I I 13ur. Ent. & P. Q. Issued December 1940 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUR EAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLA T QUARANTI E SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS LIST OF INTERCEPTED PLANT PESTS, 1939 {List of Pests Recorded Duri ng the Period July 1, 1938, to June 30, 1939, Inclu­ sive, as Intercepted in, on, or with Plants and Plant Products Entering United States Territory.) - INTRODUCTION The period co,Tered by thi report i the twenty- ixth year for which li t of interception haYe been i ued. The detailed table howing pe t interception from variou countrie i limited to pecie of particular intere t or importance. Brief ummarie indicate ome of the commoner pecie noted during the cour~e -0f in pection. Following the introduction are note calling atten ion to ome of -the more intere ting finding . The record ummarized in thi report cover ome of the pe t intercepted in, on, or with plant and plant product (1) imported, (2) offered for but refused entry, (3) held a hip ' tore , etc., and hence not imported through cu tom , (4) offered for entry for immediate export or for immediate tran portation and exportation in bond, and (5) in dome tic hipment reaching the mainland from Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Collection made late in the year are often included in the report for the follow­ ing year, e pecially if not determined immediately. The data on which thi paper is based are on file in Wa hington, D. C. In addition to routine report and determination by the per onnel of thi Bureau, State and cu tom official furni. h con iderable information. Staff of peciali t maintained b} the State of California and Florida and the Territor of Hawaii determine mo t of the inter­ ception made there, and peciali t in the Bureau of Plant Ind·1 try determine a large part of the more difficult plant di ea e material. The alleged origin of plant material cannot be Yerified in all c.,i es. Obviou ly doubtful items are either omitted or the origin i li ted a unkno:-;-n. NOTES ON INSECTS INTERCE PTED FRUITFLIES The following fruitflie were intercepted: Anastrepha d-ist incta in Inga p. pod from Mexico· 1 A. fraterculus in orange from Brazil, peach from Mexico, and cherimoya from Peru · Mexican fruitfly (A. ludens) in apple, aYocado, grapefruit, lemon, mango, orange, pear, pomegranate, quince, our orange, "weet lime, and -tangerine from Mexico· A. momb,inpraeoptans in mango from Cuba, Jamaica, Mexico, and Puerto Rico, and yellow mombin and (]arYae and puparia) in wrap­ ping around thi fruit from Puerto Rico; dark fruitfly (A. serpenfrna) in apodilla from Colombia, mamey and apote from Mexico, and orange from unknown locality· A. stn"ata in guava from l\1exico ; A. suspensa in bitter orange and gua,; a ·from Puerto Rico· Anastrepha p. in mango from Bahama , Haiti, Panama, Peru, P uerto Rico t. Lucia, and , enezuela, hog plum and mango from olombia, mango and Passifiora p. from Co ta Rica, guaYa, Indian-almond, mango and in box in which mangoe had been kept in hip' tore from Cuba, apodilla from Dominican Republic, mango and apodilla from Guatemala, grapefruit and mango from Jamaica, fig, guava, mamey, mango, orange, peach pear, plum, -pomegranate, quince, apote, and in refrigerator car loaded "-ith mangoe from Mexico, and coco-plum from "'\ irgin I land · l\'lediterranean fruitfly ( Ceratiti s ,eapitata) in loquat, orange, and (puparium) among fern frond u ed a. packing for 1oquat from Azore , allspice, date, pepper, and (puparia) in paper wrapping for -pepper from Bermuda, orange from Brazil, aYocado, coffee, fig, mango, and -pepper from Hawaii, in tangerine (puparium) in paper wrapping for quince, and (puparia) in box containing orange, pomegranate , "-ee lime , and tangerine from Italy (puparium), on paper wrapping for grapefruit from Pale. tine, and 1 For details of interceptions mentioned in the text see lists under the countries named. 247456-41- 1 1 2 n RE.\. T Tl~~E an l in· rat-iti p. (pup ria) on p 0 p r wr,.,pping for h fr 111 ·ni n f u h fric ... · 1n 1 n fly (D c11 · cucitrb1·ta ) in cu uinb r fr m Haw ii· liY fruitflY (I. ol a ) in oli, fro1n ! , 1. 