May 2009 Lane Technical College Prep High School Volume 41/Issue 5/Page 1 Lane dodgeball tournament draws huge crowds IN THE HEART headbands (most OF THE By Caitlyn Kolakowski likely inspired by & Maria Murczek the movie Dodge- ball). Some teams An Economics project turned into even made their WARRIOR a wildly popular sporting event when own jerseys and t- a Dodgeball Tournament was held at shirts. Lane on Wed, May 20. “We made team News Thirty-nine teams entered the sin- t-shirts,” said gle-elimination tournament. Three Amanda Carson, Embrace Kenya courts were set up in Gym 1, and two Div. 926, a mem- in Gym 2. Games went on simulta- ber of the Pink Pi- Valedictorian ‘09 neously, creating an atmosphere of rates. excitement and chaos. “We have uni- Cops and Teens The Gym 1 stands were completely forms: black wife- fi lled with students cheering and beaters (tank tops) holding up signs in support of their and dark shorts,” Newhouse Awards friendsʼ teams. As games became said Michal Tutka, Members of the team “Wrench” sprint for dodgeballs at the beginning of their match. more intense and teams were knocked Div. 024, a mem- New Schedule down to a single remaining player, ber of the Wrenches. same sports team,” said Stephania “The students in the class create a some students crowded around the Teams consisted of six players each Tirado, Div. 925. “There are the la- business and manage it themselves,” court to yell encouragement. and were independently formed by crosse girls, the volleyball girls, the said Cody Malonzo, Div. 023, CEO Features Adding to the colorful event, most students with common interests or boysʼ soccer team, and the boysʼ bas- and visionary of the dodgeball ʻbusi- teams showed up in their own dis- friends. ketball team.” ness.ʼ “The money is actually going “We are all on the football, wres- into our pockets.” Long-distance tinct “uniforms” that matched their “We [the Thunder Bunnies] are all equally creative names. Outfi ts in- in Ceramics. There are other teams tling, and track team,” said Noel Har- Before the money goes into the Relationships cluded colorful short-shorts and that are all in the same class or in the vey, Div. 908, a member of the Skill pockets of these entrepreneurial stu- Players. dents, however, there were a few A few teachers also played with overhead costs to take care of. These Memory Bridge their students or teams, including included the concessions, dodgeballs, math teacher Mr. McAdams, English and other equipment necessary for OCD teacher and basketball coach Mr. Lo- the event. Considering the number of galbo, French teacher Mr. Polley, and participants and attendees, the dodge- Poetry Slam Spanish teacher and soccer coach Mr. ball business project should be highly Ricks. profi table. Though games were competitive A variety of different businesses Senior College Plans and teams were really trying to win, were created by the Economics stu- most participants admitted that the dents, including advertisement books DREAM Act tournament was mostly about having and t-shirt sales. fun. “We had several different ideas and Lost & Found Offi ce “We lost. But it was funny that we decided to do an event,” said Paola lost. We enjoyed it anyway,” said Ti- Salazar, Div. 053. “At the last minute Lane Teachers’ rado. we decided to do a dodgeball tourna- “We won our fi rst game but lost ment.” Previous Careers our second,” said Cameron Grant, The Economics class chose another Div. 908. “We defi nitely [enjoyed the CEO, Ray Bautista, and four VPs for event]. It was a lot of fun.” fi nance, marketing, human resources, Sports The tournament ran from 3pm until and production. Other students were 5pm, but did not get close to fi nish- assigned referee positions. It took ing. Because so many teams entered three weeks to organize, but still did Chicago Olympics and the amount of time and space not turn out perfectly. was limited, 19 teams still remained “Since this was our fi rst time, it was Bears’ New QB in the tournament after day one. A hectic,” said Malonzo. “Iʼm not gon- second (and fi nal) day was scheduled na lie: we were very disorganized, Boys’ Volleyball for Wed, May 27, in Gym 1 to con- but we managed to work it out.” clude the tournament. (Results were Aside from simply having fun, the not available at press time). purpose of the event was to show that Teams had to pay an entrance fee cheaper events at Lane could be more of $5 per member and a $1 entry fee successful. was charged to students for admis- “The purpose of the dodgeball sion to the event. Some students were tournament was just to bring kids