\ X AVERAGE DAIEF dSCTLATION THE WEATHER for the Month of Angnst, 1988 Foreeeet of D. S. tVeether Borena Hertford 6-026 Felr end cooler tonight, Wednes- Mmber of the Aodlt dey Increeslng. clondliieoe . toBowed BiiiM n et Clrcnlntlcnis by ehowere Wedneedey eftemooa- MAN(TIESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGECHARM YOL.LVIL,NO.;Z93 (Cleeelfled Advertteing on Pnge 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS The World Awaited His Words ‘ LANDSUDEJSEEMS PUT TO BE CERTADJTY UNDER MARTIAL LAW FOR SEN. TYDINGS . ok ART COEONY REJECTS . A m 7(0 Unofficial Returns Give In* TB^BIKS RESOLUTION h Rockport, Maas., Sept IB. — 4 combent 117 Of ^Mary- (A P )—Citizens of this summer TREASVRV ORDERS MORE PAY FOR TIPS teel art colony, given $96,000 by the Government May Extend Public WorksV and Works Prog- BRITISH CALL pr ^ ^ n d *s 149 Nondnafing , J Washington, Sipt. 13.— (A P ) ress Administration, last night f rejected unanimously a resolu- kW —Since the Supreme Omrt de- Military Role To Entire 4a f Votes T() 32 For Lewis. tion to thank those two - federal special me e t clared wire-tapping by law en- agencies, after farmer U. S. A t- forcement officers Illegal, the Repnblic If Necessary Tn t torney Frederick ' H. Tarr as- Treasury has decided to pay more « serted there was "no reason to for, tips on bootlegging opera- . Baltimore, Sept, 13^^-. (AP)_ — OF MINISTERS e give thanks for getting our own tions. a |||k|Mounting returns in Maryland's Preserve Order, T a n b money.!’ The Alcohol Tax unit Inform- 'Q •^^mhotly ■ contested primary Indicated -4« ed its field forces today "S more ’ today a victory of landslide propor- \ liberal policy should be adopted Ocenpy Streets Of Eger, I Second Emergency Session tions for Senator Millard E. 'Tydings in connection with the purchase b< of Information from Inforraens.’’ over David J. Lewis and the opposi- Less Than Ten Ifiles AHACKSBIOW Of Week To Consider Hit* It emphasized, however,' the tion of .President Roosevelt. liberality sl)ouId be confined to n Unofficial returns, with some Agrainst a background of a sea of swastikas borne by his storm troopers. Chancellor Adolf Hitler “major operations." From Germany’s Borderi n counties complete gave 'Tydings 'a raises his arm in the Nazi salute at the tenth annual Nazi Party Congress in Numberg. Meantime, ler’sDeliant Speech And lead in units having 117 of the UPON HARMONY uneasy Europe and the rest of the world waited for some definite Hitler pronouncement on whether Ger- d« to state's 149 nominating convention many will seek annexation of Czechoslovakia’s Sudeten region. (Associated Press Radiophoto). votes to 32 for Lewis. The state Unrest In Czechoslovakia. BUIXJCTCN! wi dll nominating convention will ratify OF DEMOCRATS Prague, Sept. I S W A P ) — Sept. 28 the results of the popular PRIMARY HERE T|to Sudeten Gerqian party PM* . mi fc balloting for the Democratlp sena- Ijbhdon. Sept.” IS.'— fA P )~ -^-Thc sentod an nlttmatnai to Rw * torlal nomination. Second 'choices British cabinet was summoned today CzetdKMiovak govermnent at failed to figure in the outcome, the Pre-Conyeotion Cforges And DEWEY MUST SIX KILLED, 13 INJURED to meet at 11 a; m. tomorrow In its IS VERY QUIET 7:30 p. m. tonight (1:88 p. m.. Tydings’ lead being a clear major- e. m. t.) deniandiBg ttmi the second emergency session of the ity. liiartial law and extraordtaaiy Lewis led. in his home county, - Connter-Charges Center week to con.sider the European BEGIN HINES police measorea Imposed en Cumberland, which has seven votes, IN BUS-TRUCK COLLISION crisis, deepened by 'Adolf Hitler’s •UPUNTILNOON Sudeten oommoniUes be re- and the neighboring western coun- defiant Numberg -apcech and new . voked within six hooni. ties, Washington, seven votes, and On Senatorial And Lieu- ■f; disorders in Czechoslovakia. Garrett, which has four votes. Com- TRIAL AGAIN The summons was Issued by Prague, Sept. 13.— (A P > —Caecli0> lete returns in Baltimore city gave Prime Minister Chamberlain after, Rain Keeps Voters Away tenant - Go?emor Posts. Almost Head-On Impact. On MAINE TURNS Slovakia Imposed martial law ta ?Tydings 28" votes.................. to 14 for- Lewis, he and his key ministers- had pon- dered the text of the speech In eight Sudeten German dlstrleU and who led in the first district 11,409 to 8,294 imd in the sixth district, 8,- Pecora Orders Mistrial On which the Tuehrer demanded the Daring The Opening Pe^ sent tanks Into a key Sudeten town 976 to 8,678. BULLE’nN! right of "self determination’’ for today after a series o f dlsordeza la Leads By 81,000 Votes Hartford, Sept. IS.