USOO5952373A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,952,373 Lanzendörfer et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 14, 1999 54 AGENTS ACTING AGAINST 56) References Cited HYPERREACTIVE AND HYPOACTIVE, DEFICIENT SKIN CONDITIONS AND U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS MANIFEST DERMATITIDES 4,297,348 10/1981 Frazier .................................... 424/180 5,719,129 2/1998 Andary et al. ............................ 514/25 75 Inventors: Ghita Lanzendorfer, Hamburg; Franz St?b, Echem; Sven Untiedt, Hamburg, OTHER PUBLICATIONS all of Germany The Merck Index, 10" Ed., Windholz et al., p. 1315, abstract 73 Assignee: Beiersdorf AG, Hamburg, Germany No. 9021. (1983). Primary Examiner Kevin E. Weddington 21 Appl. No.: 08/849,523 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Sprung Kramer Schaefer & 22 PCT Filed: Dec. 12, 1995 Briscoe 57 ABSTRACT 86 PCT No.: PCT/EP95/04907 S371 Date: Sep. 8, 1997 The invention relates to the use of a) a compound or several compounds from the group S 102(e) Date: Sep. 8, 1997 consisting of flavonoids 87 PCT Pub. No.: WO96/18381 b) of the antioxidants or c) of the endogenous energy metabolism metabolites or PCT Pub. Date:Jun. 20, 1996 d) of the endogenous enzymatic antioxidant Systems and 30 Foreign Application Priority Data synthetic derivatives thereof (mimics) or Dec. 13, 1994 DE Germany ............................. 44 44238 e) of the antimicrobial action Systems or f) of the antiviral action Systems or 51) Int. Cl. ........................... A61K 31/35; A61K 31/65 g) active compounds of the known, conventional treat 52 U.S. Cl. .......................... 514/456; 514/457; 514/152; ment forms 514/858; 514/859; 514/860; 514/861; 514/863; in each case for the treatment or prophylactic treatment of 514/864 hyperreactive skin predisposed to dermatitis or deficient, 58 Field of Search ..................................... 514/456, 457, hypoactive skin or dermatoses. 514/557, 152, 858, 859, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864 4 Claims, No Drawings 5,952,373 1 2 AGENTS ACTING AGAINST g) of the antiviral action Systems or HYPERREACTIVE AND HYPOACTIVE, h) active compounds of the known, conventional treat DEFICIENT SKIN CONDITIONS AND ment forms MANIFEST DERMATITDES in each case for the treatment or prophylactic treatment of hyperreactive skin predisposed to dermatitis or deficient, DESCRIPTION hypoactive skin or dermatoses. Agents against hyperreactive and hypoactive, deficiency Active compound combinations b), their use and formu lations which comprise these are preferred. States of the Skin and manifest dermatitis. The invention also relates to cosmetic and dermatological The present invention particularly relates to active com formulations, in particular topical formulations and pharma pounds and formulations, in particular for topical use, which ceutical preparations, having a content of the abovemen are used for prophylaxis and treatment of hyperreactive skin tioned active compounds for treatment and prophylactic predisposed to dermatitis, and of deficient hypoactive skin treatment of the abovementioned States of the skin or and for prophylaxis and treatment of the manifest derma diseases. toses mentioned under I. to XIII., Such as, for example, 15 The invention also relates to cosmetic and dermatological, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, atopic eczema and Seb in particular topical formulations and pharmaceutical prepa orrhoeic dermatitis, photoinduced dermatoses (for example rations having a content of the abovementioned active Mallorca acne and in particular polymorphic photoderma compounds according to the invention. tosis and photodermatitis), rosacea, prurigo forms, pruritus, The manifest dermatoses or skin diseases (dermatitis) psoriasis forms, ichthyosis, decubitus, ulcus cruris and according to the invention and the most important forms and microbial and Viral infections, Such as, for example, herpes names thereof are, in particular: Simplex, h.Zoster or h.labialis. I. Atopic eczema: The skin States according to the invention are explained neurodermatitis below in more detail. atopic dermatitis, dermatitis atopica Various pathological mechanisms which characterize the 25 atopic eczema with type I and type IV contact eczema, clinical picture of hypoactive skin or hyperreactive skin and aggravated by occupation, the dermatoses mentioned under I. to XIII., Such as, for example, forms of acne, atopic dermatitis, prurigo forms, nappy dermatitis psoriasis, photodermatoses, decubitus, ulcus cruris and milk crust ichthyosis, are described in the literature. However, the eczematous erythroderma causal pathological mechanisms and the chronology thereof II. Contact eczema: are not Sufficiently known for any of the dermatoses men toxic/irritating contact eczema, tioned. The treatment methods and active compounds occupation-related (for example oil/tar, halogens) administered which are known to date lead in the most favourable case to a brief improvement in the Symptoms. 