unsure of where the money was go- what they like and enjoy,” said Adam ing, or who was in charge. Fridl, Div. 905. “We think that our Contrary to popular belief, the event school overprices its events, so we was not a fundraiser. It was a for- also wanted to show that events in the Summer festivities returned this past weekend as the Lane parking profi t business project done for Mr. auditorium [concerts] can be much lot once again became home to the annual Memorial Day Carnival. Vlahosʼs Economics class. cheaper.” May 2009 News Page 2 Students “Embrace Kenya” with open arms Revenue from customized t-shirts helps raise money for missions. But why Kenya? were supporting Embrace Kenya],” ing to help out is great,” said Vanessa By Anna Treesara “Our pastor [who helped organize said Kenny. “A lot of other schools Burroughs, Div. 922. “But in a way, Embrace Kenya] was born in Kenya have been supportive too: New Trier, theyʼre disrespecting the beliefs of With Lane being such a large school, and into a missionary family. This is Glenbrook South, and an African Club those in Kenya. They shouldnʼt disre- it is definitely not difficult to round up the first time for our church to go out at Von Steuben. I thought the most I gard that.” support in such a short amount of time. of the country, and our pastor suggest- was going to be able to sell was a good Joseph has a different outlook. For the past month and a half, students ed Kenya,” said Kenny. 40 shirts.” “Usually when I talk about religion, have united on various days by wear- Kenya was also chosen for safety “The first time we all wore [the t- people think that Iʼm going there to ing both black and white t-shirts that reasons. shirts], I was like, ʻDaaang, so many brainwash people, that Iʼm forcing read “Embrace Kenya” in order to “Itʼs pretty stable compared to the people are wearing it!ʼ After that day, them to have the same perspective as I support a missions trip that will occur other surrounding countries where we were able to get a lot more orders,” do,” he said. “Weʼre going to be telling this summer. you hear about political instability said Joseph. the children about God, but itʼs not like On July 2-15, a group of 16 people and wars,” said Joseph. “Plus, usually “Something that just really blows weʼre forcing it down their throats. Itʼs from Korean United Presbyterian when missionaries go to Africa, they me away is that I never expected the truly up to them if they take it or not. (KUP) Church of Chicago will em- often go to Kenya, where World Vi- t-shirts or the Africa trip to become Just because they decide to not accept bark on a missions trip entitled “Em- sion Headquarters are located. World such a big thing at Lane,” said Mary God doesnʼt mean weʼre not going to brace Kenya.” Of these 16, four are Vision is a Christian organization that Park, Div. 258, sister of Joseph. “I just play with them or let them participate Lane students who have been working helps people in poverty.” thought it was pretty neat that what in art activities.” hard since April to raise money. Though KUP Church supplied Em- started out as a fundraiser with four Though daily life in Kenya will dras- A missions trip is a trip in which brace Kenya with a large amount of people is now known throughout the tically differ from these studentsʼ lives people volunteer to help others and money, the students worked hard to whole school.” in America, they all still look forward spread the message of Christianity in fundraise the rest. Several students and teachers at to it. the process. “Our church supported us with a lot Lane have embraced Kenya with open “As intense as it is going to be, I “Weʼre going to a place where re- of money because everyone had to get arms. think itʼs more rewarding to help ligion isnʼt that big, a place where shots before the trip, which were $600 “I have so much more respect for the other people and see what they go people donʼt know about God and per person,” said Kenny. “That took a people doing Embrace Kenya,” said through,” said Kenny. “We take going Christianity,” said Kenny Park, Div. big burden off. But each person was Megha Shah, Div. 923. “It takes a lot to churches and services on Sundays 922. “Weʼre going out there to spread still required to fundraise $1500 for of strength and ambition to do some- for granted, yet itʼs so difficult for the Gospel and do a good service for their plane ticket.” thing like that and make a world a bet- people in Kenya to go to church, but people there.” Some fundraising events included ter place.
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