— (A P )— Gronnds Prosecutor Had the Sudeten Germans. riod; Only 495 Registered which three persons were klllad. The popular vote, from 726 poll- Governor Cross today was con- ™ "Ml- Ranking Leaders Oonsultod. •> » ing places .out of 1,288, - unofficial, fident that everything will be The prime minister also consult- Military rule was applied to Falka>' gave: Tydings 109,308; Lewis,', 78,- "pleasant” at the Democratic “Fatally Prejudiced” Jury cles’ Fuel Tanks Burst ASGOPWINS ed the ranking leaders of the oppo- Daring First Three Honrs. naii, Boehmisch-Rermau, Karleivy . aition In the House of Commons, a 146; and Arthur E. Hungerford, 7.- state convention which opens Vary, Elbogen, Eger, Neudeek, " 133. tonight at Easterti Point. step customary In times of crisis. Pressnltz and Kaaden, an Sudetaa Throughout the night, as election He had no formal pre-conven- ' : Against Political Boss. The first emergency cabinet, meet- Up until 1 o’clock thia afternoon strongholds. officials struggled to tabulate the Bon statements to make, he Oxford, Mass., Sept., 13.— (A P )— All Republican Candidates ing of the week was that of yester- results from one of the longest Six persona were killed and 13 ' day, a few hours before Hitler spoke. the total number votes polled here A responsible government aourea said, bnt he permitted the fol- ..ballots In Maryland history,. Tyd- lowing direct quotation: •New York. Sept. 13.— (A P ) — Be- Refuses Labor Request. at the Republican primary was 495. said the government would sxtead others Injured, several seriously, to- Gain Clear-Cut Victories; martial law to all other Sudetaa ings, placed on the-President’s per- ‘T have no doubt that It wllf cause of a. 14-word question. District Chamberlain announced bis refus- Of this number 1.56 were women. day lyhen a New York-Boston al to call Parliament back into Im- areas and throughout toe entire rs> sonal "purge’', list, watched his lead be a pleasant day tomorrow, In the Democratic primary there slowly grow, and early today he Attorney Thomas E. Dewey must (Greyhound) bus and a truck-trailer mediate., seasion,. aa. had. been- . re- public If necessary to prasem ror* and I hare no doubt that the - Majority In Gubernatorial Were but 86 votes cast. 'def." said: Democrats will, nominate- the begin all over again his attempt to collided almost head-on on a rain- quested by Clement R. Attlee, lead- “ Now that reports. lULVs come in er of th e''L a b o r opposition and A t noon it was estimated that 12 Tanks from a nearby garrlaea right kind of candidates.’’ convict Tammany District Leader swept highway. persons, voting in the Democratic from nearly every cotmty in the James J Hines of selling political Race Approaches 20,000 spokesman 'for all leading. British rumbled through the streets o f EgWr- The Impact was heard a. quarter- labor organizations. primary, hod written In the name of less than ten mOea from the Oermaa state, showing a sweeping 'victory. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS protection to the underworld. I first want to thank the thousands n.ile away by a restaurant proprie- , But the prime minister’s reply to Mrs. John Holden. This means she border, where frensled eelebratioas JdNtlce Ferdinand E. Pecora or- took place following Adolf Hitler’s 'Of nfen and omen in all the com- A last minute outburst of pre-con- dered a mistrial yesterday on the tor who notified..state police and a Attlee—one of those who conferred will be nominated for a place on vention charges and counter-charges doctor. Portland, Me., Sept. 13.— (A P ) — with him today—took into consider the Democratic ticket for the Board Numberg speech. The Sudetens In munities of Maryland for their grounds that the youthful prose- - splendid and outstanding efforts In -The bus overturned and blocked A Roosevelt -administration effort atton the possibility of. momentous of Education. Eger and othe: towns in the border, by their leaders: threatened party cutor by a verbal slip h a d "fa ta lly areas acclaimed yesterday as ‘,‘ihe my behalf. - — prejudiced” the jury against the the highway. Fuel tanks of both to dent Maine Republlcana’ solid decisions making an early parlia- No nomination was made for the J harmony today as Connecticut Dem- Sudetens’ day o f Joy.” "To, the& and the voters who sup- vehicles burst but the ga.sollne did, second place on the board when the ocrats, holding all of the state’s ma- white-haired political boss. front failed today as Republican Shops Closed, W ork Abaadoaefi ported me, I am deeply grateful. TTie decision nullified four ••weeks not catch fl^-e. (Continued iOn Page Two) .time for names to be filed, or with- jor-offices and every Connecticut Governor Lewis O. Barrows and Shops were closed sad work abaa> That campaign Is behind us. The of exciting testimony by which It took firemen two hours to ex- ..drawn, was reached, but the action doned in the Sudeten areas.
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