1 Form 10-300 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STATC: (July 1969) NATIONAL PARK SE,RVICE VIRGINIA 1 NATiONAL RZGISTZ2 07 ?!SIOXIC,PLACZS INVENTORY - MaMINATION FOTihi r FOR NPS USE ONLY ENTRY NUMBER I DATE (Tj.1)~all clntrics - complcte applicable scctionsj COMMON. WESTOVER CHUKCH ANDTOR HISTORIC: WESTOVER CIiURCK 2. LOCATION I STREET ANC NUMBER: I .3 mi, S of Rt. 5, 5 mi. W of Charles City I ClTY OR TOWN: Charles City vicinity (Idilliam Lloyd Scott, Eighth District Congress CODE ICOUNTY: / CODE 1 Virginia Charles CI tv 03 9 3. CLASSlFlCATlON CATEGORY &A OWNERSHIP STATUS (Check One) z I !a District Building public Public Acquisition: jXJ Occupied -? 0 Site iJ Structure @ Private In Process Unoccupied 3 Restricted - z Obiect a Both C] Being Considered Preservation work ID Unrestricted I- i in progress No U PRESENT USE (Check One or ,llore as Appropriate) i 0 Agricultural Government Park Transportation Comments j C Cornmcrcial C] Industrial Private Residence Other (Specify) 0 Educational Military Religious C Entcrtoinmcnt Museum Scientific !I r4. OWNER OF PROPERTY The Reverend J, T. Alves -,..,,, , OIYNER'S NAME: Ln 4, Vestry of Westover Church STREET AND NUMBER: I R,F,D. 2 CITY OR TOWN: STATE: I . .. -Charles City- lr~~n~a71010 1 51 5. LOCATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION i---- -- -- ?~~;Ho~"REG-I;TRY OF DEEDS. ETC. irc: "' Charles City Countv Court House STREET AND NUMBER: STATE CODE b i-___C~a~e.~i tv I. YPI .. n i R 16. REPRESENTAliON IN EXIS~INGSURVEYS -.A ;TITLE OF SURVEY: Historic American Buildings Survey Inventory 0 DKTE OF SURVEY: 1953 Federal n State County 0 Local 21z -17 . DEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORDS: c/Z ; IZIT 1 Libra~yof Congress STREET A&D NUMBER: 1 I CITY OR TOWN: STATE: 1 NnshiDgfen D .CL-. 1 1 X,i;~l Good (11 Foir 13 Ocforioratod n Ruins L-I Unoxporsd ~ ~ .- I ' Co~~ll'ioii , .~ I (C1jrc.k Orwl (Chuck Ono) I 1 i IN AI~VC~ 1.1 Unoitercd [-I Movad [x O,iginolSib I . ,~~ . ~ ~ .~. - - .~ ~T;cF~~~~,,,I,,.SCNT &Nu OIIICINAL (!,kn(llYil) PHYSICAL APPEltRANCE I Wcstovcr Cl~urcl~lies a, little south of Route 5, about 4 miles east of tllc junction of l<ooul-e 5 and Route 156, in a grove of trees above Herring Creek, a branch of tlic nearby James, and is approached by a lane through fields. 'The rectangular brick church measures 60' 6" X 28' on the intcrio,r and is laid in bond with glazed headers above the bevelled water table. The use of glazing is less regular in the front gable than in the body of the building. English bond is employed below the water table, and i queen closers mark the jambs and the corners. Yellowish rubbed brick I s11g:;csts quoins at the four corners of the building, and the .same type bricM nxlrlis the jan~bsof the four windows on the north side and the three windows fartliest from tiif chancel on the south. The jambs of the south window ! nearest tlic cliancel, originally the south doorway, were replaced when the doorway was altered into a window. The rounded arches laid in a double 1 course of rowlocks above the north and south windows replace what were i probably originally segiriental arches. The gallery window in the wes t end 1 wit11 a rounded arch of rubbed brick in fulls and double halves is a modern i replacement, as is the west doorway with its segmental arched pediment, semi-circular arched opening, tympanum with glazed headers and shallow pilasters of rubbed brick. The east end has been greatly altered, and the present door, windows and surrounding areas are post-colonial. The side walls are generally in good condition. The present clipped gable wooden I sliingle roof with the kick and the modillioned cornice are a recent restora- tion by Orin M. Bullock, Jr., of Baltimore, although the roof trusses are I original. This roof replaces a roof with deep eaves andItalianate brackets1 dating from 1867. The present interior of the cliurch bears little resemblance to the I colonial interior. The west gallery and the vestry in the east were added , in 1867. At the same time, the floor was raised from its original level, so that there are now several steps under the gallery. Furthermore, in 1970, Mr. nullock replaced the late-nineteenth century tongue and groove ceiling with a segmentally arched plaster ceiling. Westover Church owns several fine pieces of silver including a paten, chalice and cover made in London in 1694-95 and donated by Sarah Braine, and s chalice and paten made in London in 1731-32, which was possibly made by George Jones. G.H. I1 .. ~~~~.. SIGNIt7iCr\SCE i ~ / priiioo (i.