Vertical File Photographs – Persons Updated 1 August 2017 CONTAINER LISTING Box/Folder Description Box 1, Folder 1 Abercrombie, John William, 1866-1940; Senate 1896-99, Sup. of Ed. 1898-1902; 1919; Pres. Univ. Ala.1902-1911, U.S. House of Rep. 1913- 1917 (Anniston) Box 1, Folder 2 Abercrombie, Robert H., b. ca 1837 (Col., 45th Ala. Inf.) (Tuskegee) Box 1, Folder 3 Abernethy, Floyd L. 1892-1941; Univ. Ala. School of Medicine 1915-1916 Box 1, Folder 4 Acker, Elizabeth;1823-1901, Elisha David; b.1861, House 1911 (Lincoln) Box 1, Folder 5 Acree, Walter Upson; b. 1860, Senate 1900-01, 1903 (Dale Co.) Box 84, Folder 57 Acuff, John Will and extended family, Maysville, Madison Co. Box 84, Folder 42 Adair, Billy T. Box 1, Folder 6 Adair, Roman Thomson, Dr., 1880-1972; New Orleans Med. Sch. 1936 Oversize Box 1 Adair, Roman Thomson, Dr.; group photos 1940's/50's (Montgomery) Box 82, Folder 26 Adams, Oscar William, Jr., 1925-1997; 1st Black Sup. Ct. justice 1980-93 (Birmingham) Box 79, Folder 33 Adams, R. H. (Pvt., Co. G, 3rd Ala. Inf.) Box 1, Folder 7 Adams, Samuel, 1829-1864 (2Lt., 9th Ala.,Col., 33rd Ala. Inf.) (Greenville) Box 79, Folder 60 Adams, Samuel Mernary, b. ca 1860; House 1888-1889 (Clanton) Box 79, Folder 20 Aderholt, Robert; b. 1965; U.S. House of Rep. 1997- (Haleyville) Box 82, Folder 55 Adkins, Mae Box 1, Folder 8 Adler, Morris; b.1855 Box 1, Folder 9 Agnew, Walter D., Dr.; Pres. Huntingdon Col. 1922-1938 (Montg.) Box 1, Folder 10 Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe, 1807-1873; Naturalist (Switzerland) Box 1, Folder11 Aiken, James (Col., 13th Ala. Inf.)(Gadsden) Box 81, Folder 27 Aird, J. B.; Birmingham-Jeff. Co. Bar, 1900 (Pratt City) Box 1, Folder 12 Akins, James Luther; Ketchum Med. & Surgical Soc.1910-1911 Box 1, Folder 13 Alberson, I.H.; House 1866-1887 (Geneva Co.) Box 1, Folder 14 Aldrich, Truman Hemingway; 1848-1936 Box 1, Folder 15 Alexander, William Anthony; 1837-1914; built C.S.S. Hunley (Mobile) Box 79, Folder 37 Alexander, William Burford; b. 1853; House 1890-91 (Perry Co.) Box 79, Folder 38 Alexander, William J.; b. 1842, Senate 1886-87 (Calhoun Co.) Box 1, Folder 16 Alford, John McRae; b. 1861; House 1907 (Geneva Co.) Box 1, Folder 17 Algood, W.B. Box 1, Folder 18 Alison, Mrs. Oversize Drawer 1* Allen, Captain ? ; (Spanish-American War uniform) Box 81, Folder 28 Allen, Basil Manly, b. 1858; Birmingham-Jeff. Co. Bar, 1900 Box 79, Folder 39 Allen, H.; House 1888-89 (Cleburne Co.) Box 1, Folder 19 Allen, James Browning “Jim”; 1912-1978, House 1938-42; Sen.1946-50; Lt. Gov. 1951-55, 63-67; U.S. Senate 1967-1978 (Gadsden) Box 79, Folder 40 Allen, J.L.; House 1886-87 (Lee Co.) Box 77, Folder 4 Allen, Major Hezekiah (Pvt. Co. H, 13th Ala. Inf.-unif.) Vertical File Photographs – Persons Updated 1 August 2017 Box 79, Folder 41 Allen, Thurston Harvey; b. 1864; Senate 1911 (Florence) Box 1, Folder 20 Allen, Maryon Pittman; b. 1925, U. S. Senate 1978 (Birmingham) Box 81, Folder 29 Allen, Vassar Lyle, b. 1868; Birmingham-Jeff. Co. Bar, 1900 Oversize Box 1 Allen, Viola, 1869-1948; Actress “Twelfth Night” 1940's (Huntsville) Box 79, Folder 42 Allen, Viola, 1869-1948; “Palace of the King” Box 1, Folder 21 Allen, William Wirt; 1835-1894 (Gen., C.S.A.)