1 d (p 1r ariu1n) in li , in rin fr 111 un kn ,vn l lity; Epochra ·p. in urrant from 1 ·i o; c lery fl , ( hil phylla J, racl i) in 1 ry frorn r1 any· Rhagolelis crrasi in herry fr m I al '; appl 1nagg (R. pomonella) in apJ I from xir ; Rhag letis , p. in hlack w" lnn nd rota g1l , p. fr m 1 ·i and appl fr m nezuela; papa a fruitfl (Toxotrypana curv-icauda) in J apaya fr m Pana.ma· and tryp tid (p 1parium) in r hip fr n !Jnrrland, (larv ) in glob artichok from Ital., (adu t ) on m di inal h r and (lan·a) in ran fr 1n ie,·ico, and (adult) in airplan fr01n unknown I li I ECT OTHER THA FRUITFLIE Larva f gromyza pingu1· (Agrmn~ zidae) wer int re p d in witloof leav fr 1n lgiu1n. Th itru. blackfly (Aleurocanthus woglumi) wa tak n on a lime 1 af fr m th Bahama and leav . of 0£trus p. from ut a. Aley, odes brassicae ( hit fl. ) arri,· d on cabbag from ~ ngland and cabbage and cauliflower from Italy. naphoth1 ips orchidii (thrip ) wa int rcepted on Anthu1 ium scherzerianum fron1 Japan. terolccanium stentae (Coccidae) wa found on Euph01 bia , p. from h ni n of Rou h Africa.. Bari lepidii (Curculionidae) wa tak n in hor eradi h ro t from the nion of oviet ociali t Republic . B ephrata cubensis ( uryto­ mida ) wa intercept d in cherimoya and oursop from Cuba and cu. ard-apple an ur p from Puerto Rico. Bouhelia maroccana ( occida ) arrived with cipollino bulb from Morocco. The garlic weevil (Brachycerus algirus) wa. inter­ c ptecl in a garlic bulb from Italy. B1 uchidius alfierii (Bruchidae) infe ted Eg~ ptian clover from Czecho lovakia. Bruch1ts l1 isticulus wa. aken in Lathyrus ·pp. eed from Azore , France, Italy, Netherland , and Turkey and vetch from .... eth rland . The urnip gall weevil (Ceutorhynchus pfourostigma) wa inter­ cepted in turnip from Algeria, Denmark, England, France, Italv, etherlands and Scotland and rutabaga from England and etherland . The iatic rice borer (Chilo simplex) arrived with rice traw from China, Inclia, Japan Manchuria, and the Philippines. Conotrachelus aguocatae (Curculionidae) wa found in avocado from Mexico. Epicaerus cognatus (Curculionidae) infe ted potatoe from Mexico. Epinotia opposita (Olethreutidae) was taken in tring beans from Brazil and Mexico and lima beans from Mexico. Larvae of Epipolaeus caliginosits {Curculionidae) were. jntercepted in hop roots from England. Eurycipitia vestitus (Miridae) arrived with orchid from Guatemala. The We t Indian weetpotato weevil (Euscepes postfasciatus) wa taken in weetpotatoes from Brazil, Ecuador, Grenada, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, and Virgin I land and yam from Jamaica. Exosoma lusitanica (Chry omelidae) was intercepted in cipollino bulb from Morocco. Hemimene julia.na (Olethreutidae) was taken in che tnut from Italy. Laspeyresia splendana (Olethreutidae) was intercepted in an acorn from England and che tnuts from Germany, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Switzerland, and Yu~o­ slavia. Leucaspis cockerelli (Coccidae) was taken on sour limes from Dominica, and L. loewi wa found on a pine needle from Germany. Lygaeus gmttemalanus­ (Lygaeidae) arrived with an orchid ( Cattleya p.) from Venezuela. The Ea t Indian bean pod borer (Maruca testula,lis) ~ as intercepted in string bean from Brazil, Domjnican Republic, Hawaii, Japan, and Puerto Rico, lima bean. from Cuba, pigeon pea from Puerto Rico, and on Mauna-loa from Hawaii and from unknown locality. Megastigmus pistaciae (Callimomidae) wa taken with seed of Pistacio p. from China and in the ame host from Italy. M oodna bisineulla (Phvcitidae) arrived in green corn on the cob from Mexico. Mordellistena cattleyona (Mordellidae) wa. in ercepted in orchid lea e from Brazil and Colom­ bia. aupactus xanthographus (Curculionidae) was found in packing for grapes from Argentina. Odonaspis penicillata (Coccidae) infe ted bamboo from China and Fiji I land . The yam wee ·il (Palaeopus costicollis) wa taken in vam from Jamaica and th Philippine . The pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) "as interc pterl in co ton boll from Antigua and Jamaica, co ton eed from Egypt, Ethiopia, H.i:iiti, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, and St. Kitt , eed cotton from Greece and Me ico, cotton lint from Mexico, (pupa) in raw cotton from St. Kitts, cotton. e d in old bagging from Egypt, (fragment of adul ) in cotton cap ule from Antigua, in wad of . eed cot on of unknown origin u ed a pack in for earring in th mail from ngland, and okra pod from the Viro-in I land. A larva of the vin mqth (Poluchrosis botrana) wa. intercep ed on grape from Hungary. Pseu­ doc occ11s boninsi ( oc ida ) wa. found on sugarcane from Cuba, Madeira J land , and exico. Psylliodes chrysocephala (ChrvRomelidae) arrived wi+h tu,nips from D nmark, England Franc , and therlanrl and wi h broccoli and mu tard from I aly. The red-band cl thrip (Selenothrips rubrocinctus) wa taken on ro e SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANN"OUN El\IENT:S 3 from Haiti. Specularius erythrinae (Bruchidae) was taken in eed of Erythr1:na sp. frorn Belgian Congo, Kenya, French Guin a, and nion of Sou th Africa. The avocado eed moth (Stenorna catenifer) wa intercepted in avocado from Canal ZonP, Ecuador, Hondura , and Mexico. Ulopa reticula.ta (Cicadellidae) arrived with heather from England and Scot]and.
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