35 allergic contact eczema, type I or type IV UV treatment and/or chemotherapy (psoralen, PUVA, photoallergic contact eczema cyclosporin A, corticosteroids, acyclovir and the like), for contact urticaria example, are used for treatment, with the known adverse dyshidrosiform eczema Side effects on repeated administration. III. Acne: The object of the invention is to improve this unsatisfac 40 acne Vulgaris, juvenile and adult (acne with comedones, tory prior art and to provide cosmetic, dermatological and/or papulous, pustulous, nodose, i.e. nodular, nodulocystic pharmaceutical active compounds and formulations which acne) are used for prophylaxis and treatment of deficient, hypo acne conglobata (special form: hidradenitis Suppurativa) active skin or for prophylaxis and treatment of hyperreactive acne fulminans 45 skin with a propensity to dermatitis, and for prophylaxis and acne tetrad treatment of the manifest dermatoses mentioned under Sec tions I. to XIII. below, without inducing the side effects of acne neOnatorum known agents, even during long-term use. senile acne (M. Favre-Racouchot) These objects are achieved according to the invention. mechanical acne forms (excoriated acne) 50 acne cosmetica The invention relates to the use of folliculitis with Superinfected acne (Staphylococci) a) a compound or several compounds from the group occupation-related acne forms (for example chlorine consisting of flavonoids, or acne) b) an active compound combination comprising a com IV. Herpes virus infections: pound or Several compounds chosen from the group 55 herpes simplex (HSV I+II) consisting of flavonoids, in combination with a com pound or Several compounds chosen from the group herpes Zoster (varicella virus) consisting of cinnamic acid derivatives, and if appro herpes labialis (gingivostomatitis herpetica, mouth-rot, priate additionally in each case a compound or Several aphthae, 60 Stomatitis aphthosa, compounds from one of the groups or Several of the paronychia herpetica, eczema herpeticatum aphthoid of groupS posphiscill and Feyrter, VulvOVaginitis herpetica, kera c) of the antioxidants or toconjunctivitis herpetica, herpes simplex recidivans, d) of the endogenous energy metabolism metabolites or herpes genitalis recidivans, herpes glutaelis recidivans, e) of the endogenous enzymatic antioxidant Systems and 65 dermatitis herpetiformis) synthetic derivatives thereof (mimics) or varicella virus (herpes Zoster, acute posterior ganglionitis, f) of the antimicrobial action Systems or shingles, Zona) 5,952,373 3 4 V. Bacterial infections: According to the invention, the flavonoids A) are prefer non-follicular pyodermas, Vulgaris or bullous (impetigo ably chosen from the group of Substances having the generic contagiosa, Streptococci, Staphylococci) follicular Structural formulae: pyodermas (cocci), furuncles, carbuncles, folliculitis, for example f. barbae mycobacterioses (Corynebacteria, Spirochaeta, anaerobic organisms) erysipelas (Gram-pos. cocci, Gram-neg. rod-shaped organisms) ecthyma forms leprosy forms erythrasma (Coryneb. minutissimum) trichomycosis axillaris (Coryneb. tenuis) VI. Psoriasis: 15 pSoriasis Vulgaris flaking eczema pSoriasis pustulosa pSoriasis arthropatica pSoriatic erythroderma VII. Rosacea VIII. Perioral dermatitis IX. Prurigo: p. Simplex acuta (strophulus, urticaria papulosa), 25 Subacuta, chronica, wherein Z-Zs independently of one another are chosen p.nodularis Hyde from the group consisting of H, OH and O-alkyl, wherein the X. Eczema: alkyl groups can be branched and unbranched and can contain 1-18 C atoms, and wherein Gly is chosen from the Seborrhoeic eczema (p. ovale) group consisting of mono- and oligoglycoside radicals, or microbial eczema (nappy dermatitis-Bacillus can also be H. Preferred glycoside radicals are those men ammoniagenase, B. proteus, B. Subtilis, E. coli, S. tioned below for Gly-Gly. aureus) Further flavonoids according to the invention are prefer numular eczema ably chosen from the group consisting of Substances having dyshidrotic eczema 35 the following formulae: desiccating eczema (asteatotic eczema, Xerosis, eczema cracquele) Z2 lichen simplex chronicus (neurodermatitis circumscripta) XI. Photodermatosis: Z1 Z3 radiodermatitis acuta and chronica (UV and ionizing 40 radiation therapy) HO O Z4 chronic actinic dermatitis and photourticaria (urticaria Solaris) Zs polymorphic photodermatosis (other names for polymor 45 phic photodermatosis are PPD, PPE and a large number of other names Such as are mentioned in the literature OH O fly-Gly. (for example A. Voelckel et al., Zentralblatt Haut- und Gly Geschlechtskrankheiten (1989), 156,
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