(Montgomery) Box 79, Folder 43 Allen, ? Box 1, Folder 22 Alley, Thomas W.; Senate page 1898-99 Box 1, Folder 23 Allgood, Miles, 1878-1977; U.S. House 1923-1935 (DeKalb Co.) Box 1, Folder 24 Almon, Charles Pomeroy; b. 1872, House 1903 (Marion Co.) Box 1, Folder 25 Almon, David Calvin; b. 1867, 1901 Const. Conv. (Decatur) Box 1, Folder 26 Almon, Edward Berton; 1860-1933; Senate 1892-93, Speaker of Ala. House1911, U.S. H.of Rep. 1915-1933; Mrs. Almon (Colbert Co) Box 1, Folder 27 Almon, George C.; b.1852, Senate 1886-87, 88-89 (Franklin Co.) Box 1, Folder 28 Almon, W.U.; House 1890-91 (Cleburne Co.) Box 1, Folder 29 Alston, Joseph John; b. 1835 Box 82, Folder 54 Alston, Julian and William Edgar Box 81, Folder 30 Altman, John Jasper, 1851-1905; Birmingham-Jeff. Co. Bar, 1900 Box 1, Folder 30 Altman, William Alfred; b. 1846; 1901 Const. Conv.; House 1907 (York) Box 1, Folder 31 Amason, J.M.; House 1890-91, 92-93 (Tallapoosa Co.) Box 1, Folder 32 Amason, S. C.; House 1890-91 (Sumter Co.) Box 1, Folder 33 Amerine, William Henry; b. 1878 (Cpt., 167th Inf., Mex. Puntive Exped.) (Montgomery) Box 1, Folder 34 Ames, Silas Box 84, Folder 35 Amos, Mabel, 1900-1999 (Ala. Sec. of State 1967-75) Box 79, Folder 44 Anderson, A. M. S.; House 1886-87 (Greene Co.) Box 1, Folder 35 Anderson, Calvin Price; b. 1875, House 1900-01 (Florence) Box 1, Folder 36 Anderson, Charles Frederick Box 81, Folder 31 Anderson, D. M.; Birmingham-Jeff. Co. Bar, 1900 Box 1, Folder 37 Anderson, Ella Bibb Box 1, Folder 38 Anderson, Frank Yarborough; b. 1847 Box 1, Folder 39 Anderson, George Thomas “Tige”; 18241901 (Gen, C.S.A.)(Calhoun Co.) Box 79, Folder 45 Anderson, John Crawford; b. 1863; Chief Justice Sup. Ct. (Montgomery) Box 79, Folder 46 Anderson, John Monroe; b. 1834, House 1886-87 (Montgomery Co.) Box 79, Folder 47 Anderson, W. A.; House 1888-89 (Mobile Co.) Box 79, Folder 48 Anderson, ? ca. 1860's Box 1, Folder 40 Andress, Frank S.; House 1898-1899, Birmingham-Jeff. Co. Bar, 1900 (Pike Co.) Box 1, Folder 41 Andrew, Rev. James Osgood; b. 1794-1871; Meth.-Epis. bishop (Mobile) Box 1, Folder 42 Andrews, Allen Skeen, Dr., 1824-1898 Box 1, Folder 43 Andrews, C. C. Box 79, Folder 49 Andrews, Mrs. D.M. (Chambers Co.) Vertical File Photographs – Persons Updated 1 August 2017 Box 1, Folder 44 Andrews, Eliza Frances; 1840-1931 (author) (Montgomery) Box 79, Folder 50 Andrews, Elizabeth Bullock; b. 1911; U.S. House 1972-73 (Bullock Co.) Box 80, Folder 49 Andrews, Elsberry Jackson, 1843-1917 (Pvt., Co. B, 7th Ala. Inf./Co. A, 2nd Ala. Cav.) (Calhoun Co.) Box 1, Folder 45 Andrews, William Thomas; b. 1867, House (Opelika) Box 79, Folder 1 Angell, Joseph (Pvt., Co F, 4th Ala. Inf.) Box 1, Folder 46 Anthony, Henry B. Box 1, Folder 47 Anthony, J.D., Rev.; 1902; Methodist minister (Cherokee Co.) Box 1, Folder 48 Appleton, John Bulow; 1827-1908, House 1890-91 (DeKalb Co.) Box 80, Folder 33 Ardis, Fed, b. ca 1825; former slave of Isaac Ardis (Dale Co.) Box 84, Folder 43 Armbrester, Maggie Box 1, Folder 49 Armistead, I.G.; Ketchum Med. & Surgical Soc. 1911-12 Box 79, Folder 51 Armistead, Fairlie Mathews, Eliza Boyd and Mammy Ann; 1912 Box 1, Folder 50 Armistead, Edward Herbert (Lt. Col., 22nd Ala. Inf.