>lrri7 O~LS-or ;ivrr ar ~i~i>rnnriutr) I i IPro-CoIumb~~n; l.-l 16th Cen*~r~ & 18th Century L; 20th Cenv~ry I I ;1 IS,h Con,ury 17th con,uiY Ci 19th Csnfury ! I 1 3PcCtFtc oATCl$> (;lA,~~l~~:ni~~?ur~~~K~~0~~~1~~ AREAS or S~CN,EICA~CE (check arm 07 &lore 0s ~pp~~priote) Ulb." .Planning ~bbr,~,noI Ed~c.a?,on C] Political ;:> I 1:) 1:) Prchtrforic Engincorine Reiigion/Phi. g-j Oilier (s;?ocily) ! I nislorlc 0 ~.d".~t,~ ~~~~~h~ Local history (11 Ag,ic.lt".e 0 I""o"ti0" C.'] ScInncc I k~]A,chi!oct"ra Londrc.po n scuipturc I :-I A,* ~~~h~t~~t~~~n soc,.~/nurnan. il Commerce Literature iforian I C] Cornrnunicationr p, Militory i~ylThootor I Murtc ri ~~~~~~~~t~ti~~i 1 i I Westover Church is important not only for its numerous historicall associations, but because it is an excellent example of the rectilinear j for111oi colonial Virginia church architecture. The picturesquely sited I building has long been a familiar landnark along Virginia's historic I lioute 5. The Parish of Westover is one of the oldest in the country, I being recognized in colonial records as early as 1625. No church building1 I.1s lcnown to have existed at this time, however. The parish originally ' included land on both sides of the James River, but the boundaries were i altered several times. The land across the river was lost in the early 1 17201s, and the boundaries became coterminous with those.of Charles City / County in 1725. Tl~ename of the parish, as well as that of the famous 1 nearby Westover Plantation, came from the West family which was granted the1 West Hundred. 1 The first church of Westover Parish stood a few hundred yards from the original Westover plantation house, up river from the present church. This first church's still remaining churchyard contains, among others, a tombstone with the date 1637 (now obliterated), said to be the oldest existing stone in Virginia. The present building was constructed , / in 1731. The church was abandoned for nearly 30 years after 1805 as a result of the Disestablishment, during which time it often served as a barn 1 It is also said to have been used as a stable by Federal Troops during the j War Between the States. i The church has undergone several renovations beginning in 1867 . 1 when most of the interior and possibly tile roof were replaced. Tne latest! I ' restoration was undertaken by Orin M. Bullock, Jr., of Baitinore and involved the replacement of the roof, cornice and segmentally arched ceilin?.i Tl~ewest moulded brick doorway and gallery window had been restored in I 1956. Presidents William Henry tlarrison and Benjamin Harrison of Berkeley, and John Tyler of Sherwood Forest, as well as the families of such well-known nearby plantations as Westover, Shirley and Belle Air have / worshipped in Westover Church. I I l 1 G.H. i I I \ >fason, Gcori;c Carrington, C~~l.oninl.Chitrciles Tidewater Virginia. ill: Wliittet & Si;cppcrson, 1945, pp. 59-65. Rawliugs, James Scott, Vir,-.11 '. ' s Colonial Churches, & Architectural Guid 1:icliotond: Garrett & Massic, 1963, pp. 116-120. I ltosc, Haroli Wic:;liffe, Thf Colonial Flouses of Worship & America. 4. NCW York: Hastings House, Publishers, 1963, pp. 477-479. 1i I ,.i - . - .~ - ~~ ~~.W.~'OC::,\WIKAL DATA ~ ~ ." 1 LhIIIUDC "NU IONti1TUOE COONU1NATES LATtTUOF AN" LONGiiUDh CODHDIN&TFS DEFINING THE CENTER POINT OF A PHOPCRTY iil:l'iNiNir A >?KC1hNCLi LOChTiNG THC P1<0i7CHTY I OF LESS THhN TFN 6CRES ~ ~ ~- L15T iiiL STATE5 AND COUNTlES FOR PROPERTIES OVERLAPPING- ITATE OF STATE: CODE COUNTY 7 I CODE I % ! - I I 111. FOhh' PReASE5 BY ,NAME AND TITLE 13r,qinia Historic Landmarks Commis.sion aaff IORYhPIIZhTION DATE 1 , - , Virginia Yistoric Landmarks CommiSSi~- TI~P 1977 STREET AND NUMBER. -- As the desi~natedState 1,laison Ofiicrr for the Na- I hereby certify that this property is included in the 1ion;rl iiistoric Tirseiviit~onAct of 1966 (Public I.aw National Register. 89.665). 1 lhercl,y naminatc this property for inclusion / in the Katiunal I<cgistrr and cert~fythat it has been 11 rvnlo;ited according to tile criteria and procedures set Chief, Officeof A~~h~~logyandHistoric Preservation I level of s~gniiicc~nceof tllis nomtnailon is: 1 National Statc I;d Local i I 1 Name '1 ::IEST: I J. R. Fishburne, Director I I T,,,, Va. Historic Landmarks Commission I Keeper oi The Naironai Reglslei .
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