet from tho cliuri.li, Ottmnu was oaajRWrawKK.J!;!;:;sa required to tuke a straight line, which . The Senate busied Itself with the left his fence lino fi!)2 feet aw-ay- Instead county bill yestetdny, und little else of following the toad, which would have, was done. The important feature of given the necessary dlstauco. It was the Uuy was Governor Dole's letter, only by the waiving of objection on tho refusing to extend the session, and part of the church people that the llccnso naming the closing of the present ses- was Dually given. '1 hen Mr. Oltman sion on Tuesday, April 30. went to the expense of building n resort The proceedings opened with the at a cost sjf $2,i'i00. For one year ho cn-- J( reading of unuuunceiueuts from the yed the uso of his property and license. House concerning Its action of the day Then came the question of renownl. With before upon Senate bills, and notifying f 1 the application npproved by tho Marshal the Senate of the passing of House - h 'W;l I the proprietor suit In his formal re- 99, 100, 101, of which were iSll Bills all kLj jjr quest. But a change lind conio over tho passed first reading by title in the statu of affairs. When the light wlno i'enate. w had bten Issued there was no li- The resolution passed by the Wilcox cense nenrer than the City proper. Spir- nass meeting night before last, and its vero sold. It was current rumor, on reported In the Advertiser of yester- the strength of nn nrrnngemont with tho day. In favor of the county bill, was pollco read and laid on the table, to be con- authorities, a sort of quasi licens- sidered with the county Dill. ing of two resorts, nt the seaside But The following communication from even this was not for long, for both of the Research Club was read and riled: thoso places secured tho necessary The Honorable 1'resident Kalue and amount of lnllucncc to bring about the Members of the Senate of the Ter- extension of the snloon or spirituous ritory of Hawaii: liquor license district from tho down- Gentlemen The Young Men's Re- town section to Wnlklkl, nnd tho Hotel search Club cordially Invites the mem- Annex nnd the Wnlklkl Inn were grant- bers of your honorable body to a meet- ed full hotel licenses. In addition, ono ing of the club, to be held at the of the most flagrant breaches of publlo Young Men's Christian Association propriety was committed. One of tho hall. Friday evening, April 26, 1901, at largest wholesale liquor bouses had ob- 8 o'clock. The Honorable It. W. Wil- tained n license for Its Bene'- - Hotel, an- cox, Delegate to Congress from tho other wnnted the snmc privilege. Tho Territory, will deliver an address on government which hod forced Oltman to Hawaiian affairs In CongresB. mensuro nn nlr to M. Boyd an line the church nnd Mr. E. will also deliver hnd waived the provision only when the address. Very respectfully, church P. C. ATHERTON, authorities sanctioned tho licens- Secretary Young Men's Research ing this government through Minister Club. THE WEARY WILLIES Please hand us out s'more of pies. Young, who had succeeded Minister Honolulu. H. T., April 24, 1W1. them King, promised to tho promoters of a Senator Caiterjset the Senate by the proposed new hotel n license, granted It, ears for a time with the minority re- In fnct, though there was not built tho port of the committee on taxation un- hotel In which the license was to becomo til oil was poured on the troubled wa- last we will hear of It until the session used. Kalnuokalanl favored the loan Transit Company or tho expense of tho three lumber yards now outsldo tho flro operative, so the Issue coulu not tako ters by Senator Achl. The report was is pau." bill, In spite of Senator Kanuha, to Road Bureau, but wo deslro to call tlio limits. I placo for many months nfter, nnd C. Brown "Well, I'll agree to read provide schools, roads, bridges of Superintendent Pub- this as follows: for and attention the of Dickey charged tho members of tho wns the third license granted within GOO the bill through on first reading, sec- wharves. The bill was then read lic Works to the terms of tho Itapld having The minority of the committee on through House with friends owning land feet or a church, a plain violation of tho taxation has used all the time of the tion by section, so that each member nnd passed second reading. Transit Company's charter, relatlvo to In the burned districts which brought m law tho location for which can correct his own copy, If the ma- Senate Bill 60, providing for the ap- of tho Moana In examining of the width road outside of the rails fat returns from the Chlneso j session into tne affairs jority will let us make amendments on propriation under the loan bill, was tenants. Hotel license wns granted being almost the present system of taxation und in to bo constructed and maintained In re- No replies wero mndo to tho Implied ac- directly ncross the from It. second reading, without choking us brought up on motion to pass second pair by tho railway company. street Tho discussing the same, without coming upon If tho cusation. bugbear of Oltman wns no bar to the In. A off." rending to put It the same basis Bond Bureau of the Government Is going 103, to any definite conclusion. portion G3. The report on House bill regulating fluonco tho hotel men with Minis- appreciating So It wns arranged, and the Senate as bill A motion to adjourn was to pursue this policy rebuilding of the of that committee, that cler- - con- of tho plumbing, favored that the bill puss with ter. expenses of government must settled down to a tedious day of lost, and consideration of the bill In tho wako of tho Itapld Tran- the the 4 streets sllRht amendments ns a preventive This then was tho condition Ott-mn- n, be met, fire claims paid, and publlo ical work until adjournment at titiued. After an aimless discussion construction, your when the o'clock. The monotony was broken on- - the bill passed second reading. sit then commltteo against a repetition of last year's epi- with I2.CO0 Invested In buildings for improvements carried out throughout feels that a chargo should be madu demic. Territory during the biennial pe- ly by a communication from the Uover- - In spite of the lateness of the hour his resort, requested n renewal of his the nor during the afternoon, which was the Senate wns In good humor, nnd In against the Itapld Transit Company for A bill from the Board of Health, draft- license, nnd wns met with the remark riod, and that only a few days of the Tin- la- avnontnil na R.nntn. irnlniinVnlnnl TriT n viwwrl fmr wn.lr Wi.n ll.on.a lilll - tnelr due proportion of tho material, - ed by tho Attorney General, was lefer-re- d that there were three spirit licenses session remain In which to pass the of' bor nml Incidentals In the expense in necessary legislation, respectfully sub- the committee to wait on tho Governor, lng the order the day, delayed by otllli;r hack to tho Public Health Committee. tho neighborhood nnd i.o could not ex- following: had verbally reported that he would the reading of the county bill, was of 8,uch road maWig, as wus contemplat- - Tho same commltteo dealt with House pect n renownl.
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