-unif.) Box 79, Folder 52 Armistead, J. W.; House 1890-91 (Clarke Co.) Box 84, Folder 62 Armstrong, George (mayor of Edmonston, Ala.) Box 1, Folder 51 Armstrong, James; 1855-1911; Senate doorkeeper 1888-89, 90-91, House 1907 (Jackson Co.) Box 2, Folder 1 Arnold, Herman & Mrs. Arnold (Played Dixie at Davis inaug. 1861) Box 2, Folder 2 Arnold, Joseph Johnston; b. 1869; House 1900-01, 1903, 1907, 1911 (Calhoun Co.) Box 2, Folder 3 Arrington, A.J.; House 1886-87, 1888-89, 1898-99 (Sumter Co.) Box 2, Folder 4 Arrington, Richard Henry; b. 1872; Senate 1900-01, 1903; House 1907 (Coffee Co.) Box 79, Folder 53 Arrington, Thomas Mann; b. 1870; House 1903 (Montgomery) Box 2, Folder 5 Ashcraft, John Thomas; 1859-1920, Const. Conv. 1901 (Florence) Box 2, Folder 6 Ashley, Leon Wyman; b. 1877 Box 2, Folder 7 Astor, John Jacob IV, 1864-1912; Industrialist; died on Titanic Box 80, Folder 54 Athey, William Champion, 1844-1928; (formerly Pvt., in Co. D, 3rd Bn., Hilliard’s Leg./Co. C, 60th Ala. Inf.) (Ramer, Montg. Co.) Box 2, Folder 8 Atkins, Victor Boardman; 1836-1915; Senate 1911 Box 2, Folder 9 Augustus, Jesse, Dr. Box 2, Folder 10 Austill, Huriosco; 1841-1912; Senate 1892-93 (Mobile Co.) Box 2, Folder11 Austill, Jeremiah, 1794-1879; Frontiersman, in Canoe Fight (Mobile) Box 2, Folder 12 Avery, A.M.; House 1886-1887, 1890-91 (Hale Co.) Box 79, Folder 54 Avery, William C.; d. 1894; physician and naturalist Box 79, Folder 55 Avery, William Richard; b. 1848, House 1907, 1911 (Randolph Co.) Box 2, Folder 13 Ayers, Harry M. Box 2, Folder 14 Ayers, William L.; House 1890-91 (Milner) Box 2, Folder 15 Babcock, Robert H. Box 2, Folder16 Bagby, Arthur Pendleton Oversize Box 1 Bagby, Arthur Pendleton; 1794-1858; Governor 1837-1841; U.S. Senate 1841-1848 (Mobile) Vertical File Photographs – Persons Updated 1 August 2017 Box 2, Folder 17 Baillie, T. Box 2, Folder 18 Bain, N. N.; House 1890-1891 (Marshall Co.) Box 2, Folder 19 Bainbridge, William Box 79, Folder 57 Baker, C. D. Box 79, Folder 58 Baker, Daniel Absalom; b. 1853; House 1900-01 (Troy) Box 79, Folder 59 Baker, James Norment, Dr.; b. 1876; Pres. Ala. Med. Assoc. (Montg.) Box 2, Folder 20 Baker, William; House 1892-93 (Talladega Co.) Box 2, Folder 21 Baldridge, Milton Columbus, Dr.; b. 1832 (Huntsville) Box 2, Folder 22 Baldwin, Abraham Box 2, Folder 23 Baldwin, Abram Martin; Banker (Montgomery) Box 2, Folder 24 Baldwin, Benjamin James Box 80, Folder 1 Baldwin, Benjamin James, Dr.; b. 1856 (Montgomery) Box 80, Folder 2 Baldwin, Martin Mortimer; b. 1873; House 1900-1901 (Bullock Co.) Box 2, Folder 25 Baldwin, William Owen, Dr.; 1818-1886; Pres.
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